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cardano-node-wiki edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 8 revisions

Cardano Trace Documentation

Table Of Contents

  1. BlockFetch
    1. Clientⓣ
      1. AcknowledgedFetchRequest
      2. AddedFetchRequest
      3. ClientTerminating
      4. CompletedBlockFetch
      5. CompletedFetchBatch
      6. RejectedFetchBatch
      7. SendFetchRequest
      8. StartedFetchBatch
    2. Decisionⓣⓜ
      1. Accept
      2. Decline
      3. EmptyPeersFetch
    3. Remoteⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. BatchDone
        2. Block
        3. ClientDone
        4. NoBlocks
        5. RequestRange
        6. StartBatch
      2. Send
        1. BatchDone
        2. Block
        3. ClientDone
        4. NoBlocks
        5. RequestRange
        6. StartBatch
      3. Serialisedⓣⓢ
        1. Receive
          1. BatchDone
          2. Block
          3. ClientDone
          4. NoBlocks
          5. RequestRange
          6. StartBatch
        2. Send
          1. BatchDone
          2. Block
          3. ClientDone
          4. NoBlocks
          5. RequestRange
          6. StartBatch
    4. Serverⓣⓜ
      1. SendBlock
  2. BlockchainTimeⓣ
    1. CurrentSlotUnknown
    2. StartTimeInTheFuture
    3. SystemClockMovedBack
  3. ChainDBⓣⓜ
    1. AddBlockEvent
      1. AddBlockValidation
        1. CandidateContainsFutureBlocks
        2. CandidateContainsFutureBlocksExceedingClockSkew
        3. InvalidBlock
        4. UpdateLedgerDb
        5. ValidCandidate
      2. AddedBlockToQueue
      3. AddedBlockToVolatileDB
      4. AddedToCurrentChain
      5. BlockInTheFuture
      6. ChainSelectionForFutureBlock
      7. ChangingSelection
      8. IgnoreBlockAlreadyInVolatileDB
      9. IgnoreBlockOlderThanK
      10. IgnoreInvalidBlock
      11. PipeliningEvent
        1. OutdatedTentativeHeader
        2. SetTentativeHeader
        3. TrapTentativeHeader
      12. PoppedBlockFromQueue
      13. StoreButDontChange
      14. SwitchedToAFork
      15. TryAddToCurrentChain
      16. TrySwitchToAFork
    2. CopyToImmutableDBEvent
      1. CopiedBlockToImmutableDB
      2. NoBlocksToCopyToImmutableDB
    3. FollowerEvent
      1. FollowerNewImmIterator
      2. FollowerNoLongerInMem
      3. FollowerSwitchToMem
      4. NewFollower
    4. GCEvent
      1. PerformedGC
      2. ScheduledGC
    5. ImmDbEvent
      1. CacheEvent
        1. CurrentChunkHit
        2. PastChunkEvict
        3. PastChunkExpired
        4. PastChunkHit
        5. PastChunkMiss
      2. ChunkFileDoesntFit
      3. ChunkValidation
        1. InvalidChunkFile
        2. InvalidPrimaryIndex
        3. InvalidSecondaryIndex
        4. MissingChunkFile
        5. MissingPrimaryIndex
        6. MissingSecondaryIndex
        7. RewritePrimaryIndex
        8. RewriteSecondaryIndex
        9. StartedValidatingChunk
        10. ValidatedChunk
      4. DBAlreadyClosed
      5. DBClosed
      6. DeletingAfter
      7. Migrating
      8. NoValidLastLocation
      9. ValidatedLastLocation
    6. InitChainSelEvent
      1. InitChainSelValidation
        1. CandidateContainsFutureBlocks
        2. CandidateContainsFutureBlocksExceedingClockSkew
        3. InvalidBlock
        4. UpdateLedgerDb
        5. ValidCandidate
      2. InitalChainSelected
      3. StartedInitChainSelection
    7. IteratorEvent
      1. BlockGCedFromVolatileDB
      2. BlockMissingFromVolatileDB
      3. BlockWasCopiedToImmutableDB
      4. StreamFromBoth
      5. StreamFromImmutableDB
      6. StreamFromVolatileDB
      7. SwitchBackToVolatileDB
      8. UnknownRangeRequested
        1. ForkTooOld
        2. MissingBlock
    8. LedgerEvent
      1. DeletedSnapshot
      2. InvalidSnapshot
      3. TookSnapshot
    9. LedgerReplay
      1. ReplayFromGenesis
      2. ReplayFromSnapshot
      3. ReplayedBlock
    10. OpenEvent
      1. ClosedDB
      2. OpenedDB
      3. OpenedImmutableDB
      4. OpenedLgrDB
      5. OpenedVolatileDB
      6. StartedOpeningDB
      7. StartedOpeningImmutableDB
      8. StartedOpeningLgrDB
      9. StartedOpeningVolatileDB
    11. ReplayBlockⓣⓜ
      1. LedgerReplay
    12. VolatileDbEvent
      1. BlockAlreadyHere
      2. DBAlreadyClosed
      3. InvalidFileNames
      4. Truncate
  4. ChainSync
    1. Clientⓣ
      1. DownloadedHeader
      2. Exception
      3. FoundIntersection
      4. RolledBack
      5. Termination
    2. Localⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. AwaitReply
        2. Done
        3. FindIntersect
        4. IntersectFound
        5. IntersectNotFound
        6. RequestNext
        7. RollBackward
        8. RollForward
      2. Send
        1. AwaitReply
        2. Done
        3. FindIntersect
        4. IntersectFound
        5. IntersectNotFound
        6. RequestNext
        7. RollBackward
        8. RollForward
    3. Remoteⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. AwaitReply
        2. Done
        3. FindIntersect
        4. IntersectFound
        5. IntersectNotFound
        6. RequestNext
        7. RollBackward
        8. RollForward
      2. Send
        1. AwaitReply
        2. Done
        3. FindIntersect
        4. IntersectFound
        5. IntersectNotFound
        6. RequestNext
        7. RollBackward
        8. RollForward
      3. Serialisedⓣⓢ
        1. Receive
          1. AwaitReply
          2. Done
          3. FindIntersect
          4. IntersectFound
          5. IntersectNotFound
          6. RequestNext
          7. RollBackward
          8. RollForward
        2. Send
          1. AwaitReply
          2. Done
          3. FindIntersect
          4. IntersectFound
          5. IntersectNotFound
          6. RequestNext
          7. RollBackward
          8. RollForward
    4. ServerBlockⓣⓢ
      1. Update
    5. ServerHeaderⓣⓢ
      1. Update
  5. Forge
    1. Loopⓣⓜ
      1. AdoptedBlock
      2. BlockContext
      3. BlockFromFuture
      4. DidntAdoptBlock
      5. ForgeStateUpdateError
      6. ForgeTickedLedgerState
      7. ForgedBlock
      8. ForgedInvalidBlock
      9. ForgingMempoolSnapshot
      10. LedgerState
      11. LedgerView
      12. NoLedgerState
      13. NoLedgerView
      14. NodeCannotForge
      15. NodeIsLeader
      16. NodeNotLeader
      17. SlotIsImmutable
      18. StartLeadershipCheck
      19. StartLeadershipCheckPlus
  6. Mempoolⓣⓜ
    1. AddedTx
    2. ManuallyRemovedTxs
    3. RejectedTx
    4. RemoveTxs
  7. Netⓣⓢ
    1. AcceptPolicyⓣ
      1. ConnectionHardLimit
      2. ConnectionLimitResume
      3. ConnectionRateLimiting
    2. ConnectionManager
      1. Localⓣⓜ
        1. Connect
        2. ConnectError
        3. ConnectionCleanup
        4. ConnectionExists
        5. ConnectionFailure
        6. ConnectionHandler
        7. ConnectionManagerCounters
        8. ConnectionNotFound
        9. ConnectionTimeWait
        10. ConnectionTimeWaitDone
        11. ForbiddenConnection
        12. ForbiddenOperation
        13. ImpossibleConnection
        14. IncludeConnection
        15. PruneConnections
        16. Shutdown
        17. State
        18. TerminatedConnection
        19. TerminatingConnection
        20. UnexpectedlyFalseAssertion
        21. UnregisterConnection
      2. Remoteⓣⓢ
        1. Connect
        2. ConnectError
        3. ConnectionCleanup
        4. ConnectionExists
        5. ConnectionFailure
        6. ConnectionHandler
        7. ConnectionManagerCounters
        8. ConnectionNotFound
        9. ConnectionTimeWait
        10. ConnectionTimeWaitDone
        11. ForbiddenConnection
        12. ForbiddenOperation
        13. ImpossibleConnection
        14. IncludeConnection
        15. PruneConnections
        16. Shutdown
        17. State
        18. TerminatedConnection
        19. TerminatingConnection
        20. Transition
        21. UnexpectedlyFalseAssertion
        22. UnregisterConnection
    3. DNSResolverⓣ
      1. LookupAAAAError
      2. LookupAAAAResult
      3. LookupAError
      4. LookupAResult
      5. LookupException
      6. LookupIPv4First
      7. LookupIPv6First
    4. ErrorPolicy
      1. Localⓣ
        1. AcceptException
        2. KeepSuspended
        3. LocalNodeError
        4. ResumeConsumer
        5. ResumePeer
        6. ResumeProducer
        7. SuspendConsumer
        8. SuspendPeer
        9. UnhandledApplicationException
        10. UnhandledConnectionException
      2. Remoteⓣ
        1. AcceptException
        2. KeepSuspended
        3. LocalNodeError
        4. ResumeConsumer
        5. ResumePeer
        6. ResumeProducer
        7. SuspendConsumer
        8. SuspendPeer
        9. UnhandledApplicationException
        10. UnhandledConnectionException
    5. Handshake
      1. Localⓣⓢ
        1. Receive
          1. AcceptVersion
          2. ProposeVersions
          3. Refuse
          4. ReplyVersions
        2. Send
          1. AcceptVersion
          2. ProposeVersions
          3. Refuse
          4. ReplyVersions
      2. Remoteⓣⓢ
        1. Receive
          1. AcceptVersion
          2. ProposeVersions
          3. Refuse
          4. ReplyVersions
        2. Send
          1. AcceptVersion
          2. ProposeVersions
          3. Refuse
          4. ReplyVersions
    6. InboundGovernor
      1. Localⓣⓜ
        1. DemotedToColdRemote
        2. DemotedToWarmRemote
        3. InboundGovernorCounters
        4. InboundGovernorError
        5. MuxCleanExit
        6. MuxErrored
        7. NewConnection
        8. PromotedToHotRemote
        9. PromotedToWarmRemote
        10. RemoteState
        11. ResponderErrored
        12. ResponderRestarted
        13. ResponderStartFailure
        14. ResponderStarted
        15. ResponderTerminated
        16. UnexpectedlyFalseAssertion
        17. WaitIdleRemote
      2. Remoteⓣⓜ
        1. DemotedToColdRemote
        2. DemotedToWarmRemote
        3. InboundGovernorCounters
        4. InboundGovernorError
        5. MuxCleanExit
        6. MuxErrored
        7. NewConnection
        8. PromotedToHotRemote
        9. PromotedToWarmRemote
        10. RemoteState
        11. ResponderErrored
        12. ResponderRestarted
        13. ResponderStartFailure
        14. ResponderStarted
        15. ResponderTerminated
        16. Transitionⓣ
          1. Transition
        17. UnexpectedlyFalseAssertion
        18. WaitIdleRemote
    7. KeepAliveClient
    8. Mux
      1. Localⓣ
        1. ChannelRecvEnd
        2. ChannelRecvStart
        3. ChannelSendEnd
        4. ChannelSendStart
        5. CleanExit
        6. ExceptionExit
        7. HandshakeClientEnd
        8. HandshakeClientError
        9. HandshakeServerEnd
        10. HandshakeServerError
        11. HandshakeStart
        12. RecvDeltaQObservation
        13. RecvDeltaQSample
        14. RecvEnd
        15. RecvHeaderEnd
        16. RecvHeaderStart
        17. RecvStart
        18. SDUReadTimeoutException
        19. SDUWriteTimeoutException
        20. SendEnd
        21. SendStart
        22. Shutdown
        23. StartEagerly
        24. StartOnDemand
        25. StartedOnDemand
        26. State
        27. TCPInfo
        28. Terminating
      2. Remoteⓣ
        1. ChannelRecvEnd
        2. ChannelRecvStart
        3. ChannelSendEnd
        4. ChannelSendStart
        5. CleanExit
        6. ExceptionExit
        7. HandshakeClientEnd
        8. HandshakeClientError
        9. HandshakeServerEnd
        10. HandshakeServerError
        11. HandshakeStart
        12. RecvDeltaQObservation
        13. RecvDeltaQSample
        14. RecvEnd
        15. RecvHeaderEnd
        16. RecvHeaderStart
        17. RecvStart
        18. SDUReadTimeoutException
        19. SDUWriteTimeoutException
        20. SendEnd
        21. SendStart
        22. Shutdown
        23. StartEagerly
        24. StartOnDemand
        25. StartedOnDemand
        26. State
        27. TCPInfo
        28. Terminating
    9. PeerSelection
      1. Actionsⓣ
        1. MonitoringError
        2. MonitoringResult
        3. StatusChangeFailure
        4. StatusChanged
      2. Countersⓣⓜ
        1. Counters
      3. Initiatorⓣⓢ
        1. GovernorState
      4. Responderⓣⓢ
        1. GovernorState
      5. Selectionⓣ
        1. ChurnMode
        2. ChurnWait
        3. DemoteAsynchronous
        4. DemoteHotDone
        5. DemoteHotFailed
        6. DemoteHotPeers
        7. DemoteLocalAsynchronous
        8. DemoteLocalHotPeers
        9. DemoteWarmDone
        10. DemoteWarmFailed
        11. DemoteWarmPeers
        12. ForgetColdPeers
        13. GossipRequests
        14. GossipResults
        15. GovernorWakeup
        16. LocalRootPeersChanged
        17. PromoteColdDone
        18. PromoteColdFailed
        19. PromoteColdLocalPeers
        20. PromoteColdPeers
        21. PromoteWarmAborted
        22. PromoteWarmDone
        23. PromoteWarmFailed
        24. PromoteWarmLocalPeers
        25. PromoteWarmPeers
        26. PublicRootsFailure
        27. PublicRootsRequest
        28. PublicRootsResults
        29. TargetsChanged
    10. Peers
      1. Ledgerⓣⓢ
        1. DisabledLedgerPeers
        2. FallingBackToBootstrapPeers
        3. FetchingNewLedgerState
        4. PickedPeer
        5. PickedPeers
        6. RequestForPeers
        7. ReusingLedgerState
        8. TraceUseLedgerAfter
        9. WaitingOnRequest
      2. Listⓣⓢ
        1. PeersFromNodeKernel
      3. LocalRootⓣ
        1. LocalRootDomains
        2. LocalRootError
        3. LocalRootFailure
        4. LocalRootGroups
        5. LocalRootResult
        6. LocalRootWaiting
      4. PublicRootⓣ
        1. PublicRootDomains
        2. PublicRootFailure
        3. PublicRootRelayAccessPoint
        4. PublicRootResult
    11. Server
      1. Localⓣ
        1. AcceptConnection
        2. AcceptError
        3. AcceptPolicy
        4. Error
        5. Started
        6. Stopped
      2. Remoteⓣ
        1. AcceptConnection
        2. AcceptError
        3. AcceptPolicy
        4. Error
        5. Started
        6. Stopped
    12. Subscription
      1. DNSⓣ
        1. AllocateSocket
        2. ApplicationException
        3. CloseSocket
        4. ConnectEnd
        5. ConnectException
        6. ConnectStart
        7. ConnectionExist
        8. MissingLocalAddress
        9. Restart
        10. SkippingPeer
        11. SocketAllocationException
        12. Start
        13. SubscriptionFailed
        14. SubscriptionRunning
        15. SubscriptionWaiting
        16. SubscriptionWaitingNewConnection
        17. TryConnectToPeer
        18. UnsupportedRemoteAddr
      2. IPⓣ
        1. AllocateSocket
        2. ApplicationException
        3. CloseSocket
        4. ConnectEnd
        5. ConnectException
        6. ConnectStart
        7. ConnectionExist
        8. MissingLocalAddress
        9. Restart
        10. SkippingPeer
        11. SocketAllocationException
        12. Start
        13. SubscriptionFailed
        14. SubscriptionRunning
        15. SubscriptionWaiting
        16. SubscriptionWaitingNewConnection
        17. TryConnectToPeer
        18. UnsupportedRemoteAddr
  8. NodeStateⓣ
    1. NodeAddBlock
    2. NodeInitChainSelection
    3. NodeKernelOnline
    4. NodeReplays
    5. NodeShutdown
    6. NodeStartup
    7. NodeTracingOnlineConfiguring
    8. OpeningDbs
  9. Resources
  10. Shutdownⓣ
    1. Abnormal
    2. ArmedAt
    3. Requested
    4. Requesting
    5. UnexpectedInput
  11. Startupⓣ
    1. Byron
    2. Common
    3. DBValidation
    4. DiffusionInitⓣ
      1. ConfiguringLocalSocket
      2. ConfiguringServerSocket
      3. CreateSystemdSocketForSnocketPath
      4. CreatedLocalSocket
      5. CreatingServerSocket
      6. DiffusionErrored
      7. ListeningLocalSocket
      8. ListeningServerSocket
      9. LocalSocketUp
      10. RunLocalServer
      11. RunServer
      12. ServerSocketUp
      13. SystemdSocketConfiguration
      14. UnsupportedLocalSystemdSocket
      15. UnsupportedReadySocketCase
      16. UsingSystemdSocket
    5. Info
    6. Network
    7. NetworkConfig
    8. NetworkConfigLegacy
    9. NetworkConfigUpdate
    10. NetworkConfigUpdateError
    11. NetworkConfigUpdateUnsupported
    12. NetworkMagic
    13. P2PInfo
    14. P2PWarning
    15. P2PWarningDevelopementNetworkProtocols
    16. ShelleyBased
    17. SocketConfigError
    18. Time
    19. WarningDevelopmentNetworkProtocols
  12. StateQueryServerⓣ
    1. Receive
      1. Acquire
      2. Acquired
      3. Done
      4. Failure
      5. Query
      6. ReAcquire
      7. Release
      8. Result
    2. Send
      1. Acquire
      2. Acquired
      3. Done
      4. Failure
      5. Query
      6. ReAcquire
      7. Release
      8. Result
  13. TxSubmission
    1. Localⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. AcceptTx
        2. Done
        3. RejectTx
        4. SubmitTx
      2. Send
        1. AcceptTx
        2. Done
        3. RejectTx
        4. SubmitTx
    2. LocalServerⓣⓢ
      1. ReceivedTx
    3. MonitorClientⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. Acquire
        2. Acquired
        3. AwaitAcquire
        4. Done
        5. GetSizes
        6. HasTx
        7. NextTx
        8. Release
        9. ReplyGetSizes
        10. ReplyHasTx
        11. ReplyNextTx
      2. Send
        1. Acquire
        2. Acquired
        3. AwaitAcquire
        4. Done
        5. GetSizes
        6. HasTx
        7. NextTx
        8. Release
        9. ReplyGetSizes
        10. ReplyHasTx
        11. ReplyNextTx
    4. Remoteⓣⓢ
      1. Receive
        1. Done
        2. MsgInit
        3. ReplyTxIds
        4. ReplyTxs
        5. RequestTxIds
        6. RequestTxs
      2. Send
        1. Done
        2. MsgInit
        3. ReplyTxIds
        4. ReplyTxs
        5. RequestTxIds
        6. RequestTxs
    5. TxInboundⓣⓜ
      1. CanRequestMoreTxs
      2. CannotRequestMoreTxs
      3. Collected
      4. Processed
      5. Terminated
    6. TxOutboundⓣⓢ
      1. ControlMessage
      2. RecvMsgRequest
      3. SendMsgReply
  1. Blockfetch
    1. BlocksServed
    2. ConnectedPeers
  2. ChainDB
    1. BlockReplayProgress
    2. Blocks
    3. Density
    4. Epoch
    5. SlotInEpoch
    6. Slots
  3. ChainSync
    1. HeadersServed
    2. HeadersServed
    3. HeadersServed
      1. Falling
      2. Falling
  4. Forge
    1. AboutToLeadSlotLast
    2. AdoptedOwnBlockSlotLast
    3. BlockContext
    4. BlockFromFuture
    5. CouldNotForgeSlotLast
    6. CurrentKESPeriod
    7. DelegMapSize
    8. ForgedInvalidSlotLast
    9. ForgedSlotLast
    10. LedgerState
    11. LedgerView
    12. NodeCannotForge
    13. NodeIsLeader
    14. NodeNotLeader
    15. NotAdoptedSlotLast
    16. OperationalCertificateExpiryKESPeriod
    17. OperationalCertificateStartKESPeriod
    18. RemainingKESPeriods
    19. SlotIsImmutable
    20. UtxoSize
  5. Mempool
    1. MempoolBytes
    2. TxsInMempool
    3. TxsProcessedNum
  6. Net
    1. ConnectionManager
      1. DuplexConns
      2. DuplexConns
      3. FullDuplexConns
      4. FullDuplexConns
      5. InboundConns
      6. InboundConns
      7. OutboundConns
      8. OutboundConns
      9. UnidirectionalConns
      10. UnidirectionalConns
    2. InboundGovernor
      1. Cold
      2. Cold
      3. Hot
      4. Hot
      5. Idle
      6. Idle
      7. Warm
      8. Warm
    3. PeerSelection
      1. Cold
      2. Hot
      3. Warm
    4. PeersFromNodeKernel
  7. Resources
    1. Mem
      1. Resident
    2. RTS
      1. GcLiveBytes
      2. GcMajorNum
      3. GcMinorNum
      4. Gcticks
      5. Mutticks
      6. Threads
    3. Stat
      1. Cputicks
    4. State
      1. FsRd
      2. FsWr
      3. NetRd
      4. NetWr
  8. TxSubmission
    1. Accepted
    2. Rejected
    3. Submitted
  1. NodeInfo
  2. NodeStartupInfo

Trace Messages


Mark the point when the fetch client picks up the request added by the block fetch decision thread. Note that this event can happen fewer times than the 'AddedFetchRequest' due to fetch request merging.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The block fetch decision thread has added a new fetch instruction consisting of one or more individual request ranges.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client is terminating. Log the number of outstanding requests.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice Limiter BlockFetch.Client.CompletedBlockFetch with frequency 2.0


Mark the successful end of receiving a streaming batch of blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


If the other peer rejects our request then we have this event instead of 'StartedFetchBatch' and 'CompletedFetchBatch'.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Mark the point when fetch request for a fragment is actually sent over the wire.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Mark the start of receiving a streaming batch of blocks. This will be followed by one or more 'CompletedBlockFetch' and a final 'CompletedFetchBatch'

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Throughout the decision making process we accumulate reasons to decline to fetch any blocks. This message carries the intermediate and final results.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Throughout the decision making process we accumulate reasons to decline to fetch any blocks. This message carries the intermediate and final results.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Throughout the decision making process we accumulate reasons to decline to fetch any blocks. This message carries the intermediate and final results.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


End of block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Stream a single block.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client termination message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Respond that there are no blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request range of blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Start block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


End of block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Stream a single block.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client termination message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Respond that there are no blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request range of blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Start block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


End of block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Stream a single block.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client termination message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Respond that there are no blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request range of blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Start block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


End of block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Stream a single block.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client termination message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Respond that there are no blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request range of blocks.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Start block streaming.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server sent a block to the peer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Current slot is not yet known This happens when the tip of our current chain is so far in the past that we cannot translate the current wallclock to a slot number, typically during syncing. Until the current slot number is known, we cannot produce blocks. Seeing this message during syncing therefore is normal and to be expected. We record the current time (the time we tried to translate to a 'SlotNo') as well as the 'PastHorizonException', which provides detail on the bounds between which we /can/ do conversions. The distance between the current time and the upper bound should rapidly decrease with consecutive 'CurrentSlotUnknown' messages during syncing.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The start time of the blockchain time is in the future We have to block (for 'NominalDiffTime') until that time comes.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The system clock moved back an acceptable time span, e.g., because of an NTP sync. The system clock moved back such that the new current slot would be smaller than the previous one. If this is within the configured limit, we trace this warning but do not change the current slot. The current slot never decreases, but the current slot may stay the same longer than expected. When the system clock moved back more than the configured limit, we shut down with a fatal exception.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. Candidate contains headers from the future which do no exceed the clock skew.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. Candidate contains headers from the future which exceed the clock skew.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. A point was found to be invalid.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. A candidate chain was valid.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info Limiter ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddBlockValidation.ValidCandidate with frequency 2.0


The block was added to the queue and will be added to the ChainDB by the background thread. The size of the queue is included..

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info Limiter ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedBlockToQueue with frequency 2.0


A block was added to the Volatile DB

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info Limiter ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedBlockToVolatileDB with frequency 2.0


The new block fits onto the current chain (first fragment) and we have successfully used it to extend our (new) current chain (second fragment).

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The block is from the future, i.e., its slot number is greater than the current slot (the second argument).

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Run chain selection for a block that was previously from the future. This is done for all blocks from the future each time a new block is added.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The new block fits onto the current chain (first fragment) and we have successfully used it to extend our (new) current chain (second fragment).

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A block that is already in the Volatile DB was ignored.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A block with a 'BlockNo' more than @k@ back than the current tip was ignored.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A block that is invalid was ignored.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We selected a new (better) chain, which cleared the previous tentative header.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A new tentative header got set

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The body of tentative block turned out to be invalid.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The block fits onto some fork, we'll try to switch to that fork (if it is preferable to our chain).

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The new block fits onto some fork and we have switched to that fork (second fragment), as it is preferable to our (previous) current chain (first fragment).

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The block fits onto the current chain, we'll try to use it to extend our chain.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The block fits onto some fork, we'll try to switch to that fork (if it is preferable to our chain)

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A block was successfully copied to the ImmDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info Limiter ChainDB.CopyToImmutableDBEvent.CopiedBlockToImmutableDB with frequency 2.0


There are no block to copy to the ImmDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The follower is in the 'FollowerInImmutableDB' state but the iterator is exhausted while the ImmDB has grown, so we open a new iterator to stream these blocks too.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The follower was in 'FollowerInMem' state and is switched to the 'FollowerInImmutableDB' state.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The follower was in the 'FollowerInImmutableDB' state and is switched to the 'FollowerInMem' state.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A new follower was created.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A garbage collection for the given 'SlotNo' was performed.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A garbage collection for the given 'SlotNo' was scheduled to happen at the given time.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Current chunk found in the cache.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The least recently used past chunk was evicted because the cache was full.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Past chunk found in the cache

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Past chunk was not found in the cache

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


The hash of the last block in the previous epoch doesn't match the previous hash of the first block in the current epoch

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Closing the immutable DB

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Delete after

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Performing a migration of the on-disk files.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


No valid last location was found

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The last location was validatet

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. Candidate contains headers from the future which do no exceed the clock skew.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. Candidate contains headers from the future which exceed the clock skew.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. A point was found to be invalid.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


An event traced during validating performed while adding a block. A candidate chain was valid.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A garbage collection for the given 'SlotNo' was performed.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A garbage collection for the given 'SlotNo' was scheduled to happen at the given time.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A block is no longer in the VolatileDB and isn't in the ImmDB either; it wasn't part of the current chain.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A block is no longer in the VolatileDB because it has been garbage collected. It might now be in the ImmDB if it was part of the current chain.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A block that has been garbage collected from the VolatileDB is now found and streamed from the ImmDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Stream from both the VolatileDB and the ImmDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Stream only from the ImmDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Stream only from the VolatileDB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


We have streamed one or more blocks from the ImmDB that were part of the VolatileDB when initialising the iterator. Now, we have to look back in the VolatileDB again because the ImmDB doesn't have the next block we're looking for.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A snapshot was written to disk.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


An on disk snapshot was skipped because it was invalid.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A snapshot was written to disk.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


There were no LedgerDB snapshots on disk, so we're replaying all blocks starting from Genesis against the initial ledger. The @replayTo@ parameter corresponds to the block at the tip of the ImmDB, i.e., the last block to replay.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


There was a LedgerDB snapshot on disk corresponding to the given tip. We're replaying more recent blocks against it. The @replayTo@ parameter corresponds to the block at the tip of the ImmDB, i.e., the last block to replay.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We replayed the given block (reference) on the genesis snapshot during the initialisation of the LedgerDB. The @blockInfo@ parameter corresponds replayed block and the @replayTo@ parameter corresponds to the block at the tip of the ImmDB, i.e., the last block to replay.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The ChainDB was closed.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The ChainDB was opened.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The ImmDB was opened.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The LedgerDB was opened.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The VolatileDB was opened.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Counts block replays and calculates the percent.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


A block was found to be already in the DB.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


When closing the DB it was found it is closed already.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Reports a list of invalid file paths.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Truncates a file up to offset because of the error.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


While following a candidate chain, we rolled forward by downloading a header.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info Limiter ChainSync.Client.DownloadedHeader with frequency 2.0


An exception was thrown by the Chain Sync Client.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We found an intersection between our chain fragment and the candidate's chain.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


While following a candidate chain, we rolled back to the given point.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


The client has terminated.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Acknowledge the request but require the consumer to wait for the next update. This means that the consumer is synced with the producer, and the producer is waiting for its own chain state to change.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We have to explain to the framework what our states mean, in terms of which party has agency in each state. Idle states are where it is for the client to send a message, busy states are where the server is expected to send a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Ask the producer to try to find an improved intersection point between the consumer and producer's chains. The consumer sends a sequence of points and it is up to the producer to find the first intersection point on its chain and send it back to the consumer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer about an intersection found. The consumer can decide weather to send more points. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The reply to the consumer that no intersection was found: none of the points the consumer supplied are on the producer chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request the next update from the producer. The response can be a roll forward, a roll back or wait.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to roll back to a given point on their chain. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tell the consumer to extend their chain with the given header. The message also tells the consumer about the head point of the producer.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


A server read has occurred, either for an add block or a rollback

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


A server read has occurred, either for an add block or a rollback

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


We adopted the block we produced, we also trace the transactions that were adopted.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We found out to which block we are going to connect the block we are about to forge. We record the current slot number, the block number of the block to connect to and its point. Note that block number of the block we will try to forge is one more than the recorded block number.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Leadership check failed: the current chain contains a block from a slot /after/ the current slot This can only happen if the system is under heavy load. We record both the current slot number as well as the slot number of the block at the tip of the chain. See also

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We did not adopt the block we produced, but the block was valid. We must have adopted a block that another leader of the same slot produced before we got the chance of adopting our own block. This is very rare, this warrants a warning.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Updating the forge state failed. For example, the KES key could not be evolved anymore. We record the error returned by 'updateForgeState'.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


We forged a block. We record the current slot number, the point of the predecessor, the block itself, and the total size of the mempool snapshot at the time we produced the block (which may be significantly larger than the block, due to maximum block size) This will be followed by one of three messages:

  • AdoptedBlock (normally)
  • DidntAdoptBlock (rarely)
  • ForgedInvalidBlock (hopefully never, this would indicate a bug)

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We forged a block that is invalid according to the ledger in the ChainDB. This means there is an inconsistency between the mempool validation and the ledger validation. This is a serious error!

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


We obtained a ledger state for the point of the block we want to connect to We record both the current slot number as well as the point of the block we attempt to connect the new block to (that we requested the ledger state for).

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


We obtained a ledger view for the current slot number We record the current slot number.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Leadership check failed: we were unable to get the ledger state for the point of the block we want to connect to This can happen if after choosing which block to connect to the node switched to a different fork. We expect this to happen only rather rarely, so this certainly merits a warning; if it happens a lot, that merits an investigation. We record both the current slot number as well as the point of the block we attempt to connect the new block to (that we requested the ledger state for).

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Leadership check failed: we were unable to get the ledger view for the current slot number This will only happen if there are many missing blocks between the tip of our chain and the current slot. We record also the failure returned by 'forecastFor'.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We did the leadership check and concluded that we should lead and forge a block, but cannot. This should only happen rarely and should be logged with warning severity. Records why we cannot forge a block.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We did the leadership check and concluded we /are/ the leader The node will soon forge; it is about to read its transactions from the Mempool. This will be followed by ForgedBlock.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We did the leadership check and concluded we are not the leader We record the current slot number

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Leadership check failed: the tip of the ImmutableDB inhabits the current slot This might happen in two cases. 1. the clock moved backwards, on restart we ignored everything from the VolatileDB since it's all in the future, and now the tip of the ImmutableDB points to a block produced in the same slot we're trying to produce a block in 2. k = 0 and we already adopted a block from another leader of the same slot. We record both the current slot number as well as the tip of the ImmutableDB. See also

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Start of the leadership check.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


We adopted the block we produced, we also trace the transactions that were adopted.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


New, valid transaction that was added to the Mempool.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Transactions that have been manually removed from the Mempool.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


New, invalid transaction thas was rejected and thus not added to the Mempool.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Previously valid transactions that are no longer valid because of changes in the ledger state. These transactions have been removed from the Mempool.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Hard rate limit reached, waiting until the number of connections drops below n.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Rate limiting accepting connections, delaying next accept for given time, currently serving n connections.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


AAAA lookup failed with an error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Lookup AAAA result.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


A lookup failed with an error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Lookup A result.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


A DNS lookup exception occurred.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Returning IPv4 address first.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Returning IPv6 address first.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


'accept' threw an exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Consumer was suspended until producer will resume.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Caught a local exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Resume consumer.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Resume a peer (both consumer and producer).

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Resume producer.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Suspending consumer.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Suspending peer with a given exception.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


An application threw an exception, which was not handled.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


'accept' threw an exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Consumer was suspended until producer will resume.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Caught a local exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Resume consumer.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Resume a peer (both consumer and producer).

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Resume producer.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Suspending consumer.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Suspending peer with a given exception.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


An application threw an exception, which was not handled.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The remote end decides which version to use and sends chosen version.The server is allowed to modify version parameters.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Propose versions together with version parameters. It must be encoded to a sorted list..

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


It refuses to run any version.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


MsgReplyVersions received as a response to 'MsgProposeVersions'. It is not supported to explicitly send this message. It can only be received as a copy of 'MsgProposeVersions' in a simultaneous open scenario.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The remote end decides which version to use and sends chosen version.The server is allowed to modify version parameters.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Propose versions together with version parameters. It must be encoded to a sorted list..

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


It refuses to run any version.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


MsgReplyVersions received as a response to 'MsgProposeVersions'. It is not supported to explicitly send this message. It can only be received as a copy of 'MsgProposeVersions' in a simultaneous open scenario.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The remote end decides which version to use and sends chosen version.The server is allowed to modify version parameters.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Propose versions together with version parameters. It must be encoded to a sorted list..

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


It refuses to run any version.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


MsgReplyVersions received as a response to 'MsgProposeVersions'. It is not supported to explicitly send this message. It can only be received as a copy of 'MsgProposeVersions' in a simultaneous open scenario.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The remote end decides which version to use and sends chosen version.The server is allowed to modify version parameters.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Propose versions together with version parameters. It must be encoded to a sorted list..

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


It refuses to run any version.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


MsgReplyVersions received as a response to 'MsgProposeVersions'. It is not supported to explicitly send this message. It can only be received as a copy of 'MsgProposeVersions' in a simultaneous open scenario.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


All mini-protocols terminated. The boolean is true if this connection was not used by p2p-governor, and thus the connection will be terminated.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


All mini-protocols terminated. The boolean is true if this connection was not used by p2p-governor, and thus the connection will be terminated.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


All mini-protocols terminated. The boolean is true if this connection was not used by p2p-governor, and thus the connection will be terminated.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


All mini-protocols terminated. The boolean is true if this connection was not used by p2p-governor, and thus the connection will be terminated.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


A server read has occurred, either for an add block or a rollback

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Channel receive end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Channel receive start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Channel send end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Channel send start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Miniprotocol terminated cleanly.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Miniprotocol terminated with exception.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Handshake client end.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Handshake client error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Handshake server end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Handshake server error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Handshake start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer DeltaQ observation.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer DeltaQ sample.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer receive end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer receive header end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer receive header start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer receive start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Timed out reading SDU.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Timed out writing SDU.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Bearer send end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Bearer send start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Mux shutdown.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Eagerly started.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Preparing to start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Started on demand.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Channel receive end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Channel receive start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Channel send end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Channel send start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Miniprotocol terminated cleanly.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Miniprotocol terminated with exception.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Handshake client end.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Handshake client error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Handshake server end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Handshake server error.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Handshake start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer DeltaQ observation.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer DeltaQ sample.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer receive end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer receive header end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer receive header start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer receive start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Timed out reading SDU.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Timed out writing SDU.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Bearer send end.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Bearer send start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Mux shutdown.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Eagerly started.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Preparing to start.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Started on demand.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info



Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info



Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Counters for cold, warm and hot peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, peer

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, peer, reason

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


local per-group (target active, actual active), selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target established, actual established, peer

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target established, actual established, peer, reason

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target established, actual established, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target known peers, actual known peers, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target known peers, actual known peers, peers available for gossip, peers selected for gossip

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target established, actual established, peer, delay until next promotion, reason

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target local established, actual local established, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target established, actual established, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, peer

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, peer, reason

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


local per-group (target active, actual active), selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


target active, actual active, selected peers

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


Trace for when getting peers from the ledger is disabled, that is DontUseLedger.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Trace for fetching a new list of peers from the ledger. Int is the number of peers returned.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Trace for a peer picked with accumulated and relative stake of its pool.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Trace for the number of peers we wanted to pick and the list of peers picked.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


RequestForPeers (NumberOfPeers 1)

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Trace UseLedgerAfter value.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Critical Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Critical Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Allocate socket to address.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Application Exception occurred.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Closed socket to address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection Attempt end with destination and outcome.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Socket Allocation Exception with destination and the exception.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection Attempt Start with destination.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection exists to destination.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Missing local address.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Restarting Subscription after duration with desired valency and current valency.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Skipping peer with address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Socket Allocation Exception with destination and the exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Starting Subscription Worker with a valency.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Failed to start all required subscriptions.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Required subscriptions started.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Waiting on address with active connections.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Waiting delay time before attempting a new connection.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Trying to connect to peer with address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Unsupported remote target address.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Allocate socket to address.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Application Exception occurred.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Closed socket to address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection Attempt end with destination and outcome.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Socket Allocation Exception with destination and the exception.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection Attempt Start with destination.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Connection exists to destination.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Missing local address.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Restarting Subscription after duration with desired valency and current valency.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Skipping peer with address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Socket Allocation Exception with destination and the exception.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Starting Subscription Worker with a valency.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Failed to start all required subscriptions.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Required subscriptions started.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Waiting on address with active connections.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Waiting delay time before attempting a new connection.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Trying to connect to peer with address.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Unsupported remote target address.

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Applying block

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Performing initial chain selection

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Replaying chain

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Node shutting down

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Node startup

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Tracing system came online, system configuring now

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


ChainDB components being opened

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Info


non-isEOFerror shutdown request

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Setting up node shutdown at given slot / block.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Node shutdown was requested.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Ringing the node shutdown doorbell

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Received shutdown request but found unexpected input in --shutdown-ipc FD:

Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


bibSystemStartTime: bibSlotLength: gives the length of a slot as time interval. bibEpochLength: gives the number of slots which forms an epoch.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


biConfigPath: is the path to the config in use. biProtocol: is the name of the protocol, e.g. "Byron", "Shelley" or "Byron; Shelley". biVersion: is the version of the node software running. biCommit: is the commit revision of the software running. biNodeStartTime: gives the time this node was started.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Critical Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice



Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


niAddresses: IPv4 or IPv6 socket ready to accept connectionsor diffusion addresses. niDiffusionMode: shows if the node runs only initiator or bothinitiator or responder node. niDnsProducers: shows the list of domain names to subscribe to. niIpProducers: shows the list of ip subscription addresses.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


bisEra is the current era, e.g. "Shelley", "Allegra", "Mary" or "Alonzo". bisSystemStartTime: TODO JNF bisSlotLength: gives the length of a slot as time interval. bisEpochLength: gives the number of slots which forms an epoch. bisSlotsPerKESPeriod: gives the slots per KES period.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Error Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The client requests that the state as of a particular recent point on the server's chain (within K of the tip) be made available to query, and waits for confirmation or failure. From 'NodeToClient_V8' onwards if the point is not specified, current tip will be acquired. For previous versions of the protocol 'point' must be given.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can confirm that it has the state at the requested point.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can terminate the protocol.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can report that it cannot obtain the state for the requested point.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The client can perform queries on the current acquired state.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


This is like 'MsgAcquire' but for when the client already has a state. By moving to another state directly without a 'MsgRelease' it enables optimisations on the server side (e.g. moving to the state for the immediate next block). Note that failure to re-acquire is equivalent to 'MsgRelease', rather than keeping the exiting acquired state. From 'NodeToClient_V8' onwards if the point is not specified, current tip will be acquired. For previous versions of the protocol 'point' must be given.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can instruct the server to release the state. This lets the server free resources.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server must reply with the queries.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client requests that the state as of a particular recent point on the server's chain (within K of the tip) be made available to query, and waits for confirmation or failure. From 'NodeToClient_V8' onwards if the point is not specified, current tip will be acquired. For previous versions of the protocol 'point' must be given.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can confirm that it has the state at the requested point.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can terminate the protocol.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can report that it cannot obtain the state for the requested point.

Severity: Warning Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


The client can perform queries on the current acquired state.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


This is like 'MsgAcquire' but for when the client already has a state. By moving to another state directly without a 'MsgRelease' it enables optimisations on the server side (e.g. moving to the state for the immediate next block). Note that failure to re-acquire is equivalent to 'MsgRelease', rather than keeping the exiting acquired state. From 'NodeToClient_V8' onwards if the point is not specified, current tip will be acquired. For previous versions of the protocol 'point' must be given.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can instruct the server to release the state. This lets the server free resources.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server must reply with the queries.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can reply to inform the client that it has accepted the transaction.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can terminate the protocol.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can reply to inform the client that it has rejected the transaction. A reason for the rejection is included.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client submits a single transaction and waits a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can reply to inform the client that it has accepted the transaction.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client can terminate the protocol.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The server can reply to inform the client that it has rejected the transaction. A reason for the rejection is included.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The client submits a single transaction and waits a reply.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


A transaction was received.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Termination message, initiated by the client when the server is making a blocking call for more transaction identifiers.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client side hello message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Reply with a list of transaction identifiers for available transactions, along with the size of each transaction. The list must not be longer than the maximum number requested. In the 'StTxIds' 'StBlocking' state the list must be non-empty while in the 'StTxIds' 'StNonBlocking' state the list may be empty. These transactions are added to the notional FIFO of outstanding transaction identifiers for the protocol. The order in which these transaction identifiers are returned must be the order in which they are submitted to the mempool, to preserve dependent transactions.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Reply with the requested transactions, or implicitly discard. Transactions can become invalid between the time the transaction identifier was sent and the transaction being requested. Invalid (including committed) transactions do not need to be sent. Any transaction identifiers requested but not provided in this reply should be considered as if this peer had never announced them. (Note that this is no guarantee that the transaction is invalid, it may still be valid and available from another peer).

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request a non-empty list of transaction identifiers from the client, and confirm a number of outstanding transaction identifiers. With 'TokBlocking' this is a a blocking operation: the response will always have at least one transaction identifier, and it does not expect a prompt response: there is no timeout. This covers the case when there is nothing else to do but wait. For example this covers leaf nodes that rarely, if ever, create and submit a transaction. With 'TokNonBlocking' this is a non-blocking operation: the response may be an empty list and this does expect a prompt response. This covers high throughput use cases where we wish to pipeline, by interleaving requests for additional transaction identifiers with requests for transactions, which requires these requests not block. The request gives the maximum number of transaction identifiers that can be accepted in the response. This must be greater than zero in the 'TokBlocking' case. In the 'TokNonBlocking' case either the numbers acknowledged or the number requested must be non-zero. In either case, the number requested must not put the total outstanding over the fixed protocol limit. The request also gives the number of outstanding transaction identifiers that can now be acknowledged. The actual transactions to acknowledge are known to the peer based on the FIFO order in which they were provided. There is no choice about when to use the blocking case versus the non-blocking case, it depends on whether there are any remaining unacknowledged transactions (after taking into account the ones acknowledged in this message):

  • The blocking case must be used when there are zero remaining unacknowledged transactions.
  • The non-blocking case must be used when there are non-zero remaining unacknowledged transactions.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request one or more transactions corresponding to the given transaction identifiers.
While it is the responsibility of the replying peer to keep within pipelining in-flight limits, the sender must also cooperate by keeping the total requested across all in-flight requests within the limits. It is an error to ask for transaction identifiers that were not previously announced (via 'MsgReplyTxIds'). It is an error to ask for transaction identifiers that are not outstanding or that were already asked for.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Termination message, initiated by the client when the server is making a blocking call for more transaction identifiers.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Client side hello message.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Reply with a list of transaction identifiers for available transactions, along with the size of each transaction. The list must not be longer than the maximum number requested. In the 'StTxIds' 'StBlocking' state the list must be non-empty while in the 'StTxIds' 'StNonBlocking' state the list may be empty. These transactions are added to the notional FIFO of outstanding transaction identifiers for the protocol. The order in which these transaction identifiers are returned must be the order in which they are submitted to the mempool, to preserve dependent transactions.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Reply with the requested transactions, or implicitly discard. Transactions can become invalid between the time the transaction identifier was sent and the transaction being requested. Invalid (including committed) transactions do not need to be sent. Any transaction identifiers requested but not provided in this reply should be considered as if this peer had never announced them. (Note that this is no guarantee that the transaction is invalid, it may still be valid and available from another peer).

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request a non-empty list of transaction identifiers from the client, and confirm a number of outstanding transaction identifiers. With 'TokBlocking' this is a a blocking operation: the response will always have at least one transaction identifier, and it does not expect a prompt response: there is no timeout. This covers the case when there is nothing else to do but wait. For example this covers leaf nodes that rarely, if ever, create and submit a transaction. With 'TokNonBlocking' this is a non-blocking operation: the response may be an empty list and this does expect a prompt response. This covers high throughput use cases where we wish to pipeline, by interleaving requests for additional transaction identifiers with requests for transactions, which requires these requests not block. The request gives the maximum number of transaction identifiers that can be accepted in the response. This must be greater than zero in the 'TokBlocking' case. In the 'TokNonBlocking' case either the numbers acknowledged or the number requested must be non-zero. In either case, the number requested must not put the total outstanding over the fixed protocol limit. The request also gives the number of outstanding transaction identifiers that can now be acknowledged. The actual transactions to acknowledge are known to the peer based on the FIFO order in which they were provided. There is no choice about when to use the blocking case versus the non-blocking case, it depends on whether there are any remaining unacknowledged transactions (after taking into account the ones acknowledged in this message):

  • The blocking case must be used when there are zero remaining unacknowledged transactions.
  • The non-blocking case must be used when there are non-zero remaining unacknowledged transactions.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Request one or more transactions corresponding to the given transaction identifiers.
While it is the responsibility of the replying peer to keep within pipelining in-flight limits, the sender must also cooperate by keeping the total requested across all in-flight requests within the limits. It is an error to ask for transaction identifiers that were not previously announced (via 'MsgReplyTxIds'). It is an error to ask for transaction identifiers that are not outstanding or that were already asked for.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


There are no replies in flight, but we do know some more txs we can ask for, so lets ask for them and more txids.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


There's no replies in flight, and we have no more txs we can ask for so the only remaining thing to do is to ask for more txids. Since this is the only thing to do now, we make this a blocking call.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Number of transactions just about to be inserted.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Just processed transaction pass/fail breakdown.

Severity: Debug Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


Server received 'MsgDone'.

Severity: Notice Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Visible by config value: Notice


Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The IDs of the transactions requested.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice


The transactions to be sent in the response.

Severity: Info Privacy: Public Details: DNormal

From current configuration:

Backends: EKGBackend, Stdout MachineFormat, Forwarder Filtered Invisible by config value: Notice



Dispatched by: BlockFetch.Server.SendBlock


Number of connected peers

Dispatched by: BlockFetch.Decision.Accept BlockFetch.Decision.Decline


Progress in percent

Dispatched by: ChainDB.ReplayBlock.LedgerReplay


Number of blocks in this chain fragment.

Dispatched by: ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedToCurrentChain ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.SwitchedToAFork


The actual number of blocks created over the maximum expected number of blocks that could be created over the span of the last @k@ blocks.

Dispatched by: ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedToCurrentChain ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.SwitchedToAFork


In which epoch is the tip of the current chain.

Dispatched by: ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedToCurrentChain ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.SwitchedToAFork


Relative slot number of the tip of the current chain within theepoch..

Dispatched by: ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedToCurrentChain ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.SwitchedToAFork


Number of slots in this chain fragment.

Dispatched by: ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.AddedToCurrentChain ChainDB.AddBlockEvent.SwitchedToAFork


A counter triggered on any header event

Dispatched by: ChainSync.ServerHeader.Update


A counter triggered on any header event

Dispatched by: ChainSync.ServerBlock.Update


A counter triggered only on header event with falling edge

Dispatched by: ChainSync.ServerHeader.Update


A counter triggered only on header event with falling edge

Dispatched by: ChainSync.ServerBlock.Update


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.StartLeadershipCheck


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.AdoptedBlock


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.BlockContext


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.BlockFromFuture


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.NoLedgerState Forge.Loop.NoLedgerView


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgeStateUpdateError


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.StartLeadershipCheckPlus


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgedInvalidBlock


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgedBlock


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.LedgerState


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.LedgerView


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.NodeCannotForge


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.NodeIsLeader


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.NodeNotLeader


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.DidntAdoptBlock


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgeStateUpdateError


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgeStateUpdateError


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.ForgeStateUpdateError


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.SlotIsImmutable


Dispatched by: Forge.Loop.StartLeadershipCheckPlus


Byte size of the mempool

Dispatched by: Mempool.AddedTx Mempool.ManuallyRemovedTxs Mempool.RejectedTx Mempool.RemoveTxs


Transactions in mempool

Dispatched by: Mempool.AddedTx Mempool.ManuallyRemovedTxs Mempool.RejectedTx Mempool.RemoveTxs


Dispatched by: Mempool.ManuallyRemovedTxs


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Remote.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Local.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Remote.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Local.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Remote.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Local.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Remote.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Local.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Remote.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.ConnectionManager.Local.ConnectionManagerCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Remote.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Local.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Remote.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Local.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Remote.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Local.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Remote.InboundGovernorCounters


Dispatched by: Net.InboundGovernor.Local.InboundGovernorCounters


Number of cold peers

Dispatched by: Net.PeerSelection.Counters.Counters


Number of hot peers

Dispatched by: Net.PeerSelection.Counters.Counters


Number of warm peers

Dispatched by: Net.PeerSelection.Counters.Counters


Dispatched by: Net.Peers.List.PeersFromNodeKernel


Kernel-reported RSS (resident set size)

Dispatched by: Resources


RTS-reported live bytes

Dispatched by: Resources


Major GCs

Dispatched by: Resources


Minor GCs

Dispatched by: Resources


RTS-reported CPU ticks spent on GC

Dispatched by: Resources


RTS-reported CPU ticks spent on mutator

Dispatched by: Resources


RTS green thread count

Dispatched by: Resources


Kernel-reported CPU ticks (1/100th of a second), since process start

Dispatched by: Resources


FS bytes read

Dispatched by: Resources


FS bytes written

Dispatched by: Resources


IP packet bytes read

Dispatched by: Resources


IP packet bytes written

Dispatched by: Resources


Dispatched by: TxSubmission.TxInbound.Processed


Dispatched by: TxSubmission.TxInbound.Processed


Dispatched by: TxSubmission.TxInbound.Collected



Basic information about this node collected at startup

niName: Name of the node. niProtocol: Protocol which this nodes uses. niVersion: Software version which this node is using. niStartTime: Start time of this node. niSystemStartTime: How long did the start of the node took.


Startup information about this node, required for RTView

suiEra: Name of the current era. suiSlotLength: Slot length, in seconds. suiEpochLength: Epoch length, in slots. suiSlotsPerKESPeriod: KES period length, in slots.

Configuration: TraceConfig {tcOptions = fromList [([],[ConfSeverity {severity = Notice},ConfDetail {detail = DNormal},ConfBackend {backends = [Stdout MachineFormat,EKGBackend,Forwarder]}]),(["BlockFetch","Client","CompletedBlockFetch"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["BlockFetch","Decision"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["ChainDB"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["ChainDB","AddBlockEvent","AddBlockValidation","ValidCandidate"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["ChainDB","AddBlockEvent","AddedBlockToQueue"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["ChainDB","AddBlockEvent","AddedBlockToVolatileDB"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["ChainDB","CopyToImmutableDBEvent","CopiedBlockToImmutableDB"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["ChainSync","Client"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["ChainSync","Client","DownloadedHeader"],[ConfLimiter {maxFrequency = 2.0}]),(["DNSSubscription"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["DiffusionInit"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["ErrorPolicy"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Forge"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["IpSubscription"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["LocalErrorPolicy"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Mempool"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Net","ConnectionManager","Remote"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Net","InboundGovernor","Remote"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Net","Mux","Remote"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Net","PeerSelection"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}]),(["Resources"],[ConfSeverity {severity = Info}])], tcForwarder = TraceOptionForwarder {tofConnQueueSize = 2000, tofDisconnQueueSize = 200000, tofVerbosity = Minimum}, tcNodeName = Nothing, tcPeerFrequency = Just 3000, tcResourceFrequency = Just 4000}

679 log messages.

Generated at 2023-02-08 18:19:08.071683952 -05.

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