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Leios technical report #1

Executive summary


The Leios protocol represents a significant advancement in blockchain technology, building upon the foundations of the Ouroboros consensus protocol. This technical report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Leios protocol, focusing on its design, implementation, and potential impact on the Cardano ecosystem.


The primary purpose of this report is to document the technical specifications and economic implications of the Leios protocol. It serves as a resource for developers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in understanding the intricacies of Leios and its role within the broader Cardano network.


This report covers various aspects of the Leios protocol, including its formal specifications, simulation results, economic analysis, and threat model. It also explores the interactions between Leios and existing Cardano components, such as Praos and Mithril.


Leios is designed to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the Cardano blockchain by introducing innovative mechanisms for block production and validation. By leveraging probabilistic sortition and advanced cryptographic techniques, Leios aims to achieve high throughput and low latency while maintaining robust security guarantees.


Roadmap and Methodology

The development of the Leios protocol is currently focused on comparing outputs from various simulations to gain deeper insights into its performance and potential optimizations. This involves exploring the spectrum of configuration parameters to identify optimal settings and understand potential constraints and attack vectors.

Key areas of ongoing research include:

  • Sharded Mempool Design: Investigating designs that minimize transaction duplicates across different Input Blocks (IBs) and determining the transaction fee structure.
  • Voting Schemes: Early work has begun on voting mechanisms, but further exploration is needed to finalize these schemes.
  • Cost Analysis: Estimating the cost of running a Leios node compared to the expected increase in throughput. This analysis will be crucial for community feedback and engagement.

In the near future, the team aims to draft a Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) for Leios. This proposal will detail the requirements for building a reference implementation, informed by the data and insights gathered from ongoing research and simulations.

The roadmap includes engaging with the community to gather feedback and iterating on the protocol design based on this input. The goal is to ensure that Leios not only meets technical specifications but also aligns with the needs and expectations of the Cardano ecosystem.


This report is intended for a technical audience, including blockchain developers, researchers, and Cardano stakeholders. It assumes a foundational understanding of blockchain concepts and the Cardano ecosystem.

Informal description of Short Leios

Example schedule

Example schedule for short-pipeline leios

Formal Specification for Short Leios

Overview for formal specification

Delta QSD network performance model

Overview of Delta QSD components

Rust simulation

Container diagram of Rust simulation

Component diagram of Rust simulation

Transaction-protocol diagram of Rust simulation

Haskell prototype

Container diagram of Haskell prototype

Component diagram of Haskell prototype



The sortition, voting, and certificate analyses in this report will be revised as research proceeds and design details are settled. The material below is a snapshot of the results from August through December 2024.

In Leios stake-based sortition occurs for the selection of the producers of IBs, EBs, and votes. The selection of the producers of IBs, EBs, and votes occurs similarly to Praos except that a node may win the lottery multiple times. (In Praos, winning multiple times still only results in being allowed to forge one new block.) We define two functions for the probability of being elected as a producer or vote in the Bernoulli trials for each unit of stake (i.e., one lottery for each lovelace). Consider the situation where there is a total stake $S$ and a Leios node has $s$ stake delegated to it. Let $f^\prime$ be the probability that a single lovelace wins the lottery and $f$ be the probability that any of the $S$ lovelace win it:

$$ f = 1 - (1 - f^\prime)^S \approx S \cdot f^\prime $$

where the approximation holds for small enough $f^\prime$ and for very large total stake $S$, which is greater than $10^{16}$ on the Cardano mainnet. The probability that the node with $s$ stake delegated to it wins any of the lotteries is

$$ \psi_{f^\prime}(s) = 1 - (1 - f^\prime)^s $$

which can be simplified in that same approximate with the relative stake $\sigma = s / S$ to

$$ \phi_f(\sigma) = \psi_{f^\prime}(\sigma \cdot S) = 1 - (1 - f)^\sigma $$

Sortition reuses the Praos VRF, but prepending a domain-separation string such as Leios-IB, Leios-EB, or Leios-Vote to the bytes being hashed, in order to remove correlations between the uses of the VRF. Figures 6, 7, and 8 of the Leios paper describe the eligibility computations. The Leios paper proposes using the signature $\sigma_\text{eid} = \mathsf{BLS.Sign}(sk, eid)$ as the VRF for voting, but the Praos VRF procedure could also be used. In the end, the resulting eligibility value $v \in [0,1]$ is compared to the cumulative probability for winning the sortition lottery.

It is also important to note the any floating-point computations must be specified so different machines arrive at the same result. This can be done using a predefined, sufficient number of terms of a Taylor-series expansion and employing rational-number arithmetic for the calculations.


The sortition for voting allows a node may win several votes in the lottery.

$$ \mathcal{P}(n \text{ votes given stake } s) = {s \choose n} {f_\text{vote}^\prime}^n (1 - f_\text{vote}^\prime)^{s-n} \approx \frac{(f_\text{vote} \cdot \sigma)^n \cdot e^{- f_\text{vote} \cdot \sigma}}{n!} $$

where $f_\text{vote} = f_\text{vote}^\prime \cdot S$ is the mean number of votes in the lottery and the stake is very large relative to the number of votes $n \ll s$. Note that even in this approximation the probabilities sum to one. The formula above and this approximation may be sufficient for use with a VRF to determine the number of votes that a node is entitled to. The table below show the VRF conditions for determining the number of votes in this approximation, which can be expressed as a Taylor series involving operations only on rational numbers. The Cardano mainnet decentralization parameter is current 500, so if we consider the case where the mean number of votes is 500 and a node has 1/500th of the stake, then $f_\text{vote} \cdot \sigma =1$ in this computations, corresponding to the right edge in the plot below: any pool with more stake would be oversaturated. Even in the worst-case scenario of a fully saturated pool, the probability of more than three votes is about 1.90%.

Number of votes Condition of VRF value $v$
0 $0 \le v \cdot \exp(f_\text{vote} \cdot\sigma) \le 1$
1 $1 < v \cdot \exp(f_\text{vote} \cdot\sigma) \le 1 + \sigma \cdot f_\text{vote}$
2 $1 + \sigma \cdot f_\text{vote} < v \cdot \exp(f_\text{vote} \cdot\sigma) \le 1 + \sigma \cdot f_\text{vote} + \frac{1}{2} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^2$
3 $1 + \sigma \cdot f_\text{vote} + \frac{1}{2} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^2 < v \cdot \exp(f_\text{vote} \cdot\sigma) \le 1 + \sigma \cdot f_\text{vote} + \frac{1}{2} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^2 + \frac{1}{6} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^3$
$n$ $\sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \frac{1}{m!} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^m < v \cdot \exp(f_\text{vote} \cdot\sigma) \le \sum_{m=0}^n \frac{1}{m!} (\sigma \cdot f_\text{vote})^m$

Probability of number of votes given a stake fraction

Limiting nodes to a maximum of one vote would likely be safe if the mean number of votes is no larger than the effective decentralizations (i.e., the number of nodes with appreciable stake) would likely be safe, though it might result is larger concentrations of stake having smaller voting rewards, and it would greatly simplify the computation of sortition. However, limiting nodes to a maximum of one vote would provide a voting advantage if the stake were split among multiple nodes.

Regarding the advantage gained by splitting stake among nodes

Note that using $\phi_f(\sigma)$ instead of $\psi^\prime_f(s)$ would encourage the splitting of stake among many nodes: by pooling stake at a single node the stake has only one chance to build an RB, IB, or EB, but by splitting the stake among many nodes there is a chance for multiple RBs, IBs, or EBs in the same lottery. No advantage exists if $\psi^\prime_f(s)$ is used and multiple wins are allowed.

We can quantify this effect by comparing the expected number of lottery wins when splitting $\sigma$ into two $\frac{1}{2}\sigma$ pieces. The expected number of lottery wins for split stake minus combined stake is always positive for $\sigma > 0$.

$$ \delta = 1 \cdot \phi_f\left(\frac{\sigma}{2}\right) + 1 \cdot \phi_f\left(\frac{\sigma}{2}\right) - 1 \cdot \phi_f(\sigma) = 2 \left[ 1 - (1 - f)^{\sigma/2} \right] - \left[ 1 - (1 - f)^\sigma \right] = \left[ 1 - (1 - f)^{\sigma/2} \right]^2 = \left[ \phi_f\left(\frac{\sigma}{2}\right) \right]^2 > 0 $$

In relative terms, $\frac{\delta}{\phi_f(\sigma)} \approx \frac{\phi_f(\sigma)}{4}$ , so the advantage is small unless the node starts with an appreciable probability of producing a block. A Taylor-series expansion reveals $2\phi_f(\sigma/2) = \phi_g(\sigma)$ with $g = f \cdot (1 + \frac{1}{4}f \cdot \sigma) + \mathcal{O}(f^3)$, implying that the benefit of splitting stake in half is equivalent to the protocol parameter for the lottery being fractionally increased by $f \cdot \sigma / 4$. This renormalization can be extended to the limit of splitting the stake into a large number of parts, where we have a simple result,

$$ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} k \cdot \phi_f\left( \frac{\sigma}{k} \right) = \phi_h(\sigma) $$

where $h = 1 - \sqrt[\sigma]{1 + \sigma \cdot \log (1 - f)} = f \cdot ( 1 + \frac{1}{2} f \cdot \sigma) + \mathcal{O}(f^3)$, which implies a fractional benefit limited to $f \cdot \sigma / 2$.


  • Do we need to include the derivation of $h = 1 - \sqrt[\sigma]{1 + \sigma \cdot \log (1 - f)} = f \cdot ( 1 + \frac{1}{2} f \cdot \sigma) + \mathcal{O}(f^3)$?
  • . . . perhaps in an appendix?

The following plot shows this effect on splitting stake. The horizontal axis represents the production rate $f$, which would be per-slot for RBs or IBs and per-period for EBs. The vertical axis shows the fractional benefit of the splitting, $f / (h - f)$. Even a controller of 45% of the stake would only benefit with less than a 20% advantage in block production, even at a high production rate such as a 75% chance per period, if they split their stake minutely. This small advantage would be outweighed by the cost of the computing hardware and bandwidth required to deploy the large number of node having very little stake delegated to them.

Effective boost in production from splitting stake

Input blocks

If Leios is limited to allowing a node to produce only one IB per slot, then the approximation $\phi_{f_\text{IB}}(\sigma)$ can be used to simplify sortition. Otherwise, the voting-like sortition described above must be used.

In Leios, even if a node wins the IB lottery several times, it is only allowed to build a single block. This is identical to the sortition rule in Praos. Let $f_\text{IB}$ be the protocol parameter specifying the per-slot probability of a node producing an IB:

$$ p_\text{IB} = \phi_{f_\text{IB}}(\sigma) = 1 - (1 - f_\text{IB})^\sigma $$

If $v_\text{IB} \in [0,1]$ is the node's IB VRF value for the current slot, then the node's eligibility condition is $v_\text{IB} \leq p_\text{IB}$.

Given the IB-production phase of length $L$ in each Leios pipeline, we want to avoid the situation where an unlucky lottery results in no IBs being produced during that phase. The probability of none of the $i$ nodes with stake $\sigma_i$ winning the lottery in a slot is

$$ \prod_i e^{- f_\text{IB}(\sigma_i)} = e^{- f_\text{IB}} $$

where $\sum_i \sigma_i = 1$ because the individual stakes sum to the total stake, $S \equiv \sum_i s_i$. Hence the probability of no nodes winning the lottery in any slot of the phase is

$$ q_\text{IB} = e^{- f_\text{IB} \cdot L} $$

and the expected number of IBs in the phase is $f_\text{IB}$.

The figure below illustrates the relationship between $f_\text{IB}$ and $q_\text{IB}$. Understandably, short phases can result in appreciable probabilities of no having an input block in the pipeline.

Probability of no IB in a phase

Endorser blocks

The sortition for EBs occurs per phase, not per slot, but is otherwise the same as vote and IB sortition.

In Short Leios it is critically important that at least one EB be produced in the pipeline because, otherwise, the pipeline's IBs will not be referenced in the RB and the work done creating them will be lost and their transactions will have to wait for another IB. There are four situations of interest for EB production in a particular pipeline:

  1. No EB is produced: $(1 - p_\text{hon}) \cdot (1 - p_\text{adv}) = e^{- f_\text{EB}}$.
  2. Only honest parties produce EBs: $p_\text{hon} \cdot (1 - p_\text{adv})$.
  3. Only adversarial parties produce EBs: $(1 - p_\text{hon}) \cdot p_\text{adv}$.
  4. Both honest and adversarial parties produce EBs: $p_\text{hon} \cdot p_\text{adv}$.

where $p_\text{hon} = 1 - e^{- f_\text{EB} \cdot \sigma_\text{hon}}$, $p_\text{adv} = e^{- f_\text{EB} \cdot \sigma_\text{adv}}$, and $\sigma_\text{hon} + \sigma_\text{adv} = 1$.

Probability of no EB in phase

If we account for stake being divided among many nodes, we get a nearly identical result. The left plot below shows the scenario where stake is divided evenly among 1000 nodes and the right plot shows when it is divided among 2500 nodes according to a non-uniform stake distribution similar to that of epoch 500.

Uniform stake among 1000 nodes Realistic non-uniform stake among 2500 nodes
EB production with uniform stake EB production with non-uniform stake

For the case of realistic, non-uniform stake the follow plot shows the expected number of EBs are proportioned among honest and adversarial parties. Ensuring that there is an honest EB might also open the possibility of adversarial EBs.

Number of EBs expected

Short Leios also relies on the EB being included in an RB before another EB is produced: endorser blocks are not allowed to queue awaiting RBs or to reference other EBs. Thus, the EB rate should be consistent with the RB rate. We can approximate the probability of there not being an RB in time to include a new EB by answering the following question: given that an EB has been produced, what is the probability that the next EB will be produced before the first RB? In such a situation, the freshest-first rule would result in the first EB being discarded because the second EB is included in the new RB. The distribution of waiting times for the next EB and next RB are

$$ \mathcal{P}(\text{next EB at phase } n) = e^{- f_\text{EB} \cdot ({n-1})} (1 - e^{- f_\text{EB}}) $$


$$ \mathcal{P}(\text{next RB at slot } s) = (1 - f_\text{RB})^{s-1} f_\text{RB} $$

Hence the probability for the next EB not coming before the next RB is

$$ p_\text{included} = 1 - p_\text{discarded} = 1 - \sum_{1 \le s < n L < \infty} e^{- f_\text{EB} \cdot ({n-1})} (1 - e^{- f_\text{EB}}) (1 - f_\text{RB})^{s-1} f_\text{RB} = \frac{1 - (f_\text{RB} \cdot e^{- f_\text{EB}} + 1) (1 - f_\text{RB})^{L-1}}{1 - e^{- f_\text{EB}} \cdot (1 - f_\text{RB})^L} $$

The plots below indicate that the phase length $L$ should be several times ${f_\text{RB}}^{-1}$ in order for there to be a high probability that an RB will appear before the next EB.

Probability of the next RB prior to the next EB


The above argument needs reworking because it doesn't account for various effects like the EB being per-pipeline, propagation delays, and the RB being per-slot or that there are multiple pipelines. There also may be ambiguities in the specification for the case when several EBs are waiting for an RB: presumably, the "freshest first" rule would be applied here, so the newest EB would go into the RB. We might need simulation for this analysis.

Insights regarding sortition

  • All of the sortition is based on Bernoulli trials for each stake of lovelace.
  • The IB lottery is per-slot and optionally limits a node to building a maximum of one IB per slot.
    • Careful selection of protocol parameters ensures a high probability of at least one IB in each pipeline.
    • A probabilistic analysis of the case where a node is limited to one IB per slot shows that splitting stake among many nodes only provides a minor benefit in winning the lottery more times.
  • The EB lottery is per-pipeline and optionally limits a node to building a maximum of one EB per pipeline.
    • Setting protocol parameters so that there is a high probability of an EB in a pipeline makes the protocol more susceptible to influence by adversaries with significant stake.
    • However, the unevenness in stake distribution or splitting of adversarial stake does not exacerbate the situation.
  • The pipeline length should be several multiples of the inverse of the active-slot coefficient, in order that there is a high probability for an RB to be available for an EB certificate.
  • The vote lottery can award multiple votes to the same node if they have a lot of stake and are luck.
    • Nodes nearly saturated with stake have an appreciable chance of receiving several votes.
    • The mathematics and code for determining from the VRF the number of votes a node winds is more complex and involves complications to avoid floating-point computations.
    • Limiting nodes to a maximum of one vote would likely be safe if the mean number of votes is no larger than the effective decentralizations (i.e., the number of nodes with appreciable stake) would likely be safe, though it might result is larger concentrations of stake having smaller voting rewards, and it would greatly simplify the computation of sortition.

Voting and certificates


The sortition, voting, and certificate analyses in this report will be revised as research proceeds and design details are settled. The material below is a snapshot of the results from August through December 2024.

The Leios protocols requires a subset of SPO nodes to vote on certifying each EB. The EB can only be certified if a threshold (a "quorum") of votes are cast by the eligible votes. Note that a single SPO may be eligible to cast more than one vote in an election: thus we have weighted voting. Also note that we distinguish "SPOs" from "SPO nodes" because a single SPO might operate several nodes: for the purposes of Leios it is only the nodes that matter, not the incidental fact that a single owner may operate several of the nodes. Thus we have a four-level hierarchy:

  • The SPOs, some of which control stake spread over several block-producing nodes.
  • The approximately 2500 SPO nodes, each of which is eligible to be selected (via the sortition discussed below) as a voter for a particular Leios election.
  • The committee of voters (perhaps 500 nodes) selected as eligible voters for a particular election.
  • The subset of the committee that forms a quorum (perhaps a 60% threshold of votes in agreement) casting votes for the EB under consideration for certification.

The attainment of a quorum in an election is memorialized as a certificate that is soon included in a Praos block (an RB). The quorum requirement is necessary because some of the committee nodes might be offline or misconfigured, being unable to vote, or there may be adversarial nodes that attempt to subvert the Leios protocol by abstaining from voting. The quorum is based on the number of votes, not the number of unique voters, because a single voter might be eligible to cast several votes in a given election.

Leios voting involves numerous decisions about cryptographic matters and protocol parameters.

  • What type of keys will be used to sign a vote?
  • What form will a proof of the right to vote take?
  • How large will the vote committee be?
  • Will committee members with a large amount of stake be allowed multiple votes?
  • What quorum of votes will be required to certify an EB?
  • What type of certificate will attest to a quorum of votes?
  • Will there be a different committee chosen for each election? or will the same committee cast votes in several consecutive (on non-consecutive) elections?

These decisions affect security, efficiency, and cost.

  • All of the choices affect security.
  • The cryptographic details affect the size of votes and certificates and the CPU and network resources needed for them.
  • The size of the committee and quorum directly affect CPU and network resources.

The next subsections contain preliminary analyses of concerns and potential decisions affecting voting and certificates. For clarity, we have tried to keep different aspects separate.

Structure of votes

Conceptually, a Leios vote contains the following information:

  • The election identifier.
  • The hash of the EB being voted for.
  • The identifier for the pipeline.
    • This could be omitted because it can be inferred from the EB.
  • The identity of the voter.
  • The number of votes cast.
  • A proof that the votes cast are valid.
  • A signature.

When collecting votes for the same EB, the hash of the EB and the identifier for the pipeline would only have to be listed once for the whole set. This will save 64 bytes per vote serialized. So, a minimalist vote might only comprise 209 bytes of core information, not counting the hash of the EB.

  • Voter identity: 32 bytes
  • Number of votes cast: 1 bytes
  • ECVRF signature on pipeline identifier and nonce: 80 bytes
  • Compressed BLS12-381 signature: 96 bytes

The above assumes that the keys for verifying the signature and the proof of membership have already been transmitted. These would need to be registered on the chain, presumably on the Praos chain.

Instead of ephemeral keys, if the signature were a full KES signature, then it would be at least 448 bytes instead of 96 bytes, though the signed time of 32 bytes would be common to all votes of a given pipeline.

  • Signed time: 32 bytes
  • Verification key: 32 bytes
  • KES Signature
    • Merkle path (verification key hashes): 7 × 32 = 224 bytes
    • Additional verification key: 32 bytes
    • Ed25519
      • Public key: 32 bytes
      • Two points: 2 x 64 = 128 bytes

Much of larger size of the KES signature size comes from the Merkle path needed to prove the currently active key. If voting occurs frequently in Leios, that proof would be repeated many times using the 36-hour KES period. Perhaps that proof would only have to be recorded in a certificate during the node's first vote during a KES period. Also, MUSEN is an alternative to KES, but it still suffers from large descriptions of the evolved keys. So, in essence, we have two scenarios for the minimal size of a vote.

Method Common to all votes for a given EB Specific to individual vote Total Comments
Ephemeral key 32 B 209 B 241 B The ephemeral keys would have to have been registered on-chain.
KES key 64 B 529 B 593 B The KES Merkle path for stays constant for one KES period (e.g, 36 hours).

However, it has not been decided what types of keys and signatures will be used for Leios votes. Key considerations are . . .

  1. A vote should be small.
    1. Smaller than a TCP MTU so it fits in a single packet
    2. As small as possible if the size of a certificate scales with the size and number of votes
  2. Key distribution should be simple and secure.
    1. Key rotation and revocation may be necessary
    2. Ideally, existing Cardano keys could be used for Leios voting, but without compromising security

Number of unique SPOs voting

Because stake in Cardano is very unevenly distributed among stake pools, it is likely that some stake pools will win several votes in a Leios lottery and many will win no votes. See the section Stake pool distribution below for a plot of the typical stake distribution on the Cardano mainnet. We need to estimate how many distinct SPO nodes vote in a given round because this affects the number of votes transmitted and the size of the Leios certificate.

Let $p$ be the probability that a unit of stake (i.e., one lovelace in Cardano) will be selected in the voting lottery and let $S$ be the total staked. Let $n$ be the desired mean number of votes in the lottery. Hence $p = n / S$. A candidate node $i$ with $s_i$ staked to it has a binomially distributed number of votes, with mean $p \cdot s_i$. Thus $(1 - p)$ is the probability that a coin is not selected and $(1 - p)^{s_i}$ is the probability that no lovelace of node $i$ were selected: the probability $v_i = 1 - \left( 1 - p \right)^{s_i}$ is the probability that at least a lovelace and that the node $i$ can vote (at least once).

We denote the random variable $\mathbf{V}_i$ to be the number of votes that node $i$ has and to be distributed according to a Bernoulli trial with probability $v_i$: then $\mathbf{V} = \sum_i \mathbf{V}_i$ is a random variable for the committee size. This will differ from the number of votes because some nodes might have multiple votes. It is feasible to numerically sample $\mathbf{V}$, but simply computing its mean and standard deviation is insightful. The mean is $\mu = \sum_i v_i$ and the variance is $\sigma^2 = \sum_i v_i \cdot \left( 1 - v_i \right)$. A simple R function lets us estimate $\mu$ and $\mu \pm 2 \sigma$ for the empirical distribution of stake.

# Statistics for a mean committee size `n` and a stake distribution `stake`.
committee <- function(n, stakes) {
    p <- n / sum(stakes)
    v0 <- (1 - p) ^ as.numeric(stakes)
    v1 <- 1 - v0
    meanC <- sum(v1)
    sdC <- sqrt(sum(v0 * v1))
    list(`μ` = meanC, `μ-2σ` = meanC - 2 * sdC, `μ+2σ` = meanC + 2 * sdC)

The plots below show the number of unique voters as a function of mainnet epoch and mean number of votes. For 500 votes we expect about 325 unique voters, but for 1000 votes we expect about 500 unique voters. Note that if stake were distributed uniformly among all stakepools, the expected number of unique voters would be less than the decentralization parameter $k$, which currently is $k = 500$; for number of votes smaller than that, the mean number of unique voters would be the number of votes.

Unique voters for 500 votes Unique voters for 750 votes Unique voters for 1000 votes

Committee size and quorum requirement

The combinatorics associated with obtaining a quorum of voters from a mixture of honest and dishonest parties set fundamental limits on the safe size for voting quorums in Leios. (However, the specific choice of certificate scheme may be imposing additional limits and security considerations.) We are concerned about both the probability that a quorum of honest votes is reached and the probability that dishonest voters form their own quorum. For Leios, the situation where there are multiple quora of mixed honest and dishonest parties is not equivalent to having a dishonest quorum, though it may cause inefficiencies when EBs with duplicate or clashing transactions are later included in RBs. The table below shows situations that may be encountered.

Quorum of honest votes? Quorum of adversarial votes? Description Implications
Yes No Honest quorum Protocol operates normally, with successful endorsement of input blocks.
No No No quorum Protocol operates normally, but without endorsement of input blocks.
No Yes Adversarial quorum Adversary controls the endorsement.
Yes Yes Multiple quora Adversary can create conflicting endorsements.

We can estimate the probability of not having an honest quorum. Let $p$ be the probability that a unit of stake is selected for voting-committee membership, let $n$ be the mean number of votes, and let $\tau \cdot n$ be the number of votes required for a quorum. Let $S$ be the total stake and $H = (1 - f) \cdot S$ be the honest stake, with $f$ being the fraction of adversarial stake. Assuming the total stake is large, we can approximate the binomial distribution by a normal one and express the probability of not having an honest quorum as follows:

$$ P = \mathbf{P}\text{binom} (\lfloor \tau \cdot n \rfloor, H, p) \approx \mathbf{P}\text{normal} \left( \tau \cdot n, H \cdot p, \sqrt{H \cdot p \cdot (1 - p)} \right) \approx \mathbf{P}_\text{normal} \left( \tau \cdot n, H \cdot p, \sqrt{H \cdot p} \right) $$

Using $n \approx S \cdot p$, we have a simpler approximate expression and an R function for performing the computation.

$$ P \approx \mathbf{P}_\text{normal} \left( f , 1 - \tau , \sqrt{\frac{1 - f}{n}} \right) $$

function(f, tau, n)
  pnorm(f, 1 - tau, sqrt((1 - f) / n))

The plots below show how the probability of obtaining or not obtaining an honest quorum varies with the quorum size and committee size. We do not consider committees smaller than the decentralization parameter $k = 500$ because having fewer SPOs that would result in some stakepools being oversaturated and loosing rewards.

Approximate probability of no honest quorum

Approximate probability of honest quorum

Conversely, using the same method we can estimate the probability of adversarial parties creating their own quorum.

Approximate probability of adversarial quorum

We must consider the following criteria when selecting the mean committee size and the quorum requirement:

  1. A larger committee imposes more network traffic.
  2. A larger quorum requirement imposes larger certificates.
  3. Larger committees and quorum requirements make it harder for an adversary to obtain a quorum.
  4. Larger quorum requirements make it easier for an adversary to prevent an honest quorum.

For Leios the third criterion above is critical, so we need to avoid at all costs a chance of an adversarial quorum. The first and second criteria are important only in that they affect the cost of running Leios nodes. The fourth criterion is less important because it only creates inefficiency leading to lower throughput.

Given the above analysis, we consider a 60% quorum for a committee of 500 votes to be the most efficient and least costly that still maintains security. (We have a committee with such stake that they would be expected to generate 500 votes, and we require 60% of the latter to generate a certificate.) This implies a low probability of an adversarial quorum even for a strong adversary and a high probability of an honest quorum even for a modestly strong adversary. Note that even at 50% adversarial stake, the security of voting is much stronger than the underlying Praos security, though it would be very hard to have a successful honest quorum. At 45% adversarial stake honest quora would be frequent enough for the chain to function inefficiently. It might be possible to lower the quorum requirement to 55%, which would give a 1.29e-3 probability of an adversarial certificate at 45% adversarial stake and a 50% probability of an honest quorum.

Adversarial stake, $f$ Probability of adversarial quorum Probability of honest quorum
0 % 2.42e-41 1.000
10 % 2.33e-32 1.000
20 % 7.62e-24 1.000
30 % 5.38e-16 0.996
40 % 3.88e-9 0.500
45 % 3.01e-6 0.066
50 % 7.83e-4 0.001


We need to compute the Praos attack probabilities at the above adversarial stakes, so we can compare them to the Leios probability of an adversarial quorum. I'm certain that the Leios probabilities are lower than the Praos ones if $\tau = 0.60$, but I'm not so certain about the situation if $\tau = 0.55$.

Finally, the fraction of adversarial stake in a committee will differ from the fraction of adversarial stake in the whole due to statistical fluctuations. For uniformly distributed stake, these fluctuations follow a binomial distribution, so the standard deviation of that fraction is $\sqrt{f \cdot (1 - f) / n}$. For a committee of 500 voters, this amounts to a 1.34% fluctuation. Such fluctuations should be accounted for when interpreting the adversarial fractions presented in this report.

Fluctuation of adversarial fraction in voting committee

Certificate scheme

Certificates that attest to a quorum of votes have failure modes beyond the failure modes for obtaining a quorum of votes. Cryptographic parameters must be set so that a certificate is only created if a quorum is present and it should be highly probably that a certificate can be created if a quorum is present.

Quorum of votes? Certificate created? Description Implications
Yes Yes Proper certificate Input blocks endorsed.
Yes No Certification failure Input blocks not endorsed when they should have been.
No No No quorum Input blocks not endorsed.
No Yes Erroneous certificate Input blocks endorsed when they should not have been.

Combining the possible voting outcomes with the certificate ones yields a complex landscape. There is some interaction between voting and certification because some certificate scheme may have small probabilities of building a valid certificate without a quorum. We will evaluate several schemes in terms of these probabilities and the size of the certificate they produce. In addition to security, Leios requires that the certificate fit inside a Praos block, currently 90,112 bytes.

Content of certificate Quorum on honest votes? Certificate created? Description Endorsement
Honest votes Yes Yes Proper honest certificate Honest
Honest votes No Yes Erroneous honest certificate Incorrect
Honest votes Yes No Failure to make honest certificate Failure
Honest votes No No No honest quorum None
Adversarial votes Yes Yes Adversarial certificate when honest one was possible Attacked
Adversarial votes No Yes Adversarial certificate Attacked

The overriding requirement for Leios certificates is that it be essentially impossible for an adversary to forge a certificate—that would fundamentally compromise Leios security. Conversely, it is acceptable for adversaries to occasionally thwart creation of valid certificates because that thwarting only reduces Leios throughput and does not seriously compromise its security. The second critical requirement is that certificates fit in a ranking block (Praos block), whose size is currently limited to 90,112 bytes, preferably with space leftover for transactions and other certificates. Additionally, it must be feasible to create and verify certificates within the CPU budget of a Leios pipeline. The three categories of certificates currently under evaluation have different profiles in terms of certificate size and CPU load, but none is superior to the others in all categories. The "large" and "slow" ratings in the table below are potential "show stoppers" for the rated algorithm. However, most of the algorithms have several variants, including zero-knowledge variants that would radically reduce certificate size at the expense of very slow construction of certificates. Finally, the certificate size typically depends somewhat upon the number of votes and size of individual votes, so progress on keeping the vote size small may translate into smaller certificates.

Method Certificate size Construction time Verification time
ALBA Large Fast Fast
BLS (Mithril) Medium Medium Medium
MUSEN Small Medium Slow
ZK variants of above Very small Very slow Fast

ALBA certificate

ALBA is a protocol to generate a proof of knowledge of lower bound of the size of a dataset of unique elements. It can be easily be applied to our case to generate a certificate showing a quorum of votes has been gathered. For a dataset $S_p$ of size $|S_p|$, ALBA certificates are parameterized by four parameters ($n_f$, $n_p$, $\ell_\text{rel}$, and $\ell_\text{sec}$) where $n_f$ is the strict lower bound we want to demonstrate, $n_p$ a parameter such that $|S_p| \geq n_p &gt; n_f$ and the $\ell$s are security parameters. Let $n$ be the number of votes the certifier has access to. The completeness property of ALBA ensures that one is able to honestly create a proof with probability $p_{rel} = 1 - 2^{-\ell_\text{rel}}$ provided $\left| S_p \right| \geq n \geq n_p$. The soundness property of ALBA ensures that one is not able to create a proof with lower than $n&lt;n_f$ elements with probability $p_{sec} = 1 - 2^{-\ell_\text{sec}}$ provided $\left| S_p \right| \geq n \geq n_p$. If the aggregator does not receive enough elements, that is $n &lt; n_p$, the probability to generate a certificate decreases significantly.

In the centralized prehashed ALBA scheme, the number of votes included in the proof is

$$ u = \left\lceil \frac{ \ell_\text{sec} + \log_2 \ell_\text{rel} + 5 - \log_2 (\log_2 e) } { \log_2(\frac{n_p}{n_f}) } \right\rceil $$

As votes can be duplicated in a certificate, its size can be lowered by using a different format where we only include the unique votes and their indices in the proof. The certificate's size can further be reduced by separating the common elements in the votes, such as the EB hash from the unique ones, such as the signatures and verification keys. The parameter $n_p$ can be delicate to set as it both influences the minimum number of votes to gather to guarantee the generation of a certificate and the size of it. The lower $n_p$ is, the fewer votes we need to generate a certificate, but the larger it becomes. The plots below show this behaviour, how it is more probable to build a certificate with more votes or lower $n_p$ and how higher $n_p$ requires fewer items (votes) be included in the certificate. On the one hand, we need a low enough $n_p$ so that a certifier can quickly and easily build a certificate of honest votes and, on the other hand, a large enough $n_p$ so that the resulting certificate will fit in a Praos block.

Probability of creating an ALBA proof Number of items in ALBA proof

For the sake of argument, assume that we want the votes included in the certificate to occupy no more than 75 kB and that the certificate is just a collection of votes. We set the number of votes to 500 ($n=500), $\ell_\text{sec} = \ell_\text{rel} = 80$, $n_f = 0.6 \cdot n$. (Note that a naive aggregator, just outputting 60% of the votes, would require votes of maximum size 250 bytes for them to fit in a certificate.) The table below indicates that votes no larger than 200 bytes would provide a reasonable requirement for the number of honest votes needed for certification. Note that our analysis of quorum size resulted in a constraint of 60% of the votes being honest. ALBA, however, raised that constraint to the values in the table because ALBA needs more than 60% of the votes to build a compact certificate: this means that weaker adversaries can prevent the achievement of a quorum.

Vote size Maximum number of votes fitting into 75 kB Minimum allowable $n_p$ Fraction of votes needed, $n_p/n$ Minimum number of dishonest votes needed to prevent quorum
200 B 375 355 71.0 % 29.0%
250 B 300 371 74.2 % 25.8%
300 B 250 386 77.2 % 22.8%
350 B 214 403 80.6 % 19.4%
400 B 187 421 84.2 % 15.8%
450 B 166 439 87.8 % 12.2%
500 B 150 457 91.4 % 8.6%

Using the previously mentioned ALBA parameters and setting $n_p / n = 0.9$, we show below measurements for the unoptimized "centralized telescope" version of the pipeline. This uses Blake2s hashes, but other algorithms such as SHA256, Keccak256, and Poseidon are possible alternatives. On the particular machine used for these benchmarks, proof took approximately 9.0 ms and verification took 85 μs; note that the ~148 votes in the certificate would each have to be verified, too. The optimized version of ALBA, which packs data more efficiently, might result in certificates that are 40% smaller than the nominal 75 kB of the certificate in this example.

Proof and verification times for ALBA certificates relevant to Leios

Mithril certificates

The BLS certificate describe in the Leios paper rely on Mithril threshold multisignatures. The aggregation there is different from ALBA, instead of running a random walk on $u$ elements, we perform a high number of lotteries ($m$) and require a smaller number, $k$ of them, to be won to generate a certificate. As such, we do not have the same requirement to receive a greater number of votes than the adversarial stake (c.f. the $n_p$ discussion and table in the Alba section). Mithril uses different compression methods to reduce the certificate size, including only the unique signatures and relying on the Octopus algorithm to reduce the Merkle proof's total size. To fasten the signature verification, Mithril relies on BLS homomorphic properties and verifies up to two additional aggregate signatures instead. A certificate for a quorum of votes attested by ephemeral keys would fit in a Praos block, but a certificate attested by KES keys is about 50% too large.

Method Common to all votes Specific to individual vote Aggregation Number of votes Certificate of all votes Quorum Certificate of quorum
Ephemeral key 32 B 209 B 192 B 500 105 kB 60% 63 kB
KES key 64 B 529 B 192 B 500 265 kB 60% 159 kB

Also recall that any ephemeral keys would have to be registered on-chain, consuming additional precious space and complicating bookkeeping and extra work: that would only provide benefit if the keys were reused for many votes. It might also be possible to only store the Merkle proof for the KES key only at the start of the KES period (e.g., every 36 hours).

The construction and verification times below are based on benchmarking using the Rust bls-signatures package.

Operation CPU time
Signing an item 1.369±0.030 ms
Verifying a single item 1.662±0.090 ms
Verifying an aggregate of 500 items 55.3±5.3 ms
Verifying an aggregate of 1000 items 100.±20. ms

Benchmark for verifying an aggregate BLS signature

However, these measurements are not consistent with the experience of Mithril:

Metric Value
Proving time (per vote) 70 ms
Aggregation time (per certificate) 1.2 s
Verification time (per certificate) 17 ms

MUSEN certificate

MUSEN ("MUlti-Stage key-Evolving verifiable random fuNctions.") builds upon the concept of VRFs by introducing a key-evolving feature and allowing for aggregating VRF outputs, combining in a way Mithril signatures, KES keys and VRFs. The aggregation capability promises to result in small certificates attesting to the Leios votes, with MUSEN signature approximately being the same size as a single KES signatures. However, verification times may be too long for Leios, as it would require hundreds of milliseconds, MUSEN also suffers from the need to record all of the verification keys (e.g., in a Merkle tree). Overall, the benefit of MUSEN's key evolution is minor and its other resource costs may be greater than plain BLS.

Insights regarding voting and certificates

  1. It is critically important to keep the size of votes small.
    1. Large votes can mean large certificates, and votes should also fit in one TCP MTU.
    2. Including KES signatures in votes means that votes will be 500-600 B in size.
    3. Optimizations might take advantage of the fact that KES periods, currently spanning 1.5 days on the Cardano mainnet, persist for many Leios voting cycles.
    4. Using ephemeral keys would make votes smaller, but then a key registration layer would have to be added to the protocol similarly to KES key reuse mentionned beforehand.
  2. Neither ALBA, BLS, MUSEN, or their ZK variants are clear winners for the best choice of certificate scheme for Leios.
    1. Each has at least one strength and one drawback related to certificate size, proof time, or verification time.
    2. ALBA is close to being viable if vote size can reduced or if quorum disruption by adversaries with 10% of stake is acceptable. (Note that the 10% is approximate because the adversarial fraction for the committee differs from the fraction of the whole due to fluctuations, but these are small for a committee of 500: see Committee size and quorum requirement.)
    3. An ALBA security setting of $\ell_\text{sec} = \ell_\text{rel} = 80$ (i.e., eighty-bit security) seems sufficient for Leios voting but the lower security may be not acceptable.
    4. Mithril is viable if ephemeral keys are used, but those would require pre-registration.
    5. A Mithril variant with KES keys could work if oversized Praos blocks (~160 kB) are allowed but would increase significantly increase the verification time.
    6. ZK variants would result in small certificates but long proving times.
  3. At least 500 votes and a 60% quorum will be needed.
    1. These parameters ensure voting security at least as strong as Praos security over a range of adversary strengths.
    2. ALBA would require a larger quorum.
    3. The clumpiness of the Cardano stake distribution on mainnet means that some producer nodes might cast more than one vote in a given pipeline.
    4. MUSEN and BLS certificates need further evaluation for Leios.
  4. Generic benchmarks for cryptographic operations have provided guidance on the pros and cons of the prospective voting and certificate schemes, but further work on estimating CPU resources needed will require detailed implementation of the prospective voting and certificate schemes. For the time being, the following values can be used in simulation studies.
    1. Number of votes: 500
    2. Quorum: 60%
    3. Vote size: 250 B / vote
    4. Certificate size: 75 kB / vote
    5. Generate vote: 2 ms / vote
    6. Verify vote: 3 ms / vote
    7. Generate certificate: 50 ms / certificate + 0.5 ms / vote
    8. Verify certificate: 50 ms / certificate + 0.5 ms / vote

Cost analyses

The deployment of Ouroboros Leios on Cardano nodes has economic implications both for the ecosystem as a whole and for individual stake pool operations (SPOs). Revenues may increase from the fees collected for the higher volume of transactions on the network, but costs may increase due to the additional computing associated with running a Leios implementation. The overall economic impact of Leios depends upon the relative magnitude of these revenues and costs as they evolve over time. Furthermore, relatively minor variants of the Leios protocol or its implementation may, in principle, have outsize implications for economic feasibility. Models and simulations that link the technical and economic aspects of Leios can provide guidance for settling the details of the Leios specification and how it will be implemented on the Cardano node.

For example, the selection of the voting and certificate scheme for Leios depends upon both technical and economic considerations. Security requirements determine which schemes and parameter ranges are acceptable, but the certificate schemes may have very different profiles of resource usage such as certificate size, construction time, and verification time. The time to construct or verify a certificate increases computing costs by its additional CPU load and it also constrains how short Leios phases can be, in turn affecting settlement time and transaction capacity. The size of votes and certificates increase network traffic, taking bandwidth aware from the diffusion of transactions and raising network costs. Additionally, the certificates must be stored permanently, making disk costs rise. Total costs are bounded by economic viability for SPOs and fees are bounded by user's willingness to transaction.

The choice of the Leios phase length, the number of IBs per pipeline, and the maximum IB size similarly influence network traffic, disk storage, and CPU usage. Shorter pipelines provide faster settlement but they also increase computing load. Once again there are both hard and soft constraints on the overall system. Thus there is complex interplay between security, engineering, and economics. The design and implementation of Leios needs to respect the hard constraints and optimize performance while minimizing cost.

We have developed two tools to aid in assessing technical versus economic trade-offs in designing the Leios protocol, implementing it, and selecting its parameters. A simulation of transaction volume on Cardano provides a high-level view of the techno-economic implications of a dramatically greater rate of transactions: this provides intuition about the evolution of Cardano economics in response to that higher throughput and in the presence of protocols like Leios that support such a level of transactions. A more detailed, static model estimates the cost that an individual SPO might experience under Leios, given specific choices for Leios protocol parameters. Results from the SPO-specific model can be input into the ecosystem-level simulation to link "top down" and "bottom up" analyses into a consistent perspective.

In the long term, we aim to represent the economic and technical aspects of Leios's viability on a chart like the following. The diagram summarizes a techno-economic business case for Leios adoption that sheds light on the following questions.

  1. What is the practical maximum throughput of Leios?
  2. How far does that fall short of the theoretical maximum throughput?
  3. How much would Leios transactions have to cost for SPOs to make a reasonable profit?
  4. What is the worst-case bound for the throughput vs cost profile of Leios?
  5. Will Leios enable or require a fine-grained rewards model?
  6. How does Leios compare to other blockchains?
  7. Given current throughput targets, how much would Leios allow us to lower hardware requirements?
  8. Given current hardware requirements, how much would Leios allow us to increase throughput?
  9. What are the maximum limits Leios allows us to achieve at the maximum limits of currently available commodity hardware?

Leios Assessment Criteria for PI8

Simulation of transaction volume on Cardano

Our system-dynamics simulation of transaction volume on Cardano models the interplay between fees collected from transactions and the rewards that accrue to SPOs from them, also accounting for the increased disk costs resulting from storing those transactions on the Cardano ledger. This is a simplified and approximate model intended for education, developing intuition, and exploring trends: it should not be used for making predictions. Two artifacts are publicly available:

The model represents the following phenomena and has the following features:

  • Movement of funds from the Reserve to the Treasury and to the rewards.
  • Collection of fees from transactions into the rewards pot.
  • Disbursement of the rewards pot to pools and users.
  • Ledger size
  • Pool costs and profitability
  • Input parameters
    • Growth of transaction volume
    • Hardware costs for pools
    • Withdrawal of funds from the treasury
    • Ada price
  • Graphics
    • Funds in Reserves, Treasury, and under user control
    • Pool costs, rewards, profit, and return
    • Ledger size
    • Diagnostic consistency checks for the simulation
  • Calibrated against Epochs 500 through 519.

The user interface shown below lets one examine each equation in the model by clicking on the corresponding oval or rectangle. Dependencies between variables are shown as dashed lines, and flows from one "stock" (i.e., accumulation) to another are shown as solid lines with an arrow of flow. Sliders are available for altering input assumptions; a drop-down box allows the selection of a scenario; and a simulate button runs a numerical simulation of the future evolution of Cardano. Results are shown as a series of plots. Moving the input sliders updates the results in the plots, making it easy to understand the causal relationships between input variables and results.

User interface of Cardano throughput model

This techno-economic simulation highlights the tension between the following variables:

  • A linear growth in throughput would cause a quadratic growth in ledger size.
  • Storage cost per gigabyte typically decays exponentially over time, but with a small rate (maybe 10% per year).
  • Thus storage cost is the product of a quadratic increase and a mild exponential decrease, so (given the current cost trends) higher throughput might hurt stake pool economics.
    • This result depends critically upon how much the cost of disk storage decreases per year.
    • Compressing the Cardano ledger greatly improves Leios economics.
  • At current levels of throughput and fees, the rewards accruing to stake pools will drop to half of their current value by 2031, as the Cardano reserves become depleted.
  • Ada price is a wildcard.

Estimation of costs for a Leios SPO

The system-dynamics simulation described in the previous section models the whole ecosystem, but no SPO is a microcosm of that; the simulation also does not include details specific to the Leios protocol. For SPO-specific analyses, we have developed a web-based cost calculator for the Leios protocol. This is a very preliminary tool for estimating the costs of running Leios nodes. At this point, it is really just useful for structuring thinking about Leios costs and making some very rough calculations for guiding further study. This model will be revised as protocol design and other modeling and simulation effort progress. Three artifacts are publicly available:

The tool (shown below) uses the following methodology and has the following features:

  • Inputs
    • All Leios and Praos protocol parameters can be varied.
    • Transactions can target the Praos layer or the Leios layer.
    • Each of the core Praos and Leios entities (RBs, IBs, EBs, votes, and certificates) are represented crudely as normalized resource loads: size, IO operations, CPU times for building and verifying.
    • Basic cloud costs can be specified: CPU, disk, IOPS, network egress.
    • Assumption about how disk costs decrease annually.
    • The SPO deployment is specified as its number of block-producer and relays nodes, along with the amount of its stake, fraction of rewards retained for its use, and upstream/downstream connectivity.
    • Assumptions about Cardano economics: fee per byte and price of Ada.
  • Computations
    • Short Leios only.
    • Aggregation of transactions into IBs and those into EBs.
    • Linear scaling of cost and load with respect to usage.
  • Outputs
    • Monthly resource usage and associated costs.
    • Estimated cost per transaction.
    • Viability metrics: revenue relative to costs.

The tool is populated with the crude, but best available, estimates for input parameters. The Leios simulation studies and the cryptographic benchmarking will provide refined inputs. Eventually, non-linearities in the relationship between usage and load will be incorporated into the algorithm, but the current version provides rough estimates.

User interface for Leios operations cost model

The main findings confirm the insights from the system-dynamics siulation

  • Long-term storage of IBs, EBs, and RBs will dominate operating costs unless storage requirements are reduced.
    • Compression will likely help.
    • Archiving, sharding, and pruning the transaction history are longer-term options.
  • Downstream connectivity of nodes imposes substantial network-egress costs on SPOs.
  • It is critical that hardware costs continue to drop at a 15% reduction per year.
  • The present fee structure for Cardano transaction is sufficient for Leios to be viable if there are more than 50 transactions per second.


We need to account for the fact that many SPOs use cloud services that include a large amount of bandwidth for VMs: the cost model should only bill for the bandwidth used beyond that monthly allocation.

Cost of storage

Currently, there is no provision for archiving, sharding, or pruning the Cardano ledger. Thus the amount of permanent storage required by each node scales with the size of the transactions it has historically processed. A rough estimate for the cost of VM disk space is $0.12/GB. Historically, the cost of such disk has dropped 5-20% per year, depending upon the provider. The present value of storage forever is the sum of all future discounted costs:

$$ C_\infty = C_0 \cdot \frac{1 + r}{r} $$

where $r$ is the monthly discount rate. Assuming $C_0 = 0.12 \text{USD/GB/month}$, we have the following costs of perpetual storage.

Annual discount Cost of perpetual storage
5% $28.92 / GB
10% $14.52 /GB
15% $9.72 / GB
20% $7.32 / GB

Break-even cost for perpetual storage of blocks

For purpose of this estimate, assume that the goal of 500 stakepools is reached and each stakepool runs one block producer and two relays. Thus, each block will be stored hundreds of times.

$$ \text{fee revenue} = 173.01 \frac{\text{lovelace}}{\text{B}} \cdot 10^{-6} \frac{\text{ADA}}{\text{lovelace}} \cdot 10^9 \frac{\text{B}}{\text{GB}} \cdot \frac{1}{3 \cdot 500} = 115.34 \frac{\text{ADA}}{\text{GB}} $$

We can combine this revenue estimate with the previous estimate of storage cost to determine the price of ADA in USD that would be sufficient to exactly pay for perpetual storage.

Annual discount Cost of perpetual storage Break-even price of Ada
5% $28.92 / GB $0.25 / ADA
10% $14.52 / GB $0.13 / ADA
15% $9.72 / GB $0.08 / ADA
20% $7.32 / GB $0.06 / ADA

Note that this is a best-case estimate, under the following assumptions:

  • There are only 500 stake pools.
  • All reward revenue is allocated to pay for perpetual storage of blocks.
  • Block producers never fail to produce a block.
  • All circulating Ada is staked.
  • All Ada is in circulation.

We can recompute with assumption that match the current state of Cardano.

  • Approximately 2500 stake pools.
  • 17% of Ada is in the Reserve.
  • 59% of Ada is staked.
Annual discount Cost of perpetual storage Best break-even price of Ada Realistic break-even price of Ada
5% $28.92 / GB $0.25 / ADA $3.68 / ADA
10% $14.52 / GB $0.13 / ADA $1.85 / ADA
15% $9.72 / GB $0.08 / ADA $1.24 / ADA
20% $7.32 / GB $0.06 / ADA $0.93 / ADA

Compressed storage of Praos blocks

Historically, Praos blocks have been highly compressible. For example, compressing Cardano mainnet chunks from genesis through epoch 517 using the xz -9 tool reduces the uncompressed 183 GB to a mere 40 GB of data, yielding a 79% reduction in size. This level of compression varies quite a bit by epoch, but even recent epochs often compress by 75%. Thus even simple technologies such as compressed file systems can save SPOs significant amounts of storage. It is unknown, however, whether future blocks of transactions (Praos and/or Leios) will be as compressible as historically observed.

Rewards received

For recent epochs, the fee paid in blocks per byte of block storage has a mean of 173.01 lovelace/byte.

Fee paid per byte of block

In the long term (when the Cardano Reserves have been exhausted) the upper bound (if all Ada were staked and block producers never miss blocks) for the fraction of the fee paid to pools and stakers as rewards is 80%. Currently 20.91% of that reward goes to pool operators and the remainder goes to delegators.

Fraction of rewards going to pools

Importance of the Cardano Reserves

The analysis above considers transaction fees as the source of rewards, which will become the case when the Cardano Reserves is exhausted. Currently, however, the Reserves play an important role in funding stake pools. Lately, the Reserves have diminished approximately 0.18% per epoch.

Absolute disbursement of Reserves Relative disbursement of Reserves

In fact, approximately 99% of the rewards paid to stake pools come from the Reserves, with only about 1% coming from transaction fees.

Rewards from fees

Insights for Leios techno-economics

  1. Fees currently average 173.01 lovelace per byte of block.
    1. Under best-case conditions, that fee will cover a cost of 115 ADA per GB of storage across 500 stakepools.
    2. Under more realistic conditions, that fee will only cover a cost of 8 ADA per GB of storage across 2500 stakepools.
  2. Stake pools receive on average 20.91% of rewards.
  3. The cost of perpetual storage of blocks at VMs ranges $7/GB to $30/GB, strongly depending upon the assumption of how rapidly storage costs decrease in the future.
  4. The Cardano Reserves currently supply 99% of the rewards that stake pools and delegators receive.
  5. Break even-costs for the price of Ada needed to cover perpetual storage of blocks range from a best case of $0.06/ADA to a worst case of $3.68/ADA.
  6. Historically, Cardano blocks have been highly compressible, with a reduction by 79% being readily achievable from genesis to recent epochs, and recent epochs compressing approximately 75%.
    1. SPOs can benefit from using compressed file systems.
    2. Future storage approaches in Cardano node might take advantage of this compressibility to directly reduce storage size.
    3. It is unknown how long this trend of high compressibility will continue.
  7. Storage and network-egress costs dominate Leios SPO economics.
  8. Leios appears economically feasible given current transaction fee rates if the following conditions hold:
    1. Transaction volume increases to 50 per second.
    2. Computing costs decrease by 15% annually.
    3. Blocks continue to be compressible by 70% or more.
    4. The network traffic to downstream nodes is limited to a economically sustainable level.
    5. Ada price continues at current values.
  9. Reaching 100 transactions per second by 2030 will likely alleviate the depletion of the Reserves.

Approximate models of Cardano mainnet characteristics

We have developed several "curve fits" to Cardano mainnet statistics for quantities of interest in Leios simulations. These serve as compact and convenient inputs to some of the Leios simulation studies. Of course, they do no preclude using historical transaction data directly in Leios simulations and using future hypothetical or extreme distributions for Leios simulation studies.

Transaction sizes and frequencies

Using post-Byron mainnet data from cardano-db-sync, we tally the transaction sizes and number of transactions per block. As a rough approximation, we can model the size distribution by a log-normal distribution with log-mean of 6.833 and log-standard-deviation of 1.127 and the transactions per block as an exponential distribution with mean 16.97. The plots below compare the empirical distributions to these approximations.

Transaction Size Transactions per Block
Transaction size distribution Transaction-per-block distribution

The transaction-size distribution has a longer tail and more clumpiness than the log-normal approximation, but the transaction-per-block distribution is consistent with an exponential distribution. Note, however, that there is a correlation between size and number per block, so we'd really need to model the joint distribution. For the time being, these two approximation should be adequate.

See this Jupyter notebook for details of the analysis.

Stake distribution

The stake distribution has an important influence on the number of unique SPOs involved in each round of Leios voting. It turns out that the cumulative distribution function for the beta distribution (the regularized incomplete beta function) with parameters α = 11 and β = 1 nicely fits the empirical distribution of stake pools at epoch 500. This curve can be adapted to the actual number of stake pools being modeled: for example, in order to use this for 2000 stake pools, just divide the x axis into 2000 points and take the difference in consecutive y values as the amount of stake the corresponding pool has.

Curve fit to stakepool distribution at epoch 500

Insights into mainnet characteristics

  1. Historically observed transaction sizes and frequencies are reasonably well modeled by simple curve fits.
  2. The current mainnet stake distribution is similarly modeled by a simple curve fit.

Threat model

The Leios protocol may have to mitigate the following categories of threats.

  • Grinding the VRF to obtain an advantage in Leios sortition
  • Equivocating IBs, EBs, or RBs
  • Declining to create IBs, EBs, or votes
  • Manipulating the content of IBs or EBs
  • Sending invalid txs, IBs, EBs, or certificates
  • Abusing the sync protocol
  • Delaying diffusion of IBs, EBs, or votes
  • Submitting invalid, conflicting, or duplicate transactions

The protocol already fully or partially mitigates many of these, but they are listed for completeness and eventual discussion in the Leios CIP. Others are a subject of ongoing research. The general impact of such attacks varies:

  • Resource burden on nodes
  • Lowered throughput
  • Increased latency
  • Manipulation of dapps or oracles

Below we comprehensively tabulation of such hypothetical threats. Nearly all of these are already mitigated by the protocol design, the incentive structure, or the cost of the resources needed to execute the threat. All are listed here for completeness and consideration.

Grinding and other threats to Praos

Threats to the ranking blocks used by Leios are already mitigated by Ouroboros Praos and Genesis. Nevertheless, the possibility of grinding attacks, as discussed in CPS-0017, will always exist, albeit at low probability of success. Such an attack, which requires some stake, involves using CPU resources to try to manipulate the epoch nonce to a value which will result in higher probability of being select as an RB, IB, or EB producer or as a voter in a subsequent epoch. This presumes that the Praos VRF will be used for the sortition in Leios. Currently, large and expensive amounts of CPU power would be required to successfully conduct a grind attack on Praos. Nevertheless, additional research and development are underway to further harden Praos.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
1 Varies Threat to Praos Leios is only as secure as Praos - Varies Already mitigated in Praos
2 Producer Grinding VRF on voting eligibility Increased probability of voting CPU & stake Epoch nonce resistance to grinding R&D underway
3 Producer Grinding VRF on IB eligibility Increased probability of IB CPU & stake Epoch nonce resistance to grinding R&D underway
4 Producer Grinding VRF on EB eligibility Increased probability of EB CPU & stake Epoch nonce resistance to grinding R&D underway


In Leios, an IB producer, EB producers, or voter is only allowed one production for each winning of the sortition lottery. (Note that they may win more than once in the same slot because a lottery takes place for each lovelace staked.) A malicious producer or voter might create two conflicting IBs, EBs, or votes and diffuse them to different downstream peers in an attempt to disrupt the Leios protocol. The Leios paper mitigates this situation explicitly by identifying nodes that misbehave in this manner and notifying downstream peers in a controlled manner.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
5 Producer Equivocated IB Resource burden on nodes stake See Leios paper Already mitigated
6 Producer Equivocated EB Resource burden on nodes stake See Leios paper Already mitigated
7 Producer Equivocated vote Interferes with certificate creation stake See Leios paper Already mitigated

Inaction and nuisance

Producer nodes might also attempt to disrupt the protocol by failing to play their assigned role or by attempting to diffuse invalid information. Failing to produce a block (RB, IB, or EB) or to vote when entitled will result in the attacker receiving fewer rewards for their Leios work. Similarly for creating invalid blocks or votes. Very little advantage would be gained by such attacks because they really only reduce throughput or create a minor annoyance to their first downstream nodes by burdening them with useless verification work. Presumably, the loss of rewards would not compensate for the small disruption they create. The cryptographic aspects of Leios quickly catch invalid blocks or votes, of course.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
8 Producer Decline to create IB Lowers throughput stake Lessened rewards for attacker R&D underway
9 Producer Decline to create EB Lowers throughput stake Mitigated by voter check specified in Leios design Already mitigated
10 Producer Decline to vote Lowers throughput stake Lessened rewards for attacker R&D underway
11 Producer Create invalid IB Resource burden on nodes; lowers throughput stake Lessened rewards for attacker R&D underway
12 Producer Create invalid EB Resource burden on nodes; lowers throughput stake Mitigated by voter check specified in Leios design Already mitigated
13 Producer Create invalid vote Resource burden on nodes; lowers throughput stake Lessened rewards for attacker R&D underway
14 Producer Include invalid txs in IB Resource burden on nodes; lowers throughput stake Tx verification Already mitigated
15 Producer Include invalid IBs in EB Resource burden on nodes; lowers throughput stake IB verification Already mitigated
16 Producer Include invalid certificate in RB Lowers throughput; resource burden on nodes stake Certificate verification Already mitigated
17 Producer Create valid certificate without sufficient votes Manipulates inclusion of txs and hence dapps and oracles CPU & stake Strong cryptography for certificates R&D underway

Omission and manipulation

In Praos, omitting transactions from a block being forged does not directly affect the producer's rewards, but it may reduce the overall size of the rewards pot for the whole epoch. However, a malicious producer has little leverage by such omissions because of the very high probability that the omitted transactions reside elsewhere in the memory pool and will soon be included in subsequent honest blocks. Reordering IBs when an EB is created is not an option for an attacker because the Leios paper specifies a fixed ordering.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
18 Producer Omit txs when creating IB Lowers throughput; increases propagation speed of malicious IB; manipulate Dapps; manipulate oracles stake Memory pool Inherent in mempool design
19 Producer Omit IBs when creating EB Lowers throughput; increases propagation speed of malicious EB; manipulate dapps; manipulate oracles stake Memory pool Inherent in mempool design
20 Producer Reorder IBs when creating EB Manipulate dapps stake Impose canonical order of IBs in EB Already mitigated in Leios paper

Network interference

Malicious network activity such as violating the sync protocol or delaying diffusion of block or votes creates a minor annoyance that the node's sync protocol will quickly avoid by preferring efficient and honest nodes. Large numbers of malicious relays would be needed to impinge on efficiency even in a small degree.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
21 Relay Abuse sync protocol Resource burden on nodes; introduces latency - Design of sync protocol Already mitigated
22 Relay Delay diffusion of valid IBs Introduces latency; shifts resource usage on nodes - See Leios paper Already mitigated
23 Relay Delay diffusion of valid EBs Introduces latency; shifts resource usage on nodes - See Leios paper Already mitigated
24 Relay Delay diffusion of votes Introduces latency; shifts resource usage on nodes - See Leios paper Already mitigated

Denial of service

Transaction-based denial of service attacks on Leios would involve submitting numerous invalid, duplicate, or conflicting transactions to different nodes so that they would all make their way into the memory pool and then to IBs, only to be invalidated when transaction reconciliation occurs after those IBs are indirectly referenced by a certificate on a Praos ranking block. Such a denial of service would result in extra computation by the nodes and wasted permanent storage in the IBs. (Plutus transactions may be especially burdensome in this respect.) Ongoing research will mitigate such denial of service via sharding techniques and Leios's fee structure. Sharding will prevent duplicate transactions from reaching IBs and the fee structure will enforce payment for intentionally conflicted transactions, even though only one of the transactions would make it onto the ledger.

# Actor Method Effect Resources Mitigation Notes
25 Client Submit invalid, duplicate, or conflicting transactions Fills memory pool; increases tx duplication in RBs; lowers throughput; resource burden on nodes ada Sharding Research underway

Insights regarding threats

  1. The Leios protocol already mitigates most of the threats identified.
    1. Anti-grinding for Leios depends upon the Praos anti-grinding R&D.
    2. Sharding, incentives/rewards/fees, and memory pool design need to account for potential threats.
  2. Some attacks may reduce the efficiency and throughput of Leios, but not threaten its security.
    1. Short Leios is vulnerable to reduced efficiency in ways that Full Leios is not.
    2. Simulation studies can measure the extent of this reduced efficiency as a function of the intensity of the attack.
    3. Simulations of the behavior of the "freshest first" aspect of Leios are required.
  3. Loss of rewards disincentivizes nuisance attacks.

Findings and conclusions

Appendix A: Glossary

  • Input Block (IB): A block that contains transactions and is produced by nodes that win the IB sortition lottery.
  • Endorser Block (EB): A block that references IBs and is produced by nodes that win the EB sortition lottery.
  • Ranking Block (RB): A block that ranks other blocks and is part of the consensus mechanism.
  • BLS: Boneh-Lynn-Shacham, a cryptographic signature scheme that allows for efficient aggregation of signatures.
  • ALBA: A cryptographic protocol or component used within the Leios framework.
  • Musen: Another cryptographic protocol or component used within the Leios framework.
  • Sortition: A probabilistic method for selecting nodes to perform certain roles, based on their stake.
  • VRF: Verifiable Random Function, a cryptographic function that produces a random output that can be verified.
  • Stake: The amount of cryptocurrency held by a node, which influences its probability of being selected in sortition.
  • Lovelace: The smallest unit of the Cardano cryptocurrency, named after Ada Lovelace.
  • Praos: A version of the Ouroboros consensus protocol that Leios builds upon.
  • Mithril: A protocol or component related to voting or cryptographic proofs in the Leios framework.
  • Pipeline: A sequence of stages in the Leios protocol where different types of blocks are produced and processed.
  • Certificate: A cryptographic proof that attests to the validity of certain blocks or transactions.
  • Quorum: The minimum number of votes required to certify a block or decision.
  • Epoch: A fixed period in the blockchain during which certain processes or calculations are performed.
  • Decentralization Parameter: A measure of how distributed the control of the network is among its participants.
  • Throughput: The rate at which transactions are processed by the network.
  • Latency: The delay between the submission of a transaction and its confirmation on the blockchain.
  • Bandwidth: The amount of data that can be transmitted over the network in a given time period.
  • Compression: The process of reducing the size of data to save storage space or transmission time.
  • Sharding: A method of partitioning data to improve scalability and performance.
  • Equivocation: The act of producing conflicting blocks or messages in a blockchain network.
  • Freshest First: A policy for prioritizing newer blocks or transactions over older ones.