diff --git a/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspace.md b/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspace.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7f274b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspace.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+title = "azure_synapse_workspace Resource"
+platform = "azure"
+draft = false
+gh_repo = "inspec-azure"
+title = "azure_synapse_workspace"
+identifier = "inspec/resources/azure/azure_synapse_workspace Resource"
+parent = "inspec/resources/azure"
+Use the `azure_synapse_workspace` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to an Azure Synapse workspace.
+## Azure REST API Version, Endpoint, and HTTP Client Parameters
+{{% inspec_azure_common_parameters %}}
+## Installation
+{{% inspec_azure_install %}}
+## Syntax
+describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('type') { should eq 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups' }
+ its('location') { should eq 'eastus' }
+describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
+ it { should exist }
+## Parameters
+`name` _(required)_
+: Name of the Azure Synapse workspace to test.
+`resource_group` _(required)_
+: Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in.
+## Properties
+: Resource Id.
+: Resource name.
+: Resource type. `Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces`.
+: The Geo-location where the resource lives.
+: The properties of the Synapse workspaces.
+: State of the resource.
+For properties applicable to all resources, such as `type`, `name`, `id`, `properties`, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`]({{< relref "azure_generic_resource.md#properties" >}}).
+Also, refer to [Azure documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/synapse/workspaces/get) for other properties available.
+## Examples
+**Test that the Synapse workspaces is provisioned successfully.**
+describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
+ its('properties.provisioningState') { should eq 'Succeeded' }
+## Matchers
+{{% inspec_matchers_link %}}
+### exists
+# If a Synapse workspaces is found it will exist
+describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
+ it { should exist }
+# if Synapse workspaces is not found it will not exist
+describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
+ it { should_not exist }
+## Azure Permissions
+{{% azure_permissions_service_principal role="reader" %}}
diff --git a/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspaces.md b/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspaces.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6909b50ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/azure_synapse_workspaces.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+title = "azure_synapse_workspaces Resource"
+platform = "azure"
+draft = false
+gh_repo = "inspec-azure"
+title = "azure_synapse_workspaces"
+identifier = "inspec/resources/azure/azure_synapse_workspaces Resource"
+parent = "inspec/resources/azure"
+Use the `azure_synapse_workspaces` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to all Azure Synapse workspaces.
+## Azure REST API Version, Endpoint, and HTTP Client Parameters
+{{% inspec_azure_common_parameters %}}
+## Installation
+{{% inspec_azure_install %}}
+## Syntax
+An `azure_synapse_workspaces` resource block returns all Azure Synapse workspaces.
+describe azure_synapse_workspaces do
+ #...
+## Parameters
+`resource_group` _(optional)_
+: Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in.
+## Properties
+: A list of resource IDs.
+: **Field**: `id`
+: A list of resource Names.
+: **Field**: `name`
+: A list of the resource types.
+: **Field**: `type`
+: A list of Properties for all the Synapse workspaces.
+: **Field**: `properties`
+: A list of the Geo-locations.
+: **Field**: `location`
+: A list of provisioning states of the Synapse workspaces.
+: **Field**: `provisioningState`
+{{% inspec_filter_table %}}
+## Examples
+**Loop through Synapse workspaces by their names.**
+azure_synapse_workspaces.names.each do |name|
+ describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: name) do
+ it { should exist }
+ end
+**Test that there are Synapse workspaces that are successfully provisioned.**
+describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP').where(provisioningState: 'Succeeded') do
+ it { should exist }
+## Matchers
+{{% inspec_matchers_link %}}
+### exists
+# Should not exist if no Synapse workspaces are present
+describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP') do
+ it { should_not exist }
+# Should exist if the filter returns at least one Synapse workspaces
+describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP') do
+ it { should exist }
+## Azure Permissions
+{{% azure_permissions_service_principal role="reader" %}}
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-title: About the azure_synapse_workspace Resource
-platform: azure
-# azure_synapse_workspace
-Use the `azure_synapse_workspace` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to an Azure Synapse Workspaces.
-## Azure REST API version, endpoint and http client parameters
-This resource interacts with api versions supported by the resource provider.
-The `api_version` can be defined as a resource parameter.
-If not provided, the latest version will be used.
-For more information, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`](azure_generic_resource.md).
-Unless defined, `azure_cloud` global endpoint, and default values for the http client will be used.
-For more information, refer to the resource pack [README](../../README.md).
-## Availability
-### Installation
-This resource is available in the [InSpec Azure resource pack](https://github.com/inspec/inspec-azure).
-For an example `inspec.yml` file and how to set up your Azure credentials, refer to resource pack [README](../../README.md#Service-Principal).
-## Syntax
-`name`, `resource_group` is a required parameter.
-describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
- it { should exist }
- its('type') { should eq 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups' }
- its('location') { should eq 'eastus' }
-describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
- it { should exist }
-## Parameters
-| Name | Description |
-| name | Name of the Azure Synapse Workspace to test. |
-| resource_group | Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in. `MyResourceGroup` |
-The parameter set should be provided for a valid query:
-- `resource_group` and `name`
-## Properties
-| Property | Description |
-| id | Resource Id. |
-| name | Resource name. |
-| type | Resource type. `Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces` |
-| location | The Geo-location where the resource lives. |
-| properties | The properties of the Synapse Workspaces. |
-| properties.provisioningState | State of the resource. |
-For properties applicable to all resources, such as `type`, `name`, `id`, `properties`, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`](azure_generic_resource.md#properties).
-Also, refer to [Azure documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/synapse/workspaces/get) for other properties available.
-## Examples
-### Test that the Synapse Workspaces is provisioned successfully.
-describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
- its('properties.provisioningState') { should eq 'Succeeded' }
-## Matchers
-This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [Universal Matchers page](/inspec/matchers/).
-### exists
-# If a Synapse Workspaces is found it will exist
-describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
- it { should exist }
-# if Synapse Workspaces is not found it will not exist
-describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: 'SYNAPSE_WORKSPACE_NAME') do
- it { should_not exist }
-## Azure Permissions
-Your [Service Principal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal) must be setup with a `reader` role on the subscription you wish to test.
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--- a/docs-chef-io/resources/azure_synapse_workspaces.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-title: About the azure_synapse_workspaces Resource
-platform: azure
-# azure_synapse_workspaces
-Use the `azure_synapse_workspaces` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to all Azure Synapse Workspaces.
-## Azure REST API version, endpoint and http client parameters
-This resource interacts with api versions supported by the resource provider.
-The `api_version` can be defined as a resource parameter.
-If not provided, the latest version will be used.
-For more information, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`](azure_generic_resource.md).
-Unless defined, `azure_cloud` global endpoint, and default values for the http client will be used.
-For more information, refer to the resource pack [README](../../README.md).
-## Availability
-### Installation
-This resource is available in the [InSpec Azure resource pack](https://github.com/inspec/inspec-azure).
-For an example `inspec.yml` file and how to set up your Azure credentials, refer to resource pack [README](../../README.md#Service-Principal).
-## Syntax
-An `azure_synapse_workspaces` resource block returns all Azure Synapse Workspaces.
-describe azure_synapse_workspaces do
- #...
-## Parameters
-| Name | Description |
-| resource_group | Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in. `MyResourceGroup` (Optional) |
-The parameter set optionally be provided for a valid query:
-- `resource_group`
-## Properties
-|Property | Description | Filter Criteria* |
-| ids | A list of resource IDs. | `id` |
-| names | A list of resource Names. | `name` |
-| types | A list of the resource types. | `type` |
-| properties | A list of Properties for all the Synapse Workspaces. | `properties` |
-| locations | A list of the Geo-locations. | `location` |
-| provisioningStates | A list of provisioning states of the Synapse Workspaces. | `provisioningState`|
-* For information on how to use filter criteria on plural resources refer to [FilterTable usage](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/dev-docs/filtertable-usage.md).
-## Examples
-### Loop through Synapse Workspaces by their names.
-azure_synapse_workspaces.names.each do |name|
- describe azure_synapse_workspace(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP', name: name) do
- it { should exist }
- end
-### Test that there are Synapse Workspaces that are successfully provisioned.
-describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP').where(provisioningState: 'Succeeded') do
- it { should exist }
-## Matchers
-This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [Universal Matchers page](https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/matchers/).
-### exists
-# Should not exist if no Synapse Workspaces are present
-describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP') do
- it { should_not exist }
-# Should exist if the filter returns at least one Synapse Workspaces
-describe azure_synapse_workspaces(resource_group: 'RESOURCE_GROUP') do
- it { should exist }
-## Azure Permissions
-Your [Service Principal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal) must be setup with a `reader` role on the subscription you wish to test.
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