This is the code repository for the blog post Train a Convolutional Neural Network as a Classifier.
The training can be run using the bash script file using the following command:
The bash script is as below:
python \
--batch_size=512 \
--max_num_checkpoint=10 \
--num_classes=10 \
--num_epochs=1 \
--initial_learning_rate=0.001 \
--num_epochs_per_decay=1 \
--is_training=True \
--allow_soft_placement=True \
--fine_tuning=False \
--online_test=True \
In order to realize that what are the parameters as input running the following command is recommended:
python --help
In which is the main file for running the training. The result of the above command will be as below:
--train_dir TRAIN_DIR
Directory where event logs are written to.
--checkpoint_dir CHECKPOINT_DIR
Directory where checkpoints are written to.
--max_num_checkpoint MAX_NUM_CHECKPOINT
Maximum number of checkpoints that TensorFlow will
--num_classes NUM_CLASSES
Number of model clones to deploy.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Number of model clones to deploy.
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of epochs for training.
--initial_learning_rate INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE
Initial learning rate.
--learning_rate_decay_factor LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_FACTOR
Learning rate decay factor.
--num_epochs_per_decay NUM_EPOCHS_PER_DECAY
Number of epoch pass to decay learning rate.
--is_training [IS_TRAINING]
--fine_tuning [FINE_TUNING]
Fine tuning is desired or not?.
--online_test [ONLINE_TEST]
Fine tuning is desired or not?.
--allow_soft_placement [ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT]
Automatically put the variables on CPU if there is no
GPU support.
--log_device_placement [LOG_DEVICE_PLACEMENT]
Demonstrate which variables are on what device.
The evaluation will be run using the bash script file using the following command: