This document is a work in progress on how to extend the Dweb gateway
- Create a new file (or sometimes class in existing file)
- Create a class in that file
- If the class conceptually holds multiple objects (like a directory or collection) subclass NameResolverDir
- If just one file, sublass NameResolverFile
- See SEE-OTHERNAMESPACE in Python (and potentially in clients) for places to hook in.
- Add required / optional methods
- new(cls, namespace, *args, **kwargs) - which is passed everything from the HTTPS request except the outputtype
init(cls, namespace, *args, **kwargs)
- Create and initialize an object, often the superclass's method is used and work done in "new"
@property mimetype
- The mimetype string for the content
@classmethod new(cls, namespace, *args, **kwargs)
- Create a new object, initialize from args & kwargs, often does a metadata fetch etc.
- returns: "content" of an object, typically a binary such as a PDF
- returns: "content" encapsulated for return to server
- default: encapsulates retrieve() with mimetype