$:_('Hooray! You've discovered a title that\'s missing from our library. Can you help donate a copy?')
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$:_('%(page)s is on your List Name Which Could Be Long list. Remove?', page=page)
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+$:_('Add to This is Another List Name Which is Longer!')
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$_("Italic") | +<em> </em>$_(" (preferred) or ")<i> </i> | +* *$_(" or ")_ _$_(" (single underscores)") | +
$_("Bold") | +<strong> </strong>$_(" (preferred) or ")<b> </b> | +** **$_(" or ")__ __$_(" (double underscores)") | +
$:_('Line Break') |
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$_("Blockquote") |
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$_("Headers") |
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+ #$_("Enormous Headline") ##$_(" Big Headline") ###$_(" Average Headline, etc. to") ######$_(" Small Headline") |
+ <ol> <li>$_("Item One")</li> <li>$_("Item Two")</li> </ol> |
+ 1.$_(" Item One") 2.$_(" Item Two") |
+ <ul> <li>$_("First bullet")</li> <li>$_("Second bullet")</li> </ul> |
+ *$_(" First bullet") *$_(" Second bullet") |
$_("Links") | +$:_('This is <a href="http://example.com/" title="Title">an example</a> inline link.') | +$:_('This is [an example](http://example.com/ "Title") inline link.') | +
$_("Images") | +<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" title="$_('Title')" alt="$_('Alternate label')" /> | +![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title") | +
$_('To "escape" any Markdown tags (i.e. use an asterisk as an asterisk rather than emphasizing text) place a backslash \\ prior to the character.')
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