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692 lines (638 loc) · 28.3 KB

Version history for cardano-ledger-conway

  • Fix typo in ToJSON instance of ConwayGovState

  • Add geCommitteeState
  • Remove ConwayDelegEvent, ConwayGovCertEvent
  • Add GovInfoEvent
  • Add ConwayUtxosEvent
  • Add Generic, Eq and NFData instances for ConwayEpochEvent
  • Add Eq and NFData instances for:
    • ConwayGovEvent
    • ConwayCertEvent
    • ConwayCertsEvent
    • ConwayLedgerEvent
    • ConwayNewEpochEvent
  • Add type EraRuleEvent instances for the event type of:
    • UPEC
    • NEWPP
    • PPUP
    • MIR
    • DELEGS
    • TICK
    • ENACT
    • LEDGER
    • UTXOS
  • Add ConwayDRepIncorrectRefund
  • Stop exporting utxosGovStateL from Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance
  • Remove deprecated curPParamsConwayGovStateL and prevPParamsConwayGovStateL
  • Add EraRuleFailure "POOL" type instance for ConwayEra
  • Add ConwayUtxosPredFailure
  • Support for intra-era hard fork with ProtVerHigh set to 10
  • Guard Conway-specific features in transactions that use Plutus v1 or v2. #4112
    • Add PlutusContextError variants:
      • CurrentTreasuryValueFieldNotSupported
      • VotingProceduresFieldNotSupported
      • ProposalProceduresFieldNotSupported
      • TreasuryDonationFieldNotSupported
    • Allow RegDepositTxCert and UnRegDepositTxCert to pass by ignoring the deposit or refund values, respectively.
  • Switch EPOCH rule environment back to (). Start using the latest stake pool distribution: #4115
  • Add:
    • transTxInInfoV1
    • transTxOutV1
  • Add instances for InjectRuleFailure and switch to using injectFailure
  • Remove ConwayPOOL rule, in favor of ShelleyPOOL
  • Add NFData instance for BabbageUtxoPredFailure
  • Rename MinFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte to MinFeeRefScriptCostPerByte and change its type from CoinsPerByte to NonNegativeInterval #4055
  • Rename committeeQuorum to committeeThreshold #4053
  • Changed GovActionState to have 1 field (gasProposalProcedure) rather than 3 (gasDeposit, gasAction, gasReturnAddr)
    • the old field names (gasDeposit, gasAction, gasReturnAddr) become functions, and the lenses
    • (gasDepositL, gasActionL, gasReturnAddrL) have the same type, but behave differently.
    • Added the lenses: pProcDepositL, pProcGovActionL, pProcReturnAddrL, pProcAnchorL, gasProposalProcedureL.
  • Add getDRepDistr, getConstitution and getCommitteeMembers from ConwayEraGov #4033
    • Move Constitution to Conway.Governance.Procedures
  • Add implementation for getMinFeeTxUtxo
  • Add cppMinFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte to ConwayPParams and ppMinFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByteL
  • Add ucppMinFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte to UpgradeConwayPParams and ppuMinFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByteL
  • Fix ConwayTxBody pattern synonym, by changing its certificates arguments to OSet from a StrictSeq.
  • Add VotingPurpose and ProposingPurpose pattern synonyms
  • Add ConwayEraScript with toVotingPurpose, toProposingPurpose, fromVotingPurpose, fromProposingPurpose.
  • Add upgrade failure: CTBUEContainsDuplicateCerts
  • Rename proposalsRemoveDescendentIds to proposalsRemoveWithDescendants (fixed spelling too)
  • Rename:
    • pfPParamUpdateL to grPParamUpdateL
    • pfHardForkL to grHardForkL
    • pfCommitteeL to grCommitteeL
    • pfConstitutionL to grConstitutionL
  • Rename:
    • cgProposalsL to cgsProposalsL
    • cgEnactStateL to cgsEnactStateL
    • cgDRepPulsingStateL to cgsDRepPulsingStateL
  • Add:
    • cgsPrevPParamsL
    • cgsCommitteeL
    • cgsConstitutionL
    • govStatePrevGovActionIds
    • mkEnactState
  • Deprecated curPParamsConwayGovStateL and curPParamsConwayGovStateL
  • Rename PForest to GovRelation
  • Add hoistGovRelation and withGovActionParent
  • Add TreeMaybe, toGovRelationTree and toGovRelationTreeEither
  • Remove proposalsAreConsistent
  • Remove registerDelegs and registerInitialDReps
  • Modify PParams JSON instances to match cardano-api


  • Add ToExpr instances for:
    • ConwayNewEpochEvent
    • ConwayEpochEvent
    • ConwayLedgerEvent
    • ConwayCertsEvent
    • ConwayCertEvent
    • ConwayGovEvent
  • Change the types of some functions in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.ImpTest to use NonEmpty (PredicateFailure _) instead of [PredicateFailure _]
    • submitFailingVote
    • trySubmitVote
    • trySubmitProposal
    • trySubmitProposals
    • submitFailingProposal
    • trySubmitGovAction
    • trySubmitGovActions
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Imp.GovCertSpec
  • Add RuleListEra instance for Conway
  • Rename canGovActionBeDRepAccepted to isDRepAccepted and refactor #4097
    • Add isSPOAccepted
    • Change setupSingleDRep to return relevant keyhashes
    • Change setupPoolWithStake to return relevant keyhashes
    • Add getLastEnactedCommittee
    • Add getRatifyEnvAndState
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Imp.UtxosSpec
  • Add getGovPolicy
  • Add submitGovActions and trySubmitGovActions
  • Add submitProposals and trySubmitProposal

  • Changed the types in GovernanceActionsDoNotExist, DisallowedVoters and VotingOnExpiredGovAction to NonEmpty
  • Add cgDelegsL
  • Add FromJSON, EncCBOR and DecCBOR instances for Delegatee
  • Add pvtPPSecurityGroup
  • Add lenses:
    • pvtCommitteeNormalL
    • pvtCommitteeNoConfidenceL
    • pvtPPSecurityGroupL
    • dvtCommitteeNoConfidenceL
  • Add PPGroups and StakePoolGroup
  • Add ToStakePoolGroup typeclass
  • Add DRepGroup and ToDRepGroup typeclass
  • Modify THKD replacing PPGroup with PPGroups
  • Add ConwayPlutusPurpose
  • Add unGovActionIx
  • Add foldlVotingProcedures
  • Add a policy field to ParameterChange and TreasuryWithdrawals constructors of GovAction
  • Add InvalidPolicyHash to ConwayGovPredFailure
  • Add ToJSON instance for ConwayContextError, ConwayTxCert, ConwayDelegCert, Delegatee and ConwayGovCert
  • Add forceDRepPulsingState
  • Add registerInitialDReps and registerDelegs
  • Add cgDelegs, cgInitialDReps to ConwayGenesis
  • Changed the type of lenses ppCommitteeMaxTermLengthL, ppuCommitteeMaxTermLengthL
  • Change 'getScriptWitnessConwayTxCert' so that DRepRegistration certificate requires a witness
  • Implement ToJSON and FromJSON instances for PoolVotingThresholds and DRepVotingThreshold, instead of deriving that doesn't handle field names correctly.
  • Hide Cardano.Ledger.Conway.TxOut module
  • Export ConwayEraPParams and ConwayEraTxBody from Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Core
  • Stop exporting BabbagePParams from Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams
  • Add transTxBodyWithdrawals, transTxCert, transDRepCred, transColdCommitteeCred, transHotCommitteeCred, transDelegatee, transDRep, transScriptPurpose
  • Remove conwayTxInfo and babbageScriptPrefixTag
  • Remove deprcated translateScript
  • Add getVoteDelegatee
  • Track and prune unreachable proposals #3855 #3919 #3978 #3981
    • Consolidate the entire proposals-tree under the Proposals module and expose all its operations in a convenient manner
    • Move PrevGovActionIds from Governance to Governance.Proposals
    • Add rsEnacted field to RatifyState to track enacted proposals separately from removed ones and rename rsRemoved to rsExpired in order to better represent its role
    • Add ProposalsSerializable as an accompanying type used to correctly serialize Proposals in a space-efficient way
    • Add the following operations to Governance.Proposals
      • mkProposals as the only way to reconstruct the Proposals tree from, for instance, a deserialized one
      • proposalsAddAction as the only way to add new proposals to the system
      • proposalsApplyEnactment as the only way to replay from ENACT operations upon Proposals in the ledger state, outside of the pulser.
      • Rename PrevGovActionId purpose (EraCrypto era) to GovPurposeId purpose era
      • Add the following accessors and lenses, among others:
        • PForest
        • PRoot
        • PEdges
        • PHierarchy
        • pRootsL
        • prRootL
        • prChildrenL
        • pnChildrenL
        • pHierarchyL
        • pHierarchyNodesL
        • pfPParamUpdateL
        • pfHardForkL
        • pfCommitteeL
        • pfConstitutionL
    • Add the pruning functionality and the deposit refunds in the EPOCH rule
    • In the Gov rule
      • Modify the rule transition implementation to accept new proposals into the Proposals forests based on proposal purpose
    • In the Ratify rule
      • Account for the tracking of enacted and expired proposals
  • Moved ToExpr instances out of the main library and into the testlib.
  • Changed the type of ConwayPParam's fields cppEMax, cppGovActionLifetime, cppDRepActivity
  • Changed types of lenses: ppGovActionLifetimeL, ppDRepActivityL, ppCommitteeMaxTermLengthL and ppuGovActionLifetimeL, ppuDRepActivityL, ppuCommitteeMaxTermLengthL
  • Implement getNextEpochCommitteeMembers in Conway EraGov
  • Change argument of validCommitteeTerm function from StrictMaybe Committee to GovAction


  • Add the previous governance action ID to the outputs of electBasicCommittee
  • Add setupPoolWithStake
  • Add:
    • registerPool
    • sendCoinTo and sendValueTo
  • Add submitProposal_
  • Add submitTreasuryWithdrawals
  • Track and prune unreachable proposals #3855 #3919 #3978 #3981
    • Add invariant-respecting Arbitrary generators for Proposals
    • Add property tests for all Proposals operations
    • Add procedural unit tests for all Proposals operations
  • Remove Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParamsSpec and replace the unit test it contained with a new property test in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Binary.CostModelsSpec

  • Switch ppCommitteeMaxTermLength to EpochNo, rather than Natural
  • Add conwayTotalDepositsTxBody and conwayProposalsDeposits
  • Add conwayDRepDepositsTxCerts, conwayDRepRefundsTxCerts, conwayTotalDepositsTxCerts and conwayTotalRefundsTxCerts
  • Rename data-type ProposalsSnapshot to Proposals. #3859
    • Rename module Governance.Snapshots to Governance.Proposals.
    • Rename all the functions related to the data-type.
  • Switch to using OMap for ProposalsSnapshot #3791
  • Add VotingOnExpiredGovAction predicate failure in GOV #3825
  • Rename modifiedGroups -> modifiedPPGroups and move into ConwayEraPParams
  • Expose pparamsUpdateThreshold
  • Fix #3835
  • Rename PParamGroup to PPGroup and GovernanceGroup to GovGroup
  • Introduce THKD and use it for ConwayPParams
  • Add data ConwayGovEvent era with constructor GovNewProposals !(TxId (EraCrypto era)) !(ProposalsSnapshot era). #3856
  • Add EpochBoundaryRatifyState (RatifyState era) inhabitant to the ConwayEpochEvent era data type.


  • Provide CDDL spec files with readConwayCddlFileNames and readConwayCddlFiles from Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Binary.Cddl

  • Add ToJSON instance for ProposalProcedure
  • Fix NewEpochState translation: #3801
  • Change order of arguments for committeeAccepted adn spoAccepted for consistency #3801
  • Add spoAcceptedRatio #3801
  • Export snapshotGovActionStates #3801
  • Change type for snapshotRemoveIds to also return the removed actions. #3801
  • Add reDRepDistrL #3759
  • Remove GovSnapshots #3759
  • Move DRepPulser from cardano-ledger-core. #3759
  • Add DRepPulsingState #3759: pulseDRepPulsingState, completeDRepPulsingState, extractDRepPulsingState, finishDRepPulser, computeDrepDistr, getRatifyState, getPulsingStateDRepDistr, dormantEpoch, setFreshDRepPulsingState, setCompleteDRepPulsingState
  • Add PulsingSnapshot and psProposalsL, psDRepDistrL, psDRepStateL #3759
  • Add RunConwayRatify class #3759
  • Enforce no duplicates from certsTxBodyL and proposalProceduresTxBodyL #3779
  • Remove WrongCertificateTypeDELEG predicate failure.
  • Add getDelegateeTxCert and getStakePoolDelegatee
  • Add enactStateGovStateL to ConwayEraGov
  • Add psDRepDistrG.
  • Rename ensPParams to ensCurPParams.
  • Add ToJSON instance for RatifyState
  • Change ToJSON instance for ConwayGovState:
    • Add "nextRatifyState" field
    • Rename "ratify" to "enactState"
    • Rename "gov" to "proposals"
  • Fix ToJSON instance for EnactState:
    • Current PParams were wrongfully used for "prevPParams".
    • Remove "treasury" and "withdrawals" as those are temporary bindings needed only for ENACT rule
  • Add an anchor argument to ResignCommitteeColdTxCert
  • Prevent invalid previous gov-action ids in proposals #3768
    • Also, add lenses
      • govProceduresProposalsL
      • pProcGovActionL
      • gasActionL
  • Add ToExpr instance for:
    • Voter
    • ConwayCertPredFailure
    • ConwayCertsPredFailure
    • ConwayDelegPredFailure
    • ConwayGovPredFailure
    • ConwayGovCertPredFailure
    • ConwayLedgerPredFailure
    • ConwayTxBody
  • Add Generic and NFData instance for:
    • ConwayNewEpochPredFailure
  • Add totalObligation
  • Add utxosDepositedL
  • Add conwayWitsVKeyNeeded
  • Add ConwayEraPParams era constraint to isCommitteeVotingAllowed and votingCommitteeThreshold
  • Switch to using AlonzoEraUTxO in rules
  • Change cppProtocolVersion to a HKDNoUpdate field


  • Addition of ImpTest interface

  • Add ConwayEraPParams era constraint to isCommitteeVotingAllowed and votingCommitteeThreshold
  • Add ToExpr instance for:
    • Voter
    • VotingProcedures
    • VotingProcedure
    • ProposalProcedure
    • ConwayTxBody
  • Add ConwayTxBodyUpgradeError, ConwayTxCertUpgradeError
  • Add to Ratify:
    • committeeAccepted
    • committeeAcceptedRatio
  • Add reCommitteeState to RatifyEnv
  • Add PredicateFailure for current treasury value mismatch in tx body in LEDGER #3749
  • Change To/FromJSON format for ConwayGenesis
  • Add EraTransition instance and toConwayTransitionConfigPairs.
  • Expose toConwayGenesisPairs and toUpgradeConwayPParamsUpdatePairs
  • Rename ConwayPParams to be consistent with the Agda specification. #3739
    • govActionExpiration to govActionLifetime
    • committeeTermLimit to committeeMaxTermLength
    • minCommitteeSize to committeeMinSize
  • Prevent DRep expiry when there are no active governance proposals to vote on (in ConwayCERTS). #3729
    • Add updateNumDormantEpochs function in ConwayEPOCH to update the dormant-epochs counter
    • Refactor access to ConwayGovState by making its lens part of ConwayEraGov.
    • Export gasExpiresAfterL for use in tests
  • Add ExpirationEpochTooSmall data constructor to ConwayGovPredFailure
  • Add ConflictingCommitteeUpdate data constructor to ConwayGovPredFailure
  • Rename NewCommitte to UpdateCommittee
  • Remove NewCommitteeSizeTooSmall data constructor from ConwayGovPredFailure
  • Fix invalid order in fromGovActionStateSeq, thus also DecCBOR for ProposalsSnapshot
  • Remove DecCBOR/EncCBOR and FromCBOR/ToCBOR for RatifyState, since that state is ephemeral and is never serialized.
  • Add PredicateFailure for Voter - GovAction mismatches, with checkVotesAreValid. #3718
    • Add DisallowedVoters (Map (GovActionId (EraCrypto era)) (Voter (EraCrypto era))) inhabitant to the ConwayGovPredFailure data type.
    • Fix naming for toPrevGovActionIdsParis to toPrevGovActionIdsPairs
  • Rename:
    • thresholdSPO -> votingStakePoolThreshold
    • thresholdDRep -> votingDRepThreshold
    • thresholdCC -> votingCommitteeThreshold
  • Add:
    • isStakePoolVotingAllowed
    • isDRepVotingAllowed
    • isCommitteeVotingAllowed
  • Fix ConwayTxBodyRaw decoder to disallow empty Fields #3712
    • certsTxBodyL
    • withdrawalsTxBodyL
    • mintTxBodyL
    • collateralInputsTxBodyL
    • reqSignerHashesTxBodyL
    • referenceInputsTxBodyL
    • votingProceduresTxBodyL
    • proposalProceduresTxBodyL
  • Add reorderActions, actionPriority
  • Remove ensProtVer field from EnactState: #3705
  • Move ConwayEraTxBody to Cardano.Ledger.Conway.TxBody
  • Move ConwayEraPParams to Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams
  • Rename:
    • GovActionsState to GovSnapshots
    • cgGovActionsStateL to cgGovSnapshotsL
    • curGovActionsStateL to curGovSnapshotsL
    • prevGovActionsStateL to prevGovSnapshotsL
  • Add:
    • ProposalsSnapshot
    • snapshotIds
    • snapshotAddVote
    • snapshotInsertGovAction
    • snapshotActions
    • snapshotRemoveIds
    • fromGovActionStateSeq
  • Add lenses:
    • gasCommitteeVotesL
    • gasDRepVotesL
    • gasStakePoolVotesL
  • Add FromJSON instance for Committee
  • Add constitution and committee fields to ConwayGenesis


  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.ImpTest
  • Rename genNewCommittee to genUpdateCommitteee
  • Add genNewCommittee
  • Add genNoConfidence
  • Add genTreasuryWithdrawals
  • Add genHardForkInitiation
  • Add genParameterChange
  • Add genNewConstitution
  • Add genGovActionStateFromAction
  • Add govActionGenerators

  • Apply enacted TreasuryWithdrawals in ConwayEPOCH #3748
    • Add lenses ensWithdrawalsL and ensTreasuryL

  • Add all Conway TxCert to consumed/produced calculations in the UTXO rule. #3700
  • Change ToJSONKey implementation of Voter to flat text
  • Add DRep refund calculation #3688
    • Add conwayConsumedValue as getConsumedValue for Conway
  • Change PredicateFailure (ConwayENACT era) to Void
  • Remove EnactPredFailure
  • Change PredicateFailure (ConwayEPOCH era) to Void
  • Remove ConwayEpochPredFailure
  • Remove EpochFailure and RatifyFailure from ConwayNewEpochPredFailure
  • Change PredicateFailure (ConwayRATIFY era) to Void
  • Add:
    • rsDelayed
    • PParamGroup
    • ParamGrouper
    • pGroup
    • pUngrouped
    • modifiedGroups
    • dvtPPNetworkGroupL
    • dvtPPGovGroupL
    • dvtPPTechnicalGroupL
    • dvtPPEconomicGroupL
    • threshold
    • ensCommitteeL
  • Add pparamsGroups to ConwayEraPParams
  • Add PrevGovActionIds
  • Change EnactState to add ensPrevGovActionIds
  • Add ensPrevGovActionIdsL, ensPrevPParamUpdateL, ensPrevHardForkL ensPrevCommitteeL, ensPrevConstitutionL
  • Add EnactSignal and the signal of Enact to it
  • Remove rsFuture from RatifyState
  • Add to GovActionsState:
    • curGovActionsState
    • prevGovActionsState
    • prevDRepState
    • prevCommitteeState
  • Add ToExpr instances to:
    • PoolVotingThresholds
    • DRepVotingThresholds
    • GovActionState
    • GovActionsState
    • EnactState
    • RatifyState
    • ConwayGovState
    • GovActionIx
    • GovActionId
    • Vote
    • Committee
    • PrevGovActionId
    • GovAction
    • ConwayPParams with Identity and StrictMaybe
  • Add lenses:
    • cgEnactStateL
    • curGovActionsStateL
    • prevGovActionsStateL
    • prevDRepStateL
    • prevCommitteeStateL
  • Replace cgRatifyState with cgEnactState
  • Deprecate cgRatifyStateL
  • Add ProposalDepositIncorrect predicate failure, that is produced when ProposalProcedure deposit does not match "govActionDeposit" from PParams #3669
  • Add "minCommitteeSize" PParam validation for NewCommittee GovAction #3668
    • Add committeeMembersL and committeeQuorumL lenses for Committee
    • Add NewCommitteeSizeTooSmall PredicateFailure in GOV
  • Add EqRaw instance for ConwayTxBody
  • Add ToExpr instance for Delegatee, ConwayDelegCert, ConwayGovCert and ConwayTxCert
  • Implement expiry for governance proposals #3664
    • Update ppGovActionExpiration to be an EpochNo
    • Add gasExpiresAfter :: !EpochNo to GovActionState
    • Add gePParams to GovEnv
    • Rename teTxId to geTxId and teEpoch to geEpoch
  • Add reDRepState to RatifyEnv
  • Add field gasId to GovActionState
  • Add insertGovActionsState
  • Change type of rsRemoved in RatifyState to use GovActionState instead of a tuple
  • Change RatifySignal to use GovActionsState instead of a tuple

  • Fix DRep distribution computation.

  • Add Network validation for ProposalProcedure and TreasuryWithdrawals in GOV #3659
  • Make DELEG, POOL and GOVCERT conform to spec-v0.8 #3628
    • Add CertEnv and CertsEnv to pass EpochNo down from LEDGER to sub-rules
    • Add drepDeposit to DRepState to track deposits paid by DReps
    • Update DRep expiry in LEDGER for all DReps who are voting in current Tx
  • Add ConwayGovCertEnv
  • Change the environment of GOVCERT to ConwayGovCertEnv
  • Add ConwayEraGov with constitutionGovStateL
  • Add PrevGovActionId and GovActionPurpose
  • Add optional PrevGovActionId to ParameterChange, HardForkInitiation, NoConfidence, NewCommittee and NewConstitution governance actions.
  • Rename *governance* to *gov* #3607
    • GovernanceAction to GovAction
    • GovernanceActionId to GovActionId
    • GovernanceActionIx to GovActionIx
    • GovernanceActionState to GovActionState
    • ConwayGovState to GovActionsState
    • ConwayGovernance to ConwayGovState
  • Add MalformedProposal to ConwayGovPredFailure
  • Add ppuWellFormed to ConwayEraPParams
  • Filter out zero valued TxOut's on Byron/Shelley boundary instead of on Babbage/Conway.
  • Deprecate translateTxOut in favor of upgradeTxOut
  • Deprecate translateScript in favor of upgradeScript
  • Switch GovernanceActionIx to Word32 fro Word64 and remove Num and Enum instances, which are dangerous due to potential overflows.
  • Add currentTreasuryValue :: !(StrictMaybe Coin) as a new field to Conway TxBody #3586
  • Add an optional Anchor to the Conway DRep registration certificate #3576
  • Change ConwayCommitteeCert to allow:
    • committee cold keys to be script-hashes #3581
    • committee hot keys to be script-hashes #3552
  • Change EnactState.ensConstitution #3556
    • from SafeHash (EraCrypto era) ByteString
    • to Constitution era
    • Use this datatype for GovernanceAction.NewConstitution
  • Add ConwayPParams #3498
    • Add UpgradeConwayPParams
    • Add ConwayEraPParams
    • Add PoolVotingThresholds
    • Add DRepVotingThresholds
  • Rename:
    • cgTally -> cgGovActionsState
    • cgTallyL -> cgGovActionsStateL
    • VDelFailure -> GovCertFailure
    • VDelEvent -> GovCertEvent
    • certVState -> certGState
    • ConwayVDelPredFailure -> ConwayGovCertPredFailure
    • ConwayTallyPredFailure -> ConwayGovPredFailure
    • TallyEnv -> GovEnv
    • ConwayTallyState -> ConwayGovState
    • TALLY -> GOV
  • Make Anchor required in ProposalProcedure.
  • Add ConwayUTXO
  • Add indexedGovProps
  • Add rsRemoved to RatifyState
  • Add conwayProducedValue
  • Changed the superclasses of STS (ConwayUTXOS era)
  • Add VotingProcedures type
  • Remove vProcGovActionId and vProcVoter from VotingProcedure
  • Change the type of votingProceduresL to return VotingProcedures, which is a nested Map instead of a sequence, as before.
  • Change GovernanceActionDoesNotExist to GovernanceActionsDoNotExist, which now reports all actions as a set, rather than one action per each individual failure.
  • Type of gpVotingProcedures in GovernanceProcedures was aslo changed to GovernanceProcedures
  • Rename:
    • ConwayCommitteeCert -> ConwayGovCert
    • ConwayTxCertCommittee -> ConwayTxCertGov
  • Remove DelegStakeTxCert from the COMPLETE pragma for TxCert
  • Add Committee and adjust NewCommittee governance action
  • Add treasuryDonationTxBodyL to ConwayEraTxBody
  • Add ConwayUpdateDRep constructor to ConwayGovCert type and corresponding pattern UnRegDRepTxCert
  • Update ProposalProcedure return address to be a RewardAcnt
  • Add ensPrevPParams field to EnactState
  • Add lenses:
    • ensPrevPParamsL
    • ensCurPParamsL

  • Implement stake distribution handling in the TICKF rule.

  • Add implementation for spendableInputsTxBodyL

  • Removal of TxOuts with zero Coin from UTxO on translation

  • Removal of GovernanceProcedure in favor of GovernanceProcedures

  • Add ensConstitutionL and rsEnactStateL to Governance #3506
    • Override getConsitutionHash for Conway to return just the hash of the constitution
  • Added ConwayWdrlNotDelegatedToDRep to ConwayLedgerPredFailure
  • Changed the type of voting delegatee from Credential to DRep
  • Removal of VoterRole in favor of Voter
  • Removal of vProcRole and vProcRoleKeyHash in favor of vProcVoter in VotingProcedure
  • Removal of cgVoterRolesL and cgVoterRoles for ConwayGovernance as no longer needed.
  • Removal of gasVotes in favor of gasCommitteeVotes, gasDRepVotes and gasStakePoolVotes in GovernanceActionState
  • Removal of reRoles from RatifyEnv as no longer needed
  • Addition of reStakePoolDistr to RatifyEnv
  • Remove VoterDoesNotHaveRole as no longer needed from ConwayTallyPredFailure
  • Added ConwayEpochPredFailure
  • Added instance for Embed (ConwayRATIFY era) (ConwayEPOCH era)
  • Removed instance for Embed (ConwayRATIFY era) (ConwayNEWEPOCH era)
  • Changed superclasses of STS (ConwayEPOCH era) and STS (ConwayNEWEPOCH era)

  • Added ConwayUTXOW rule


  • Add Arbitrary instances for ConwayCertPredFailure, ConwayVDelPredFailure, and ConwayDelegPredFailure

  • Add VDEL rules to Conway #3467
  • Add EncCBOR/DecCBOR for ConwayCertPredFailure
  • Add EncCBOR/DecCBOR for ConwayVDelPredFailure
  • Add POOL rules to Conway #3464
    • Make ShelleyPOOL rules reusable in Conway
  • Add CERT and DELEG rules to Conway #3412
    • Add domDeleteAll to UMap.
  • Introduction of TxCert and EraTxCert
  • Add ConwayEraTxCert
  • Add EraTxCert, ShelleyEraTxCert and ConwayEraTxCert instances for ConwayEra
  • Add EraPlutusContext 'PlutusV1 instance to ConwayEra
  • Add EraPlutusContext 'PlutusV2 instance to ConwayEra
  • Add EraPlutusContext 'PlutusV3 instance to ConwayEra
  • Added toShelleyDelegCert and fromShelleyDelegCert
  • Changed ConwayDelegCert structure #3408
  • Addition of getScriptWitnessConwayTxCert and getVKeyWitnessConwayTxCert
  • Add ConwayCommitteeCert

  • Added ConwayDelegCert and Delegatee #3372
  • Removed toShelleyDCert and fromShelleyDCertMaybe #3372
  • Replace DPState c with CertState era
  • Add TranslateEra instances for:
    • DState
    • PState
    • VState
  • Add ConwayDelegsPredFailure
  • Renamed DELPL to CERT
  • Added ConwayDELEGS rule
  • Added ConwayCERT rule
  • Added ConwayDelegsPredFailure rule
  • Added ConwayDelegsEvent rule
  • Change the Conway txInfo to allow Plutus V3 NOTE - unlike V1 and V2, the ledger will no longer place the "zero ada" value in the script context for the transaction minting field.
  • Added instances for ConwayDelegsPredFailure: NoThunks, EncCBOR, DecCBOR, and Arbitrary
  • Added GovernanceActionMetadata
  • Added RatifyEnv and RatifySignal

  • Added RATIFY rule
  • Added ConwayGovernance
  • Added lenses:
    • cgTallyL
    • cgRatifyL
    • cgVoterRolesL
  • Removed GovernanceActionInfo
  • Replaced ctbrVotes and ctbrGovActions with ctbrGovProcedure
  • Renamed ENACTMENT to ENACT
  • Add ToJSON instance for: #3323
    • ConwayGovernance
    • ConwayTallyState
    • GovernanceAction
    • GovernanceActionState
    • GovernanceActionIx
    • GovernanceActionId
  • Add ToJSONKey instance for GovernanceActionId #3323
  • Fix EncCBOR/DecCBOR and ToCBOR/FromCBOR for ConwayTallyState #3323
  • Add Anchor and AnchorDataHash types. #3323
  • Rename transDCert to toShelleyDCert
  • Add fromShelleyDCertMaybe
  • Renamed Vote type to VotingProcedure
  • Add ProposalProcedure
  • Use VotingProcedure and ProposalProcedure in GovernanceProcedure
  • Rename VoteDecision to Vote. Rename No/Yes -> VoteNo/VoteYes.
  • Export govActionIdToText
  • Export constructors for ConwayTallyPredFailure
  • Add ensTreasury and ensWithdrawals to EnactState #3339
  • Add EnactPredFailure as the failure for ENACT and RATIFY #3339
  • Add RatifyFailure to ConwayNewEpochPredFailure #3339
  • Add EncCBOR/DecCBOR and ToCBOR/FromCBOR for ConwayTallyPredFailure
  • Add ToCBOR/FromCBOR for ConwayGovernance
  • Remove cgAlonzoGenesis from ConwayGenesis.
  • Set ConwayGenesis as TranslationContext


  • Fix Arbitrary for ConwayTallyState. #3323
  • Consolidate all Arbitrary instances from the test package to under a new testlib. #3285
  • Add Arbitrary instances for:
    • ConwayTallyPredFailure
    • EnactState
    • RatifyState
    • ConwayGovernance
  • Fix Arbitrary for ConwayTxBody.

  • First properly versioned release.