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876 lines (737 loc) · 41.3 KB

File metadata and controls

876 lines (737 loc) · 41.3 KB

ioBroker JSON Config

Admin (from version 6) supports JSON configuration for adapters. It is possible to define the configuration in JSON file and then use it in Admin.

Example of jsonConfig.json file with multiple tabs can be found here: and example with just one panel here:

You can define the settings in JSON or in JSON5 format. JSON5 is more human-readable and supports comments.

Additionally, to the JSON file, you must define in the io-package.json in common part:

    "common": {
        "adminUI": {
            "config": "json"

to say that the adapter supports JSON configuration.

You can see almost all components in action if you test this adapter: You can install it via GitHub icon in admin by entering iobroker.jsonconfig-demo on the npm tab.

The schema for JSON config file is defined here:

All labels, texts, help texts can be multi-language or just strings.

If the attribute name starts with "_" it will not be saved in the object.


Requires admin 6.17.1 or newer.

To write complex JSON files, you can include other JSON files. The included file must be in the same directory as the main file.

    tabs: {
        tab1: {
            type: 'panel', // data will be combined with the content of "tab1.json". If the same attribute is defined in both files, the value from the included file will be used.
            '#include': 'tab1.json',

Possible control types

Possible types:

  • tabs - Tabs with items

    • items - Object with panels {"tab1": {}, "tab2": {}...}
    • iconPosition - bottom, end, start or top. Only for panels that has icon attribute. Default: start
    • tabsStyle - CSS Styles in React format (marginLeft and not margin-left) for the Mui-Tabs component
  • panel - Tab with items

    • icon - tab can have icon (base64 like data:image/svg+xml;base64,...) or jpg/png images (ends with .png)
    • label - Label of tab
    • items - Object {"attr1": {}, "attr2": {}}...
    • collapsable - only possible as not part of tabsjsonConfig.json
    • color - color of collapsable header primary or secondary or nothing
    • innerStyle - CSS Styles for inner div in React format (marginLeft and not margin-left) for the Panel component. Not used for collapsable panels.
  • text - Text component

    • maxLength - max length of the text in field
    • readOnly - read-only field
    • trim - default is true. Set this attribute to false if trim is not desired.
    • minRows - default is 1. Set this attribute to 2 or more if you want to have a textarea with more than one row.
    • maxRows - max rows of textarea. Used only if minRows > 1.
    • noClearButton - if true, the clear button will not be shown (admin >= 6.17.13)
    • validateJson - if true, the text will be validated as JSON
    • allowEmpty - if true, the JSON will be validated only if the value is not empty
    • time - the value is time in ms or a string. Used only with readOnly flag
  • number

    • min - minimal value
    • max - maximal value
    • step - step
  • color - color picker

    • noClearButton - if true, the clear button will not be shown (admin >= 6.17.13)
  • checkbox - show checkbox

  • slider - show slider (only Admin6)

    • min - (default 0)
    • max - (default 100)
    • step - (default (max - min) / 100)
    • unit - Unit of slider
  • qrCode - show data in a QR Code (admin >= 7.0.18)

    • data - the data to be encoded in the QR Code
    • size - size of the QR code
    • fgColor - Foreground color
    • bgColor - Background color
    • level - QR code level (L M Q H)
  • ip - bind address

    • listenOnAllPorts - add to option
    • onlyIp4 - show only IP4 addresses
    • onlyIp6 - show only IP6 addresses
    • noInternal - do not show internal IP addresses
  • user - Select user from system.user. (With color and icon)

    • short - no system.user.
  • room - Select room from (With color and icon) - (only Admin6)

    • short - no enum.rooms.
    • allowDeactivate - allow letting room empty
  • func - Select function from enum.func (With color and icon) - (only Admin6)

    • short - no enum.func.
    • allowDeactivate - allow letting functionality empty
  • select

    • options - [{label: {en: "option 1"}, value: 1}, ...] or [{"items": [{"label": "Val1", "value": 1}, {"label": "Val2", value: "2}], "name": "group1"}, {"items": [{"label": "Val3", "value": 3}, {"label": "Val4", value: "4}], "name": "group2"}, {"label": "Val5", "value": 5}]
  • autocomplete

    • options - ["value1", "value2", ...] or [{"value": "value", "label": "Value1"}, "value2", ...] (keys must be unique)
    • freeSolo - Set freeSolo to true, so the textbox can contain any arbitrary value.
  • image - saves image as file of the adapter.X object or as base64 in attribute

    • filename - name of file is structure name. In the below example login-bg.png is file name for writeFile("myAdapter.INSTANCE", "login-bg.png")
    • accept - html accept attribute, like { 'image/**': [], 'application/pdf': ['.pdf'] }, default { 'image/*': [] }
    • maxSize - maximal size of file to upload
    • base64 - if true the image will be saved as data-url in attribute, elsewise as binary in file storage
    • crop - if true, allow user to crop the image
    • !maxWidth
    • !maxHeight
    • !square - width must be equal to height, or crop must allow only square as shape
  "login-bg.png": {
       "type": "image",
       "accept": "image/png",
       "label": {
         "en": "Upload image"
       "crop": true
     "picture": {
       "type": "image",
       "base64": true,
       "accept": "image/*",
       "label": {
         "en": "Upload image"
       "crop": true
  • objectId - object ID: show it with name, color and icon

    • types - Desired type: channel, device, ... (has only state by default). It is plural, because type is already occupied.
    • root - [optional] Show only this root object and its children
    • customFilter - [optional] Cannot be used together with type settings. It is an object and not a JSON string. Examples
      • {common: {custom: true}} - show only objects with some custom settings
      • {common: {custom: 'sql.0'}} - show only objects with sql.0 custom settings (only of the specific instance)
      • {common: {custom: '_dataSources'}} - show only objects of adapters influxdb or sql or history
      • {common: {custom: 'adapterName.'}} - show only objects of custom settings of specific adapter (all instances)
      • {type: 'channel'} - show only channels
      • {type: ['channel', 'device']} - show only channels and devices
      • {common: {type: 'number'} - show only states of type 'number
      • {common: {type: ['number', 'string']} - show only states of type 'number and string
      • {common: {role: 'switch'} - show only states with roles starting from switch
      • {common: {role: ['switch', 'button']} - show only states with roles starting from switch and button
    • filterFunc - [optional] Cannot be used together with type settings. It is a function that will be called for every object and must return true or false. Example: obj.common.type === 'number'
  • password - password field This field-type just have an effect in the UI. Passwords and other sensitive data should be stored encrypted! To do this, the key must be provided in the io-package.json under nativeEncrypted. Additionally, you can protect this property from being served to other adapters but admin and cloud by adding it to protectedNative in io-package.json file.

    • repeat - repeat password must be compared with password
    • visible - true if allow viewing the password by toggling the view button (only for a new password while entering)
    • readOnly - the read-only flag. Visible is automatically true if readOnly is true
    • maxLength - max length of the text in field
  • instance

    • adapter - name of adapter. With special name _dataSources you can get all adapters with flag common.getHistory.
    • adapters - optional list of adapters, that should be shown. If not defined, all adapters will be shown. Only active if adapter attribute is not defined.
    • allowDeactivate - if true. Additional option "deactivate" is shown
    • onlyEnabled - if true. Only enabled instances will be shown
    • long - value will look like system.adapter.ADAPTER.0 and not ADAPTER.0
    • short - value will look like 0 and not ADAPTER.0
    • all - Add to the options "all" option with value *
  • chips - user can enter the word, and it will be added (see cloud => services => White list). Output is an array if no delimiter defined.

    • delimiter - if it is defined, so the option will be stored as string with delimiter instead of an array. E.g., by delimiter=; you will get a;b;c instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']
  • alive - just indication if the instance is alive, and it could be used in "hidden" and "disabled" (will not be saved in config) Just text: Instance is running, Instance is not running

    • instance - check if the instance is alive. If not defined, it will be used current instance. You can use ${data.number} pattern in the text.
    • textAlive - default text is Instance %s is alive, where %s will be replaced by ADAPTER.0. The translation must exist in i18n files
    • textNotAlive - default text is Instance %s is not alive, where %s will be replaced by ADAPTER.0. The translation must exist in i18n files
  • pattern - read-only field with pattern like 'https://${data.ip}:${data.port}' (will not be saved in config) Text input with the read-only flag, that shows a pattern.

    • copyToClipboard - if true - show button
    • pattern - my pattern
  • sendto - button that sends request to instance (

    • command - (Default send)
    • jsonData - string - "{\"subject1\": \"${data.subject}\", \"options1\": {\"host\": \"${}\"}}". You can use special variables data._origin and data._originIp to send to instance the caller URL, like
    • data - object - {"subject1": 1, "data": "static"}. You can specify jsonData or data, but not both.
    • result - {result1: {en: 'A'}, result2: {en: 'B'}}
    • error - {error1: {en: 'E'}, error2: {en: 'E2'}}
    • variant - contained, outlined or nothing
    • openUrl - if true - open URL in new tab, if response contains attribute openUrl, like {"openUrl": "", "window": "_blank", "saveConfig": true}. If saveConfig is true, the user will be requested to save the configuration.
    • reloadBrowser - if true - reload the current browser window, if response contains attribute reloadBrowser, like {"reloadBrowser": true}.
    • window - if openUrl is true, this is a name of the new window. Could be overwritten if response consist window attribute. this.props.socket.sendTo(adapterName.instance, command || 'send', data, result => {});
    • icon - if icon should be shown: auth, send, web, warning, error, info, search. You can use base64 icons (like data:image/svg+xml;base64,...) or jpg/png images (ends with .png). (Request via issue if you need more icons)
    • useNative - if adapter returns a result with native attribute it will be used for configuration. If saveConfig is true, the user will be requested to save the configuration.
    • showProcess - Show spinner while request is in progress
    • timeout - timeout for request in ms. Default: none.
    • onLoaded - execute the button logic once initially
  • setState - button that sets instance's state

    • id - system.adapter.myAdapter.%INSTANCE%.test, you can use the placeholder %INSTANCE% to replace it with the current instance name
    • ack - false (default false)
    • val - '${data.myText}_test' or number. Type will be detected automatically from the state type and converting done too
    • okText - Alert which will be shown by pressing the button
    • variant - contained, outlined, ''
  • staticText - static text like description

    • label - multi-language text
    • text - same as label
  • staticLink - static link

    • label - multi-language text
    • href - link. Link could be dynamic like #tab-objects/customs/${data.parentId}
    • target - _blank or _self or window name
    • close - if true, the GUI will be closed (used not for JsonConfig in admin, but for dynamic GUI)
    • button - show a link as button
    • variant - type of button (outlined, contained, text)
    • color - color of button (e.g. primary)
    • icon - if icon should be shown: auth, send, web, warning, error, info, search, book, help, upload. You can use base64 icons (it starts with data:image/svg+xml;base64,...) or jpg/png images (ends with .png) . (Request via issue if you need more icons)
  • staticImage - static image

    • href - optional HTTP link
    • src - name of picture (from admin directory)
  • table - table with items that could be deleted, added, moved up, moved down

    • items - [{"type": see above, "width": px or %, "title": {"en": "header"}, "attr": "name", "filter": false, "sort": true, "default": ""}]
    • noDelete - boolean if delete or add disabled, If noDelete is false, add, delete and move up/down should work
    • objKeyName - (legacy setting, don't use!) - name of the key in {"": {delay: 1000, enabled: true}, "": {delay: 2000, enabled: false}}
    • objValueName - (legacy setting, don't use!) - name of the value in {"": "value1", "": "value2"}
    • allowAddByFilter - if add allowed even if filter is set
    • showSecondAddAt - Number of lines from which the second add button at the bottom of the table will be shown. Default 5
    • showFirstAddOnTop - Show first plus button on top of the first column and not on the left.
    • clone - [optional] - if clone button should be shown. If true, the clone button will be shown. If attribute name, this name will be unique.
    • export - [optional] - if export button should be shown. Export as csv file.
    • import - [optional] - if import button should be shown. Import from csv file.
    • uniqueColumns - [optional] - specify an array of columns, which need to have unique entries
    • encryptedAttributes - [optional] - specify an array of columns, which should be encrypted
    • compact - [optional] - if true, the table will be shown in a compact mode
  • accordion - accordion with items that could be deleted, added, moved up, moved down (Admin 6.6.0 and newer)

    • items - [{"type": see above, "attr": "name", "default": ""}] - items can be placed like on a panel (xs, sm, md, lg and newLine)
    • titleAttr - key of the item's list which should be used as name
    • noDelete - boolean if delete or add disabled, If noDelete is false, add, delete and move up/down should work
    • clone - [optional] - if clone button should be shown. If true, the clone button will be shown. If attribute name, this name will be unique.
  • jsonEditor - json editor

    • validateJson - if false, the text will be not validated as JSON
    • allowEmpty - if true, the JSON will be validated only if the value is not empty
  • language - select language

    • system - allow the usage of the system language from system.config as default (will have an empty string value if selected)
  • certificate

    • certType - on of: public, private, chained. But from 6.4.0 you can use certificates type.
  • certificates - it is a universal type that manages certPublic, certPrivate, certChained and leCollection attributes for you. Example:

    "_certs": {
        "type": "certificates",
        "newLine": true,
        "hidden": "!",
        "sm": 12
  • certCollection - select certificate collection or just use all collections or don't use let's encrypt at all.

    • leCollectionName - name of the certificate collection
  • custom (only Admin6)

    • name - Component name that will be provided via props, like ComponentInstancesEditor
    • url - Location of the component
      • custom/customComponents.js: in this case the files will be loaded from /adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponents.js
      • https://URL/myComponent: direct from URL
      • ./adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponent.js: in this case the files will be loaded from /adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponents.js
    • i18n - true if i18n/xx.json files are located in the same directory as component, or translation object {"text1": {"en": Text1"}}
  • datePicker - allow the user to select a date input the UI format comes from the configured dateFormat in the users' installation. The component returns a parseable date string.

  • timePicker - allow the user to select a date input the returned string is a parseable date string or of format HH:mm:ss

    • format - format passed to the date picker defaults to HH:mm:ss
    • views - Configure which views should be shown to the users. Defaults to ['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']
    • timeSteps - Represent the available time steps for each view. Defaults to { hours: 1, minutes: 5, seconds: 5 }
    • returnFormat - fullDate or HH:mm:ss. Defaults to full date for backward compatibility reasons.
  • divider - horizontal line

    • height - optional height
    • color - optional divider color or primary, secondary
  • header

    • text
    • size - 1-5 => h1-h5
  • cron

    • complex - show CRON with "minutes", "seconds" and so on
    • simple - show simple CRON settings
  • fileSelector (only Admin6)

    • pattern - File extension pattern. Allowed **/*.ext to show all files from subfolders too, *.ext to show from root folder or folderName/*.ext to show all files in sub-folder folderName. Default **/*.*.
    • fileTypes - [optional] type of files: audio, image, text
    • objectID - Object ID of type meta. You can use special placeholder %INSTANCE%: like myAdapter.%INSTANCE%.files
    • upload - path, where the uploaded files will be stored. Like folderName. If not defined, no upload field will be shown. To upload in the root, set this field to /.
    • refresh - Show refresh button near the select.
    • maxSize - max file size (default 2MB)
    • withFolder - show folder name even if all files in same folder
    • delete - Allow deletion of files
    • noNone - Do not show none option
    • noSize - Do not show size of files
  • file - (only Admin6) Input field with file selector

    • disableEdit - if user can manually enter the file name and not only through select dialog
    • limitPath - limit selection to one specific object of type meta and following path (not mandatory)
    • filterFiles - like ['png', 'svg', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']
    • allowUpload - allowed upload of files
    • allowDownload - allowed download of files (default true)
    • allowCreateFolder - allowed creation of folders
    • allowView - allowed tile view (default true)
    • showToolbar - show toolbar (default true)
    • selectOnlyFolders - user can select only folders (e.g. for upload path)
    • trim - trim the file name
  • imageSendTo - shows image, that was received from backend as base64 string

    • width - width of QR code in px
    • height - height of QR code in px
    • command - sendTo command
    • jsonData - string - {"subject1": "${data.subject}", "options1": {"host": "${}"}}. This data will be sent to backend
    • data - object - {"subject1": 1, "data": "static"}. You can specify jsonData or data, but not both. This data will be sent to backend if jsonData is not defined. Example of code in back-end:
adapter.on('message', obj => {
    if (obj.command === 'send') {
        const QRCode = require('qrcode');
        QRCode.toDataURL('3ca4234a-fd81-fdb8-5584-08c732f70e4d', (err, url) =>
            obj.callback && adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, url, obj.callback));
  • selectSendTo - Shows the drop-down menu with the given from the instance values.
    • command - sendTo command
    • jsonData - string - {"subject1": "${data.subject}", "options1": {"host": "${}"}}. This data will be sent to the backend
    • data - object - {"subject1": 1, "data": "static"}. You can specify jsonData or data, but not both. This data will be sent to the backend if jsonData is not defined.
    • manual - allow manual editing. Without drop-down menu (if instance is offline). Default true.
    • multiple - Multiple choice select
    • showAllValues - show item even if no label was found for it (by multiple), default=true
    • noTranslation - do not translate label of selects
      To use this option, your adapter must implement message handler: The result of command must be an array in form [{"value": 1, "label": "one"}, ...]
    • alsoDependsOn - by change of which attributes, the command must be resent
adapter.on('message', obj => {
   if (obj) {
       switch (obj.command) {
           case 'command':
               if (obj.callback) {
                   try {
                       const { SerialPort } = require('serialport');
                       if (SerialPort) {
                           // read all found serial ports
                               .then(ports => {
                         `List of port: ${JSON.stringify(ports)}`);
                                   adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, => ({label: item.path, value: item.path})), obj.callback);
                               .catch(e => {
                                   adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, [], obj.callback);
                       } else {
                           adapter.log.warn('Module serialport is not available');
                           adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, [{label: 'Not available', value: ''}], obj.callback);
                   } catch (e) {
                       adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, [{label: 'Not available', value: ''}], obj.callback);

  • autocompleteSendTo Shows autocomplete control with the given from the instance values.

    • command - sendTo command
    • jsonData - string - {"subject1": "${data.subject}", "options1": {"host": "${}"}}. This data will be sent to the backend
    • data - object - {"subject1": 1, "data": "static"}. You can specify jsonData or data, but not both. This data will be sent to the backend if jsonData is not defined.
    • freeSolo - Set freeSolo to true, so the textbox can contain any arbitrary value.
    • alsoDependsOn - by change of which attributes, the command must be resent
    • maxLength - max length of the text in field

    To use this option, your adapter must implement message handler: The result of command must be an array in form ["value1", {"value": "value2", "label": "Value2"}, ...] (keys must be unique) See selectSendTo for handler example

  • textSendTo Shows readonly control with the given from the instance values.

    • container - div, text, html
    • copyToClipboard - if true - show button
    • alsoDependsOn - by change of which attributes, the command must be resent
    • command - sendTo command
    • jsonData - string - {"subject1": "${data.subject}", "options1": {"host": "${}"}}. This data will be sent to the backend
    • data - object - {"subject1": 1, "data": "static"}. You can specify jsonData or data, but not both. This data will be sent to the backend if jsonData is not defined. To use this option, your adapter must implement a message handler: The result of command must be a string or object with the following parameters:
    text: 'text to show',  // mandatory
    style: { color: 'red' }, // optional
    icon: 'search',        // optional. It could be base64 or link to image in the same folder as jsonConfig.json file
                           // possible predefined names: edit, rename, delete, refresh, add, search, unpair, pair, identify, play, stop, puase, forward, backward, next, previous, lamp, backlight, dimmer, socket, settings, group, user, qrcode, connection, no-connection, visible
    iconStyle: {width: 30} // optional


adapter.on('message', obj => {
    if (obj) {
      switch (obj.command) {
        case 'command':
          obj.callback && adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, 'Received ' + JSON.stringify(obj.message), obj.callback);
          // or with style
          obj.callback && adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, { text: 'Received ' + JSON.stringify(obj.message), style: { color: 'red' }, icon: 'search', iconStyle: { width: 30 }}, obj.callback);
          // or as html
          obj.callback && adapter.sendTo(obj.from, obj.command, `<div style="color: green">${JSON.stringify(obj.message)}</div>`, obj.callback);
  • coordinates Determines current location and used system.config coordinates if not possible in form "latitude,longitude"

    • divider - divider between latitude and longitude. Default "," (Used if longitudeName and latitudeName are not defined)
    • autoInit - init field with current coordinates if empty
    • longitudeName - if defined, the longitude will be stored in this attribute, divider will be ignored
    • latitudeName - if defined, the latitude will be stored in this attribute, divider will be ignored
    • useSystemName - if defined, the checkbox with "Use system settings" will be shown and latitude, longitude will be read from system.config, a boolean will be saved to the given name
  • interface Selects the interface from of the host, where the instance runs

    • ignoreLoopback - do not show loopback interface (
    • ignoreInternal - do not show internal interfaces (normally it is too)
  • license - shows the license information if not already accepted. One of attributes texts or licenseUrl must be defined. When the license is accepted, the defined configuration attribute will be set to true.

    • texts - array of paragraphs with texts, which will be shown each as a separate paragraph
    • licenseUrl - URL to the license file (e.g.
    • title - Title of the license dialog
    • agreeText - Text of the agreed button
    • checkBox - If defined, the checkbox with the given name will be shown. If checked, the agreed button will be enabled.
  • checkLicense - Very special component to check the license online. It's required exactly license and useLicenseManager properties in native.

    • uuid - Check UUID
    • version - Check version
  • uuid - Show iobroker UUID

  • port - Special input for ports. It checks automatically if port is used by other instances and shows a warning

    • min - minimal allowed port number. It could be 0. And if the value is then zero, the check if the port is occupied will not happen.
  • state - (admin >= 7.1.0) Show control or information from the state

    • oid - Which object ID should be taken for the controlling. The ID is without "adapter.X." prefix
    • system - If true, the state will be taken from system.adapter.XX.I. and not from XX.I
    • control - How the value of the state should be shown: text, html, input, slider, select, button, switch, number
    • controlled - If true, the state will be shown as switch, select, button, slider or text input. Used only if no control property is defined
    • unit - Add unit to the value
    • trueText - this text will be shown if the value is true
    • trueTextStyle - Style of the text if the value is true
    • falseText - this text will be shown if the value is false or if the control is a "button"
    • falseTextStyle - Style of the text if the value is false or if the control is a "button"
    • trueImage - This image will be shown if the value is true
    • falseImage - This image will be shown if the value is false or if the control is a "button"
    • min - Minimum value for control type slider or number
    • max - Maximum value for control type slider or number
    • step - Step value for control type slider or number
    • controlDelay - delay in ms for slider or number
    • variant - Variant of button: contained, outlined, text
    • readOnly - Defines if the control is read-only
  • deviceManager - show device manager. For that, the adapter must support device manager protocol. See iobroker/dm-utils. Here is an example of how to show device manager in a tab:

"_deviceManager": {
  "type": "panel",
  "label": "Device manager",
  "items": {
    "_dm": {
      "type": "deviceManager",
      "sm": 12,
      "style": {
        "width": "100%",
        "height": "100%",
        "overflow": "hidden"
  "style": {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",
    "overflow": "hidden"
  "innerStyle": {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",
    "overflow": "hidden"

Common attributes of controls

All types could have:

  • xl - width in 1/12 of screen on extra large screens (1536px < width)
  • lg - width in 1/12 of screen on large screens (1200px <= width < 1536px)
  • md - width in 1/12 of screen on middle screens (900px <= width < 1200px)
  • sm - width in 1/12 of screen on small screen (600px <= width < 900px)
  • xs - width in 1/12 of screen on tiny screens (width < 600px)
  • newLine - should be shown from new line
  • label - String or object like {en: 'Name', ru: 'Имя'}
  • hidden - JS function that could use native.attribute for calculation
  • hideOnlyControl - if hidden the place will be shown, but no control
  • disabled - JS function that could use native.attribute for calculation
  • help - help text (multi-language)
  • helpLink - href to help (could be used only together with help)
  • style - CSS style in ReactJS notation: radiusBorder and not radius-border.
  • darkStyle - CSS style for dark mode
  • validator - JS function: true no error, false - error
  • validatorErrorText - Text to show if validator fails
  • validatorNoSaveOnError - disable save button if error
  • tooltip - optional tooltip
  • default - default value
  • defaultFunc - JS function to calculate default value
  • defaultSendTo - command to request initial value from running instance, example: "myInstance": {"type": "text", "defaultSendTo": "fill"}
    • data - static data
    • jsonData - static data
    • if no data and jsonData defined, the following info will be sent {"attr": "<attribute name>", "value": "<current value>"}
    • button - button label to re-trigger request from instance
    • buttonTooltip - Button tooltip (default: Request data by instance)
    • buttonTooltipNoTranslation - Do not translate button tooltip
    • allowSaveWithError - Allow saving of configuration even if the instance is offline
  • placeholder - placeholder (for text control)
  • noTranslation - do not translate selects or other options (not for help, label or placeholder)
  • onChange - Structure in form {"alsoDependsOn": ["attr1", "attr2"], "calculateFunc": "data.attr1 + data.attr2", "ignoreOwnChanges": true}
  • doNotSave - Do not save this attribute as used only for internal calculations
  • noMultiEdit - if this flag set to true, this field will not be shown if user selected more than one object for edit.
  • confirm
    • condition - JS function: true show confirm dialog
    • text - text of confirmation dialog
    • title - title of confirmation dialog
    • ok - Text for OK button
    • cancel - Text for Cancel button
    • type - One of: info, warning, error, none
    • alsoDependsOn - array with attributes, to check the condition by these attributes too
    "type": "tabs",
    "items": {
        "options1": {
            "type": "panel",
            "label": "Tab1",
            "icon": "base64 svg", // optional
            "items": {
                myPort: {
                    "type": "number",
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 65565,
                    "label": "Number",
                    "sm": 6, // 1 - 12
                    "validator": "'"!!"'", // else error
                    "hidden": "data.myType === 1", // hidden if myType is 1
                    "disabled": "data.myType === 2" // disabled if myType is 2
                "options.myType": { // name could support more than one levelhelperText
                    "newLine": true, // must start from new row
                    "type": "select",
                    "label": "Type",
                    "sm": 6, // 1 - 12
                    "options": [
                        {"label": "option 1", "value": 1},
                        {"label": "option 2", "value": 2}
                "myBool": {
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "label": "My checkbox",
        "tab2": {
            "label": "Tab2",
            "disabled": "data.myType === 1",
            "hidden": "data.myType === 2",

Number, text, checkbox, select support autocomplete to allow selection of options if used as custom settings. In this case, the value will be provided as an array of all possible values.


// ...
   "timeout": {
      "type": "number",
      "label": "Timeout"
// ...

data: {
   timeout: [1000, 2000, 3000]

In this case input must be text, where shown __different__, with the autocomplete option of three possible values. Users can select from dropdown 1000, 2000 or 3000 or input their own new value, e.g., 500.

Boolean must support indeterminate if value is [false, true]

For non changed __different__ the value different must be returned:

data: {
   timeout: [1000, 2000, 3000]

Output if timeout was not changed:
newData: {
   timeout: "__different__"

Value __different__ is reserved and no one text input may accept it from user.

Component must look like

    onError={(error, attribute) => error can be true/false or text. Attribute is optional}
    onChanged={(newData, isChanged) => console.log('Changed ' + isChanged)}

If no schema is provided, the schema must be created automatically from data.

  • boolean => checkbox
  • text => text input
  • number => number
  • name bind => ip
  • name port => number, min=1, max=0xFFFF
  • name timeout => number, help="ms"

If element has no attribute type, assume it has default type 'panel'.

Panel style

You can provide style for panels too. Here is an example with panel background:

    "i18n": true,
    "type": "panel",
    "style": {
        "backgroundImage": "url(adapter/mpd/background.png)",
        "backgroundPosition": "top",
        "backgroundRepeat": "no-repeat",
        "backgroundSize": "cover"
    "items": {
        "...": {}


There are several options to provide the translations. Only the first one is compatible with our Community Translation Tool Weblate, so it should be favored over the others!

  1. Users can provide texts from files.

On the top level of structure set i18n: true and provide files in admin:

  • admin/i18n/de/translations.json
  • admin/i18n/en/translations.json
  • ...


  • admin/i18n/de.json
  • admin/i18n/en.json
  • ...

Additionally, user can provide the path to i18n files, i18n: "customI18n"and provide files in admin:

  • admin/customI18n/de/translations.json
  • admin/customI18n/en/translations.json
  • ...


  • admin/customI18n/de.json
  • admin/customI18n/en.json
  • ...
  1. User can provide translations directly in label like:
   "type": "text",
   "label: {
        "en": "Label",
        "de": "Taxt"
  1. User can provide translations in i18n attribute:
    "18n": {
        "My Text: {
            "en": "My Text",
            "de": "Mein Text"
        "My Text2: {
            "en": "My Text2",
            "de": "Mein Text2"
    "type": "panel",

We suggest using variant 1 whenever possible, as it will be possible to process the texts with Weblate.

JS Functions

Configuration dialog

JS function is:

const myValidator = "_alive === true && data.options.myType == 2";

const func = new Function(
  'data',          // actual obj.native or obj.common.custom['adapter.X'] object
                   // If table, so data is current line in the table
  'originalData',  // data before changes
  '_system',       // system config => 'system.config'=>common
  '_alive',        // If instance is alive
  '_common',       // common part of instance = 'system.config.ADAPTER.X' => common
  '_socket',       // socket connection
  '_instance',     // instance number
  'arrayIndex',    // filled only by table and represents the row index
  'globalData',    // filled only by table and represents the obj.native or obj.common.custom['adapter.X'] object
  '_changed'       // indicator if some data was changed and must be saved
  myValidator.includes('return') ? myValidator : 'return ' + myValidator); // e.g. "_alive === true"

const isValid = func(data, systemConfig.common, instanceAlive, adapter.common, this.props.socket);

If the alive status changes, so all fields must be updated, validated, disabled, hidden anew.

The following variables are available in JS function in adapter settings:

  • data - native settings for this instance or current line in the table (to access all settings use globalData)
  • _system - system configuration
  • _alive - is instance being alive
  • _common - common settings for this instance
  • _socket - socket
  • _instance - instance number
  • arrayIndex - used only in table and represent current line in an array
  • globalData - used only in table for all settings and not only one table line

Custom settings dialog

JS function is:

const myValidator = "customObj.common.type === 'boolean' && data.options.myType == 2";

const func = new Function(
  myValidator.includes('return') ? myValidator : 'return ' + myValidator); // e.g. "_alive === true"

const isValid = func(data ||, this.props.originalData, this.props.systemConfig, instanceObj, customObj, this.props.socket);

The following variables are available in JS function in custom settings:

  • data - current custom settings or current line in the table (to access all settings use globalData)
  • originalData - Unchanged data
  • _system - system configuration
  • instanceObj - adapter instance object
  • customObj - current object itself
  • _socket - socket
  • arrayIndex - used only in table and represent current line in an array
  • globalData - used only in table for all settings and not only one table line

Custom component

    common={common data}
    onChange={(newData, isChanged) => {}}
    onError={error => error can be true/false or text}

You can find examples in telegram or in pushbullet adapter.


Schema is here