- (dev2dev) Fix adapter checker
- (dev2dev) Bump release#
- (dev2dev) Reduced writeable states
- (dev2dev) Extended logging
- (dev2dev) Fixed writing value to stove
- (dev2dev) Changed cookie management
- (dev2dev) Changed http-requests from request to axios
- (dev2dev) Added cookie management for recurring requests
- (mcm1957) BREAKING: password is stored encrypted now, please reenter once.
- (mcm1957) AdminUI has been migrated to jsonConfig to meet responsive design guide.
- (mcm1957) Adapter requires node.js 20, js-controller 6 and and admin 6 now.
- (mcm1957) Adapter has been move to iobroker-community-adapters organization
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated
- (xsawa32) switched back to request instead of axios with axios-cookiejar-support, because of missing dependencies in axios.package.json
- (xsawa32) changed create device and objects in main.js
- (xsawa32) changed from request to axios
- (xsawa32) some changes in README
- (xsawa32) some changes in main.js
- (xsawa32) some changes in main.js
- (xsawa32) initial release =======