7.0.6 (2023-05-11)
Bug Fixes
- content: prevent forceUpdate in SSR (#27440) (e930988), closes #27411
- item-sliding: options display on rtl (#27203) (b16fd1d), closes #26103 #25285
- modal, popover: wait for contents to mount (#27344) (c98ad6f), closes #27343
- overlays: assign incremental id to overlay host (#27278) (9313a91)
- range: round value to same number of decimal places as props to avoid floating point rounding errors (#27375) (6e83ba4), closes #21968
- react: remove incorrect class key from IonicReactProps (#27432) (415c44c)
- types: export DatetimeHighlightStyle (#27360) (a37cdb1), closes #27353