diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md index a222f4524700..6362312ac649 100644 --- a/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md @@ -102,241 +102,41 @@ Checklist: - [ ] **Stage 1 - Initial Preparations** - [ ] Upgrade to the latest patch release of Go that CircleCI has published (currently used version: `1.19.1`) - [ ] See the list here: https://hub.docker.com/r/cimg/go/tags -
- # retrieve the latest version of cimg/go available - curl -s 'https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/cimg/go/tags' | jq -r '.results | map(.name) | map(select(. | test("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"))) | .[0]' -
- [ ] [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions): bump [this version](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/blob/master/.tool-versions#L2) -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b bump-go-version - - # replace the cimg/go version in .tool-versions in ipfs/distributions - sed -i 's/golang [0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/golang 1.19.3/g' .tool-versions - - # commit the change - git add .tool-versions - git commit -m "chore: bump go version to 1.19.3" - - # push the change - git push origin bump-go-version - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/distributions/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump go version to 1.19.3' \ - -f head='bump-go-version' \ - -f base='master' -
- [ ] [ipfs/kubo](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo): [example PR](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/8599) -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b bump-go-version - - # replace the cimg/go version in .circleci/main.yml in ipfs/kubo - sed -i 's/cimg\/go:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/cimg\/go:1.19.3/g' .circleci/main.yml - - # replace golang version in Dockerfile - sed -i 's/golang:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/golang:1.19.3/g' Dockerfile - - # commit the change - git add .circleci/main.yml Dockerfile - git commit -m "chore: bump go version to 1.19.3" - - # push the change - git push origin bump-go-version - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump go version to 1.19.3' \ - -f head='bump-go-version' \ - -f base='master' -
- [ ] [ipfs/ipfs-docs](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs): [example PR](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/pull/1298) - only if the major version changed - [ ] Fork a new branch (`release-vX.Y.Z`) from `master`. -
- # retrieve master ref for ipfs/kubo - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/git/ref/heads/master - - # create release-vX.Y.Z ref for ipfs/kubo - gh api \ - --method POST \ - /repos/ipfs/kubo/git/refs \ - -f ref='refs/heads/release-vX.Y.Z' \ - -f sha='a4da8f6cc768c3e2cce9c2677a792b2c237066aa' -
- [ ] Bump the version in `version.go` in the `master` branch to `vX.(Y+1).0-dev` via a PR ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9305)). -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b bump-version - - # replace the version in version.go - sed -i 's/const CurrentVersionNumber = ".*"/const CurrentVersionNumber = "0.18.0-dev"/g' version.go - - # commit the change - git add version.go - git commit -m "chore: bump version to v0.18.0-dev" - - # push the change - git push origin bump-version - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump version to v0.18.0-dev' \ - -f head='bump-version' \ - -f base='master' -
- [ ] **Stage 2 - Release Candidate** - _if any [non-trivial](docs/releases.md#footnotes) changes need to be included in the release, return to this stage_ - [ ] If it's not a first RC, add new commits to the `release-vX.Y.Z` branch from `master` using `git cherry-pick -x ...` - Note: `release-*` branches are protected. You can do all needed updates on a separated branch (e.g. `wip-release-vX.Y.Z`) and when everything is settled push to `release-vX.Y.Z` - [ ] Bump the version in `version.go` in the `release-vX.Y.Z` branch to `vX.Y.Z-rcN`. -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -B bump-release-version - - # replace the version in version.go - sed -i 's/const CurrentVersionNumber = ".*"/const CurrentVersionNumber = "X.Y.Z-rcN"/g' version.go - - # commit the change - git add version.go - git commit -m "chore: bump version to vX.Y.Z-rcN" - - # push the change - git push origin bump-release-version - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump version to vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f head='bump-release-version' \ - -f base='release-vX.Y.Z' -
- [ ] If it's a first RC, create a draft PR targetting `release` branch if it doesn't exist yet ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9306)). -
- # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='wip: release vX.Y.Z' \ - -f head='release-vX.Y.Z' \ - -f base='release' \ - -f draft=true -
- [ ] Wait for CI to run and complete PR checks. All checks should pass. - [ ] Create a signed tag for the release candidate. - [ ] This is a dangerous operation, as it is difficult to reverse due to Go modules and automated Docker image publishing. Remember to verify the commands you intend to run for items marked with ⚠️ with the release reviewer. - [ ] ⚠️ Tag HEAD `release-vX.Y.Z` commit with `vX.Y.Z-rcN` (`git tag -s vX.Y.Z-rcN -m 'Pre-release X.Y.Z-rcn'`) -
- # create a signed tag - git tag -s vX.Y.Z-rcN -m 'Pre-release X.Y.Z-rcN' -
- [ ] Run `git show vX.Y.Z-rcN` to ensure the tag is correct. -
- # show the signed tag - git show vX.Y.Z-rcN -
- [ ] ⚠️ Push the `vX.Y.Z-rcN` tag to GitHub (`git push origin vX.Y.Z-rcN`; DO NOT USE `git push --tags` because it pushes all your local tags). -
- # show the signed tag - git push origin vX.Y.Z-rcN -
- [ ] Add artifacts to https://dist.ipfs.tech by making a PR against [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions) - [ ] Clone the `ipfs/distributions` repo locally. - [ ] Create a new branch (`kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcn`) from `master`. -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcN -
- [ ] Run `./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z-rcN` to add the new version to the `versions` file ([instructions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions#usage)). - `dist.sh` will print _WARNING: not marking pre-release kubo vX.Y.Z-rcNn as the current version._. -
- # add new kubo version to dist - ./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z-rcN - git add dists/*/versions - git commit -m "chore: add kubo vX.Y.Z-rcN" -
- [ ] Push the `kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcn` branch to GitHub and create a PR from that branch ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/pull/760)). -
- # push the change - git push origin kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcN - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/distributions/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: add kubo vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f head='kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f base='master' -
- [ ] Ask for a review from the release reviewer. - [ ] Enable auto-merge for the PR. - PR build will build the artifacts and generate a diff in around 30 minutes - PR will be merged automatically once the diff is approved - `master` build will publish the artifacts to https://dist.ipfs.io in around 30 minutes -
- # get pull id - id=$(gh api --method GET /repos/ipfs/distributions/pulls -f head='kubo-release-vX.Y.Z-rcN' --jq '.[0].node_id') - - # enable automerge - gh api graphql -f pull="${id}" -f query='mutation($pull: ID!) { enablePullRequestAutoMerge(input: {pullRequestId: $pull, mergeMethod: SQUASH}) { pullRequest { autoMergeRequest { enabledAtenabledBy { login } } } } }' -
- [ ] Ensure that the artifacts are available at https://dist.ipfs.io -
- # check if RC is available - curl --retry 5 --no-progress-meter https://dist.ipfs.tech/kubo/versions | grep -q vX.Y.Z-rcN - echo $? -
- [ ] Publish the RC to [the NPM package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions) by running https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml (it happens automatically but it is safe to speed up the process and kick of a run manually) -
- # dispatch workflow - gh api /repos/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml/dispatches \ - --method POST \ - -f ref='master' - - # get workflow run - gh api /repos/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml/runs \ - --method GET \ - -f per_page='1' \ - --jq '.workflow_runs[0]' - - # get workflow job - gh api /repos/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/runs/3470515021/jobs \ - --method GET \ - -f per_page='1' \ - --jq '.jobs[0]' - - # check logs for version - gh api /repos/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/jobs/9499319520/logs \ - --method GET | grep -q 'X.Y.Z-rcN' - echo $? -
- [ ] Cut a pre-release on [GitHub](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases) ([instructions](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release), [example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/vX.Y.Z-rcN)) - Use `vX.Y.Z-rcN` as the tag. - Link to the release issue in the description. - Link to the relevant [changelog](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/master/docs/changelogs/) in the description. - Check `This is a pre-release`. -
- # create a pre-release - body='See the related issue: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/9319 - - And the draft changelog: [docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/release-vX.Y.Z/docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md)' - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/releases \ - --method POST \ - -f tag_name='vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f name='vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f body="${body}" \ - -F draft=false \ - -F prerelease=true \ - -F generate_release_notes=false \ - -f make_latest=false -
- [ ] Synchronize release artifacts by running [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow. -
- # dispatch workflow - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml/dispatches \ - --method POST \ - -f ref='master' -
- [ ] Announce the RC - [ ] Create a new post on [IPFS Discourse](https://discuss.ipfs.tech). ([example](https://discuss.ipfs.tech/t/kubo-v0-16-0-rcN-release-candidate-is-out/15248)) - Use `Kubo vX.Y.Z-rcn Release Candidate is out!` as the title. @@ -365,69 +165,15 @@ Checklist: - [ ] Push to a branch ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/pull/1826/commits/b0a23db31ce942b46d95965ee6fe770fb24d6bde)) - [ ] Open a draft PR to track through the final release ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/pull/1826)) - [ ] Ensure CI tests pass -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b kubo-release-vX.Y.Z - - # replace the go-ipfs version in package.json - sed -i 's/"go-ipfs": ".*"/"go-ipfs": "X.Y.Z-rcN"/' package.json - - # update package-lock.json - npm install - - # commit the change - git add package.json package-lock.json - git commit -m "chore: bump kubo version to vX.Y.Z-rcN" - - # push the change - git push origin kubo-release-vX.Y.Z - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump kubo version to vX.Y.Z-rcN' \ - -f head='kubo-release-vX.Y.Z' \ - -f base='main' \ - -f title='chore: bump kubo version to vX.Y.Z' \ - -F draft=true -
- [ ] [IPFS Companion](https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-companion) - [ ] Start kubo daemon of the version to release. - [ ] Start a fresh chromium or chrome instance using `chromium --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d)` (macos `/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d)`) - [ ] Start a fresh firefox instance using `firefox --profile $(mktemp -d)` (macos `/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --profile $(mktemp -d)`) - [ ] Install IPFS Companion from [vendor-specific store](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion/#readme). - [ ] Check that the comunication between Kubo daemon and IPFS companion is working properly checking if the number of connected peers changes. -
- curl --retry 5 --no-progress-meter --output kubo.tar.gz https://dist.ipfs.tech/kubo/vX.Y.Z-rcN/kubo_vX.Y.Z-rcN_darwin-arm64.tar.gz - tar -xzvf kubo.tar.gz - export IPFS_PATH=$(mktemp -d) - ./kubo/ipfs init - ./kubo/ipfs daemon & -
- [ ] **Stage 5 - Release** - _ONLY FOR FINAL RELEASE_ - [ ] Prepare the `release` branch. - [ ] Bump the version in `version.go` in the `release-vX.Y.Z` branch to `X.Y.Z`. -
- # checkout new branch - git checkout -b bump-version-vX.Y.Z - - # replace the version in version.go - sed -i 's/const CurrentVersionNumber = ".*"/const CurrentVersionNumber = "X.Y.Z"/g' version.go - - # commit the change - git add version.go - git commit -m "chore: bump version to vX.Y.Z" - - # push the change - git push origin bump-version-vX.Y.Z - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: bump version to vX.Y.Z' \ - -f head='bump-version-vX.Y.Z' \ - -f base='release-vX.Y.Z' -
- [ ] Update the [docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md](docs/changelogs) with the new commits and contributors. - [ ] Run `./bin/mkreleaselog` twice to generate the changelog and copy the output. - The first run of the script might be poluted with `git clone` output. @@ -442,93 +188,30 @@ Checklist: - Do not delete the `release-vX.Y.Z` branch. - [ ] Checkout the `release` branch locally. - Remember to pull the latest changes. -
- git checkout release - git pull -
- [ ] Create a signed tag for the release. - [ ] This is a dangerous operation, as it is difficult to reverse due to Go modules and automated Docker image publishing. Remember to verify the commands you intend to run for items marked with ⚠️ with the release reviewer. - [ ] ⚠️ Tag HEAD `release` commit with `vX.Y.Z` (`git tag -s vX.Y.Z -m 'Release X.Y.Z'`) -
- # create a signed tag - git tag -s vX.Y.Z -m 'Release X.Y.Z' -
- [ ] Run `git show vX.Y.Z` to ensure the tag is correct. -
- # show the signed tag - git show vX.Y.Z -
- [ ] ⚠️ Push the `vX.Y.Z` tag to GitHub (`git push origin vX.Y.Z`; DO NOT USE `git push --tags` because it pushes all your local tags). -
- # show the signed tag - git push origin vX.Y.Z -
- [ ] Publish the release. - [ ] Wait for [Publish docker image](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/docker-image.yml) workflow run initiated by the tag push to finish. - [ ] Add artifacts to https://dist.ipfs.tech by making a PR against [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions) - [ ] Clone the `ipfs/distributions` repo locally. - [ ] Create a new branch (`kubo-release-vX.Y.Z`) from `master`. -
- # create a new branch - git checkout -b kubo-release-vX.Y.Z -
- [ ] Run `./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z` to add the new version to the `versions` file ([instructions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions#usage)). -
- # add new kubo version to dist - ./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z - git add dists/*/versions - git commit -m "chore: add kubo vX.Y.Z" -
- [ ] Push the `kubo-release-vX.Y.Z` branch to GitHub and create a PR from that branch ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/pull/768)). -
- # push the change - git push origin kubo-release-vX.Y.Z - - # open a PR - gh api /repos/ipfs/distributions/pulls \ - --method POST \ - -f title='chore: add kubo vX.Y.Z' \ - -f head='kubo-release-vX.Y.Z' \ - -f base='master' -
- [ ] Ask for a review from the release reviewer. - [ ] Enable auto-merge for the PR. - PR build will build the artifacts and generate a diff in around 30 minutes - PR will be merged automatically once the diff is approved - `master` build will publish the artifacts to https://dist.ipfs.io in around 30 minutes -
- # get pull id - id=$(gh api --method GET /repos/ipfs/distributions/pulls -f head='kubo-release-vX.Y.Z' --jq '.[0].node_id') - - # enable automerge - gh api graphql -f pull="${id}" -f query='mutation($pull: ID!) { enablePullRequestAutoMerge(input: {pullRequestId: $pull, mergeMethod: SQUASH}) { pullRequest { autoMergeRequest { enabledBy { login } } } } }' -
- [ ] Ensure that the artifacts are available at https://dist.ipfs.io - [ ] Publish the release to [the NPM package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions) by running https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml (it happens automatically but it is safe to speed up the process and kick of a run manually) - [ ] Cut the release on [GitHub](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases) ([instructions](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release), [example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0)) - Use `vX.Y.Z` as the tag. - Copy the relevant [changelog](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/release/docs/changelogs/) into the release description. - Keep the release notes as trim as possible (e.g. remove top headers where possible, [example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0)) -
- # create the release - body="$(curl --retry 5 --no-progress-meter https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ipfs/kubo/release-vX.Y.Z/docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md)" - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/releases \ - --method POST \ - -f tag_name='vX.Y.Z' \ - -f name='vX.Y.Z' \ - -f body="${body}" \ - -F draft=false \ - -F prerelease=false \ - -F generate_release_notes=false \ - -f make_latest=true -
- [ ] Synchronize release artifacts by running [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow. -
- # dispatch workflow - gh api /repos/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml/dispatches \ - --method POST \ - -f ref='master' -
- [ ] TODO: https://github.com/protocol/bifrost-infra/issues/2184#issuecomment-1315279257 - [ ] Announce the release - [ ] Add a link to the release to this release issue as a comment. @@ -548,12 +231,6 @@ Checklist: - [ ] Update the draft PR created for [IPFS Desktop](https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-desktop) to use the new release and mark it as ready for review. - [ ] Update docs - [ ] Run https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/actions/workflows/update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml to generate a PR to the docs repo -
- # dispatch workflow - gh api /repos/ipfs/ipfs-docs/actions/workflows/update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml/dispatches \ - --method POST \ - -f ref='main' -
- [ ] Merge the auto-created PR in https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/pulls ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/pull/1263)) - [ ] Get the blog post created - [ ] Submit a request for blog post creation using [the form](https://airtable.com/shrNH8YWole1xc70I).