This is the official implement of ECCV 2024 paper "SG-NeRF: Neural Surface Reconstruction with Scene Graph Optimization".
The data is organized as follows:
|-- cameras_sphere.npz # camera parameters
|-- database.db # colmap database
|-- train # input images from each view
|-- 000.png
|-- 001.png
Here the cameras_sphere.npz
follows the data format in IDR, where world_mat_xx
denotes the world to image projection matrix, and scale_mat_xx
denotes the normalization matrix.
The database.db
follows the database format in COLMAP.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Training on SG-NeRF dataset
python --case <case_name> --conf ./confs/sgnerf.conf --gpu <cuda_index>
Training on DTU dataset
python --case <case_name> --conf ./confs/dtu.conf --gpu <cuda_index>
Training on custom configuration
python --case <case_name> --conf <config_file> --gpu <cuda_index>
Some code snippets are borrowed from NeuS and COLMAP. Thanks for these great projects.