diff --git a/docs/introduction/README.md b/docs/introduction/README.md index 857e7dd82..016d82cd6 100644 --- a/docs/introduction/README.md +++ b/docs/introduction/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # Introduction -## The IRIS hub +## IRIS Network -## The IRIS Service +## IRIS Hub -## The IRIS Network +## IRIS Tokens + +## IRIS Services diff --git a/docs/introduction/irisnet-intro.md b/docs/introduction/irisnet-intro.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a4821d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/introduction/irisnet-intro.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# IRIS Network + +The IRIS network is an internet of blockchains intended to provide a technology foundation that facilitates construction of distributed business applications. + +![Figure of IRIS Network](https://github.com/irisnet/irisnet/blob/master/images/chap2-1.png?raw=true) + +The IRIS network is part of the larger Cosmos network -- all zones in the network would be able to interact with any other zone in the Cosmos network over the standard IBC protocol. By introducing a layer of service semantics into the network, we are going to provide an innovative solution that enables a whole new set of business scenarios, which would result in an increase in scale and diversity of the Cosmos network. + +# IRIS Hub + +At the "center" of the IRIS network is a blockchain known as the *IRIS Hub*, which is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain built on Cosmos SDK and Tendermint. It will be the first regional hub that connects to the Cosmos Hub as one of its zones. The IRIS hub is equipped with a service protocol that coordinates on-chain transaction processing with off-chain data processing and business logic execution. We have also enhanced the IBC protocol to facilitate cross-chain invocation of those off-chain services, if so desired. + +The service protocol and enhanced IBC protocol could eventually be contributed back into Cosmos SDK, allowing SDK users to develop blockchains that are compatible with the IRIS network. + +Client-facing, programming language specific SDKs will also be available to make it easy to provide and consume off-chain services within the IRIS network. + +# IRIS Tokens + +The IRIS hub has its own native token known as *IRIS*. It is designed to serve three purposes in the network. + +* **Staking.** Similar to the ATOM token in the Cosmos Hub, the IRIS token will be used as a staking token to secure the PoS blockchain. + +* **Transaction Fee.** The IRIS token will also be used to pay fees for all transactions in the IRIS network. + +* **Service Fee.** It is required that service providers in the IRIS network charge service fees denominated in the IRIS token. + +It is intended that the IRIS network will eventually support all whitelisted fee tokens from the Cosmos network, which can be used to pay the transaction fees and service fees. + +# IRIS Services + +*IRIS Services* (a.k.a. "iServices") are introduced to bridge the gap between the blockchain world and the conventional business application world, mediating the complete lifecycle of off-chain services -- from their definition, binding (provider registration), invocation, to their governance (profiling and arbitration). + +## Lifecycle + +* **Definition.** Definition of what an off-chain iService can do in terms of an Interface Definition Language (IDL) file. + +* **Binding.** Declaration of the location (address), pricing and QoS of a provider endpoint that implements a given iService definition. + +* **Invocation.** Handling of consumer requests to and provider responses from a given iService provider endpoint. + +## Providers +*Providers* are network users who offer the implementation of one or more iService definitions and often act as *adaptors* of off-chain services and resources located in other public and consortium chains, as well as in enterprise legacy systems. Providers monitor and process incoming requests and send responses back to the network. A provider could at the same time act as a consumer by sending requests to other providers. As planned, providers would be required to charge a fee for any services they might offer, and the service fee, by default, would be priced in the IRIS token. + +## Consumers +*Consumers* are those users who consume iServices by sending requests to designated provider endpoints and receiving responses from providers in question. + +## Profilers +*Profilers* are special consumers who act on behalf of the IRIS Foundation Limited, a Hong Kong incorporated company limited by guarantee that takes the lead in building the IRIS network. Profilers are the sole users authorized to invoke iServices in the *profiling mode*, which is intended to help create and maintain objective provider profiles that consumers refer to for provider screening. + +## Arbitrators +*Arbitrators* are self-declared users who, working collectively, arbitrate consumer complaints against provider performance. The details about the arbitration mechanism are being actively worked on, please keep an eye on our [whitepaper](resources/whitepaper-en.md). diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/README.md b/docs/zh/introduction/README.md index 857e7dd82..0b860d346 100644 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/README.md +++ b/docs/zh/introduction/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ -# Introduction +# 简介 -## The IRIS hub +## IRIS网络 -## The IRIS Service +## IRIS枢纽 -## The IRIS Network +## IRIS通证 + +## IRIS服务 diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Delegators.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Delegators.md deleted file mode 100644 index c8b484c90..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Delegators.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Delegators diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/IRIS-Tokens.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/IRIS-Tokens.md deleted file mode 100644 index 61d1755e3..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/IRIS-Tokens.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# IRIS Tokens diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Proof-of-Stake.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Proof-of-Stake.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7ec980837..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Proof-of-Stake.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Proof of Stake diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Validators.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Validators.md deleted file mode 100644 index e41e267fe..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Hub/Validators.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Validators diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Network/README.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Network/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8756dfd6a..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Network/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# The IRIS Network diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Consumers.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Consumers.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3476d964e..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Consumers.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Consumers diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Lifecycle.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Lifecycle.md deleted file mode 100644 index 75a17e1af..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Lifecycle.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Lifecycle diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Providers.md b/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Providers.md deleted file mode 100644 index ae4c68601..000000000 --- a/docs/zh/introduction/The-IRIS-Service/Providers.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Providers diff --git a/docs/zh/introduction/irisnet-intro.md b/docs/zh/introduction/irisnet-intro.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..757e430f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh/introduction/irisnet-intro.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# IRIS网络 + +IRIS网络是一个区块链互联网,它旨在提供便于构建分布式商业应用程序的技术基础。 + +![IRIS网络图](https://github.com/irisnet/irisnet/blob/master/images/chap2-1.png?raw=true) + +IRIS网络是更大的Cosmos网络的一部分 - 网络中所有分区都能够通过标准IBC协议与Cosmos网络中的任何其他分区进行交互。通过在网络中引入一层服务语义,我们将提供一种创新的解决方案,支持全新的业务场景,从而增加Cosmos网络的规模和多样性。 + +# IRIS枢纽 + +在IRIS网络的“中心”是一个称为 *IRIS枢纽* 的区块链,它是一个基于Cosmos SDK和Tendermint构建的Proof-of-Stake(PoS)区块链。它将成为第一个连接Cosmos枢纽的地区级枢纽。IRIS枢纽配备了服务协议,该协议将链上的交易处理与链下的数据处理和业务逻辑执行进行协调。我们还增强了IBC协议,以促进那些链下服务在有需要的情况下被跨链调用。 + +服务协议和增强的IBC协议最终可以回馈到Cosmos SDK中,允许SDK用户开发与IRIS网络兼容的区块链。 + +我们也会提供面向客户的、针对特定编程语言的SDK,方便在IRIS网络内轻松提供和使用链下服务。 + +# IRIS通证 + +IRIS枢纽有自己的原生通证,称为 *IRIS*。它旨在为网络中的三个目的服务。 + +* **Staking。** 与Cosmos Hub中的ATOM通证类似,IRIS通证将用作Staking通证以保护PoS区块链的安全运行。 + +* **交易费用。** IRIS通证也将用于支付IRIS网络中所有交易的费用。 + +* **服务费。** IRIS网络中的服务提供者需要以IRIS通证为单位收取服务费。 + +IRIS网络最终将支持来自Cosmos网络的所有列入白名单的费用通证,它们可用于支付交易费用和服务费用。 + +# IRIS服务 + +引入 *IRIS服务*(又名“iServices”)的目标是弥合区块链世界与传统商业应用世界之间的鸿沟,居中协调链下服务的整个生命周期 - 从定义,绑定(提供者注册),调用,直到它们的治理(描画和仲裁)。 + +## 生命周期 + +* **定义。** 根据接口定义语言(IDL)文件定义链下iService可以做什么。 + +* **绑定。** 声明实现给​​定iService定义的提供者端点的位置(地址),定价和服务质量。 + +* **调用。** 处理针对给定iService提供者端点的消费者请求以及相应的提供者响应。 + +## 提供者 +*提供者* 是提供一个或多个iService定义实现的网络用户,通常充当位于其他公有链、联盟链以及企业现有系统中的链下服务和资源的 *适配器*。它们监听和处理传入的请求,并将响应发送回网络。提供者可以通过向其他提供者发送请求来同时充当消费者。按照计划,提供者将被要求为他们可能提供的服务收取费用,默认情况下,服务费将以IRIS通证定价。 + +## 消费者 +*消费者* 是那些使用iServices的用户,他们向指定的提供者端点发送请求并接收相关提供者的响应。 + +## 描画者 +*描画者* 是代表IRIS基金会行动的特殊消费者,作为注册在香港的非盈利机构,IRIS基金会牵头推进IRIS网络的建设。描画者是仅有的被授权以 *描画模式* 调用iServices的用户,该模式旨在帮助创建和维护客观的提供者“画像”,便于消费者筛选提供者时参考。 + +## 仲裁员 +*仲裁员* 是自我声明的一类用户,他们通过协作为消费者对提供者绩效的投诉进行仲裁。有关仲裁机制的细节正在积极设计中,请关注我们的[白皮书](resources/whitepaper-zh.md)。