The main units of APIKit are Request
protocol and Session
class. Request
has properties that represent components of HTTP/HTTPS request. Session
receives an instance of a type that conforms to Request
, then it returns the result of the request. The response type is inferred from the request type, so response type changes depending on the request type.
// SearchRepositoriesRequest conforms to Request protocol.
let request = SearchRepositoriesRequest(query: "swift")
// Session receives an instance of a type that conforms to Request.
Session.send(request) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
// Type of `response` is `[Repository]`,
// which is inferred from `SearchRepositoriesRequest`.
case .failure(let error):
defines several properties and methods. Since many of them have default implementation, components which is necessary for conforming to Request
are following 5 components:
typealias Response
var baseURL: URL
var method: HTTPMethod
var path: String
func response(from object: Any, urlResponse: HTTPURLResponse) throws -> RateLimit
struct RateLimitRequest: Request {
typealias Response = RateLimit
var baseURL: URL {
return URL(string: "")!
var method: HTTPMethod {
return .get
var path: String {
return "/rate_limit"
func response(from object: Any, urlResponse: HTTPURLResponse) throws -> RateLimit {
return try RateLimit(object: object)
struct RateLimit {
let limit: Int
let remaining: Int
init(object: Any) throws {
guard let dictionary = object as? [String: Any],
let rateDictionary = dictionary["rate"] as? [String: Any],
let limit = rateDictionary["limit"] as? Int,
let remaining = rateDictionary["remaining"] as? Int else {
throw ResponseError.unexpectedObject(object)
self.limit = limit
self.remaining = remaining
is a method to send a request that conforms to Request
. The result of the request is expressed as Result<Request.Response, SessionTaskError>
. Result<T, Error>
is from antitypical/Result, which is generic enumeration with 2 cases .success
and .failure
. Request
is a type parameter of Session.send(_:handler:)
which conforms to Request
For example, when Session.send(_:handler:)
receives RateLimitRequest
as a type parameter Request
, the result type will be Result<RateLimit, SessionTaskError>
let request = RateLimitRequest()
Session.send(request) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let rateLimit):
// Type of `rateLimit` is inferred as `RateLimit`,
// which is also known as `RateLimitRequest.Response`.
print("limit: \(rateLimit.limit)")
print("remaining: \(rateLimit.remaining)")
case .failure(let error):
print("error: \(error)")
is an error enumeration that has 3 cases:
: Error of networking backend stack.requestError
: Error while creatingURLRequest
: Error while creatingRequest.Response
from(Data, URLResponse)
also has a type parameter Request
that conforms to Request
. This method takes 2 parameters requestType: Request.Type
and test: Request -> Bool
. requestType
is a type of request to cancel, and test
is a closure that determines if request should be cancelled.
For example, when Session.cancelRequests(with:passingTest:)
receives RateLimitRequest.Type
and { request in true }
as parameters, Session
finds all session tasks associated with RateLimitRequest
in the backend queue. Next, execute { request in true }
for each session tasks and cancel the task if it returns true
. Since { request in true }
always returns true
, all request associated with RateLimitRequest
will be cancelled.
Session.cancelRequests(with: RateLimitRequest.self) { request in
return true
has default parameter for predicate closure, so you can omit the predicate closure like below:
Session.cancelRequests(with: RateLimitRequest.self)