One time meeting link:
Meeting ID: 915 9158 9908 Passcode: 535196
- Isabella
- Michelle
- Mirko (notes)
- Yamil
- Islandora 8 Documentation
- Spreadsheet on Islandora 8 Documentaton
- Islandora 8 Documentation Issues
- Islandora 7 Documentation
- Introductions
- Start planning to add a 3rd co-convener of DIG: previous 3rd co-convener resigned from DIG, because job priorities have changed
- sending out communication seeking 3rd co-convener: not requiring expertise in documentation, Markdown, mostly about facilitation
- timing for email communication: after IslandoraCon
- Sprint pre-planning for Q4 doc sprint?
- IslandoraCon review
- Yamil: wished we had mentioned the docs site search fucntionality, and mentioned the date of the next DIG meeting (today)
- Open pull requests (2-3, max. 20 minutes):
- Open documentation issues
- Review recent documentation repository commits
- Review Discussions to see there is anything to "discuss" or update basedon current meeting
- Michelle: linking terms to glossary entries; guidelines for linking?
- create issue
- add as nice-to-have to documentation styleguide, to link to glossary entries
- Review feature parity document:
- create issue?
- Adding 3rd co-convener: Michelle is interested, but needs to check in about time commitment
- Sprint planning: Consult with Rosie about plans for modularizing Islandora (Defaults)
- TAG meeting, could pose question of versioning/canonicity of Islandora
- Islandora major version numbers dropped at recommendation of tech call/TAG(?), to follow Drupal practice
- IslandoraCon review
- Don Richards asked for demo of building documentation locally; Yamil will send note on Slack that there's video documentation about this
- revisit access to paid Material for MkDocs theme
- Pull requests
- PR #2146 merged
- Issues
- Issue #2151 awaiting further action to update documentation
- Recent commits
- Edits to documentation: encourage community to make small updates directly, without creating a PR; reserve PRs for discussion of terminology, larger changes
- Github Discussions: not much happening
- Linking terms with Glossary entry to text of documentation pages
- add as suggestion to style guide
- keep in mind as possible task for future documentation sprint
- Revisit feature parity document: postponed
- Next meeting: Sept 14th
- revisit feature parity document: Islandora 7.x to Islandora 2 functionality map - feature parity 7 to 8
- add a reminder to the pull request template for code commits to remember documentation
- (long term) Removing "8" from docs, as we switch to numberless branding, add reference/explanation about software versioning changes.
- Co-conveners will come up with text for I8 welcome page based on example Islandora/documentation#1787
- Try different approaches for asking contributors to initiate/provide material for documentation