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A list of parameters affected by a compatibility control action

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceParameters Array ApplianceParameters:
    Struct ApplianceParameter
        - string description
        - Struct ApplianceParameterTable
            - string permissions
            - string unit
            - uri NameListLink
        - integer id
        - string href
        - uri ActiveApplianceParameterSettingsLink
        - uri NameListLink
No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

An appliance is any kind of smart home device

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
loadShedDeviceCategory array loadShedDeviceCategory Yes Yes Yes Yes
sFDI integer sFDI No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
ActiveApplianceControlListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceControlListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceLogEventListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceMonitorListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceParameterCompatibilityActionListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceParameterListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceWorkingModeListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceStatisticListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ConfigurationLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DERListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DeviceInformationLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DeviceStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
FileStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
IPInterfaceListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
LoadShedAvailabilityLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
LogEventListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
PowerStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ExtendedPowerProfileListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List of Appliance Controls

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteApplianceControl href: string href No
None CreateApplianceControl ApplianceControl: Struct ApplianceControl
    - Array ApplianceParameterStates:
        Struct ApplianceParameterState
            - integer now
            - uri ApplianceParameterLink
    - integer creationTime
    - Struct EventStatus
        - integer currentStatus
        - integer dateTime
        - boolean potentiallySuperseded
        - integer potentiallySupersededTime
        - string reason
    - Struct DateTimeInterval
        - integer duration
        - integer start
    - array responseRequired
    - string replyTo
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - integer subscribable
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceControls Array ApplianceControls:
    Struct ApplianceControl
        - Array ApplianceParameterStates:
            Struct ApplianceParameterState
                - integer now
                - uri ApplianceParameterLink
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - array responseRequired
        - string replyTo
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A list of Appliance Monitors

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceMonitors Array ApplianceMonitors:
    Struct ApplianceMonitor
        - Struct ApplianceParameterState
            - integer now
            - uri ApplianceParameterLink
        - integer maxValue
        - integer minValue
        - integer subscribable
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A list of Appliance Parameter Compatibility Actions

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceParameterCompatibilityActions Array ApplianceParameterCompatibilityActions:
    Struct ApplianceParameterCompatibilityAction
        - integer action
        - Array Expressions:
            Struct Expression
                - string logicalConnective
                - string mathOperator
                - integer value
                - uri ApplianceParameterLink
        - integer max
        - string href
        - uri AffectedParametersListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List of Appliance Parameters

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceParameters Array ApplianceParameters:
    Struct ApplianceParameter
        - string description
        - Struct ApplianceParameterTable
            - string permissions
            - string unit
            - uri NameListLink
        - integer id
        - string href
        - uri ActiveApplianceParameterSettingsLink
        - uri NameListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List of Appliance Parameter Sets

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceParameterSets Array ApplianceParameterSets:
    Struct ApplianceParameterSet
        - Array ApplianceParameterSettingss:
            Struct ApplianceParameterSettings
                - Array AvoidedValues:
                    Struct AvoidedValue
                        - integer value
                - integer default
                - integer max
                - integer min
                - string href
                - uri ApplianceParameterLink
        - Array Expressions:
            Struct Expression
                - string logicalConnective
                - string mathOperator
                - integer value
                - uri ApplianceParameterLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A list of Appliance Working Modes

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceWorkingModes Array ApplianceWorkingModes:
    Struct ApplianceWorkingMode
        - string name
        - integer id
        - string href
        - uri ApplianceParameterSetListLink
        - uri NameListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List of names associated with an object, used for internazionalization

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
LocalNames Array LocalNames:
    Struct LocalName
        - string name
        - string language
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold ApplianceStatistic objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ApplianceStatistics Array ApplianceStatistics:
    Struct ApplianceStatistic
        - integer applianceStatisticID
        - string applianceStatisticPayload
        - integer timeStamp
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
applianceStatisticListMaxSize integer applianceStatisticListMaxSize No Yes Yes Yes
applianceStatisticMaxSize integer applianceStatisticMaxSize No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List of Extended Power Profiles for a device

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
energyRemote boolean energyRemote No Yes Yes Yes
ExtendedPowerProfiles Array ExtendedPowerProfiles:
    Struct ExtendedPowerProfile
        - Array PowerProfiles:
            Struct PowerProfile
                - integer alternativeModesNumber
                - integer duration
                - integer minPowerProfileDelay
                - boolean mixEnable
                - Array Modes:
                    Struct Mode
                        - Array EnergyPhases:
                            Struct EnergyPhase
                                - Struct SignedRealEnergy
                                    - integer multiplier
                                    - integer value
                                - integer expectedDuration
                                - integer macroPhaseID
                                - integer maxActivationDelay
                                - integer maxAnticipation
                                - integer maxOverloadPause
                                - Struct ActivePower
                                    - integer multiplier
                                    - integer value
                                - string href
                                - uri EnergyPhaseScheduleStateLink
                        - integer repetitionNumber
                        - integer all
                        - integer results
                        - string href
                - integer subscribable
                - string href
                - uri ExtendedPowerProfilePriceLink
                - uri PowerProfileScheduleContraintsLink
                - uri PowerProfileScheduleStateLink
                - uri PowerProfileStateLink
        - integer results
        - integer all
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
multipleScheduling boolean multipleScheduling No Yes Yes Yes
totalProfileNum integer totalProfileNum No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Price of an Extended Power Profile

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
currency integer currency No Yes Yes Yes
price integer price No Yes Yes Yes
pricePowerOfTenMultiplier integer pricePowerOfTenMultiplier No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Cost associated to all the Extended Power Profiles scheduled for the next 24 hours.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
currency integer currency No Yes Yes Yes
price integer price No Yes Yes Yes
pricePowerOfTenMultiplier integer pricePowerOfTenMultiplier No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Schedule for an Extended Power Profile

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
PowerProfileScheduleLists Array PowerProfileScheduleLists:
    Struct PowerProfileScheduleList
        - integer minPowerProfileDelay
        - Array PowerProfileScheduleModes:
            Struct PowerProfileScheduleMode
                - Array EnergyPhaseSchedules:
                    Struct EnergyPhaseSchedule
                        - integer activationDelay
                        - string href
                        - uri EnergyPhaseLink
                - uri ModeLink
        - integer all
        - integer results
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Scheduling constraints of a Power Profile

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
scheduleMode array scheduleMode No Yes Yes Yes
startAfter integer startAfter No Yes Yes Yes
stopBefore integer stopBefore No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Actual scheduling state of a Power Profile

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None CreatePowerProfileScheduleState PowerProfileScheduleState: Struct PowerProfileScheduleState
    - integer minPowerProfileDelay
    - Array PowerProfileScheduleModeStates:
        Struct PowerProfileScheduleModeState
            - Array EnergyPhaseScheduleStates:
                Struct EnergyPhaseScheduleState
                    - integer activationDelay
                    - string href
                    - uri EnergyPhaseLink
            - uri ModeLink
    - integer all
    - integer results
    - integer subscribable
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
minPowerProfileDelay integer minPowerProfileDelay No Yes Yes Yes
PowerProfileScheduleModeStates Array PowerProfileScheduleModeStates:
    Struct PowerProfileScheduleModeState
        - Array EnergyPhaseScheduleStates:
            Struct EnergyPhaseScheduleState
                - integer activationDelay
                - string href
                - uri EnergyPhaseLink
        - uri ModeLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Actual state of a Power Profile

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
remoteControl boolean remoteControl No Yes Yes Yes
state integer state No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
ActiveEnergyPhaseLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

Returned by the URI provided by DNS\-SD, to allow clients to find the URIs to the resources in which they are interested.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
EndDeviceListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
MirrorUsagePointListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
SelfDeviceLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
CustomerAccountListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DemandResponseProgramListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DERProgramListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
FileListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
MessagingProgramListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
PrepaymentListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ResponseSetListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
TariffProfileListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
UsagePointListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

Status of device

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
changedTime integer changedTime No Yes Yes Yes
onCount integer onCount Yes Yes Yes Yes
opState integer opState Yes Yes Yes Yes
opTime integer opTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Struct Temperature
    - integer multiplier
    - integer subject
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
TimeLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold EndDevice objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteEndDevice href: string href Yes
None CreateEndDevice EndDevice: Struct EndDevice
    - Struct OverallSchedulePricelink
        - string href
    - array loadShedDeviceCategory
    - integer sFDI
    - integer subscribable
    - string href
    - uri ExtendedPowerProfilePriceLink
    - uri FlowReservationRequestListLink
    - uri FlowReservationResponseListLink
    - uri FunctionSetAssignmentsListLink
    - uri PowerProfileScheduleLink
    - uri RegistrationLink
    - uri SubscriptionListLink
    - uri ApplianceStatisticListLink
    - uri ConfigurationLink
    - uri DERListLink
    - uri DeviceInformationLink
    - uri DeviceStatusLink
    - uri FileStatusLink
    - uri IPInterfaceListLink
    - uri LoadShedAvailabilityLink
    - uri LogEventListLink
    - uri PowerStatusLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
EndDevices Array EndDevices:
    Struct EndDevice
        - Struct OverallSchedulePricelink
            - string href
        - array loadShedDeviceCategory
        - integer sFDI
        - integer subscribable
        - string href
        - uri ExtendedPowerProfilePriceLink
        - uri FlowReservationRequestListLink
        - uri FlowReservationResponseListLink
        - uri FunctionSetAssignmentsListLink
        - uri PowerProfileScheduleLink
        - uri RegistrationLink
        - uri SubscriptionListLink
        - uri ApplianceStatisticListLink
        - uri ConfigurationLink
        - uri DERListLink
        - uri DeviceInformationLink
        - uri DeviceStatusLink
        - uri FileStatusLink
        - uri IPInterfaceListLink
        - uri LoadShedAvailabilityLink
        - uri LogEventListLink
        - uri PowerStatusLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Registration represents an authorization to access the resources on a host.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
dateTimeRegistered integer dateTimeRegistered No Yes Yes Yes
pIN integer pIN No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

The EndDevice providing the resources available within the DeviceCapabilities.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
loadShedDeviceCategory array loadShedDeviceCategory Yes Yes Yes Yes
sFDI integer sFDI No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
ExtendedPowerProfileListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ApplianceStatisticListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
ConfigurationLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DERListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DeviceInformationLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
DeviceStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
FileStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
IPInterfaceListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
LoadShedAvailabilityLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
LogEventListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes
PowerStatusLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold FunctionSetAssignments objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
FunctionSetAssignmentss Array FunctionSetAssignmentss:
    Struct FunctionSetAssignments
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
        - string href
        - uri CustomerAccountListLink
        - uri DemandResponseProgramListLink
        - uri DERProgramListLink
        - uri FileListLink
        - uri MessagingProgramListLink
        - uri PrepaymentListLink
        - uri ResponseSetListLink
        - uri TariffProfileListLink
        - uri TimeLink
        - uri UsagePointListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold Subscription objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteSubscription href: string href No
None CreateSubscription Subscription: Struct Subscription
    - Struct Condition
        - integer attributeIdentifier
        - integer lowerThreshold
        - integer upperThreshold
    - integer encoding
    - string level
    - integer limit
    - string notificationURI
    - string subscribedResource
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Subscriptions Array Subscriptions:
    Struct Subscription
        - Struct Condition
            - integer attributeIdentifier
            - integer lowerThreshold
            - integer upperThreshold
        - integer encoding
        - string level
        - integer limit
        - string notificationURI
        - string subscribedResource
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold Notification objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None CreateNotification Notification: Struct Notification
    - string newResourceURI
    - Struct Resource
        - string href
    - integer status
    - string subscriptionURI
    - string subscribedResource
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Notifications Array Notifications:
    Struct Notification
        - string newResourceURI
        - Struct Resource
            - string href
        - integer status
        - string subscriptionURI
        - string subscribedResource
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold Response objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteResponse href: string href Yes
None CreateResponse Response: Struct Response
    - integer createdDateTime
    - array endDeviceLFDI
    - integer status
    - array subject
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Responses Array Responses:
    Struct Response
        - integer createdDateTime
        - array endDeviceLFDI
        - integer status
        - array subject
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold ResponseSet objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ResponseSets Array ResponseSets:
    Struct ResponseSet
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ResponseListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Contains the representation of time, constantly updated.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
currentTime integer currentTime No Yes Yes Yes
dstEndTime integer dstEndTime No Yes Yes Yes
dstOffset integer dstOffset No Yes Yes Yes
dstStartTime integer dstStartTime No Yes Yes Yes
lastSetTime integer lastSetTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
localTime integer localTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
quality integer quality No Yes Yes Yes
tzOffset integer tzOffset No Yes Yes Yes
validUntilTime integer validUntilTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Contains identification and other information about the device that changes very infrequently, typically only when updates are applied, if ever.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
brandID integer brandID Yes Yes Yes Yes
brandName string brandName Yes Yes Yes Yes
CECEDSpecificationVersion integer CECEDSpecificationVersion Yes Yes Yes Yes
companyName string companyName Yes Yes Yes Yes
DRLCCapabilities Struct DRLCCapabilities
    - Struct RealEnergy
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - Struct ActivePower
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - array optionsImplemented
Yes Yes Yes Yes
functionsImplemented array functionsImplemented Yes Yes Yes Yes
lFDI array lFDI No Yes Yes Yes
mfDate integer mfDate No Yes Yes Yes
mfHwVer string mfHwVer No Yes Yes Yes
mfID integer mfID No Yes Yes Yes
mfInfo string mfInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes
mfModel string mfModel No Yes Yes Yes
mfSerNum string mfSerNum No Yes Yes Yes
primaryPower integer primaryPower No Yes Yes Yes
productTypeID integer productTypeID Yes Yes Yes Yes
productTypeName string productTypeName Yes Yes Yes Yes
secondaryPower integer secondaryPower No Yes Yes Yes
swActTime integer swActTime No Yes Yes Yes
swVer string swVer No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
SupportedLocaleListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold SupportedLocale objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteSupportedLocale href: string href No
None CreateSupportedLocale SupportedLocale: Struct SupportedLocale
    - string locale
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
SupportedLocales Array SupportedLocales:
    Struct SupportedLocale
        - string locale
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Contains the status of the device's power sources

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
batteryStatus integer batteryStatus No Yes Yes Yes
changedTime integer changedTime No Yes Yes Yes
currentPowerSource integer currentPowerSource No Yes Yes Yes
estimatedChargeRemaining integer estimatedChargeRemaining Yes Yes Yes Yes
estimatedTimeRemaining integer estimatedTimeRemaining Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEVInfo Struct PEVInfo
    - Struct ActivePower
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - Struct RealEnergy
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - Struct ActivePower
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - integer minimumChargingDuration
    - integer targetStateOfCharge
    - integer timeChargeIsNeeded
    - integer timeChargingStatusPEV
Yes Yes Yes Yes
sessionTimeOnBattery integer sessionTimeOnBattery Yes Yes Yes Yes
totalTimeOnBattery integer totalTimeOnBattery Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List of IPAddr instances.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteIPAddr href: string href Yes
None CreateIPAddr IPAddr: Struct IPAddr
    - array address
    - string href
    - uri RPLInstanceListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
IPAddrs Array IPAddrs:
    Struct IPAddr
        - array address
        - string href
        - uri RPLInstanceListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List of IPInterface instances.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteIPInterface href: string href Yes
None CreateIPInterface IPInterface: Struct IPInterface
    - string ifDescr
    - integer ifHighSpeed
    - integer ifInBroadcastPkts
    - integer ifIndex
    - integer ifInDiscards
    - integer ifInErrors
    - integer ifInMulticastPkts
    - integer ifInOctets
    - integer ifInUcastPkts
    - integer ifInUnknownProtos
    - integer ifMtu
    - string ifName
    - integer ifOperStatus
    - integer ifOutBroadcastPkts
    - integer ifOutDiscards
    - integer ifOutErrors
    - integer ifOutMulticastPkts
    - integer ifOutOctets
    - integer ifOutUcastPkts
    - boolean ifPromiscuousMode
    - integer ifSpeed
    - integer ifType
    - integer lastResetTime
    - integer lastUpdatedTime
    - string href
    - uri IPAddrListLink
    - uri LLInterfaceListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
IPInterfaces Array IPInterfaces:
    Struct IPInterface
        - string ifDescr
        - integer ifHighSpeed
        - integer ifInBroadcastPkts
        - integer ifIndex
        - integer ifInDiscards
        - integer ifInErrors
        - integer ifInMulticastPkts
        - integer ifInOctets
        - integer ifInUcastPkts
        - integer ifInUnknownProtos
        - integer ifMtu
        - string ifName
        - integer ifOperStatus
        - integer ifOutBroadcastPkts
        - integer ifOutDiscards
        - integer ifOutErrors
        - integer ifOutMulticastPkts
        - integer ifOutOctets
        - integer ifOutUcastPkts
        - boolean ifPromiscuousMode
        - integer ifSpeed
        - integer ifType
        - integer lastResetTime
        - integer lastUpdatedTime
        - string href
        - uri IPAddrListLink
        - uri LLInterfaceListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List of LLInterface instances.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteLLInterface href: string href Yes
None CreateLLInterface LLInterface: Struct LLInterface
    - integer CRCerrors
    - array EUI64
    - Struct IEEE_802_15_4
        - array capabilityInfo
        - integer shortAddress
        - uri NeighborListLink
    - integer linkLayerType
    - integer LLAckNotRx
    - integer LLCSMAFail
    - integer LLFramesDropRx
    - integer LLFramesDropTx
    - integer LLFramesRx
    - integer LLFramesTx
    - integer LLMediaAccessFail
    - integer LLOctetsRx
    - integer LLOctetsTx
    - integer LLRetryCount
    - integer LLSecurityErrorRx
    - Struct loWPAN
        - integer octetsRx
        - integer octetsTx
        - integer packetsRx
        - integer packetsTx
        - integer rxFragError
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
LLInterfaces Array LLInterfaces:
    Struct LLInterface
        - integer CRCerrors
        - array EUI64
        - Struct IEEE_802_15_4
            - array capabilityInfo
            - integer shortAddress
            - uri NeighborListLink
        - integer linkLayerType
        - integer LLAckNotRx
        - integer LLCSMAFail
        - integer LLFramesDropRx
        - integer LLFramesDropTx
        - integer LLFramesRx
        - integer LLFramesTx
        - integer LLMediaAccessFail
        - integer LLOctetsRx
        - integer LLOctetsTx
        - integer LLRetryCount
        - integer LLSecurityErrorRx
        - Struct loWPAN
            - integer octetsRx
            - integer octetsTx
            - integer packetsRx
            - integer packetsTx
            - integer rxFragError
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List of 15.4 neighbors.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteNeighbor href: string href Yes
None CreateNeighbor Neighbor: Struct Neighbor
    - boolean isChild
    - integer linkQuality
    - integer shortAddress
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Neighbors Array Neighbors:
    Struct Neighbor
        - boolean isChild
        - integer linkQuality
        - integer shortAddress
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List of RPLInstances associated with the IPinterface.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteRPLInstance href: string href Yes
None CreateRPLInstance RPLInstance: Struct RPLInstance
    - integer DODAGid
    - boolean DODAGroot
    - integer flags
    - boolean groundedFlag
    - integer MOP
    - integer PRF
    - integer rank
    - integer RPLInstanceID
    - integer versionNumber
    - string href
    - uri RPLSourceRoutesListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
RPLInstances Array RPLInstances:
    Struct RPLInstance
        - integer DODAGid
        - boolean DODAGroot
        - integer flags
        - boolean groundedFlag
        - integer MOP
        - integer PRF
        - integer rank
        - integer RPLInstanceID
        - integer versionNumber
        - string href
        - uri RPLSourceRoutesListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

List or RPL source routes if the hosting device is the DODAGroot

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteRPLSourceRoutes href: string href Yes
None CreateRPLSourceRoutes RPLSourceRoutes: Struct RPLSourceRoutes
    - array DestAddress
    - array SourceRoute
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
RPLSourceRoutess Array RPLSourceRoutess:
    Struct RPLSourceRoutes
        - array DestAddress
        - array SourceRoute
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteLogEvent href: string href No
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
LogEvents Array LogEvents:
    Struct LogEvent
        - integer createdDateTime
        - integer extendedData
        - integer functionSet
        - integer logEventCode
        - integer logEventID
        - integer logEventPEN
        - integer profileID
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold LogEvent objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteLogEvent href: string href No
None CreateLogEvent LogEvent: Struct LogEvent
    - integer createdDateTime
    - integer extendedData
    - integer functionSet
    - integer logEventCode
    - integer logEventID
    - integer logEventPEN
    - integer profileID
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
LogEvents Array LogEvents:
    Struct LogEvent
        - integer createdDateTime
        - integer extendedData
        - integer functionSet
        - integer logEventCode
        - integer logEventID
        - integer logEventPEN
        - integer profileID
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

This resource contains various settings to control the operation of the device

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
currentLocale string currentLocale No Yes Yes Yes
PowerConfiguration Struct PowerConfiguration
    - integer batteryInstallTime
    - integer lowChargeThreshold
Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeConfiguration Struct TimeConfiguration
    - array dstEndRule
    - integer dstOffset
    - array dstStartRule
    - integer tzOffset
Yes Yes Yes Yes
userDeviceName string userDeviceName No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
PriceResponseCfgListLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold PriceResponseCfg objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeletePriceResponseCfg href: string href No
None CreatePriceResponseCfg PriceResponseCfg: Struct PriceResponseCfg
    - integer consumeThreshold
    - integer maxReductionThreshold
    - string href
    - uri RateComponentLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
PriceResponseCfgs Array PriceResponseCfgs:
    Struct PriceResponseCfg
        - integer consumeThreshold
        - integer maxReductionThreshold
        - string href
        - uri RateComponentLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold File objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Files Array Files:
    Struct File
        - integer activateTime
        - string fileURI
        - array lFDI
        - string mfHwVer
        - integer mfID
        - string mfModel
        - string mfSerNum
        - string mfVer
        - integer size
        - array type
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

This object provides status of device file load and activation operations.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
activateTime integer activateTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
loadPercent integer loadPercent No Yes Yes Yes
nextRequestAttempt integer nextRequestAttempt No Yes Yes Yes
request503Count integer request503Count No Yes Yes Yes
requestFailCount integer requestFailCount No Yes Yes Yes
status integer status No Yes Yes Yes
statusTime integer statusTime No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
FileLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold DemandResponseProgram objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DemandResponsePrograms Array DemandResponsePrograms:
    Struct DemandResponseProgram
        - integer availabilityUpdatePercentChangeThreshold
        - Struct ActivePower
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - integer primacy
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ActiveEventListLink
        - uri EventListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold EndDeviceControl objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
EndDeviceControls Array EndDeviceControls:
    Struct EndDeviceControl
        - Struct ApplianceLoadReduction
            - integer type
        - array deviceCategory
        - boolean drProgramMandatory
        - Struct DutyCycle
            - integer normalValue
        - boolean loadShiftForward
        - Struct Offset
            - integer coolingOffset
            - integer heatingOffset
            - integer loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset
        - integer overrideDuration
        - Struct SetPoint
            - integer coolingSetpoint
            - integer heatingSetpoint
        - Struct TargetReduction
            - integer type
            - integer value
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - array responseRequired
        - string replyTo
        - string href
        - integer randomizeDuration
        - integer randomizeStart
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Indicates current consumption status and ability to shed load.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
availabilityDuration integer availabilityDuration Yes Yes Yes Yes
sheddablePercent integer sheddablePercent Yes Yes Yes Yes
sheddablePower Struct sheddablePower
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
DemandResponseProgramLink uri Yes Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold MeterReading objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteMeterReading href: string href Yes
None CreateMeterReading MeterReading: Struct MeterReading
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - uri RateComponentListLink
    - uri ReadingLink
    - uri ReadingSetListLink
    - uri ReadingTypeLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
MeterReadings Array MeterReadings:
    Struct MeterReading
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri RateComponentListLink
        - uri ReadingLink
        - uri ReadingSetListLink
        - uri ReadingTypeLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold Reading objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteReading href: string href Yes
None CreateReading Reading: Struct Reading
    - array localID
    - integer subscribable
    - integer consumptionBlock
    - array qualityFlags
    - Struct DateTimeInterval
        - integer duration
        - integer start
    - integer touTier
    - integer value
    - string href
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Readings Array Readings:
    Struct Reading
        - array localID
        - integer subscribable
        - integer consumptionBlock
        - array qualityFlags
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - integer touTier
        - integer value
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold ReadingSet objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteReadingSet href: string href Yes
None CreateReadingSet ReadingSet: Struct ReadingSet
    - Struct DateTimeInterval
        - integer duration
        - integer start
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - uri ReadingListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ReadingSets Array ReadingSets:
    Struct ReadingSet
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ReadingListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Type of data conveyed by a specific Reading. See IEC 61968 Part 9 Annex C for full definitions of these values.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
accumulationBehaviour integer accumulationBehaviour Yes Yes Yes Yes
calorificValue Struct calorificValue
    - integer multiplier
    - integer unit
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
commodity integer commodity Yes Yes Yes Yes
conversionFactor Struct conversionFactor
    - integer multiplier
    - integer unit
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
dataQualifier integer dataQualifier Yes Yes Yes Yes
flowDirection integer flowDirection Yes Yes Yes Yes
intervalLength integer intervalLength Yes Yes Yes Yes
kind integer kind Yes Yes Yes Yes
maxNumberOfIntervals integer maxNumberOfIntervals Yes Yes Yes Yes
numberOfConsumptionBlocks integer numberOfConsumptionBlocks Yes Yes Yes Yes
numberOfTouTiers integer numberOfTouTiers Yes Yes Yes Yes
phase integer phase Yes Yes Yes Yes
powerOfTenMultiplier integer powerOfTenMultiplier Yes Yes Yes Yes
subIntervalLength integer subIntervalLength Yes Yes Yes Yes
supplyDisconnectLimit integer supplyDisconnectLimit Yes Yes Yes Yes
supplyLimit integer supplyLimit Yes Yes Yes Yes
supplyWarningLimit integer supplyWarningLimit Yes Yes Yes Yes
tieredConsumptionBlocks boolean tieredConsumptionBlocks Yes Yes Yes Yes
uom integer uom Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold UsagePoint objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteUsagePoint href: string href Yes
None CreateUsagePoint UsagePoint: Struct UsagePoint
    - string href
    - array roleFlags
    - integer serviceCategoryKind
    - integer status
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - uri MeterReadingListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
UsagePoints Array UsagePoints:
    Struct UsagePoint
        - string href
        - array roleFlags
        - integer serviceCategoryKind
        - integer status
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri MeterReadingListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold ConsumptionTariffInterval objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ConsumptionTariffIntervals Array ConsumptionTariffIntervals:
    Struct ConsumptionTariffInterval
        - integer consumptionBlock
        - Array EnvironmentalCosts:
            Struct EnvironmentalCost
                - integer amount
                - integer costKind
                - integer costLevel
                - integer numCostLevels
        - integer price
        - integer priceRatio
        - integer startValue
        - string href
No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold RateComponent objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
RateComponents Array RateComponents:
    Struct RateComponent
        - Struct UnitValueType
            - integer multiplier
            - integer unit
            - integer value
        - Struct UnitValueType
            - integer multiplier
            - integer unit
            - integer value
        - array roleFlags
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ActiveTimeTariffIntervalListLink
        - uri ReadingTypeLink
        - uri TimeTariffIntervalListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold TariffProfile objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
TariffProfiles Array TariffProfiles:
    Struct TariffProfile
        - integer currency
        - integer pricePowerOfTenMultiplier
        - integer primacy
        - string rateCode
        - integer serviceCategoryKind
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri RateComponentListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold TimeTariffInterval objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
TimeTariffIntervals Array TimeTariffIntervals:
    Struct TimeTariffInterval
        - integer touTier
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - array responseRequired
        - string replyTo
        - string href
        - integer randomizeDuration
        - integer randomizeStart
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
        - uri ConsumptionTariffIntervalListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold MessagingProgram objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
MessagingPrograms Array MessagingPrograms:
    Struct MessagingProgram
        - string locale
        - integer primacy
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
        - string href
        - uri ActiveTextMessageListLink
        - uri TextMessageListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold TextMessage objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
TextMessages Array TextMessages:
    Struct TextMessage
        - string originator
        - integer priority
        - string textMessage
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - string replyTo
        - array responseRequired
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold BillingPeriod objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
BillingPeriods Array BillingPeriods:
    Struct BillingPeriod
        - integer billLastPeriod
        - integer billToDate
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - integer statusTimeStamp
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold BillingReading objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
BillingReadings Array BillingReadings:
    Struct BillingReading
        - Array Charges:
            Struct Charge
                - string description
                - integer kind
                - integer value
        - integer consumptionBlock
        - array qualityFlags
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - integer touTier
        - integer value
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold BillingReadingSet objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
BillingReadingSets Array BillingReadingSets:
    Struct BillingReadingSet
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri BillingReadingListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold CustomerAccount objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
CustomerAccounts Array CustomerAccounts:
    Struct CustomerAccount
        - integer currency
        - string customerAccount
        - string customerName
        - integer pricePowerOfTenMultiplier
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri CustomerAgreementListLink
        - uri ServiceSupplierLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold CustomerAgreement objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
CustomerAgreements Array CustomerAgreements:
    Struct CustomerAgreement
        - string serviceAccount
        - string serviceLocation
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ActiveBillingPeriodListLink
        - uri ActiveProjectionReadingListLink
        - uri ActiveTargetReadingListLink
        - uri BillingPeriodListLink
        - uri HistoricalReadingListLink
        - uri PrepaymentLink
        - uri ProjectionReadingListLink
        - uri TargetReadingListLink
        - uri TariffProfileLink
        - uri UsagePointLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold HistoricalReading objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
HistoricalReadings Array HistoricalReadings:
    Struct HistoricalReading
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri BillingReadingSetListLink
        - uri ReadingTypeLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold ProjectionReading objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
ProjectionReadings Array ProjectionReadings:
    Struct ProjectionReading
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri BillingReadingSetListLink
        - uri ReadingTypeLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold TargetReading objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
TargetReadings Array TargetReadings:
    Struct TargetReading
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri BillingReadingSetListLink
        - uri ReadingTypeLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Organisation that provides services to Customers.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
email string email Yes Yes Yes Yes
phone string phone Yes Yes Yes Yes
providerID integer providerID Yes Yes Yes Yes
web string web Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes
mRID array mRID No Yes Yes Yes
description string description Yes Yes Yes Yes
version integer version Yes Yes Yes Yes

AccountBalance contains the regular credit and emergency credit balance for this given service or commodity prepay instance. It may also contain status information concerning the balance data.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
availableCredit Struct availableCredit
    - Struct RealEnergy
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - integer monetaryUnit
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
No Yes Yes Yes
creditStatus integer creditStatus Yes Yes Yes Yes
emergencyCredit Struct emergencyCredit
    - Struct RealEnergy
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - integer monetaryUnit
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
emergencyCreditStatus integer emergencyCreditStatus Yes Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold CreditRegister objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteCreditRegister href: string href Yes
None CreateCreditRegister CreditRegister: Struct CreditRegister
    - Struct AccountingUnit
        - Struct RealEnergy
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - integer monetaryUnit
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - integer creditType
    - integer effectiveTime
    - string token
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
CreditRegisters Array CreditRegisters:
    Struct CreditRegister
        - Struct AccountingUnit
            - Struct RealEnergy
                - integer multiplier
                - integer value
            - integer monetaryUnit
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - integer creditType
        - integer effectiveTime
        - string token
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold Prepayment objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteUsagePoint href: string href Yes
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
Prepayments Array Prepayments:
    Struct Prepayment
        - Struct AccountingUnit
            - Struct RealEnergy
                - integer multiplier
                - integer value
            - integer monetaryUnit
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - Struct AccountingUnit
            - Struct RealEnergy
                - integer multiplier
                - integer value
            - integer monetaryUnit
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - Struct AccountingUnit
            - Struct RealEnergy
                - integer multiplier
                - integer value
            - integer monetaryUnit
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - integer prepayMode
        - Array UsagePoints:
            Struct UsagePoint
                - string href
                - array roleFlags
                - integer serviceCategoryKind
                - integer status
                - array mRID
                - string description
                - integer version
                - uri MeterReadingListLink
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri AccountBalanceLink
        - uri ActiveCreditRegisterListLink
        - uri ActiveSupplyInterruptionOverrideListLink
        - uri CreditRegisterListLink
        - uri PrepayOperationStatusLink
        - uri SupplyInterruptionOverrideListLink
        - uri UsagePointLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

PrepayOperationStatus describes the status of the service or commodity being conditionally controlled by the Prepayment function set.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
creditTypeChange Struct creditTypeChange
    - integer newType
    - integer startTime
Yes Yes Yes Yes
creditTypeInUse integer creditTypeInUse Yes Yes Yes Yes
serviceChange Struct serviceChange
    - integer newStatus
    - integer startTime
Yes Yes Yes Yes
serviceStatus integer serviceStatus No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold SupplyInterruptionOverride objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
SupplyInterruptionOverrides Array SupplyInterruptionOverrides:
    Struct SupplyInterruptionOverride
        - string description
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - string href
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold FlowReservationRequest objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteFlowReservationRequest href: string href Yes
None CreateFlowReservationRequest FlowReservationRequest: Struct FlowReservationRequest
    - integer creationTime
    - integer durationRequested
    - Struct SignedRealEnergy
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - Struct DateTimeInterval
        - integer duration
        - integer start
    - Struct ActivePower
        - integer multiplier
        - integer value
    - Struct RequestStatus
        - integer dateTime
        - integer requestStatus
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
FlowReservationRequests Array FlowReservationRequests:
    Struct FlowReservationRequest
        - integer creationTime
        - integer durationRequested
        - Struct SignedRealEnergy
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - Struct ActivePower
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - Struct RequestStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - integer requestStatus
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold FlowReservationResponse objects.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
FlowReservationResponses Array FlowReservationResponses:
    Struct FlowReservationResponse
        - Struct RealEnergy
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - Struct ActivePower
            - integer multiplier
            - integer value
        - array subject
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - array responseRequired
        - string replyTo
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Contains control mode information to be used if no active DERControl is found.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DERControlBase Struct DERControlBase
    - integer opModFixedFlow
    - Struct FixedPowerFactor
        - integer displacement
        - integer multiplier
    - Struct FixedVAr
        - integer refType
        - integer value
    - integer opModFixedW
    - Struct DERCurveLink
        - string href
    - Struct CurvePairType
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
    - Struct CurvePairType
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
    - Struct DERCurveLink
        - string href
    - Struct DERCurveLink
        - string href
    - Struct DERCurveLink
        - string href
    - integer rampTms
No Yes Yes Yes
mRID array mRID No Yes Yes Yes
description string description Yes Yes Yes Yes
version integer version Yes Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold DER objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteDER href: string href Yes
None CreateDER DER: Struct DER
    - integer subscribable
    - string href
    - uri AssociatedDERProgramListLink
    - uri AssociatedUsagePointLink
    - uri CurrentDERProgramLink
    - uri DERAvailabilityLink
    - uri DERCapabilityLink
    - uri DERSettingsLink
    - uri DERStatusLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DERs Array DERs:
    Struct DER
        - integer subscribable
        - string href
        - uri AssociatedDERProgramListLink
        - uri AssociatedUsagePointLink
        - uri CurrentDERProgramLink
        - uri DERAvailabilityLink
        - uri DERCapabilityLink
        - uri DERSettingsLink
        - uri DERStatusLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Distributed energy resource settings

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
setGenConnect boolean setGenConnect Yes Yes Yes Yes
setGradW integer setGradW No Yes Yes Yes
setMaxChargeRate Struct setMaxChargeRate
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMaxDischargeRate Struct setMaxDischargeRate
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMaxVA Struct setMaxVA
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMaxVAr Struct setMaxVAr
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMaxVArNeg Struct setMaxVArNeg
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMaxW Struct setMaxW
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
No Yes Yes Yes
setMinPF Struct setMinPF
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setMinPFNeg Struct setMinPFNeg
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setStorConnect boolean setStorConnect Yes Yes Yes Yes
setVRef Struct setVRef
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
setVRefOfs Struct setVRefOfs
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
updatedTime integer updatedTime No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Indicates current reserve generation status

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
availabilityDuration integer availabilityDuration Yes Yes Yes Yes
maxChargeDuration integer maxChargeDuration Yes Yes Yes Yes
readingTime integer readingTime No Yes Yes Yes
reserveChargePercent integer reserveChargePercent Yes Yes Yes Yes
reservePercent integer reservePercent Yes Yes Yes Yes
statVArAvail Struct statVArAvail
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
statWAvail Struct statWAvail
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

Distributed energy resource type and nameplate ratings.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
modesSupported array modesSupported No Yes Yes Yes
rtgA Struct rtgA
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
No Yes Yes Yes
rtgAh Struct rtgAh
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgMaxChargeRate Struct rtgMaxChargeRate
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgMaxDischargeRate Struct rtgMaxDischargeRate
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgMinPF Struct rtgMinPF
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgMinPFNeg Struct rtgMinPFNeg
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgVA Struct rtgVA
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgVAr Struct rtgVAr
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgVArNeg Struct rtgVArNeg
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
rtgW Struct rtgW
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
No Yes Yes Yes
rtgWh Struct rtgWh
    - integer multiplier
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
type integer type No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold DERControl objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteDERControl href: string href Yes
None CreateDERControl DERControl: Struct DERControl
    - Struct DERControlBase
        - integer opModFixedFlow
        - Struct FixedPowerFactor
            - integer displacement
            - integer multiplier
        - Struct FixedVAr
            - integer refType
            - integer value
        - integer opModFixedW
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - Struct CurvePairType
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
        - Struct CurvePairType
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - Struct DERCurveLink
            - string href
        - integer rampTms
    - integer creationTime
    - Struct EventStatus
        - integer currentStatus
        - integer dateTime
        - boolean potentiallySuperseded
        - integer potentiallySupersededTime
        - string reason
    - Struct DateTimeInterval
        - integer duration
        - integer start
    - array responseRequired
    - string replyTo
    - string href
    - integer randomizeDuration
    - integer randomizeStart
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - integer subscribable
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DERControls Array DERControls:
    Struct DERControl
        - Struct DERControlBase
            - integer opModFixedFlow
            - Struct FixedPowerFactor
                - integer displacement
                - integer multiplier
            - Struct FixedVAr
                - integer refType
                - integer value
            - integer opModFixedW
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - Struct CurvePairType
                - Struct DERCurveLink
                    - string href
                - Struct DERCurveLink
                    - string href
            - Struct CurvePairType
                - Struct DERCurveLink
                    - string href
                - Struct DERCurveLink
                    - string href
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - Struct DERCurveLink
                - string href
            - integer rampTms
        - integer creationTime
        - Struct EventStatus
            - integer currentStatus
            - integer dateTime
            - boolean potentiallySuperseded
            - integer potentiallySupersededTime
            - string reason
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - array responseRequired
        - string replyTo
        - string href
        - integer randomizeDuration
        - integer randomizeStart
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - integer subscribable
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold DERCurve objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteDERCurve href: string href Yes
None CreateDERCurve DERCurve: Struct DERCurve
    - integer creationTime
    - Array CurveDatas:
        Struct CurveData
            - integer excitation
            - integer xvalue
            - integer yvalue
    - integer curveType
    - integer rampDecTms
    - integer rampIncTms
    - integer rampPT1Tms
    - integer xMultiplier
    - integer yMultiplier
    - integer yRefType
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DERCurves Array DERCurves:
    Struct DERCurve
        - integer creationTime
        - Array CurveDatas:
            Struct CurveData
                - integer excitation
                - integer xvalue
                - integer yvalue
        - integer curveType
        - integer rampDecTms
        - integer rampIncTms
        - integer rampPT1Tms
        - integer xMultiplier
        - integer yMultiplier
        - integer yRefType
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
Yes Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List element to hold DERProgram objects.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None DeleteDERProgram href: string href Yes
None CreateDERProgram DERProgram: Struct DERProgram
    - integer primacy
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
    - uri ActiveDERControlListLink
    - uri DefaultDERControlLink
    - uri DERControlListLink
    - uri DERCurveListLink
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
DERPrograms Array DERPrograms:
    Struct DERProgram
        - integer primacy
        - string href
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
        - uri ActiveDERControlListLink
        - uri DefaultDERControlLink
        - uri DERControlListLink
        - uri DERCurveListLink
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

DER status information.

Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
genConnectStatus Struct genConnectStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
inverterStatus Struct inverterStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
localControlModeStatus Struct localControlModeStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
manufacturerStatus Struct manufacturerStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - string value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
operationalModeStatus Struct operationalModeStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
readingTime integer readingTime No Yes Yes Yes
stateOfChargeStatus Struct stateOfChargeStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
storageModeStatus Struct storageModeStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
storConnectStatus Struct storConnectStatus
    - integer dateTime
    - integer value
Yes Yes Yes Yes
subscribable integer subscribable No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes

A List of MirrorUsagePoint instances.

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Documentation
None CreateMirrorMeterReading MirrorMeterReading: Struct MirrorMeterReading
    - integer lastUpdateTime
    - Array MirrorReadingSets:
        Struct MirrorReadingSet
            - Array Readings:
                Struct Reading
                    - array localID
                    - integer subscribable
                    - integer consumptionBlock
                    - array qualityFlags
                    - Struct DateTimeInterval
                        - integer duration
                        - integer start
                    - integer touTier
                    - integer value
                    - string href
            - Struct DateTimeInterval
                - integer duration
                - integer start
            - string href
            - array mRID
            - string description
            - integer version
    - integer nextUpdateTime
    - Struct Reading
        - array localID
        - integer subscribable
        - integer consumptionBlock
        - array qualityFlags
        - Struct DateTimeInterval
            - integer duration
            - integer start
        - integer touTier
        - integer value
        - string href
    - Struct ReadingType
        - integer accumulationBehaviour
        - Struct UnitValueType
            - integer multiplier
            - integer unit
            - integer value
        - integer commodity
        - Struct UnitValueType
            - integer multiplier
            - integer unit
            - integer value
        - integer dataQualifier
        - integer flowDirection
        - integer intervalLength
        - integer kind
        - integer maxNumberOfIntervals
        - integer numberOfConsumptionBlocks
        - integer numberOfTouTiers
        - integer phase
        - integer powerOfTenMultiplier
        - integer subIntervalLength
        - integer supplyDisconnectLimit
        - integer supplyLimit
        - integer supplyWarningLimit
        - boolean tieredConsumptionBlocks
        - integer uom
        - string href
    - string href
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
None DeleteMirrorUsagePoint href: string href No
None DeleteReading href: string href Yes
None CreateMirrorUsagePoint MirrorUsagePoint: Struct MirrorUsagePoint
    - array deviceLFDI
    - Array MirrorMeterReadings:
        Struct MirrorMeterReading
            - integer lastUpdateTime
            - Array MirrorReadingSets:
                Struct MirrorReadingSet
                    - Array Readings:
                        Struct Reading
                            - array localID
                            - integer subscribable
                            - integer consumptionBlock
                            - array qualityFlags
                            - Struct DateTimeInterval
                                - integer duration
                                - integer start
                            - integer touTier
                            - integer value
                            - string href
                    - Struct DateTimeInterval
                        - integer duration
                        - integer start
                    - string href
                    - array mRID
                    - string description
                    - integer version
            - integer nextUpdateTime
            - Struct Reading
                - array localID
                - integer subscribable
                - integer consumptionBlock
                - array qualityFlags
                - Struct DateTimeInterval
                    - integer duration
                    - integer start
                - integer touTier
                - integer value
                - string href
            - Struct ReadingType
                - integer accumulationBehaviour
                - Struct UnitValueType
                    - integer multiplier
                    - integer unit
                    - integer value
                - integer commodity
                - Struct UnitValueType
                    - integer multiplier
                    - integer unit
                    - integer value
                - integer dataQualifier
                - integer flowDirection
                - integer intervalLength
                - integer kind
                - integer maxNumberOfIntervals
                - integer numberOfConsumptionBlocks
                - integer numberOfTouTiers
                - integer phase
                - integer powerOfTenMultiplier
                - integer subIntervalLength
                - integer supplyDisconnectLimit
                - integer supplyLimit
                - integer supplyWarningLimit
                - boolean tieredConsumptionBlocks
                - integer uom
                - string href
            - string href
            - array mRID
            - string description
            - integer version
    - string href
    - array roleFlags
    - integer serviceCategoryKind
    - integer status
    - array mRID
    - string description
    - integer version
Name Type Optional Writable Readable Eventable Documentation
MirrorUsagePoints Array MirrorUsagePoints:
    Struct MirrorUsagePoint
        - array deviceLFDI
        - Array MirrorMeterReadings:
            Struct MirrorMeterReading
                - integer lastUpdateTime
                - Array MirrorReadingSets:
                    Struct MirrorReadingSet
                        - Array Readings:
                            Struct Reading
                                - array localID
                                - integer subscribable
                                - integer consumptionBlock
                                - array qualityFlags
                                - Struct DateTimeInterval
                                    - integer duration
                                    - integer start
                                - integer touTier
                                - integer value
                                - string href
                        - Struct DateTimeInterval
                            - integer duration
                            - integer start
                        - string href
                        - array mRID
                        - string description
                        - integer version
                - integer nextUpdateTime
                - Struct Reading
                    - array localID
                    - integer subscribable
                    - integer consumptionBlock
                    - array qualityFlags
                    - Struct DateTimeInterval
                        - integer duration
                        - integer start
                    - integer touTier
                    - integer value
                    - string href
                - Struct ReadingType
                    - integer accumulationBehaviour
                    - Struct UnitValueType
                        - integer multiplier
                        - integer unit
                        - integer value
                    - integer commodity
                    - Struct UnitValueType
                        - integer multiplier
                        - integer unit
                        - integer value
                    - integer dataQualifier
                    - integer flowDirection
                    - integer intervalLength
                    - integer kind
                    - integer maxNumberOfIntervals
                    - integer numberOfConsumptionBlocks
                    - integer numberOfTouTiers
                    - integer phase
                    - integer powerOfTenMultiplier
                    - integer subIntervalLength
                    - integer supplyDisconnectLimit
                    - integer supplyLimit
                    - integer supplyWarningLimit
                    - boolean tieredConsumptionBlocks
                    - integer uom
                    - string href
                - string href
                - array mRID
                - string description
                - integer version
        - string href
        - array roleFlags
        - integer serviceCategoryKind
        - integer status
        - array mRID
        - string description
        - integer version
Yes Yes Yes Yes
all integer all No Yes Yes Yes
results integer results No Yes Yes Yes
href string href No Yes Yes Yes