Plain Java SDK for Minter blockchain
This is fork of Android java libs by MinterTeam
All Android deps removed.
If you don't wish to build it yourself, just take jars from build/libs folder. Native libs are required to run this and can be found in libs/x86 folder. Pass path to native libs as VM parameter:
Use something like this to initialize SDK before use:
private static final String BASE_API_URL_PROD = "";
private static final String GATE_API_URL_PROD = "";
private static final String BASE_NODE_URL_PROD = "";
private static final String BASE_API_URL_TEST = "";
private static final String GATE_API_URL_TEST = "";
private static final String BASE_NODE_URL_TEST = "";
and then...
MinterSDK.initialize(env); //env is TEST or PROD
if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("prod")) {
BuildConfig.BLOCKCHAIN_ID = BlockchainID.MainNet;
MinterExplorerApi.initialize(BASE_API_URL_PROD, GATE_API_URL_PROD);
} else {
BuildConfig.BLOCKCHAIN_ID = BlockchainID.TestNet;
MinterExplorerApi.initialize(BASE_API_URL_TEST, GATE_API_URL_TEST);