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it4e edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 3 revisions



chl_next_arg, CHL next argument


char * chl_next_arg(char * args);


The chl_next_arg function is used to get the next argument associated with the calling CHL function.


  • args: on first call, the char * args variable passed to the calling CHL function. Then on further calls, NULL.

Return value

A char pointer to the next argument, or 0 if function has reached last argument.



#include <chl/chl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void print(char * args) {
    char * arg;

    if((arg = chl_next_arg(args)))
        fputs(arg, stdout);

    while((arg = chl_next_arg(NULL))
        fputs(arg, stdout);

int main() {
    chl_func_append("print", print);
    chl_func("print", "'Hello', 'world'");

Output: Helloworld

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