I'm Itay, and i love making my computer look and behave just like i want it to. These are my Dotfiles, with 3 (Technically 4) themes. Enjoy!
OS | macOS (Ventura, 13.1) |
Machine | M1 MacBook Pro, Late 2020 |
WM | yabai |
Bar | sketchybar |
Menu | Dmenu |
Terminal | alacritty |
- 3 (Technically 4) different themes instead of 1
- A dmenu script to easily switch between these themes
- Not just themes, A bunch of dmenu scripts!
To install my Dotfiles, i made an easy install script. To use it, run the following command.
/bin/sh -c "$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itaysharir/Dotfiles/main/install.sh)"
Running the script is recommended over installing manually, manual installing can cause issues with dmenu.
For manual setup
- If you don't have brew installed, obviously install it
if ! command -v brew &> /dev/null
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
echo "brew is already installed, you're set."
- Install the rest of the dependencies
# programs
brew tap FelixKratz/formulae
brew install sketchybar
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
brew install alacritty
brew install jq
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
brew install cava
brew install starship
# fonts
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-ubuntu
brew install font-fontawesome
brew install font-hack-nerd-font
brew install font-fira-code-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-monocraft
# fonts that aren't avalible in brew
git clone https://github.com/itaysharir/Dotfiles ~/Dotfiles && cd Dotfiles
cd misc/fonts
cp Pacman-Dots.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/Pacman-Dots.ttf
# theme spacific
cd ~/Dotfiles
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/sketchybar ~/.config/sketchybar
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/yabai ~/.config/yabai
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/skhd ~/.config/skhd
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/alacritty ~/.config/alacritty
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/nvim ~/.config/nvim
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/cava ~/.config/cava
# not theme spacific
cp -r config/dmenu-scripts ~/.config/dmenu-scripts
cp config/zsh/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
cp -r config/zsh/.zsh ~/.zsh
cp config/starship/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml
brew sevices start yabai
brew sevices start skhd
brew sevices start sketchybar
- Install macports (the following command is for macos ventura, install manually for other versions)
if ! command -v port &> /dev/null
brew install wget
wget https://github.com/macports/macports-base/releases/download/v2.8.0/MacPorts-2.8.0-13-Ventura.pkg
open MacPorts-2.8.0-13-Ventura.pkg
echo "_________"
echo ""
echo "Follow the instructions on-screen to install macports"
echo "macports is already installed, you're set."
- Install dependencies for dmenu (on mac) with macports (This procces is going to take some time, DO NOT cancel the installation in the middle)
sudo port install dmenu
sudo port uninstall dmenu
# installing and then uninstalling right away might seem pointless, but this way all dependencies are installed.
- Install dependencies for the wallpaper script
sudo port install sxiv # image viewer
# pywal fork
sudo pip3 uninstall pywal; sudo rm $(which wal) # if pywal is installed, remove it
git clone https://github.com/robwaz/pywal && cd pywal
sudo pip3 install -e ./ # build
- If you didn't follow the instructions in "Setup - Themes", run the following:
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
git clone https://github.com/itaysharir/Dotfiles ~/Dotfiles
cd Dotfiles
cp -r config/rices/Pacman/skhd ~/.config/skhd
- Now cd into dmenu/dmenu-4.9 and compile
cd dmenu/dmenu-4.9
sudo make install
brew services restart skhd
- Reboot
- Now dmenu and the scripts are installed. If you've followed all above instructions, you should be able to hit
cmd + shift + return
to open the dmenu script that launches apps. See my skhd config for additional keyblindings.
- If Xquartz crashes immediately after hitting the keyblindings or running dmenu, remove ~/.xinitrc
mv ~/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc.backup
- If dmenu doesn't work when the "Dotfiles" folder is removed, copy the "dmenu" folder to a new location (because you cannot remove that folder), then change the variable $FOLDER in ~/.config/dmenu-scripts/config.sh to the new dmenu folder location.
- Obviously, DT. I took HUGE insporation for the "DT's Xmonad" theme from your xmobar & xmonad configs.
- gh0stzk I also took HUGE inspotations from your Emilia theme for my "Pacman" theme. I also completly ripped off your README.md design