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Creating an example

Rainer Klute edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

All you need to create an example basically is a YAKINDU Statechart Tools project. There are one or two things you should consider before attempting to publish it as an YAKINDU Statechart Tools example.

  1. Ideally your example should explain one specific thing; the scope should be clear.
  • Good:

    I created an example showing how to use Deep History States.

  • Also good:

    I created an operation that adds certain features to statecharts, e.g. getting the current time.

  • You can also use stuff not directly belonging to YAKINDU Statechart Tools:

    I created a statechart and want to show how to use it on a certain platform.

  • Not as good:

    I created an insanely huge statechart and used all available features at once.

  1. Your statechart should be as limited in size as possible. An example should explain.

As you can see, these requirements are pretty loose. If you think your project fits to them, continue reading.

Forking the Examples Repository

You need a GitHub account to do the following.

  1. Navigate to Yakindu/examples.
  2. In the upper right, there's a Fork button. Click on it.
  3. Now you have a copy of the examples repository in your account. You can modify it as you like.
  4. Clone your forked repository to your computer.
  5. Move your project directory to the repository directory on your machine. The directory name should match the project name. If needed, please rename the directory so it matches the examples repository's naming conventions.

Now you need to make sure that other users have a chance to understand what your example does and why they should try it. Also, YAKINDU Statechart Tools's example wizard needs a way to know that your directory contains an example.

Continue with section "Documenting an Example".