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We are the Plasma Physics group at the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics at Graz University of Technology. Our research is on kinetic plasma theory and numerical simulations to support the development of future fusion reactors.
News from EUROfusion News from Fusion@ÖAW
Interested in our research in fusion plasma physics? You can find a summary in the research{:style="color:Blue"} section for further details on our various research topics.
A full list of our publications is currently available on Zotero{:target="_blank"}
Who are we? Here's a list of current and former group members{:style="color:Blue"}
Our current lectures, as well as additional teaching materials can be found in [teaching]({% link students/ %}){:style="color:Blue"}.
Looking for a Bachelor or Master's Thesis? [Here]({% link students/ %}){:style="color:Blue"} you can find some open thesis topics, as well as past and current theses.