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Christopher Albert{:style="decoratopn:none;color:black"}
Theoretical plasma physicist with core expertize on Hamiltonian theory and symplectic methods for the guiding-center approximation of plasma particles. My broader vision in theory and modeling is to establish physics-consistent numerics and data analysis with consistent uncertainty propagation to the end result. Main contact person for organization and research collaborations. I teach plasma theory and programming lectures oriented towards practice in research and scientific software development. Lately, the experimentalist Georg Harrer and I initiated the ALPS project on small stellarators. You can find more resources on my personal website.
Winfried Kernbichler{:style="decoration:none;color:black;border:none"}
Theoretical plasma physicist with a long research history in neoclassical transport theory in stellarators. Strong interest in innovative teaching method and maintainer of the ITPTutor e-learning platform. Main responsible for the Programming in Physics lecture series. Contact person for collaboration with the Greifswald division of Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics.
Sergei Kasilov{:style="decoration:none;color:black;border:none"}
Senior Researcher
Theoretical plasma physicist with long experience in theoretical and numerical methods for transport and heating and resonant wave-particle interaction. Contact person for collaboration with Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Ukraine.
Patrick Lainer{:style="color:black;border:none"}
I'm a PhD student working on hybrid MHD/kinetic modelling with the code MEPHIT. As a university assistant, I'm also involved in teaching, especially in the programming courses. Besides research and teaching, I'm also active in the students union.
PostDoc `TOK/RMP | STEL/W7X`I'm a PostDoc working in the area of kinetic plasma response to magnetic pertubations. In particular, I'm interested in how to reliably suppress edge localized instabilities in tokamaks. Apart from my research, I enjoy running, and listening to and making music.
PhD student `TOK/EDGE | STEL/W7X`I am a PhD student funded by the KKKÖ (Kommission für die Koordination der Kernfusionsforschung in Österreich). My work deals with the kinetic modelling of ions in fusion devices with realistic collision operators. In my free time, I like to play the piano, do sports and engage in religious activities.
## Alumni
Martin Heyn{:style="color:black;border:none"}
Theoretical plasma physicist with expertize in both, astrophysical and fusion plasmas and their fundamentals. Strong interest in mathematical methods and Hamiltonian theory and their application to chaotic systems.
Rico Buchholz{:style="decoration:none;color:black;border:none"}
Theoretical plasma physicist with experience in neoclassical and turbulent transport theory and simulation. Currently maintaining the NEO-2 neoclassical transport code and applications to neoclassical toroidal viscous torque in tokamaks and current drive in stellarators.