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Nuxt OIDC Auth

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Welcome to Nuxt OIDC Auth, a Nuxt module focusing on native OIDC (OpenID Connect) based authentication for Nuxt with a high level of customizability and security for SSR applications. This module doesn't use any external dependencies outside of the unjs ecosystem except for token validation (the well known and tested jose library for JWT interactions). This module's session implementation is based on nuxt-auth-utils.


🔒  Secured & sealed cookies sessions
📝  Generic spec compliant OpenID connect provider with fully configurable OIDC flow (state, nonce, PKCE, token request, ...)
⚙️  Presets for popular OIDC providers
🗂️  Multi provider support with auto registered routes (/auth/<provider>/login, /auth/<provider>/logout, /auth/<provider>/callback)
👤  useOidcAuth composable for getting the user information, logging in and out, refetching the current session and triggering a token refresh
💾  Encrypted server side refresh/access token storage powered by unstorage
📤  Optional global middleware with automatic redirection to default provider or a custom login page (see playground)
🔑  Optional token validation
🕙  Optional session expiration check based on token expiration
↩️  Optional automatic session renewal when token is expired

If you are looking for a module that supports local authentication (and more) provided by your Nuxt server, check out the nuxt-auth module from sidebase (powered by authjs and NextAuth) ➡️ nuxt-auth

Recent breaking changes

⚠️ Since 0.16.0, the data from the providers userInfo endpoint is written into userInfo on the user object instead of providerInfo. Please adjust your nuxt.config.ts and .env/environment files and configurations accordingly. If you are using the user object from the useOidcAuth composable change the access to providerInfo to userInfo.

Security information

This module only implements the Authorization Code Flow and optionally the Hybrid Flow in a confidential client scenario as detailed in the OpenID Connect specification. We will not support the Implicit Flow in the future, as it should not be used anymore and was practically superseded by the Authorization Code Flow. We will also not support the Client Credential Flow, as it is not part of OIDC, but of OAuth2 and is correctly named Client Credentials Grant. It is basically just an exchange of credentials for a token, is not meant for user authentication and can easily be implemented using a simple fetch request.

This module only works with SSR (server-side rendering) enabled as it uses server API routes. You cannot use this module with nuxt generate.


Add nuxt-oidc-auth dependency to your project

With nuxi

pnpm dlx nuxi@latest module add nuxt-oidc-auth

or manually

pnpm add -D nuxt-oidc-auth

Add nuxt-oidc-auth to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [

Set secrets

Nuxt OIDC Auth uses three different secrets to encrypt the user session, the individual auth sessions and the persistent server side token store. You can set them using environment variables or in the .env file. All of the secrets are auto generated if not set, but should be set manually in production. This is especially important for the session storage, as it won't be accessible anymore if the secret changes, for example, after a server restart.

If you need a reference how you could generate random secrets or keys, we created an example as a starting point: Secrets generation example

  • NUXT_OIDC_TOKEN_KEY (random key): This needs to be a random cryptographic AES key in base64. Used to encrypt the server side token store. You can generate a key in JS with await subtle.exportKey('raw', await subtle.generateKey({ name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256, }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'])). You just have to encode it to base64 afterwards.
  • NUXT_OIDC_SESSION_SECRET (random string): This should be a at least 48 characters random string. It is used to encrypt the user session.
  • NUXT_OIDC_AUTH_SESSION_SECRET (random string): This should be a at least 48 characters random string. It is used to encrypt the individual sessions during OAuth flows.

Add a NUXT_OIDC_SESSION_SECRET env variable with at least 48 characters in the .env file.

# .env

✨ That's it! You can now add authentication with a predifined provider or a custom OIDC provider to your Nuxt app ✨

Authentication Provider Presets

Nuxt OIDC Auth includes presets for the following providers with tested default values:

Provider specific configurations

Some providers have specific additional fields that can be used to extend the authorization, logout or token request. These fields are available via. additionalAuthParameters, additionalLogoutParameters or additionalTokenParameters in the provider configuration.

⚠️ Tokens will only be validated if the clientId or the optional audience field is part of the access_tokens (or id_token if existent) audiences. Even if validateAccessToken or validateIdToken is set, if the audience doesn't match, the token should not and will not be validated. Some providers like Entra or Zitadel don't or just in certain cases provide a parsable JWT access token. Validation will fail for these and should be disable, even if the audience is set.

The redirectUri property is always required and should always point to the callback uri of the specific provider. For Auth0 it should look like this https://YOURDOMAIN/auth/auth0/callback. The playgrounds nuxt.config.ts has examples for multiple providers.

If there is no preset for your provider, you can add a generic OpenID Connect provider by using the oidc provider key in the configuration. Remember to set the required fields and expect your provider to behave slightly different than defined in the OAuth and OIDC specifications. For security reasons, you should avoid writing the client secret directly in the nuxt.config.ts file. You can use environment variables to inject settings into the runtime config. Check the .env.example file in the playground folder for reference.

Also consider creating an issue to request additional providers being added.



Provider support:

❌  Nonce
✅  State
✅  Access Token validation
❌  ID Token validation


Additional parameters to be used in additionalAuthParameters, additionalTokenParameters or additionalLogoutParameters:

Option Type Default Description
connection string - Optional. Forces the user to sign in with a specific connection. For example, you can pass a value of github to send the user directly to GitHub to log in with their GitHub account. When not specified, the user sees the Auth0 Lock screen with all configured connections. You can see a list of your configured connections on the Connections tab of your application.
organization string - Optional. ID of the organization to use when authenticating a user. When not provided, if your application is configured to Display Organization Prompt, the user will be able to enter the organization name when authenticating.
invitation string - Optional. Ticket ID of the organization invitation. When inviting a member to an Organization, your application should handle invitation acceptance by forwarding the invitation and organization key-value pairs when the user accepts the invitation.
loginHint string - Optional. Populates the username/email field for the login or signup page when redirecting to Auth0. Supported by the Universal Login experience.
audience string - Optional. The unique identifier of the API your web app wants to access.

Depending on the settings of your apps Credentials tab, set authenticationScheme to body for 'Client Secret (Post)', set to header for 'Client Secret (Basic)', set to '' for 'None'

AWS Cognito

Provider support:

✅  Nonce
✅  State
❌  Access Token validation
❌  ID Token validation

AWS Congito doesn't correctly implement the OAuth 2 standard and doesn't provide a aud field for the audience. Therefore it is not possible to verify the access or id token.


For AWS Cognito you have to provide at least the baseUrl, clientId, clientSecret and logoutRedirectUri properties. The baseUrl is used to dynamically create the authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, logoutUrl and userInfoUrl. The only supported OAuth grant type is Authorization code grant. The final url should look something like this You will also encounter an error, if you have not correctly registered the redirectUri under "Allowed callback URLs" or the logoutRedirectUri under "Allowed sign-out URLs". If you need additional scopes, specify them in the scope property in you nuxt config like scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],.

Entra ID/Microsoft

Provider support:

✅  Nonce
✅  State
⚠️  Access Token validation (Supported, but disabled as only possible for custom audience tokens)
✅  ID Token validation


Additional parameters to be used in additionalAuthParameters, additionalTokenParameters or additionalLogoutParameters:

Option Type Default Description
resource string - Optional. The resource identifier for the requested resource.
audience string - Optional. The audience for the token, typically the client ID.
prompt string - Optional. Indicates the type of user interaction that is required. Valid values are login, none, consent, and select_account.
loginHint string - Optional. You can use this parameter to pre-fill the username and email address field of the sign-in page for the user. Apps can use this parameter during reauthentication, after already extracting the login_hint optional claim from an earlier sign-in.
logoutHint string - Optional. Enables sign-out to occur without prompting the user to select an account. To use logout_hint, enable the login_hint optional claim in your client application and use the value of the login_hint optional claim as the logout_hint parameter.
domainHint string - Optional. If included, the app skips the email-based discovery process that user goes through on the sign-in page, leading to a slightly more streamlined user experience.

If you want to validate access tokens from Microsoft Entra ID (previously Azure AD), you need to make sure that the scope includes your own API. You have to register an API first and expose some scopes to your App Registration that you want to request. If you only have GraphAPI entries like openid, mail GraphAPI specific ones in your scope, the returned access token cannot and should not be verified. If the scope is set correctly, you can set validateAccessToken option to true.

If you use this module with Entra External ID (previously Entra ID for Customers) make sure you have set the audience config field to your application id, otherwise it will not be possible to get a valid OpenID Connect well-known configuration and thereby verify the JWT token.


Provider support:

❌  Nonce
✅  State
❌  Access Token validation
❌  ID Token validation


GitHub is not strictly an OIDC provider, but it can be used as one. Make sure that validation is disabled and that you keep the skipAccessTokenParsing option to true.

Try to use a GitHub App, not the legacy OAuth app. They don't provide the same level of security, have no granular permissions, don't provide refresh tokens and are not tested.

Make sure to set the callback URL in your OAuth app settings as <your-domain>/auth/github.


Provider support:

✅  Nonce
❌  State
✅  Access Token validation
❌  ID Token validation


Additional parameters to be used in additionalAuthParameters, additionalTokenParameters or additionalLogoutParameters:

Option Type Default Description
realm string - Optional. This parameter allows to slightly customize the login flow on the Keycloak server side. For example, enforce displaying the login screen in case of value login.
realm string - Optional. Used to pre-fill the username/email field on the login form.
realm string - Optional. Used to tell Keycloak to skip showing the login page and automatically redirect to the specified identity provider instead.
realm string - Optional. Sets the 'ui_locales' query param.

For more information on these parameters, check the KeyCloak documentation.

For Keycloak you have to provide at least the baseUrl, clientId and clientSecret properties. The baseUrl is used to dynamically create the authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, logoutUrl and userInfoUrl. Please include the realm you want to use in the baseUrl (e.g. https://<keycloak-url>/realms/<realm>). If you don't want to use the post logout redirect feature of key cloak, set logoutUrl to undefined or ''. Also remember to enable Client authentication to be able to get a client secret.


Provider support:

✅  Nonce
✅  State
❌  Access Token validation
✅  ID Token validation


For Zitadel you have to provide at least the baseUrl, clientId and clientSecret properties. The baseUrl is used to dynamically create the authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, logoutUrl and userInfoUrl. The provider supports PKCE and Code authentication schemes. For PKCE just leave the clientSecret set to an empty string ('').

Example configuration

zitadel: {
  clientId: '',
  clientSecret: '', // Works with PKCE and Code flow, just leave empty for PKCE
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/zitadel/callback', // Replace with your domain
  baseUrl: '', // For example
  audience: '', // Specify for id token validation, normally same as clientId
  logoutRedirectUri: '', // Needs to be registered in Zitadel portal
  authenticationScheme: 'none', // Set this to 'header' if Code is used instead of PKCE

Vue Composable

Nuxt OIDC Auth automatically adds some API routes to interact with the current user session and adds the useOidcAuth composable, which provides the following refs and methods to access the session from your Vue components:

  • loggedIn
  • user
  • currentProvider
  • fetch
  • refresh
  • login
  • logout

loggedIn => (boolean)

Indicates whether the user is currently logged in.

Example usage:

const { loggedIn } = useOidcAuth()

if (loggedIn.value) {
  console.log('User is logged in')
else {
  console.log('User is not logged in')

login(provider?: ProviderKeys | 'dev', params?: Record<string, string>) => (Promise)

Initiates the login process.


Name Description
provider The authentication provider to use. If not specified, uses the default provider.
params Additional parameters to include in the login request. Each parameters has to be listed in 'allowedClientAuthParameters' in the provider configuration.

Example usage:

<script setup>
const { loggedIn, user, login, logout } = useOidcAuth()

  <div v-if="loggedIn">
    <h1>Welcome {{ user.userName }}!</h1>
    <p>Logged in since {{ user.loggedInAt }}</p>
    <button @click="logout()">
  <div v-else>
    <h1>Not logged in</h1>
    <a href="/auth/github/login">Login with GitHub</a>
    <button @click="login()">
      Login with default provider

user => (object)

The current user object.

currentProvider => (string)

The name of the currently logged in provider.

fetch() => (void)

Fetches/updates the current user session.

refresh() => (void)

Refreshes the current user session against the used provider to get a new access token. Only available if the current provider issued a refresh token (indicated by canRefresh property in the user object).

logout(provider: string) => (Promise)

Handles the logout process. Always provide the optional provider parameter if you haven't set a default provider. You can get the current provider from the currentProvider property.

Example usage:

<script setup>
const { logout } = useOidcAuth()

  <button @click="logout()">

Example usage with no default provider configured or middleware customLoginPage set to true:

<script setup>
const { logout, currentProvider } = useOidcAuth()

  <button @click="logout(currentProvider)">

User object

The user object provided by useOidcAuth contains the following properties:

Name Type Description
provider string Name of the provider used to log in the current session
canRefresh boolean Whether the current session exposed a refresh token
loggedInAt number Login timestamp in second precision
updatedAt number Refresh timestamp in second precision
expireAt number Session expiration timestamp in second precision. Either loggedInAt plus session max age or expiration of access token if available.
userInfo Record<string, unknown> Additional information coming from the provider's userinfo endpoint
userName string Coming either from the provider or from the configured mapped claim
claims Record<string, unknown> Additional optional claims from the id token, if optionalClaims setting is configured.
accessToken string Exposed access token, only existent when exposeAccessToken is configured.
idToken string Exposed access token, only existent when exposeIdToken is configured.

You can extend the type for your provider info by creating a type declaration file (for example, auth.d.ts) in your project:

declare module '#oidc-auth' {
  interface UserInfo {
    // define the type here e.g.,
    providerName: string

Server Utils

The following helpers are auto-imported in your server/ directory.


This module can automatically add a global middleware to your Nuxt server. You can enable it by setting globalMiddlewareEnabled under the middleware section of the config. The middleware automatically redirects all requests to /auth/login if the user is not logged in. You can disable this behavior by setting redirect to false in the middleware configuration. The /auth/login route is only configured if you have defined a default provider. If you want to use a custom login page and keep your default provider or don't want to set a default provider at all, you can set customLoginPage to true in the middleware configuration.

If you set customLoginPage to true, you have to manually add a login page to your Nuxt app under /auth/login. You can use the login method from the useOidcAuth composable to redirect the user to the respective provider login page. Setting customLoginPage to true will also disable the /auth/logout route. You have to manually add a logout page to your Nuxt app under /auth/logout and use the logout method from the useOidcAuth composable to logout the user or make sure that you always provide the optional provider parameter to the logout method.

<script setup>
const { logout, currentProvider } = useOidcAuth()

  <button @click="logout(currentProvider)">

⚠️ Everything under the /auth path is not protected by the global middleware. Make sure to not use this path for any other purpose than authentication.

Session expiration and refresh

Nuxt OIDC Auth automatically checks if the session is expired and refreshes it if necessary. You can disable this behavior by setting expirationCheck and automaticRefresh to false in the session configuration. The session is automatically refreshed when the session object is accessed. You can also manually refresh the session using refresh from useOidcAuth on the client or on the server side by calling refreshUserSession(event).

Session expiration and refresh is handled completely server side, the exposed properties in the user session are automatically updated. You can theoretically register a hook that overwrites session fields like loggedInAt, but this is not recommended and will be overwritten with each refresh.

OIDC Event Handlers

All configured providers automatically register the following server routes.

  • /auth/<provider>/callback
  • /auth/<provider>/login
  • /auth/<provider>/logout

In addition, if defaultProvider is set, the following route rules are registered as forwards to the default provider.

  • /auth/login
  • /auth/logout

Using the session in server side code

You can access the user session in your server side code by using the getUserSession function from the @nuxtjs/oidc-auth module.

import { getUserSession } from "nuxt-oidc-auth/runtime/server/utils/session.mjs"

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const session = await getUserSession(event)
  return session.userName

Be careful to not expose any sensitive information from the handler code.


The following hooks are available to extend the default behavior of the OIDC module:

  • fetch (Called when a user session is fetched)
  • clear (Called before a user session is cleared)
  • refresh (Called before a user session is refreshed)

⚠️ Remember to also update the refresh hook if you modify the session, as claims and other fields would otherwise be wiped.


export default defineNitroPlugin(() => {
  sessionHooks.hook('fetch', async (session) => {
    // Extend User Session
    // Or throw createError({ ... }) if session is invalid
    // session.extended = {
    //   fromHooks: true
    // }
    console.log('Injecting "status" claim as test')
    if (!(Object.keys(session).length === 0)) {
      const claimToAdd = { status: 'Fetch' } = {, ...claimToAdd }

  sessionHooks.hook('refresh', async (session) => {
    console.log('Injecting "status" claim as test on refresh')
    if (!(Object.keys(session).length === 0)) {
      const claimToAdd = { status: 'Refresh' } = {, ...claimToAdd }

  sessionHooks.hook('clear', async (session) => {
    // Log that user logged out
    console.log('User logged out')

You can theoretically register a hook that overwrites internal session fields like loggedInAt, but this is not recommended as it has an impact on the loggedIn state of your session. It will not impact the server side refresh and expiration logic, but will be overwritten with each refresh.

Configuration reference

The configuration for this module can be defined in your nuxt.config.ts file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  oidc: {
    defaultProvider: '<provider>',
    providers: {
      <provider>: {
        clientId: '...',
        clientSecret: '...'
    middleware: {
      globalMiddlewareEnabled: true,
      customLoginPage: false


Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean - Enables/disables the module
defaultProvider string - Sets the default provider. Enables automatic registration of generic /auth/login and /auth/logout route rules
providers <provider> - Configuration entries for each configured provider. For provider specific config see Provider specific configurations
session AuthSessionConfig - Optional session specific configuration
middleware MiddlewareConfig - Optional middleware specific configuration
devMode DevModeConfig - Configuration for local dev mode
provideDefaultSecrets boolean true Provide defaults for NUXT_OIDC_SESSION_SECRET, NUXT_OIDC_TOKEN_KEY and NUXT_OIDC_AUTH_SESSION_SECRET using a Nitro plugin. Turning this off can lead to the app not working if no secrets are provided



Option Type Default Description
clientId string - Client ID
clientSecret string - Client Secret
responseType 'code' | 'code token' | 'code id_token' | 'id_token token' | 'code id_token token' (optional) code Response Type
authenticationScheme 'header' | 'body' (optional) header Authentication scheme
responseMode 'query' | 'fragment' | 'form_post' | string (optional) - Response mode for authentication request
authorizationUrl string (optional) - Authorization endpoint URL
tokenUrl string (optional) - Token endpoint URL
userInfoUrl string (optional) '' Userinfo endpoint URL
redirectUri string (optional) - Redirect URI
grantType 'authorization_code' | 'refresh_token' (optional) authorization_code Grant Type
scope string[] (optional) ['openid'] Scope
pkce boolean (optional) false Use PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange)
state boolean (optional) true Use state parameter with a random value. If state is not used, the nonce parameter is used to identify the flow.
nonce boolean (optional) false Use nonce parameter with a random value.
userNameClaim string (optional) '' User name claim that is used to get the user name from the access token as a fallback in case the userinfo endpoint is not provided or the userinfo request fails.
optionalClaims string[] (optional) - Claims to be extracted from the id token
logoutUrl string (optional) '' Logout endpoint URL
scopeInTokenRequest boolean (optional) false Include scope in token request
tokenRequestType 'form' | 'form-urlencoded' | 'json' (optional) 'form' Token request type
audience string (optional) - Audience used for token validation (not included in requests by default, use additionalTokenParameters or additionalAuthParameters to add it)
requiredProperties string[] - Required properties of the configuration that will be validated at runtime.
filterUserInfo string[](optional) - Filter userinfo response to only include these properties.
skipAccessTokenParsing boolean (optional) - Skip access token parsing (for providers that don't follow the OIDC spec/don't issue JWT access tokens).
logoutRedirectParameterName string (optional) - Query parameter name for logout redirect. Will be appended to the logoutUrl as a query parameter.
additionalAuthParameters Record<string, string> (optional) - Additional parameters to be added to the authorization request. See Provider specific configurations for possible parameters.
additionalTokenParameters Record<string, string> (optional) - Additional parameters to be added to the token request. See Provider specific configurations for possible parameters.
baseUrl string (optional) - Base URL for the provider, used when to dynamically create authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, userInfoUrl and logoutUrl if possible.
openIdConfiguration string or Record<string, unknown> or function (config) => Record<string, unknown> (optional) - OpenID Configuration url, object or function promise that resolves to an OpenID Configuration object.
validateAccessToken boolean (optional) true Validate access token.
validateIdToken boolean (optional) true Validate id token.
encodeRedirectUri boolean (optional) false Encode redirect uri query parameter in authorization request. Only for compatibility with services that don't implement proper parsing of query parameters.
exposeAccessToken boolean (optional) false Expose access token to the client within session object
exposeIdToken boolean (optional) false Expose raw id token to the client within session object
callbackRedirectUrl string (optional) / Set a custom redirect url to redirect to after a successful callback
allowedClientAuthParameters string[] (optional) [] List of allowed client-side user-added query parameters for the auth request
sessionConfiguration ProviderSessionConfig (optional) {} Session configuration overrides, see session


The following options are available for the global session configuration.

Option Type Default Description
automaticRefresh boolean true Automatically refresh access token and session if refresh token is available (indicated by canRefresh property on user object)
expirationCheck boolean true Check if session is expired based on access token exp
expirationThreshold number 0 Amount of seconds before access token expiration to trigger automatic refresh
maxAge number 60 * 60 * 24 (1 day) Maximum auth session duration in seconds
cookie `` `` Additional cookie setting overrides for sameSite and secure

The following options are available on every provider as overrides for the global session configuration.

Option Type Default Description
automaticRefresh boolean true Check if session is expired based on access token exp
expirationCheck boolean true Automatically refresh access token and session if refresh token is available (indicated by canRefresh property on user object)
expirationThreshold number 0 Amount of seconds before access token expiration to trigger automatic refresh


Option Type Default Description
globalMiddlewareEnabled boolean - Enables/disables the global middleware
customLoginPage boolean - Enables/disables automatic registration of /auth/login and /auth/logout route rules

Dev mode

Since 0.10.0, there is a local dev mode available. It can only be enabled if the NODE_ENV environment variable is not set to prod/production AND dev mode is explicitly enabled in the config. The dev mode is for local and offline development and returns a static user object that can be configured in the config or by variables in .env. The following fields in the returned user object can be configured:

  • claims: setting
  • provider: devMode.provider setting
  • userName: devMode.userName setting
  • userInfo: devMode.userInfo setting
  • idToken: devMode.idToken setting
  • accessToken: devMode.accessToken setting

Please refer to user object for required types.


To enable the dev mode, you have to make sure at least the following settings are set:

  • session -> expirationCheck needs to be turned off (false)
  • devMode -> enabled set to true in the oidc part of your nuxt.config.ts

Token generation

If needed, the dev mode can generate a valid signed access token if the settting devMode -> generateAccessToken is set to true. This token will be exposed in the user.accessToken property. The properties on the generated token are

  • iat (issued at): current DateTime,
  • iss (issuer): devMode.issuer setting, default nuxt:oidc:auth:issuer
  • aud: devMode.audience setting, default nuxt:oidc:auth:audience
  • sub: devMode.subject setting, default nuxt:oidc:auth:subject
  • exp: current DateTime + 24h

⚠️ The access token will be generated with a fixed local secret and can in no way be considered secure. Dev mode can only be enabled in local development and should exclusively be used there for testing purposes. Never set any environment variables on your production systems that could put any component into development mode.


# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Generate type stubs
pnpm run dev:prepare

# Develop with the playground
pnpm run dev

# Build the playground
pnpm run dev:build

# Run ESLint
pnpm run lint

⚠️ Disclaimer

This module is still in development, feedback and contributions are welcome! Use at your own risk.