The idea is that the code is as readable as possible for everyone, not just for those who come from quasar.
The project include a ESlint
rules and you need any extension (in case of vs code) like ESLint
For access to store getters
or mutations
you simple use the direct access like;
In Javascript
this.$store.commit('collection/SET_COLLECTION', this.$store.getters['collection/getCollectionModel'])
// More code...
In template
<div class="q-mt-md" v-if="$store.getters['collection/getIsTableContentReady']">
In Javascript
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
this.$store.commit('collection/SET_COLLECTION', this.getCollectionModel)
<div class="q-mt-md" v-if="getIsTableContentReady">
The code turns out to be a bit longer but instantly you know that "it" comes from the store
It is healthy that all the methods that are added / modified have descriptive and summarized names (very difficult to achieve in the short term, but very beneficial in the long term).
The structure in which these are composed is very important.
methods: {
//Store modules
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
collection: {
item: [],
isTableContentReady: false
getters: {
getCollection (state) {
return state.collection
getIsTableContentReady (state) {
return state.isTableContentReady
mutations: {
SET_COLLECTION (state, payload) {
state.collection = payload
SET_TABLE_CONTENT_READY (state, value) {
state.isTableContentReady = value
methods: {
// Or
methods: {
//Store modules
export default {
state: {
data: {},
readyT: false
getters: {
getData (state) {
getReadyT (state) {
return state.readyT
mutations: {
setdata (state, data) { = data
setreadyT (state, data) {
state.readyT = data
For the store
i recomend Vuex conventions