Computer game where you battle alien spiders across the solar system
Works for Windows, Android and Linux
After launching the game and selecting Play, You can control your tank in three different ways. You can use joystick mode or button mode. With Button mode, there are three invisible buttons. You can see the placements of the buttons and switch between modes in the settings. If on pc, you can you the space button to shoot and the left and right keys to move regardless of which mode you are in. You have three lives. when you lose one, the game will pause for a moment. tap the screen to return to main menu. You can switch between joystick and button mode
When using the "Fire Rate" item it is easiest to fire faster by pressing the UP key.
Press F2 to take screenshots. Screenshots get stored in your data directory. The data directory's path gets printed when the game launches.
- Some images (described in the game's credits) are either directly used or modified versions of PIXABAY images.
- Flak Bursts sound (Modified) is by zimbot on, under the Attribution License.
- The green alien crash sound is a modified version of a sound by spoonsandlessspoons on, under the Attribution License.
This software is under the GNU GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license.