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Creating: Total App | Blank SvelteKit Starter App

This file describes how this app was created.

It is not a tutorial per se, and uses a dense step-by-step language without too much explanation and expects the reader to dive deeper on their own. Making it into a tutorial will yield a thick book, which is not the goal here.

Technology Stack

Built with:

  • Svelte + Svelte Kit - Truly reactive Javascript/TypeScript App UI framework + Javascript/TypeScript App build system
  • Tauri - Desktop Application framework
  • Capacitor - Building crossplatform apps
  • Prettier - Opinionated Code Formatter
  • ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linter
  • Stylelint - A mighty, modern CSS linter
  • Postcss - Transforming styles with JS plugins
  • Playwright - Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps
  • Vitest - A blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vite

Continuous Integrations and Deployments:

Software Mantra


DRY - Don't-Repeat-Yourself. Knowledge should always reside in a single place. If code of more than 3 steps is repeated twice, maybe... if thrice - for sure refactor it so it resides in a single place and used from there. DRY is avoiding knowledge duplication (and splintering) and reducing the repetition of code patterns in favor of abstractions and avoiding redundancy. It also can be explained as SST - Single-SourceOf-Truth principle - "every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system". Code can still be duplicated - it is sometimes a judgement call for balancing with other principles.


KISS - Keep-It-Simple,Stupid. Keep the code simple and clear, making it easy to understand. If code needs comments, think hard - the code can probably be simplified by renaming, restructuring, breaking up.


Note: For developing on Windows, enable "Developer Mode" by opening "Settings" > "For developers" > "Developer Mode" = On. It will allow symlink creation (required for pnpm) without elevating as administrator. If you see "EPERM" error associated with SymLinks in any of the build tools, make sure that "Developer Mode" is turned on.

Install Git.

Install NodeJS.

Recommended VSCode for IDE.

Please follow the Tauri Getting Started Guide to setup your system with the required Rust toolchain.


SvelteKit scaffolding is set up by create-svelte.

# create a new project in my-app, use demo app, TypeScript syntax, ESLint, Prettier, Playwright, Vitest, Svelte 5
npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app
pnpm install
git init && git add -A && git commit -m "Initial commit" # (optional)
pnpm exec playwright install

Developing Locally

This application is built like a typical Node.js application. However, instead of npm, pnpm is used for package management.

Note: You may use yarn or npm, but only a pnpm lockfile is included, as well as package.json:scripts rely on pnpm.

Developing in TypeScript

Good collection of helpful tips:

And this article Typing Components in Svelte gives good overview on built-in tools for typing Svelte components.

Start development server

pnpm run dev

# or start the development server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm run dev -- --open

Add Tooling and Fix Issues That Might Come Up

Run pnpm run XXX replacing XXX for each of the scripts in package.json. It's a good idea to fix all errors and warnings that might come up, and re-check after each major addition.


Install one of the https options below and run the dev server in https mode:

pnpm run dev:https --host

Use @vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl (Legacy)

@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl uses self-signed cert that browser will reject (need to accept it to let browser load the dev website).

pnpm i -D @vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl

Add plugin to vite.config.ts:

import basicSsl from '@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl';
const plugins = [
if (!process.env.NO_HTTPS) plugins.unshift([basicSsl()]);


Note: Remove basicSsl from vite.config.ts and uninstall @vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl.

pnpm install -D

Add code to vite.config.ts (see source in repo).

Add Tooling

pnpm install -D cross-env glob rimraf minimist @types/minimist sass shx vite-plugin-static-copy cpy @types/node @types/glob
pnpm install -D ts-node tsx

Add assets copying scripts scripts/assets-copy.ts and scripts/assets-clean.ts to package.json.

Add assets copying during dev using 'vite-plugin-static-copy' to svelte.config.js (see source file).

Add Icons & SVG loader

pnpm install -D unplugin-icons

Package unpligin-icons internally uses @iconify/svelte, but generates icons on the server during build.

Add setup for unplugin-icons plugin into vite.config.ts, add types to src/app.d.ts and add types to tsconfig.json (see sources in repo).

unplugin-icons plugin creates Svelte component for any icon, and automatically maintains used icon libraries.

With Iconify IntelliSense VSCode extension (see .vscode/extensions.json) can preview the selected icon and can quickly locate icons from within the VSCode IDE.

Example icon use:

import CustomIcon from 'virtual:icons/<set>/<icon>'; // <- this will show icon preview inline, and IntelliSense will show auto-complete dropdown.
<CustomIcon />

Issue with imports linting

Update 2024

Updating ESLint to v9 and flat configs.

  1. Use typescript-eslint-parser-for-extra-files to fix problems with .svelte files when using project: './tsconfig.json'.

  2. Plugin eslint-plugin-import is not compatible, and there's lack of progress in the ongoing discussions, see:

Decided to try eslint-plugin-import-x, see discussion in un-ts/eslint-plugin-import-x#29.

pnpm install -D eslint-plugin-import-x
// This is a first appoximation. See eslint.config.mjs source for the actual.
import eslintImportX from 'eslint-plugin-import-x'

export default [
    plugins: {
-     import: eslintImport,
+     'import-x': eslintImportX,
    settings: {
      'import-x/parsers': {
        '@typescript-eslint/parser': ['.ts', '.tsx'],
      'import-x/resolver': {
        // Load <rootdir>/tsconfig.json
        typescript: true,
        node: true,
    rules: {
      // Error on imports that don't match the underlying file system
-     //
-     'import/no-unresolved': 'error',
+     //
+     'import-x/no-unresolved': [2, { ignore: ['^\\$env/'] }]




Install eslint-plugin-import package for checking imports, and install eslint-import-resolver-typescript package for resolving aliases set by "path" in tsconfig.json:

pnpm i -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript

Add to .eslintrc.cjs file:

  extends: [
+    'plugin:import/recommended',
  plugins: [
+    'import'
  settings: {
+    'import/resolver': {
+      typescript: {}
+    }
  parserOptions: {
+    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.lint.json'],
+    tsconfigRootDir: './',

Create file tsconfig.lint.json with:

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "include": ["./playwright.config.ts", "./svelte.config.js", "./tests/**/*.ts"]

Add few lines to tsconfig.json (see the source for details):

  "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
+    "outDir": ".types",
+    "paths": {
+      "$app/*": ["./node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/app/*"],
+      "$lib": ["./src/lib"],
+      "$lib/*": ["./src/lib/*"]
+    }
+  "exclude": ["./node_modules/**", ".svelte-kit/**", ".types"]

Some background info on these changes:

  • SvelteKit generates .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json which is called by "extend" in ./tsconfig.json.
  • TypeScript does not have a true extend mechanism (it is really just an override).
  • paths in .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json is incomplete (no $app), but we need to let ESLint somehow resolve those aliases, so we expplicitly list all aliases in our ./tsconfig.json.
  • There are include and exclude in .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json, so we can't add to those. include is generated, and exclude is static, so we can replace exclude with a low risk of it breaking later (there is still some risk, just keep in mind where to look should anything break after an update).
  • This fix uncovers a hidden issue in @sveltejs/kit - there are some missing types in the published package. Run pnpm run check or tsc to see the "type not found" errors ("outDir" addition above just redirects the files generated by tsc command so they don't clash with existing .js files). Filed issue sveltejs/kit#5114. Seems to not be happening anymore with @sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.561 due to runtime/app stashed under node_modules.

This modification triggers a message in SvelteKit v2.0:

You have specified a baseUrl and/or paths in your tsconfig.json which interferes with SvelteKit's auto-generated tsconfig.json. Remove it to
avoid problems with intellisense. For path aliases, use `kit.alias` instead:

We ignore it for now.

Issue "Could not detect a supported production environment" when running pnpm run build

Could not detect a supported production environment. See to learn how to configure your app to run on the platform of your choosing


See Set Svelte SPA mode below.


Vitest Coverage

When creating SvelteKit project, choose vitest to be added.

For coverage, add '@vitest/coverage-v8' package:

pnpm i -D @vitest/coverage-v8

Add '/coverage' to .gitignore, .eslintignore, .prettierignore (see sources).

Add some scripts:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
+    "test:unit": "echo RUN test:unit && vitest run",
+    "test:unit:watch": "echo RUN test:unit:watch && vitest",
+    "test:unit:coverage": "echo RUN test:unit:coverage && vitest run --coverage",

The recommended VSCode extension Vitest "zixuanchen.vitest-explorer" provides control of unit tests in VSCode side-panel.

Issue with Vitest VSCode extension

As of 2024-0210, extension Vitest "zixuanchen.vitest-explorer" is not showing any of the tests. Of all other vitest extensions in the marketplace, none show the tests in the panel, and the ones that insert shortcuts in the source editor fail to run vitest. So there is no working integration with VSCode (tested on Windows).

TODO: (now) file issue(s) for "zixuanchen.vitest-explorer".

Playwright Reports

Add few lines to playwright.config.ts file so HTML and .json reports are generated:

// playwright.config.ts

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
+  /* Reporter to use. See */
+  reporter: process.env.CI
+    ? [['dot'], ['json', { outputFile: 'test-results.json' }]]
+    : [['list'], ['json', { outputFile: 'test-results.json' }], ['html', { open: 'on-failure' }]],

The recommended VSCode extension Microsoft Playwright Test for VSCode "ms-playwright.playwright" provides control of integration tests in VSCode side-panel.

Organize template components into src/lib/components

Move src/routes/Counter.svelte to src/lib/components/counter/ and change paths to match in src/routes/+page.svelte file where it is used.

Move src/routes/Header.svelte to src/lib/components/header/ and change paths to match in src/routes/+layout.svelte file where it is used.

(See sources).

Website Config Files

Config files help organize site-wide settings. SvelteKit and Vite use .env files underneath, and we will build a helper file $lib/config/website.js to collect the relevant settings into one abstraction, similar to

Adding such a config would have been an easy task, if not for the Service Worker in the following section, which needs access to the config file from within vite.config.ts which is loaded during build time, before vite builder and SvelteKit load .env files into the environment, because it first determines the settings that choose which environment files to load. Luckily, there is a mechanism in Vite to access the .env settings from vite.config.ts.

To achieve that, we will convert static config assignments to an async function in vite.config.ts, so it could use loadEnv() and defineConfig( async () /> {...}) (see the source of vite.config.ts) and then make an async wrapper $lib/src/websiteAsync.js over sync function in $lib/config/websiteFnc.js. The async is needed for await of the import of $lib/config/websiteFnc.js inside the function. We will use the async wrapper in the next section for the Service Worker.

This solution creates a small overhead for using $lib/config/websiteFnc.js, but we can wrap it in $lib/config/website.js which can be simply imported into all other files and desructured to get the needed setting variables:

// Use `$lib/config/website.js`
import website from '$lib/config/website.js';
const { author, ... } = website;

See source file src/routes/about/+page.svelte that uses siteTitle from the config.

This setup involves 4 files: .env (it is listed in .gitignore and is never committed to the repo, see .env.EXAMPLE, make a copy and modify it for your site), and 3 files in $lib/config/: website.js, websiteFnc.js, websiteAsync.js.

The source of truth / relevant variables are spread between 2 files: .env and $lib/config/websiteFnc.js. The .env file should never be committed to repository since it is intended to contain website secrets. It is more involved to reproduce that file on the server / hosting provider. Most variables for the website are public anyway, and they should be defined in $lib/config/websiteFnc.js and commited to the repository. It will limit how many variables will need to be configured on hosting provider, since all variables set in .env will need to be configured securely in provider UI.

One more hurdle to overcome is fixing the ESLint rule 'import-x/no-unresolved' for $env/static/public used in $lib/config/website.js. But for now the ESLint is shut down with // eslint-disable-next-line import-x/no-unresolved.


TODO: (soon) Revisit, maybe it is worth using that idea? Has reasonable object data types, has keywords & tags. Downside is common params have to be repeated across objects.

If your app or website does not appear in the top search results, very few people will visit it, because 90% of users will not go beyond the first page of search results [source]. 33% of users will click the first result and 17% the second. You need Google to rank your website high for the users to click on it.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is all about getting your website to appear at the top of search engine results. This SEO component adds some metadata and makes optimizations to get higher search rankings.

Other optimizations are getting higher speed / better UX. SvelteKit provides the fastest performance with PWA/SSR/SSG done right, and no slowdowns from virtual DOM of other popular frameworks. One thing is important for UX and fast loads are lazy loading, so we will add it as an example to the large images. TODO.

pnpm i -D @types/object-hash object-hash vanilla-lazyload

Create src/lib/components/seo/SEO.svelte component and few sub-components for generating meta-data for SEO (see sources). SEO component is used on each page, and relies on the configuration information from src/lib/config/website.js.

It is worth stressing that there's no way to determine hosting website URL during build / prerendering phase. PUBLIC_SITE_URL variable must be configured so the SEO canonical URL is generated correctly. Site URL's for Netlify and Vercel can be also set in prerender.origin in svelte.config.js, but they seem to not work as expected (SEO.svelte does not receive page.url.origin other than http://sveltekit-prerender).

Credits: Rodney Lab: SvelteKit SEO

To add more Schemas, lookup the types on and check what types other sites use.

See the following tools for checking the structured data on your deployed website:

TODO: (soon) Fix FB issue: Missing Properties | The following required properties are missing: fb:app_id

Add SSR-Safe Store Services

SvelteKit provides good server/client support for stores. They are easy to use, but have some mines to avoid when using SSR (see and sveltejs/kit#4339).

See src/lib/util/state.svelte.ts for handy helper functions that wrap rune $state() and readable & writable stores in a context, that are safe across server and client components and modules (adopted from


// Component 1
  import { useUser } from '$lib/utils/state.svelte';
  let user = new User();
  const _user = useState('user', user); // Initializes 'user' context, creates writable `_user` var
  onLogin() {
    _user.value = new User(); // when user changes
// Component 2
  import { useUser } from '$lib/utils/state.svelte';
  const user = $derived<User>(useState('user').value); // Observes 'user' context, creates observable `user` var that can be consumed directly, e.g. `if (user.loggedIn) {...}`

Add Service Worker for Offline Operation

Service Worker will allow the app to work in offline mode. See and /

In order for the application to work offline, csr should NOT be set to false on any of the pages since it will prevent injecting JavaScript into the layout for offline support.

The app has to satisfy PWA Minimal Requirements, see

If your application has forms, we recommend you to change the behavior of automatic reload to use default prompt option to allow the user decide when to update the content of the application, otherwise automatic update may clear form data if it decides to update when the user is filling the form.

pnpm i -D @vite-pwa/sveltekit vite-plugin-pwa@^0.13.3 workbox-core workbox-build workbox-window workbox-precaching workbox-routing @rollup/plugin-replace

Create files and make some changes (see sources):

  • Add /dev-dist to .gitignore, .eslintignore, .prettierignore
  • Add SvelteKitPWA to "vite.config.ts"
  • Create "src/lib/components/offline/Offline.svelte"
  • Create "src/lib/components/reloadprompt/ReloadPrompt.svelte"
  • Create "src/claims-sw.ts"
  • Create "src/prompt-sw.ts"
  • Create "pwa-configuration.js" (no typescript!)
  • Add Offline component to "src/routes/+layout.svelte"
  • Make prerender = true the default in "src/routes/+layout.svelte" - offline precaching needs all routes prerenderd. Dynamic routes won't work offline.
  • Remove csr = false and csr = dev from all "src/routes/**/+page.ts" files
  • Add service worker scripts to package.json

Add Favicon Component

To encapsulate all favicon-related stuff (and keep the mess out of app.html), create src/lib/components/favicon/Favicon.svelte component. Use it from src/routes/+layout.svelte file.

Add badge.ts to all png favicons so they dynamically display number of new notifications.

See source files.

Add Drawer Component

A slide-out drawer is a must-have functionality for most modern apps and many websites.

Let's create one, with animations, accessibility, SSR-friendly.

See src/lib/components/drawer/Drawer.svelte and src/lib/actions/FocusTrap/focusTrap.ts sources.


Modifications include:

  • Elements remain mounted (no `{#if ...} that remove elements from DOM).
  • Use CSS visibility: hidden so no interference with layout and other elements.
  • Keyboard handling of 'Escape' to close and 'Tab' to move focus between elements.

The Drawer component is not used yet, but will be needed later.

Add Tauri

Add desktop support using Tauri (version 2.0.0-alpha.20 as of writing time).

Why not Electron? - Tauri is way way better.

TODO: (now) Check out Tauri mobile support:

Note: iOS and Android support is promised in Tauri discussions, 2.0.0-alpha seems to bring it.

pnpm i -D @tauri-apps/api@next @tauri-apps/cli@next
rustc --version
# If needed, update to rustc 1.70 or newer:
rustup update

Add scripts to package.json (see source for exact changes, these are the essence):

     scripts {
-      "dev": "vite dev",
+      "dev": "vite dev --port 3000",
       "build": "vite build",
+      "tauri:dev": "tauri dev",
+      "tauri:build": "tauri build",
+      "tauri": "tauri",
pnpm run tauri init
# What is your app name? - total-app
# What should the window title be? - total-app
# Where are your web assets (HTML/CSS/JS) located, relative to the "<current dir>/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json" file that will be created? - ../build
# What is the url of your dev server? - http://localhost:3000
# What is your frontend dev command? - pnpm run dev
# What is your frontend build command? - pnpm run build:base

Add some .gitignore/.eslintignore/.prettierignore patterns (see source files).

Change bundle identifier

To remove the issue:

"Error: You must change the bundle identifier in tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > identifier. The default value is not allowed as it must be unique across applications."

Edit file src-tauri/tauri.conf.json:

// src-tauri/tauri.conf.json
  "tauri": {
    "bundle": {
-      "identifier": "",
+      "identifier": "",

Fix Tauri Issues

TODO: (soon):

pnpm tauri:dev
Warn Invalid target triple: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

Set Svelte SPA mode

For using Tauri and Capacitor (standalone app) - SvelteKit should be set to SPA mode and explicitly opt out of SvelteKit's assumption needing a server.

SPA mode is set by using adapter-static and setting fallback option, see

There are errors in many online sources that give wrong information about prerender and ssr for SPA mode (including SvelteKit's own documentation).

Note: Tauri and Capacitor -based app could still use a server if needed, but they cannot rely on SvelteKit server-side endpoints.

For deploying web apps, we can add and setup necessary adapters as needed (see below).

pnpm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static

SvelteKit dynamic routes don't work with adapter-static, unless a fallback is set.

// svelte.config.js
- import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';
+ import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
export default {
  kit: {
+    adapter: adapter({
+      // default options are shown:
+      // pages: 'build',
+      // assets: 'build',
+      // fallback: null,
+      // precompress: false
+      fallback: 'index.html'
+    }),
+    // prerender: { entries: [] },

Create src/routes/+layout.ts to set prerender and ssr:

// src/routes/+layout.ts

// Let SvelteKit decide to prerender for each page by default:
export const prerender = true;
// As of @sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.563, pages with actions (e.g. sub-routes) throw error in `vite build`.
// Each such route should set prerender = false if needed in `src/routes/**/+page.ts`.

// Setting ssr = false (which is recommended for SPA in docs) breaks all server-side routes
// (generated pages have no content, therefore SPA does not load).
// We let SvelteKit render all routes on server, so deep links will still work:
export const ssr = true;

Adjust all src/routes/**+page.ts files - set prerender = false for pages with action (i.e. having a sub-route), in SvelteKit demo app it is /sverdle:

// src/routes/sverdle/+page.ts

// This page has action (sub-route), so we need to explicitly disable prerender here;
export const prerender = false;

Deploy on Netlify and Vercel

Though it is recommended to use adapter-auto to choose between adapter-netlify and adapter-vercel, it does not fall back to adapter-static, which we need. So we will do it ourselves.

pnpm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-netlify @sveltejs/adapter-vercel

Load adapters in svelte.config.js:

+ import netlify from '@sveltejs/adapter-netlify';
+ import vercel from '@sveltejs/adapter-vercel';
const config = {
  kit: {
+      process.env.VERCEL ? vercel() :
+      process.env.NETLIFY ? netlify() :

See netlify.toml and vercel.json files for other deploy settings.

Add '.netlify' and '.vercel' to .gitignore, .eslintignore, .prettierignore (see sources).

Rework Header into Header + PureHeader

Non-pure Header loads page from $app/state, and it makes it hard to use in Histoire/Storybook - it will need mocking of $app/state which is a lot of work without benefits. Instead we will make PureHeader.

In "src/lib/components/header" copy Header.svelte to PureHeader.svelte, remove import { page } from '$app/state'; and replace all usages of page.pathname with a component parameter pathname in PureHeader. PureHeader will be usable in Histoire/Storybook below.

Rework Header.svelte to use PureHeader and pass it the page.pathname (see sources).

Rework PureHeader Corners

Add classes "corner-left" and "corner-right" to left and right corners and split their styling, adding "--corner-left-width" and "--corner-right-width" variables, so their sizes can be changed as needed.

Add <slot /> to the right corner of PureHeader, and move github logo to be slotted into Header>PureHeader in "+layout.svelte".

For styling to apply into the slot elements, add :global() clauses to some of styles on PureHeader.

(See sources).

Rework PureHeader to use Site Pages List

Add siteLinks (a hierarchical list of Site Pages for various sections) to $lib/config/websiteFnc.js file, use it in PureHeader.svelte and in src/routes/(demo)/+layout.svelte.

Add DarkMode Component

See sources - "src/components/darkmode/*" and edits to "src/routes/+layout.svelte".

Note: DarkMode toggles 'color-scheme' property on <html> tag between 'light' and 'dark'/.

Add dark mode styles to "/src/routes/styles.css" (see source).

Add Github and Svelte icons to Footer links

See src/routes/+layout.svelte source file.

Add Prettier & ESLint Rules, Stylelint, Postcss and Autoprefixer

ESLint and Prettier is already part of Svelte Kit installation, so some of the packages below are already present, we will add some useful configuration to them.

Additional ESLint rules

Edit .eslintrc.cjs file:

// .eslintrc.cjs
module.exports = {
  parserOptions: {
     project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.lint.json'],
     tsconfigRootDir: './',
     sourceType: 'module',
     ecmaVersion: 2020,
+    extraFileExtensions: ['.svelte']
+  rules: {
+    'import/no-mutable-exports': 'off'
+  }

Postcss, Autoprefixer

Autoprefixer is a PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Alibaba.

pnpm install -D postcss postcss-cli postcss-import postcss-nesting postcss-html autoprefixer

Add file postcss.config.cjs with the following contents:

/** @type {import('postcss-load-config').Config} */
const config = {
  plugins: [
    require('postcss-import'), // Process @import
    require('postcss-nesting'), // For CSS Nesting Specification
    //  require('postcss-nested'), // For sass syntax nesting

module.exports = config;

Enable postcss & scss in svelte.config.js:

import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
const config = {
  preprocess: preprocess({
+    postcss: true,
+    scss: { includePaths: ['src', 'node_modules'] }

Change all <style> tags in *.svelte files to <style lang="scss"> to use sass preprocessor (it handles both sass and scss formats).

Note: Using <style lang="scss"> will pass the styles through sass preprocessor, which will be BEFORE postcss. If you plan to use postcss plugins for special syntax extensions (like TailwindCSS), do not use <style lang="scss">, as sass preprocessor will not understand those special syntax extensions.


pnpm install -D prettier


pnpm install -D stylelint @double-great/stylelint-a11y stylelint-config-standard stylelint-config-recommended stylelint-config-html

Note: stylelint-a11y original creator / maintainer is AWOL, using an updated and maintained fork @double-great/stylelint-a11y that is compatible with stylelint v16. Another fork @double-great/stylelint-a11y is also maintained, but does not look like wt will be updated to stylelint v16.

Add file .stylelintrc.json (see source file in repo).

VSCode formatOnSave

VSCode can format all documents on save, and it should match Stylelint & Prettier.

Some issues can be with VSCode user settings that are not visible right away. If saving any files and then running pnpm format shows those files as changed in the process, check "editor.defaultFormatter" for that file type.

For example, VSCode would re-format .json files differently. It turns out VSCode was using different JSON formatter set in user settings, and ignored top-level "editor.defaultFormatter". To fix that, add jsonc and json settings to .vscode/settings.json file as shown below.

Add the following to .vscode/settings.json file (if not already there):

// .vscode/settings.json
+  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
+  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+  "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
+  "editor.formatOnType": false,
+  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+    "source.fixAll.eslint": true,
+    "source.fixAll.html": true
+  },
+  "eslint.validate": ["svelte"],
+  "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
+    "[Svelte]": {
+      "textMateRules": [
+        {
+          "settings": {
+            "foreground": "#569CD6" // any color you like
+          },
+          "scope": "support.class.component.svelte" // scope name you want to adjust highlighting for
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  "svelte.enable-ts-plugin": true,
+  "javascript.format.enable": false,
+  "files.insertFinalNewline": true,
+  "files.trimFinalNewlines": false,
+  "[json]": {
+    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
+  },
+  "[jsonc]": {
+    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
+  },
+  "[svelte]": {
+    "editor.defaultFormatter": "svelte.svelte-vscode"
+  },
+  "[html]": {
+    "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.html-language-features"
+  }

See package.json file for "scripts.format" change and new "scripts.lint:css".

Add Histoire

See histoire branch.

Add Storybook

See storybook branch.

Add Capacitor

Capacitor has 2 largely independent parts that we could use:

  1. Plugins to use native functionality on various platforms
  2. Build apps for mobile platforms - iOS, Android

Use of Capacitor #1 native functionality (like Camera, GPS, etc.) can be very handy for some apps.

TODO: (now) Check Tauri iOS/Android build support (it's in development). Meanwhile we can use Capacitor #2 to bridge that gap. Once Tauri implements iOS/Android build support, we can revisit #2, and keep Capacitor just for #1.

We will target Geolocation example as a very usefull feature for #1.


The following setup is based on @sveltejs/adapter-static which puts output to 'build' folder by default (beware that other adapters place output files into different location).

First, install pre-requisites per

Then, install VSCode extension:

code --install-extension ionic.ionic

Add Capacitor to the project:

pnpm install @capacitor/core
pnpm install -D @capacitor/cli
# use npx vs. pnpx with cap as pnpx won't run cap (or call cap directly, without npx):
npx cap init total-app com.iva2k.totalapp --web-dir=build

Add few scripts for convenince:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
+    "android:open": "cap open android",
+    "android:dev": "cap run android",

Add "capacitor.config.ts" to tsconfig.lint.json file.

Add Android platform
pnpm install @capacitor/android
npx cap add android

Add cap sync android to the "build" script in package.json.

Add "/android" to .eslintignore, .prettierignore, .stylelintrc.json and "excludes" section of tsconfig.json files.

Add iOS platform
pnpm install @capacitor/ios
npx cap add ios

Add cap sync ios to the "build" script in package.json.

Add "/ios" to .eslintignore, .prettierignore, .stylelintrc.json and "excludes" section of tsconfig.json files.

Now we can use Capacitor plugins for native functionality.

Add Geolocation

For a quick example, add Geolocation:

pnpm install @capacitor/geolocation
npx cap sync

Create src/routes/geolocation/+page.svelte (see source file in repo).

Add the page to the siteLinks pages array in $lib/config/websiteFnc.js:

  const siteLinks = [
    { title: 'Demo App',
      items: [
+       { href: '/geolocation', title: 'Geolocation', displayInHeader: true, dispayInSidebar: true },

For Android, add permissions to "android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" file:

<manifest ...>
+  <!-- Geolocation API -->
+  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
+  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
+  <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps" />

For iOS, add usage description to "ios/App/App/Info.plist" file:

+  <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key>
+  <string>To be able to use location services when app is in the background</string>
+  <key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key>
+  <string>To be able to use location services when app is running</string>

Add QR Code Scanner

For the QR Code scanner feature, we could use @capacitor-community/barcode-scanner plugin, but web platform is not yet supported #31.

Web browsers have good support for the camera, and there are few QR scanner plugins with web platform support:

We will use and create a multi-platform QR Code Scanner. Note that it does not support formats other than QR (see issue#63), but it is a solid performer and feature-rich.

If we used a capacitor / native plugin, then the Scanner View will be rendered behind the WebView, and we have to call hideBackground() to make the WebView and the <html> element transparent. Every other element that needs transparency, we will have to handle ourselves.

The elements are made transparent by adding background: 'transparent'; in the <style> section.

pnpm install qr-scanner

Create src/routes/qrscanner/+page.svelte (see source file in repo).

Add the page to the siteLinks pages array in $lib/config/websiteFnc.js:

  const siteLinks = [
    { title: 'Demo App',
      items: [
+       { path: '/qrscanner', title: 'QR Scanner', displayInHeader: true, dispayInSidebar: true },

For Android, add permissions to "android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" file:

+  xmlns:tools=""

+    android:hardwareAccelerated="true"
+  <!-- QR Scanner -->
+  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
+  <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="" />

For iOS, add usage description to "ios/App/App/Info.plist" file:

+  <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>
+  <string>To be able to scan barcodes</string>

Using PWA Elements

Some Capacitor plugins (such as Camera, Toast) need custom UI elements (even though @capacitor-community/barcode-scanner seems to be working just fine without it).

In preparation to use various Capacitor plugins, we add @ionic/pwa-elements to the project:

pnpm install @ionic/pwa-elements

A typical installation involves importing the package and registering the elements, or adding a script tag to the <head> of the index.html for the app.

There is an issue with TypeScript types, so we use src/lib/utils/ionicUtils.ts that avoids this issue.

// src/routes/+layout.svelte
<script lang="ts">
+  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
+  import { loadIonicPWAElements } from '$lib/utils/ionicUtils.ts';
+  onMount(async () => {
+    await loadIonicPWAElements(window);
+  });

Note: svelte-check throws error for no type definition in import loader .... See src/lib/utils/ionicUtils.ts that shuts this error up.

Interesting Capacitor Community Plugins

  • @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le
  • @capacitor-community/camera-preview
  • @capacitor-community/keep-awake

Fix Issues With Capacitor

None to fix.

Lighthouse metrics

Run Lighthouse and other web tests at

TODO: (now) Improve Lighthouse: Content is not sized correctly for the viewport The viewport size of 541px does not match the window size of 360px. If the width of your app's content doesn't match the width of the viewport, your app might not be optimized for mobile screens.

DAL - Database Abstraction Layer

Whole DAL deserves to be a separate library and half a book. See source files src/lib/dal/... in repo.

Message Service - sending Email and SMS messages

See src/lib/services/messageService.ts source in repo for a simple email and SMS service wrapper. Uses nodemailer for emails and Twilio for SMS (Twilio is not free).

See for a free SMS with limited capabilities (it blasts SMS in email to known carrier gateways).

See for a simple but powerful paid SMS version.

User Registration and Authentication

See src/lib/services/userService.ts source in repo. User UI is currently added only to "ui-svelteux" branch.
