You have the following topology:
GoBGP is installed and peering is configured. Configure BGP policies to ensure that link "A" has higher preference than
link "B" and traffic between rt1
and rt3
passed through rt2
Download from and install
git clone
cd hse-gobgp-bgp
vagrant up
Configure virtual routers:
- configure BGP policies to change route priorities
- you can connect to you virtual routers with command
vagrant ssh rt1
- GoBGP configuration documentation:
- GoBGP config file located in /etc folder (/etc/gobgpd.conf)
- GoBGP policy configuration -
- Zebra interface accessible via
telnet localhost 2601
with passwordzebra
and enablezebra
Traceroute rt3 eth3 interface IP address from rt1 eth1 interface to ensure that traffic pass through rt1/rt2 eth4 interfaces.
Test it for opposite direction traffic too.
vagrant destroy