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File metadata and controls

165 lines (124 loc) · 7.57 KB


This software is pre-production and should not be deployed to production servers.

Wrappers produce Application Performance Metrics by parsing an output of an application. The metrics can be stored in Kafka. Output can be parsed using regular expression or a Python function. Metrics can be normalized and labelled with user-provided values.

Wrapping stress-ng based workload example

  1. Please follow development guide to install dependencies.

  2. Build wrappers:

    tox -e wrapper_package
  3. Install stress-ng (for example using epel repository):

    sudo yum install -y stress-ng
  4. Run generic wrapper based on regexp configured for stress-ng:

    dist/wrapper.pex --command '-c "while true; do stress-ng --cpu 1 --metrics 1 --timeout 1; done"' \
        --stderr 1 --log_level DEBUG --separator ".*dispatching hogs.*" \
        --regexp '(?P<name>cpu)[\ ]+(?P<value>\d+)' \
        --labels "{'workload':'stress-ng','cores':'1'}" \
        --subprocess_shell --metric_name_prefix=stress_ng_bogo_ops_
  5. Similar output should be visible:

    stress-ng: info:  [26709] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
    2018-11-26 13:58:59,327 DEBUG parser Found separator in stress-ng: info:  [26709] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
    2018-11-26 13:58:59,327 DEBUG parser Found metric: Metric(name='stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu', value=261.0, labels={'workload': 'stress-ng', 'cores': '1'}, type=<MetricType.COUNTER: 'counter'>, help=None)
    2018-11-26 13:58:59,327 DEBUG storage storing: 1
    # TYPE cpu counter
    stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu{cores="1",workload="stress-ng"} 261.0 1543237139327
  6. To generate normalized SLI and SLO metrics and store them in /tmp/metrics.txt file use following call:

    dist/wrapper.pex --command '-c "while true; do stress-ng --cpu 1 --metrics 1 --timeout 1; done"' \
        --stderr 1 --log_level DEBUG --separator ".*dispatching hogs.*" \
        --regexp '(?P<name>cpu)[\ ]+(?P<value>\d+)' \
        --labels "{'workload':'stress-ng','cores':'1'}" \
        --subprocess_shell --metric_name_prefix=stress_ng_bogo_ops_ \
        --slo 1000 \
        --sli_metric_name "stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu" \
        --storage_output_filename "/tmp/metrics.txt"
  7. Content of /tmp/metrics.txt should be similar to:

    cat /tmp/metrics.txt
    stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu{cores="1",workload="stress-ng"} 261.0 1543337343583
    # HELP sli Service Level Indicator based on stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu metric
    # TYPE sli gauge
    sli{cores="1",workload="stress-ng"} 261.0 1543337344606
    # HELP sli_normalized Normalized Service Level Indicator basd on stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu metric and SLO
    # TYPE sli_normalized gauge
    sli_normalized{cores="1",workload="stress-ng"} 0.261 1543337344606
    # HELP slo Service Level Objective based on stress_ng_bogo_ops_cpu metric
    # TYPE slo gauge
    slo{cores="1",workload="stress-ng"} 1000.0 1543337344606
  8. To log metrics to Kafka use --kafka_borker and --kafka_topic arguments:

    dist/wrapper.pex --command '-c "while true; do stress-ng --cpu 1 --metrics 1 --timeout 1; done"' \
        --stderr 1 --log_level DEBUG --separator ".*dispatching hogs.*" \
        --regexp '(?P<name>cpu)[\ ]+(?P<value>\d+)' \
        --subprocess_shell --metric_name_prefix=stress_ng_bogo_ops_\
        --kafka_brokers --kafka_topic owca_stress_ng
  9. Verify that messages are available in owca_stress_ng topic:

    /opt/kafka/ --bootstrap-server --topic owca_stress_ng --from-beginning

Command line wrapper options

usage: wrapper.pex [-h] --command COMMAND [--stderr STDERR] [--regexp REGEXP]
                   [--metric_name_prefix METRIC_NAME_PREFIX]
                   [--separator SEPARATOR]
                   [--log_level {ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}] [--labels LABELS]
                   [--kafka_brokers KAFKA_BROKERS] [--kafka_topic KAFKA_TOPIC]
                   [--storage_output_filename STORAGE_OUTPUT_FILENAME]
                   [--peak_load PEAK_LOAD]
                   [--load_metric_name LOAD_METRIC_NAME] [--slo SLO]
                   [--sli_metric_name SLI_METRIC_NAME]
                   [--inverse_sli_metric_value] [--subprocess_shell]

Wrapper that exposes APMs using Prometheus format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --command COMMAND     Workload run command
  --stderr STDERR       If 0, parser will use stdout, if 1 stderr
  --regexp REGEXP       regexp used for parsing with the default parsing
                        function Needs to contain 2 named groups "name" and
                        "value"Defaults to (?P<name>\w+?)=(?P<value>\d+?.?\d*)
                        that matches values in format "a=4.0"
  --metric_name_prefix METRIC_NAME_PREFIX
                        metric name prefix (only relevant for default parse
  --separator SEPARATOR
                        String that separates workload outputs
                        Logging level
  --labels LABELS       Prometheus labels. Provide them in a dict
                        format.Example: {'workload':'stress-ng','exper':'2'}
  --kafka_brokers KAFKA_BROKERS
                        list of addresses with ports of kafka brokers (kafka
                        nodes). Coma separated
  --kafka_topic KAFKA_TOPIC
                        Kafka messages topic, passed to KafkaStorage
  --storage_output_filename STORAGE_OUTPUT_FILENAME
                        When Kafka storage is not used, allows to redirect
                        metrics to file
  --peak_load PEAK_LOAD
                        Expected maximum load.
  --load_metric_name LOAD_METRIC_NAME
                        Metric name parsed from the application stream used as
                        load level indicator. If set to `const` the behaviour
                        is slightly different: as real load were all the time
                        equal to peak_load (then load_normalized == 1).
  --slo SLO             Service level objective. Must be expressed in the same
                        units as SLI. Default value is +inf. Being used only
                        if sli_metric_name also defined.
  --sli_metric_name SLI_METRIC_NAME
                        Metric name parsed from the application stream used as
                        service level indicator.
                        Add this flag if value of a metric used to calculate
                        service level indicator should be inversed.
  --subprocess_shell    Run subprocess command with full shell support.

Implementing workload specific parsing function

Parsing function implementation must return metrics only once. Already returned values must be discarded.

See default 'parse function <owca/wrapper/`_ as an example. Application specific parser functions can be found at in `owca/wrapper/ directory <owca/wrapper/>`_.

To handle child process exit readline_with_check(input) function should be used. The function raises StopIteration exception when EOF is found.

from owca.wrapper.parser import readline_with_check

# Read a line using readline_with_check(input)
new_line = readline_with_check(input)