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This generates styling rules with a few options. + * For details, see: https://eslint.style/guide/config-presets#configuration-factory + * For options, see: https://github.com/eslint-stylistic/eslint-stylistic/blob/main/packages/eslint-plugin/configs/customize.ts + **/ + stylistic.configs.customize({ + braceStyle: '1tbs', + commaDangle: 'never', + indent: 'tab', + jsx: true, + quotes: 'single', + semi: false + }), + /** + * Applies to all files: Additional plugins like: promise, stylistic, and react + */ + { + plugins: { + promise: promisePlugin + }, + languageOptions: { + ecmaVersion: 2023, // Targeted ES + + /** + * Global variables to consider; we're just including all browser, node, + * and es2023 ones. (like window, document, process, etc) + */ + globals: { + ...globals.browser, + ...globals.node, + ...globals.es2023, + ...{ + describe: false, + it: false, + before: false, + after: false, + beforeEach: false, + afterEach: false, + test: false, + expect: false, + should: false + } + } + }, + + /** + * Rules configuration; we start with the recommended and then follow with overrides. + */ + rules: { + ...promisePlugin.configs.recommended.rules, + + // Overrides and additions + 'promise/always-return': ['error', { ignoreLastCallback: true }], + + // enable underscore ignore pattern for unused vars + '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': ['error', { + argsIgnorePattern: '^_', + varsIgnorePattern: '^_', + destructuredArrayIgnorePattern: '^_', + caughtErrorsIgnorePattern: '^_' + }], + + '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off', + '@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 'off' + } + }, + + { + files: ['**/*.(test|spec).(mj|j|t|cj|ct|mt)s', '**/test-runner/**/*', '**/test-runner-core/**/*'], + rules: { + '@stylistic/max-statements-per-line': ['error', { max: 2 }], + '@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 'off' + } + }, + + // applies to only Node project files referenced above. + { + // Node rules + files: monoRepoNodeProjects.map(path => `${path}/**/*`), + + plugins: { + n: nodePlugin + }, + + rules: { + ...nodePlugin.configs['flat/recommended'].rules, + + 'n/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax': 'off', // We're mixing ESM and CJS with controls around the Node 10 runtime. + + 'n/no-extraneous-import': ['error', { + allowModules: [...monoRepoPackages] + }] + } + } + ) +] diff --git a/npm-version-helper.cjs b/npm-version-helper.cjs index bcb9cb8..fc05281 100644 --- a/npm-version-helper.cjs +++ b/npm-version-helper.cjs @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ function gatherVerisonAndEmit(node, script, arg0) { process.stdout.write(projVersion, 'utf8') } -gatherVerisonAndEmit(...process.argv) \ No newline at end of file +gatherVerisonAndEmit(...process.argv) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 18457b9..35996f0 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ "packages/json-csv-core", "samples" ], + "devDependencies": { + "@eslint/js": "^9.8.0", + "@stylistic/eslint-plugin": "^2.4.0", + "eslint": "^8.57.0", + "eslint-plugin-n": "^17.10.1", + "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.6.0", + "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.35.0", + "globals": "^15.8.0", + "i": "^0.3.7", + "npm": "^10.8.2", + "typescript-eslint": "^7.18.0" + }, "engines": { "node": ">=22" } @@ -34,10 +46,22 @@ "eslint": "^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0" } }, + "node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils/node_modules/eslint-visitor-keys": { + "version": "3.4.3", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/eslint-visitor-keys/-/eslint-visitor-keys-3.4.3.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==", + "dev": true, + "engines": { + "node": "^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0" + }, + "funding": { + "url": "https://opencollective.com/eslint" + } + }, "node_modules/@eslint-community/regexpp": { - 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FieldList } from './types.js' export function checkOptions(opts?: Partial) { const options: Partial = opts == null ? {} : { ...opts } @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export function buffered(data: Record[], opts: Partial { + data.forEach((dataItem) => { if (!writtenHeader && !ignoreHeader) { writtenHeader = true const header = getHeaderRow(fields, options.fieldSeparator) @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export function prepValue(text: string, forceQuoted: boolean, fieldSeparator: st if (text == null) text = '' const quoted = forceQuoted || text.indexOf('"') >= 0 || text.indexOf(fieldSeparator) >= 0 || text.indexOf('\n') >= 0 let result = text.replace(/"/g, '""') - if (quoted) { result = '"' + result + '"' } + if (quoted) result = `"${result}"` return result } @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export function getBodyRow(data: Record | undefined | null, fields: val = '' const fields = field.name.split('||') // for each alternative - fields.forEach(field => { + fields.forEach((field) => { // get value and associate const fieldVal = getValue(data, field) // remove whitespaces and check if non null before assign diff --git a/packages/json-csv-core/src/index.ts b/packages/json-csv-core/src/index.ts index 3a04ec1..e2e4de6 100644 --- a/packages/json-csv-core/src/index.ts +++ b/packages/json-csv-core/src/index.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -import { buffered } from './exporter' -export * as exporter from './exporter' +import { buffered } from './exporter.js' +export * as exporter from './exporter.js' export { buffered, buffered as toCsv } diff --git a/packages/json-csv-core/src/types.ts b/packages/json-csv-core/src/types.ts index d49afea..d677040 100644 --- a/packages/json-csv-core/src/types.ts +++ b/packages/json-csv-core/src/types.ts @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ - export type Field = { - name: string; - label?: string; - transform?: (source: any) => string; + name: string + label?: string + transform?: (source: any) => string } -export type FieldList = Field[]; +export type FieldList = Field[] export type ExportOptions = { - fieldSeparator?: string; - fields: FieldList; - ignoreHeader: boolean; + fieldSeparator?: string + fields: FieldList + ignoreHeader: boolean } diff --git a/packages/json-csv-core/tsconfig.build.json b/packages/json-csv-core/tsconfig.build.json index c5dbc75..276177c 100644 --- a/packages/json-csv-core/tsconfig.build.json +++ b/packages/json-csv-core/tsconfig.build.json @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ { "extends": "./tsconfig", "compilerOptions": { + "module": "Node16", + "moduleResolution": "Node16", "sourceMap": false, "declarationMap": false }, diff --git a/packages/json-csv-node/.eslintrc.json b/packages/json-csv-node/.eslintrc.json deleted file mode 100644 index e9c4232..0000000 --- a/packages/json-csv-node/.eslintrc.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": ["../../eslint-base-node.json"] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/json-csv-node/package.json b/packages/json-csv-node/package.json index 2d2b519..65f1cfe 100644 --- a/packages/json-csv-node/package.json +++ 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b/packages/json-csv-node/src/index.cts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { StringWriter } from './string-writer.cjs' export { StringWriter } from './string-writer.cjs' -type StreamCallback = (err?: Error | null, result?: Transform) => void; +type StreamCallback = (err?: Error | null, result?: Transform) => void type BufferedCallback = (err?: Error | null, result?: string) => void /** @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ export const buffered = (data: Record[], options: Partial callback(null, result)) - .catch((err) => callback(err)) + .then(result => callback(null, result)) + .catch(err => callback(err)) } /** diff --git a/samples/advanced-stream.cjs b/samples/advanced-stream.cjs index 67ea1ca..5ed3467 100644 --- a/samples/advanced-stream.cjs +++ b/samples/advanced-stream.cjs @@ -2,63 +2,63 @@ const { toCsvStream } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { Readable } = require('stream') const items = [ - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Widgets, LLC', - name: 'John Doe', - email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 3 - } - }, - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Sprockets, LLC', - name: 'Jane Doe', - email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 2 - } - } + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Widgets, LLC', + name: 'John Doe', + email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 3 + } + }, + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Sprockets, LLC', + name: 'Jane Doe', + email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 2 + } + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'contact.company', - label: 'Company' - }, - { - name: 'contact.name', - label: 'Name' - }, - { - name: 'contact.email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'registration.year', - label: 'Year' - }, - { - name: 'registration.level', - label: 'Level', - transform: (value) => { - switch (value) { - case 1: return 'Test 1' - case 2: return 'Test 2' - default: return 'Unknown' - } - } - }] + fields: [ + { + name: 'contact.company', + label: 'Company' + }, + { + name: 'contact.name', + label: 'Name' + }, + { + name: 'contact.email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'registration.year', + label: 'Year' + }, + { + name: 'registration.level', + label: 'Level', + transform: (value) => { + switch (value) { + case 1: return 'Test 1' + case 2: return 'Test 2' + default: return 'Unknown' + } + } + }] } Readable.from(items) - .pipe(toCsvStream(options)) - .pipe(process.stdout) + .pipe(toCsvStream(options)) + .pipe(process.stdout) diff --git a/samples/advanced-stream.mjs b/samples/advanced-stream.mjs index 16ad572..6bff880 100644 --- a/samples/advanced-stream.mjs +++ b/samples/advanced-stream.mjs @@ -2,63 +2,63 @@ import { toCsvStream } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { Readable } from 'stream' const items = [ - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Widgets, LLC', - name: 'John Doe', - email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 3 - } - }, - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Sprockets, LLC', - name: 'Jane Doe', - email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 2 - } - } + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Widgets, LLC', + name: 'John Doe', + email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 3 + } + }, + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Sprockets, LLC', + name: 'Jane Doe', + email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 2 + } + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'contact.company', - label: 'Company' - }, - { - name: 'contact.name', - label: 'Name' - }, - { - name: 'contact.email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'registration.year', - label: 'Year' - }, - { - name: 'registration.level', - label: 'Level', - transform: (value) => { - switch (value) { - case 1: return 'Test 1' - case 2: return 'Test 2' - default: return 'Unknown' - } - } - }] + fields: [ + { + name: 'contact.company', + label: 'Company' + }, + { + name: 'contact.name', + label: 'Name' + }, + { + name: 'contact.email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'registration.year', + label: 'Year' + }, + { + name: 'registration.level', + label: 'Level', + transform: (value) => { + switch (value) { + case 1: return 'Test 1' + case 2: return 'Test 2' + default: return 'Unknown' + } + } + }] } Readable.from(items) - .pipe(toCsvStream(options)) - .pipe(process.stdout) + .pipe(toCsvStream(options)) + .pipe(process.stdout) diff --git a/samples/advanced.cjs b/samples/advanced.cjs index 87899e6..c0a4cf4 100644 --- a/samples/advanced.cjs +++ b/samples/advanced.cjs @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ const { toCsv } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const items = [ - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Widgets, LLC', - name: 'John Doe', - email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 3 - } - }, - { - downloaded: true, - contact: { - company: 'Sprockets, LLC', - name: 'Jane Doe', - email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 2 - } - } + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Widgets, LLC', + name: 'John Doe', + email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 3 + } + }, + { + downloaded: true, + contact: { + company: 'Sprockets, LLC', + name: 'Jane Doe', + email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 2 + } + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'contact.company', - label: 'Company' - }, - { - name: 'contact.name', - label: 'Name' - }, - { - name: 'contact.email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'downloaded', - label: 'Downloaded', - transform: (v) => v ? 'downloaded' : 'pending' - }, - { - name: 'registration.year', - label: 'Year' - }, - { - name: 'registration.level', - label: 'Level', - transform: function(value) { - switch (value) { - case 1: return 'Test 1' - case 2: return 'Test 2' - default: return 'Unknown' - } - } - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'contact.company', + label: 'Company' + }, + { + name: 'contact.name', + label: 'Name' + }, + { + name: 'contact.email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'downloaded', + label: 'Downloaded', + transform: v => v ? 'downloaded' : 'pending' + }, + { + name: 'registration.year', + label: 'Year' + }, + { + name: 'registration.level', + label: 'Level', + transform: function (value) { + switch (value) { + case 1: return 'Test 1' + case 2: return 'Test 2' + default: return 'Unknown' + } + } + } + ] } async function writeCsv() { - try { - const result = await toCsv(items, options) - console.log(result) - } catch (err) { - console.error(err) - } + try { + const result = await toCsv(items, options) + console.log(result) + } catch (err) { + console.error(err) + } } writeCsv() diff --git a/samples/advanced.mjs b/samples/advanced.mjs index 0b85183..2c29203 100644 --- a/samples/advanced.mjs +++ b/samples/advanced.mjs @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ import { toCsv } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' -import csv from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' const items = [ - { - downloaded: false, - contact: { - company: 'Widgets, LLC', - name: 'John Doe', - email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 3 - } - }, - { - downloaded: true, - contact: { - company: 'Sprockets, LLC', - name: 'Jane Doe', - email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' - }, - registration: { - year: 2013, - level: 2 - } - } + { + downloaded: false, + contact: { + company: 'Widgets, LLC', + name: 'John Doe', + email: 'john@widgets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 3 + } + }, + { + downloaded: true, + contact: { + company: 'Sprockets, LLC', + name: 'Jane Doe', + email: 'jane@sprockets.somewhere' + }, + registration: { + year: 2013, + level: 2 + } + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'contact.company', - label: 'Company' - }, - { - name: 'contact.name', - label: 'Name' - }, - { - name: 'contact.email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'downloaded', - label: 'Downloaded', - transform: (v) => v ? 'downloaded' : 'pending' - }, - { - name: 'registration.year', - label: 'Year' - }, - { - name: 'registration.level', - label: 'Level', - transform: function(value) { - switch (value) { - case 1: return 'Test 1' - case 2: return 'Test 2' - default: return 'Unknown' - } - } - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'contact.company', + label: 'Company' + }, + { + name: 'contact.name', + label: 'Name' + }, + { + name: 'contact.email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'downloaded', + label: 'Downloaded', + transform: v => v ? 'downloaded' : 'pending' + }, + { + name: 'registration.year', + label: 'Year' + }, + { + name: 'registration.level', + label: 'Level', + transform: function (value) { + switch (value) { + case 1: return 'Test 1' + case 2: return 'Test 2' + default: return 'Unknown' + } + } + } + ] } async function writeCsv() { - try { - const result = await toCsv(items, options) - console.log(result) - } catch (err) { - console.error(err) - } + try { + const result = await toCsv(items, options) + console.log(result) + } catch (err) { + console.error(err) + } } writeCsv() diff --git a/samples/package.json b/samples/package.json index 534b8af..39b7a26 100644 --- a/samples/package.json +++ b/samples/package.json @@ -17,13 +17,6 @@ "author": "Nathan Bridgewater", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.8.0", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.8.0", - "eslint": "^8.57.0", - "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "^3.6.1", - "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1", - "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1", "npm-run-all": "^4.1.5" } } diff --git a/samples/simple-stream.cjs b/samples/simple-stream.cjs index 9d9d7cf..9ab64d7 100644 --- a/samples/simple-stream.cjs +++ b/samples/simple-stream.cjs @@ -2,45 +2,45 @@ const jsonCsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { Readable } = require('stream') const items = [ - { - name: 'fred', - email: 'fred@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a comma,', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a quote"', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }] + { + name: 'fred', + email: 'fred@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a comma,', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a quote"', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'name', - label: 'Name', - quoted: true - }, - { - name: 'email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'amount', - label: 'Amount' - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'name', + label: 'Name', + quoted: true + }, + { + name: 'email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'amount', + label: 'Amount' + } + ] } Readable.from(items) - .pipe(jsonCsv.stream(options)) - .pipe(process.stdout) + .pipe(jsonCsv.stream(options)) + .pipe(process.stdout) diff --git a/samples/simple-stream.mjs b/samples/simple-stream.mjs index 9d63e4f..9f1cfdb 100644 --- a/samples/simple-stream.mjs +++ b/samples/simple-stream.mjs @@ -2,45 +2,45 @@ import { stream } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { Readable } from 'stream' const items = [ - { - name: 'fred', - email: 'fred@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a comma,', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a quote"', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }] + { + name: 'fred', + email: 'fred@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a comma,', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a quote"', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'name', - label: 'Name', - quoted: true - }, - { - name: 'email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'amount', - label: 'Amount' - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'name', + label: 'Name', + quoted: true + }, + { + name: 'email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'amount', + label: 'Amount' + } + ] } Readable.from(items) - .pipe(stream(options)) - .pipe(process.stdout) + .pipe(stream(options)) + .pipe(process.stdout) diff --git a/samples/simple.cjs b/samples/simple.cjs index 2a978e4..0d58799 100644 --- a/samples/simple.cjs +++ b/samples/simple.cjs @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ const jsonCsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const items = [ - { - name: 'fred', - email: 'fred@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a comma,', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a quote"', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - } + { + name: 'fred', + email: 'fred@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a comma,', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a quote"', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'name', - label: 'Name', - quoted: true - }, - { - name: 'email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'amount', - label: 'Amount' - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'name', + label: 'Name', + quoted: true + }, + { + name: 'email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'amount', + label: 'Amount' + } + ] } async function writeCsv() { - try { - const result = await jsonCsv.buffered(items, options) - console.log(result) - } catch (err) { - console.error(err) - } + try { + const result = await jsonCsv.buffered(items, options) + console.log(result) + } catch (err) { + console.error(err) + } } writeCsv() diff --git a/samples/simple.mjs b/samples/simple.mjs index 1353fc1..1225a52 100644 --- a/samples/simple.mjs +++ b/samples/simple.mjs @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' const items = [ - { - name: 'fred', - email: 'fred@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a comma,', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - }, - { - name: 'jo with a quote"', - email: 'jo@somewhere', - amount: 1.02 - } + { + name: 'fred', + email: 'fred@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a comma,', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + }, + { + name: 'jo with a quote"', + email: 'jo@somewhere', + amount: 1.02 + } ] const options = { - fields: [ - { - name: 'name', - label: 'Name', - quoted: true - }, - { - name: 'email', - label: 'Email' - }, - { - name: 'amount', - label: 'Amount' - } - ] + fields: [ + { + name: 'name', + label: 'Name', + quoted: true + }, + { + name: 'email', + label: 'Email' + }, + { + name: 'amount', + label: 'Amount' + } + ] } async function writeCsv() { - try { - const result = await buffered(items, options) - console.log(result) - } catch (err) { - console.error(err) - } + try { + const result = await buffered(items, options) + console.log(result) + } catch (err) { + console.error(err) + } } writeCsv() diff --git a/test-runner-core/.eslintignore b/test-runner-core/.eslintignore deleted file mode 100644 index f06235c..0000000 --- a/test-runner-core/.eslintignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -node_modules -dist diff --git a/test-runner-core/.eslintrc.json b/test-runner-core/.eslintrc.json deleted file mode 100644 index b729050..0000000 --- a/test-runner-core/.eslintrc.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": ["../eslint-base.json"], - "rules": { - "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off", - "camelcase": "off" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test-runner-core/package.json b/test-runner-core/package.json index 01f2733..a267909 100644 --- a/test-runner-core/package.json +++ b/test-runner-core/package.json @@ -13,16 +13,7 @@ "author": "Nathan Bridgewater", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { - "chai": "^4.4.1", + "chai": "^4.5.0", "mocha": "^9.2.2" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.8.0", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.8.0", - "eslint": "^8.57.0", - "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "^3.6.1", - "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1", - "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1" } } diff --git a/test-runner-core/test/exporter.js b/test-runner-core/test/exporter.js index 0d5cfbf..65415f2 100644 --- a/test-runner-core/test/exporter.js +++ b/test-runner-core/test/exporter.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ const { buffered } = require('../../packages/json-csv-core/dist/exporter') -describe('buffered', function() { - describe('buffered simple data with default options', function() { - before(function() { +describe('buffered', function () { + describe('buffered simple data with default options', function () { + before(function () { const options = { fields: [ - { name: 'name', label: 'Name', transform: (v) => `${v != null ? v : ''}`.toUpperCase() }, + { name: 'name', label: 'Name', transform: v => `${v != null ? v : ''}`.toUpperCase() }, { name: 'age', label: 'Age' } ] } @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe('buffered', function() { ] this.result = buffered(this.source, options) }) - it('should have the correct output', function() { + it('should have the correct output', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('Name,Age\r\nFRED,14\r\nGEORGE,24\r\nFRANK,53\r\nSUSIE,43\r\n,44\r\n,45\r\n"TEST,TEST",43\r\n,\r\n') }) }) diff --git a/test-runner-core/test/field-value-prep.js b/test-runner-core/test/field-value-prep.js index ede7491..ad62760 100644 --- a/test-runner-core/test/field-value-prep.js +++ b/test-runner-core/test/field-value-prep.js @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ const { prepValue } = require('../../packages/json-csv-core/dist/exporter') -describe('Field value prep', function() { - it('surround with quotes (and double-qoute inner) if any quotes detected within the value', function() { +describe('Field value prep', function () { + it('surround with quotes (and double-qoute inner) if any quotes detected within the value', function () { const test = 'someString"' const result = prepValue(test, false, ',') expect(result).to.equal('"someString"""') }) - it('surround with quotes if any commas detected within the value', function() { + it('surround with quotes if any commas detected within the value', function () { const test = 'someString,' const result = prepValue(test, false, ',') expect(result).to.equal('"someString,"') }) - it('surround with quotes if any fieldSeparator detected within the value', function() { + it('surround with quotes if any fieldSeparator detected within the value', function () { const test = 'someString;' const result = prepValue(test, false, ';') expect(result).to.equal('"someString;"') }) - it('surround with quotes if force quote option is true', function() { + it('surround with quotes if force quote option is true', function () { const test = 'someString' const result = prepValue(test, true, ',') expect(result).to.equal('"someString"') }) - it('should not quote the value if it does not contain field separator nor is forced.', function() { + it('should not quote the value if it does not contain field separator nor is forced.', function () { const test = 'someString' const result = prepValue(test, false, ',') expect(result).to.equal('someString') diff --git a/test-runner-core/test/getValue.js b/test-runner-core/test/getValue.js index c80709e..f91cfa5 100644 --- a/test-runner-core/test/getValue.js +++ b/test-runner-core/test/getValue.js @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ const { getValue } = require('../../packages/json-csv-core/dist/exporter') -describe('Value Evaluator', function() { - it('should evaluate value of contact.name', function() { +describe('Value Evaluator', function () { + it('should evaluate value of contact.name', function () { const test = { contact: { name: 'some name' } } const result = getValue(test, 'contact.name') expect(result).to.equal('some name') }) - it('should evaluate value of contact.name.middle.initial', function() { + it('should evaluate value of contact.name.middle.initial', function () { const test = { contact: { name: { middle: { initial: 'L' } } } } const result = getValue(test, 'contact.name.middle.initial') expect(result).to.equal('L') }) - it('should evaluate undefined value of contact.name.middle.initial as blank string', function() { + it('should evaluate undefined value of contact.name.middle.initial as blank string', function () { const test = { contact: { name: 'test' } } const result = getValue(test, 'contact.test.somethingelse') expect(result).to.equal('') diff --git a/test-runner-core/test/module-exports.js b/test-runner-core/test/module-exports.js index b321dbd..d7c3f00 100644 --- a/test-runner-core/test/module-exports.js +++ b/test-runner-core/test/module-exports.js @@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ const direct_default = require('../../packages/json-csv-core/dist/exporter') const { buffered: index_named, toCsv } = buffered_index const { buffered: direct_named, toCsv: direct_toCsv } = direct_default -describe('module exports', function() { - it('index named export should exist', function() { expect(index_named).to.be.a('function') }) - it('toCsv named export should exist', function() { expect(toCsv).to.be.a('function') }) - it('index default export should be a func', function() { expect(buffered_index.default).to.be.a('function') }) - it('index default export should work', function() { +describe('module exports', function () { + it('index named export should exist', function () { expect(index_named).to.be.a('function') }) + it('toCsv named export should exist', function () { expect(toCsv).to.be.a('function') }) + it('index default export should be a func', function () { expect(buffered_index.default).to.be.a('function') }) + it('index default export should work', function () { const result = buffered_index.default([{ name: 'test' }], { fields: [{ name: 'name', label: 'Name' }] }) expect(result).to.eq('Name\r\ntest\r\n') }) - it('direct default export should be a func', function() { expect(direct_default.default).to.be.a('function') }) - it('direct named export should exist', function() { expect(direct_named).to.be.a('function') }) - it('direct toCsv export should exist', function() { expect(direct_toCsv).to.be.a('function') }) + it('direct default export should be a func', function () { expect(direct_default.default).to.be.a('function') }) + it('direct named export should exist', function () { expect(direct_named).to.be.a('function') }) + it('direct toCsv export should exist', function () { expect(direct_toCsv).to.be.a('function') }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/.eslintignore b/test-runner/.eslintignore deleted file mode 100644 index f06235c..0000000 --- a/test-runner/.eslintignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -node_modules -dist diff --git a/test-runner/.eslintrc.json b/test-runner/.eslintrc.json deleted file mode 100644 index fa1eba5..0000000 --- a/test-runner/.eslintrc.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": ["../eslint-base-node.json"], - "rules": { - "node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins": "off", - "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off", - "camelcase": "off", - "node/no-extraneous-require": "off", - "no-unused-expressions": "off" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test-runner/package.json b/test-runner/package.json index 820f035..2d0dc53 100644 --- a/test-runner/package.json +++ b/test-runner/package.json @@ -3,20 +3,11 @@ "version": "6.1.0-alpha.1", "type": "module", "dependencies": { - "chai": "^4.4.1", + "chai": "^4.5.0", "coffeescript": "^2.7.0", "mocha": "^9.2.2", "should": "^13.2.3" }, - "devDependencies": { - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.8.0", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.8.0", - "eslint": "^8.57.0", - "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "^3.6.1", - "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1", - "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1" - }, "scripts": { "test": "mocha $@", "lint": "eslint test" diff --git a/test-runner/test/async.cjs b/test-runner/test/async.cjs index 15860a6..f7f0e71 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/async.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/async.cjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ const { buffered } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { expect } = require('chai') -describe('CJS JSON - CSV, async', function() { - before(async function() { +describe('CJS JSON - CSV, async', function () { + before(async function () { this.data = [ { contact: { @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('CJS JSON - CSV, async', function() { { name: 'contact.name', label: 'contact', - filter: function() { + filter: function () { return 'something else' } }, { @@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ describe('CJS JSON - CSV, async', function() { } this.result = await buffered(this.data, options) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.eql('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) - it('should not throw error', function() { expect(this.err).to.not.exist }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.eql('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) + it('should not throw error', function () { expect(this.err).to.not.exist }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/async.mjs b/test-runner/test/async.mjs index f6d42cf..4810e2a 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/async.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/async.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { expect } from 'chai' -describe('ESM: JSON - CSV, async', function() { - before(async function() { +describe('ESM: JSON - CSV, async', function () { + before(async function () { this.data = [ { contact: { @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV, async', function() { { name: 'contact.name', label: 'contact', - filter: function() { + filter: function () { return 'something else' } }, { @@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV, async', function() { } this.result = await buffered(this.data, options) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.eql('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) - it('should not throw error', function() { expect(this.err).to.not.exist }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.eql('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) + it('should not throw error', function () { expect(this.err).to.not.exist }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-1.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-1.cjs index 764d1fe..4dd450d 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-1.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-1.cjs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 1', function() { - it('should contain a final endquote', function(done) { +describe('Issue 1', function () { + it('should contain a final endquote', function (done) { const items = [{ s: 'foo "bar"' }] // --> this should be turned into "foo ""bar""" - jsoncsv.buffered(items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }] }, function(err, csv) { + jsoncsv.buffered(items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('s\r\n"foo ""bar"""\r\n') done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-1.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-1.mjs index 6bd9140..9a264b7 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-1.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-1.mjs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 1', function() { - it('should contain a final endquote', function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 1', function () { + it('should contain a final endquote', function (done) { const items = [{ s: 'foo "bar"' }] // --> this should be turned into "foo ""bar""" - buffered(items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }] }, function(err, csv) { + buffered(items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('s\r\n"foo ""bar"""\r\n') done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-10.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-10.cjs index 9f01d23..99bed49 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-10.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-10.cjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 10', function() { - describe("@kameamea's test", function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 10', function () { + describe('@kameamea\'s test', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: '', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] jsoncsv.buffered(this.data, { @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ describe('Issue 10', function() { done(err) }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv', function() { this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\n,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv', function () { this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\n,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) }) - describe("@Elavarasan83's test", function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('@Elavarasan83\'s test', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ car: '', price: 40000, color: 'blue' }, { car: 'BMW', price: 35000, color: 'red' }, { car: 'Tata', price: 60000, color: 'green' }] jsoncsv.buffered(this.data, @@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ describe('Issue 10', function() { } ) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv', function() { this.result.should.equal('CAR,COLOR,PRICE\r\n,blue,40000\r\nBMW,red,35000\r\nTata,green,60000\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv', function () { this.result.should.equal('CAR,COLOR,PRICE\r\n,blue,40000\r\nBMW,red,35000\r\nTata,green,60000\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-10.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-10.mjs index 06ac65e..8cf2052 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-10.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-10.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 10', function() { - describe("@kameamea's test", function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 10', function () { + describe('@kameamea\'s test', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: '', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] buffered(this.data, { @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 10', function() { done(err) }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv', function() { this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\n,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv', function () { this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\n,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) }) - describe("@Elavarasan83's test", function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('@Elavarasan83\'s test', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ car: '', price: 40000, color: 'blue' }, { car: 'BMW', price: 35000, color: 'red' }, { car: 'Tata', price: 60000, color: 'green' }] buffered(this.data, @@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 10', function() { } ) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv', function() { this.result.should.equal('CAR,COLOR,PRICE\r\n,blue,40000\r\nBMW,red,35000\r\nTata,green,60000\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv', function () { this.result.should.equal('CAR,COLOR,PRICE\r\n,blue,40000\r\nBMW,red,35000\r\nTata,green,60000\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-13.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-13.cjs index 222466a..a722b23 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-13.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-13.cjs @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 13', function() { - describe('When exporting fields containing literal periods as opposed to object separators', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 13', function () { + describe('When exporting fields containing literal periods as opposed to object separators', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ 'website url': 'http ://www.somewhere.com', 'phone no.': '(555) 123-4567', 'contact person': 'JOHN DOE', - title: 'WWW Widgets Association Inc.', + 'title': 'WWW Widgets Association Inc.', 'service area': 'KANSAS CITY', - address: '123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145', - hcr_data_url: 'https://github.com/LocalHousingOrgLists/Profile.aspx?applid=9', - email: 'somebodythis.github.com', - description: 'The WWW Widgets Association...' + 'address': '123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145', + 'hcr_data_url': 'https://github.com/LocalHousingOrgLists/Profile.aspx?applid=9', + 'email': 'somebodythis.github.com', + 'description': 'The WWW Widgets Association...' }] this.options = [ { name: 'title', label: 'org name' }, @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ describe('Issue 13', function() { done() }) }) - it('should export correct header row', function() { /^org name,website,email,phone,contact person,service area,address,hcr url,description\r\n/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should NOT export phone field because periods in names is a known issue.', function() { /\(555\) 123-4567/.test(this.csv).should.be.false() }) - it('should export title field', function() { /WWW Widgets Association Inc\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export email field', function() { /somebodythis.github\.com/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export contact person field', function() { /JOHN DOE/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export service area field', function() { /KANSAS CITY/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export address field', function() { /123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export hcr field', function() { /https:\/\/github\.com\/LocalHousingOrgLists\/Profile\.aspx\?applid=9/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export description field', function() { /The WWW Widgets Association\.\.\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export correct header row', function () { /^org name,website,email,phone,contact person,service area,address,hcr url,description\r\n/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should NOT export phone field because periods in names is a known issue.', function () { /\(555\) 123-4567/.test(this.csv).should.be.false() }) + it('should export title field', function () { /WWW Widgets Association Inc\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export email field', function () { /somebodythis.github\.com/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export contact person field', function () { /JOHN DOE/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export service area field', function () { /KANSAS CITY/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export address field', function () { /123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export hcr field', function () { /https:\/\/github\.com\/LocalHousingOrgLists\/Profile\.aspx\?applid=9/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export description field', function () { /The WWW Widgets Association\.\.\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-13.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-13.mjs index 08f2522..4438d0b 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-13.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-13.mjs @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ import { toCsv } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 13', function() { - describe('When exporting fields containing literal periods as opposed to object separators', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 13', function () { + describe('When exporting fields containing literal periods as opposed to object separators', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ 'website url': 'http ://www.somewhere.com', 'phone no.': '(555) 123-4567', 'contact person': 'JOHN DOE', - title: 'WWW Widgets Association Inc.', + 'title': 'WWW Widgets Association Inc.', 'service area': 'KANSAS CITY', - address: '123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145', - hcr_data_url: 'https://github.com/LocalHousingOrgLists/Profile.aspx?applid=9', - email: 'somebodythis.github.com', - description: 'The WWW Widgets Association...' + 'address': '123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145', + 'hcr_data_url': 'https://github.com/LocalHousingOrgLists/Profile.aspx?applid=9', + 'email': 'somebodythis.github.com', + 'description': 'The WWW Widgets Association...' }] this.options = [ { name: 'title', label: 'org name' }, @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 13', function() { done() }) }) - it('should export correct header row', function() { /^org name,website,email,phone,contact person,service area,address,hcr url,description\r\n/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should NOT export phone field because periods in names is a known issue.', function() { /\(555\) 123-4567/.test(this.csv).should.be.false() }) - it('should export title field', function() { /WWW Widgets Association Inc\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export email field', function() { /somebodythis.github\.com/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export contact person field', function() { /JOHN DOE/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export service area field', function() { /KANSAS CITY/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export address field', function() { /123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export hcr field', function() { /https:\/\/github\.com\/LocalHousingOrgLists\/Profile\.aspx\?applid=9/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) - it('should export description field', function() { /The WWW Widgets Association\.\.\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export correct header row', function () { /^org name,website,email,phone,contact person,service area,address,hcr url,description\r\n/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should NOT export phone field because periods in names is a known issue.', function () { /\(555\) 123-4567/.test(this.csv).should.be.false() }) + it('should export title field', function () { /WWW Widgets Association Inc\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export email field', function () { /somebodythis.github\.com/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export contact person field', function () { /JOHN DOE/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export service area field', function () { /KANSAS CITY/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export address field', function () { /123 MAIN ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64145/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export hcr field', function () { /https:\/\/github\.com\/LocalHousingOrgLists\/Profile\.aspx\?applid=9/.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) + it('should export description field', function () { /The WWW Widgets Association\.\.\./.test(this.csv).should.be.true() }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-16.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-16.cjs index 821bee0..600c69f 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-16.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-16.cjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 16', function() { - describe('When exporting flexible schema data that may include a null element in the data source', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 16', function () { + describe('When exporting flexible schema data that may include a null element in the data source', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ s: 5, y: { a: 1, b: 2 } }, null, { x: 4 }, { s: 1, x: 3, y: { a: 3, b: 4 } }] jsoncsv.buffered(this.items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }, { name: 'x', label: 'x' }, { name: 'y.a', label: 'y_a' }] }, (err, csv) => { this.err = err @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ describe('Issue 16', function() { done() }) }) - it('should export blanks for s and x', function() { this.csv.should.equal('s,x,y_a\r\n5,,1\r\n,,\r\n,4,\r\n1,3,3\r\n') }) + it('should export blanks for s and x', function () { this.csv.should.equal('s,x,y_a\r\n5,,1\r\n,,\r\n,4,\r\n1,3,3\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-16.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-16.mjs index a0a19a3..6a1e5f2 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-16.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-16.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 16', function() { - describe('When exporting flexible schema data that may include a null element in the data source', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 16', function () { + describe('When exporting flexible schema data that may include a null element in the data source', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ s: 5, y: { a: 1, b: 2 } }, null, { x: 4 }, { s: 1, x: 3, y: { a: 3, b: 4 } }] buffered(this.items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's' }, { name: 'x', label: 'x' }, { name: 'y.a', label: 'y_a' }] }, (err, csv) => { this.err = err @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 16', function() { done() }) }) - it('should export blanks for s and x', function() { this.csv.should.equal('s,x,y_a\r\n5,,1\r\n,,\r\n,4,\r\n1,3,3\r\n') }) + it('should export blanks for s and x', function () { this.csv.should.equal('s,x,y_a\r\n5,,1\r\n,,\r\n,4,\r\n1,3,3\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-2.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-2.cjs index 7966cf6..b670118 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-2.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-2.cjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 2', function() { - describe('When providing a filter function that returns null or undefined', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 2', function () { + describe('When providing a filter function that returns null or undefined', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ s: 5 }] jsoncsv.buffered(this.items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's', filter: _v => undefined }] }, (err, csv) => { this.csv = csv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe('Issue 2', function() { done() }) }) - it('should filter before prepping the value', function() { this.csv.should.equal('s\r\n\r\n') }) - it('should not throw an error', function() { should.not.exist(this.err) }) + it('should filter before prepping the value', function () { this.csv.should.equal('s\r\n\r\n') }) + it('should not throw an error', function () { should.not.exist(this.err) }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-2.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-2.mjs index 0d2a8e0..00396fd 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-2.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-2.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import should from 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 2', function() { - describe('When providing a filter function that returns null or undefined', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 2', function () { + describe('When providing a filter function that returns null or undefined', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ s: 5 }] buffered(this.items, { fields: [{ name: 's', label: 's', filter: _v => undefined }] }, (err, csv) => { this.csv = csv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 2', function() { done() }) }) - it('should filter before prepping the value', function() { this.csv.should.equal('s\r\n\r\n') }) - it('should not throw an error', function() { should.not.exist(this.err) }) + it('should filter before prepping the value', function () { this.csv.should.equal('s\r\n\r\n') }) + it('should not throw an error', function () { should.not.exist(this.err) }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-21.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-21.cjs index 44c4837..4ea79d9 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-21.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-21.cjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 21', function() { - describe('When exporting a column, concatenated from two source fields', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 21', function () { + describe('When exporting a column, concatenated from two source fields', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] jsoncsv.csvBuffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ describe('Issue 21', function() { return done() }) - it('should export concatenated a and b', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('c\r\nfirstsecond\r\nthirdfourth\r\nfifthsixth\r\n') }) + it('should export concatenated a and b', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('c\r\nfirstsecond\r\nthirdfourth\r\nfifthsixth\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-21.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-21.mjs index d4a1aae..c4ca577 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-21.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-21.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 21', function() { - describe('When exporting a column, concatenated from two source fields', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 21', function () { + describe('When exporting a column, concatenated from two source fields', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] buffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 21', function() { return done() }) - it('should export concatenated a and b', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('c\r\nfirstsecond\r\nthirdfourth\r\nfifthsixth\r\n') }) + it('should export concatenated a and b', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('c\r\nfirstsecond\r\nthirdfourth\r\nfifthsixth\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-23.cjs b/test-runner/test/issue-23.cjs index 66b92e2..8f71f20 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-23.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-23.cjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('Issue 23', function() { - describe('When excluding label definitions', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('Issue 23', function () { + describe('When excluding label definitions', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] jsoncsv.csvBuffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ describe('Issue 23', function() { done() }) - it('should export a and b', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b\r\nfirst,second\r\nthird,fourth\r\nfifth,sixth\r\n') }) + it('should export a and b', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b\r\nfirst,second\r\nthird,fourth\r\nfifth,sixth\r\n') }) }) // also this issue came up (because of the first one) - return describe('When exporting a column that resolves undefined in the data set', function() { - before(function(done) { + return describe('When exporting a column that resolves undefined in the data set', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] jsoncsv.csvBuffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ describe('Issue 23', function() { return done() }) - return it('should export a, b, and c', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b,c\r\nfirst,second,\r\nthird,fourth,\r\nfifth,sixth,\r\n') }) + return it('should export a, b, and c', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b,c\r\nfirst,second,\r\nthird,fourth,\r\nfifth,sixth,\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/issue-23.mjs b/test-runner/test/issue-23.mjs index 4411f89..4572888 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/issue-23.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/issue-23.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { buffered } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: Issue 23', function() { - describe('When excluding label definitions', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: Issue 23', function () { + describe('When excluding label definitions', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] buffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 23', function() { done() }) - it('should export a and b', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b\r\nfirst,second\r\nthird,fourth\r\nfifth,sixth\r\n') }) + it('should export a and b', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b\r\nfirst,second\r\nthird,fourth\r\nfifth,sixth\r\n') }) }) // also this issue came up (because of the first one) - return describe('When exporting a column that resolves undefined in the data set', function() { - before(function(done) { + return describe('When exporting a column that resolves undefined in the data set', function () { + before(function (done) { this.items = [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }, { a: 'third', b: 'fourth' }, { a: 'fifth', b: 'sixth' }] buffered(this.items, { fields: [ @@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ describe('ESM: Issue 23', function() { return done() }) - return it('should export a, b, and c', function() { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b,c\r\nfirst,second,\r\nthird,fourth,\r\nfifth,sixth,\r\n') }) + return it('should export a, b, and c', function () { return this.csv.should.equal('a,b,c\r\nfirst,second,\r\nthird,fourth,\r\nfifth,sixth,\r\n') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/json-csv.cjs b/test-runner/test/json-csv.cjs index ddbfb5b..9823519 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/json-csv.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/json-csv.cjs @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ require('should') const { toCsv, toCsvStream, StringWriter } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { Readable } = require('stream') -describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function() { - describe('buffered', function() { - describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV using fieldSeparator', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function () { + describe('buffered', function () { + describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV using fieldSeparator', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function() { }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv using fieldSeparator', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact;amount\r\ntest;4.3\r\ntest2;5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv using fieldSeparator', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact;amount\r\ntest;4.3\r\ntest2;5\r\n') }) }) - describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV with field filters', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV with field filters', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ @@ -49,17 +49,18 @@ describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function() { done(err) }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv using filters', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv using filters', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) }) - return describe('When filter is provided and the value is falsey', function() { - before(function(done) { + return describe('When filter is provided and the value is falsey', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', thing: false, amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { thing: true, name: null, amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ name: 'contact.thing', label: 'thing', filter(value) { - if (value === true) { return 'Yes' } else { return 'No' } + if (value === true) return 'Yes' + else return 'No' } }, { @@ -77,12 +78,12 @@ describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function() { done() }) }) - it('should write empty data', function() { return this.result.should.equal('thing,name,amount\r\nNo,test,4.3\r\nYes,,5\r\n') }) + it('should write empty data', function () { return this.result.should.equal('thing,name,amount\r\nNo,test,4.3\r\nYes,,5\r\n') }) }) }) - describe('stream', function() { - return describe('When piping data through the Exporter to a buffer', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('stream', function () { + return describe('When piping data through the Exporter to a buffer', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] this.fields = [{ @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ describe('CJS: JSON - CSV', function() { }) }) - it('should contain CSV result', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\ntest,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) + it('should contain CSV result', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\ntest,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/json-csv.mjs b/test-runner/test/json-csv.mjs index 45d633d..3c53d23 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/json-csv.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/json-csv.mjs @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import 'should' import { toCsv, toCsvStream, StringWriter } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { Readable } from 'stream' -describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function() { - describe('buffered', function() { - describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV using fieldSeparator', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function () { + describe('buffered', function () { + describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV using fieldSeparator', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function() { }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv using fieldSeparator', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact;amount\r\ntest;4.3\r\ntest2;5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv using fieldSeparator', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact;amount\r\ntest;4.3\r\ntest2;5\r\n') }) }) - describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV with field filters', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('When converting a buffer of data to CSV with field filters', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ @@ -49,17 +49,18 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function() { done(err) }) }) - it('should convert list of data to csv using filters', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) + it('should convert list of data to csv using filters', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\nsomething else,4.3\r\nsomething else,5\r\n') }) }) - return describe('When filter is provided and the value is falsey', function() { - before(function(done) { + return describe('When filter is provided and the value is falsey', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', thing: false, amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { thing: true, name: null, amount: 5 } }] toCsv(this.data, { fields: [{ name: 'contact.thing', label: 'thing', filter(value) { - if (value === true) { return 'Yes' } else { return 'No' } + if (value === true) return 'Yes' + else return 'No' } }, { @@ -77,12 +78,12 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function() { done() }) }) - it('should write empty data', function() { return this.result.should.equal('thing,name,amount\r\nNo,test,4.3\r\nYes,,5\r\n') }) + it('should write empty data', function () { return this.result.should.equal('thing,name,amount\r\nNo,test,4.3\r\nYes,,5\r\n') }) }) }) - describe('stream', function() { - return describe('When piping data through the Exporter to a buffer', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('stream', function () { + return describe('When piping data through the Exporter to a buffer', function () { + before(function (done) { this.data = [{ contact: { name: 'test', amount: 4.3 } }, { contact: { name: 'test2', amount: 5 } }] this.fields = [{ @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ describe('ESM: JSON - CSV', function() { }) }) - it('should contain CSV result', function() { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\ntest,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) + it('should contain CSV result', function () { return this.result.should.equal('contact,amount\r\ntest,4.3\r\ntest2,5\r\n') }) }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/module-exports.cjs b/test-runner/test/module-exports.cjs index e6d2d2a..6dea912 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/module-exports.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/module-exports.cjs @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ const index_default = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { csv, csvBuffered, bufferedSync, stream, buffered, toCsv, toCsvStream, StringWriter } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { expect } = require('chai') -describe('CJS, Node16+ Module exports', function() { - it('should export defaults', function() { +describe('CJS, Node16+ Module exports', function () { + it('should export defaults', function () { expect(index_default.buffered).to.be.a('function') expect(index_default.bufferedSync).to.be.a('function') expect(index_default.toCsv).to.be.a('function') @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe('CJS, Node16+ Module exports', function() { expect(index_default.csvBuffered).to.be.a('function') }) - it('should export individuals', function() { + it('should export individuals', function () { expect(buffered).to.be.a('function') expect(bufferedSync).to.be.a('function') expect(toCsv).to.be.a('function') diff --git a/test-runner/test/module-exports.mjs b/test-runner/test/module-exports.mjs index 60d6954..de444c3 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/module-exports.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/module-exports.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import index_default, { csv, csvBuffered, bufferedSync, stream, buffered, toCsv, toCsvStream, StringWriter } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { expect } from 'chai' -describe('ESM: Module exports', function() { - it('should export defaults', function() { +describe('ESM: Module exports', function () { + it('should export defaults', function () { expect(index_default.buffered).to.be.a('function') expect(index_default.bufferedSync).to.be.a('function') expect(index_default.toCsv).to.be.a('function') @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe('ESM: Module exports', function() { expect(index_default.csvBuffered).to.be.a('function') }) - it('should export individuals', function() { + it('should export individuals', function () { expect(buffered).to.be.a('function') expect(bufferedSync).to.be.a('function') expect(toCsv).to.be.a('function') diff --git a/test-runner/test/no-header.cjs b/test-runner/test/no-header.cjs index 2e23152..5eea5e6 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/no-header.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/no-header.cjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('No Header Row', function() { - return it('should not contain a header', function(done) { +describe('No Header Row', function () { + return it('should not contain a header', function (done) { const items = [ { k: 'foo' }, { k: 'bar' } @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe('No Header Row', function() { jsoncsv.toCsv(items, { ignoreHeader: true, fields: [{ name: 'k' }] // Label not needed - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('foo\r\nbar\r\n') return done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/no-header.mjs b/test-runner/test/no-header.mjs index 07e3e84..e163d3f 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/no-header.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/no-header.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import { toCsv } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: No Header Row', function() { - return it('should not contain a header', function(done) { +describe('ESM: No Header Row', function () { + return it('should not contain a header', function (done) { const items = [ { k: 'foo' }, { k: 'bar' } @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe('ESM: No Header Row', function() { toCsv(items, { ignoreHeader: true, fields: [{ name: 'k' }] // Label not needed - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('foo\r\nbar\r\n') return done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/or-operator.cjs b/test-runner/test/or-operator.cjs index 3020ecb..ff54cb7 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/or-operator.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/or-operator.cjs @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ const jsoncsv = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') require('should') -describe('OR || operator', function() { - it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 2 to single column two entries)', function(done) { +describe('OR || operator', function () { + it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 2 to single column two entries)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1' }, { column2: 'foo2' }] // --> all 2 columns should be merged one column 'combinedCol' - jsoncsv.toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function(err, csv) { + jsoncsv.toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol\r\nfoo1\r\nfoo2\r\n') return done() }) }) - it('should use column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 3 to single columns 3 entries)', function(done) { + it('should use column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 3 to single columns 3 entries)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1' }, { column2: 'foo2' }, { column3: 'foo3' }] // --> all 3 columns should be merged one column 'combinedCol' - jsoncsv.toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2||column3', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function(err, csv) { + jsoncsv.toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2||column3', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol\r\nfoo1\r\nfoo2\r\nfoo3\r\n') return done() }) }) - it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol and then parse others (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function(done) { + it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol and then parse others (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1', otherData: 'baz1' }, { column1: 'fooIgnored', column2: 'foo2', otherData: 'baz2' }, @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ describe('OR || operator', function() { { name: 'otherData', label: 'otherColumn' }, { name: 'anotherData', label: 'anotherColumn' }], fieldSeparator: ';' - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol;otherColumn;anotherColumn\r\nfoo1;baz1;\r\nfoo2;baz2;\r\nfoo3;baz3;daz3\r\n') return done() }) }) - return it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol ignoring empty column (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function(done) { + return it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol ignoring empty column (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1', otherData: 'baz1' }, { column1: 'fooIgnored', column2: 'foo2', otherData: 'baz2' }, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe('OR || operator', function() { { name: 'otherData', label: 'otherColumn' }, { name: 'anotherData', label: 'anotherColumn' }], fieldSeparator: ';' - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol;otherColumn;anotherColumn\r\nfoo1;baz1;\r\nfoo2;baz2;\r\nfoo3;baz3;\r\nfoo4;baz4;daz4\r\n') return done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/or-operator.mjs b/test-runner/test/or-operator.mjs index 11256aa..d7c0e3c 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/or-operator.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/or-operator.mjs @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ import { toCsv } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import 'should' -describe('ESM: OR || operator', function() { - it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 2 to single column two entries)', function(done) { +describe('ESM: OR || operator', function () { + it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 2 to single column two entries)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1' }, { column2: 'foo2' }] // --> all 2 columns should be merged one column 'combinedCol' - toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function(err, csv) { + toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol\r\nfoo1\r\nfoo2\r\n') return done() }) }) - it('should use column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 3 to single columns 3 entries)', function(done) { + it('should use column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol (from 3 to single columns 3 entries)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1' }, { column2: 'foo2' }, { column3: 'foo3' }] // --> all 3 columns should be merged one column 'combinedCol' - toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2||column3', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function(err, csv) { + toCsv(arrayItems, { fields: [{ name: 'column1||column2||column3', label: 'combinedCol' }] }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol\r\nfoo1\r\nfoo2\r\nfoo3\r\n') return done() }) }) - it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol and then parse others (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function(done) { + it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol and then parse others (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1', otherData: 'baz1' }, { column1: 'fooIgnored', column2: 'foo2', otherData: 'baz2' }, @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ describe('ESM: OR || operator', function() { { name: 'otherData', label: 'otherColumn' }, { name: 'anotherData', label: 'anotherColumn' }], fieldSeparator: ';' - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol;otherColumn;anotherColumn\r\nfoo1;baz1;\r\nfoo2;baz2;\r\nfoo3;baz3;daz3\r\n') return done() }) }) - return it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol ignoring empty column (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function(done) { + return it('should merge column1, 2 or 3 into combinedCol ignoring empty column (from 3 to single column with other columns)', function (done) { const arrayItems = [ { column1: 'foo1', otherData: 'baz1' }, { column1: 'fooIgnored', column2: 'foo2', otherData: 'baz2' }, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe('ESM: OR || operator', function() { { name: 'otherData', label: 'otherColumn' }, { name: 'anotherData', label: 'anotherColumn' }], fieldSeparator: ';' - }, function(err, csv) { + }, function (err, csv) { csv.should.equal('combinedCol;otherColumn;anotherColumn\r\nfoo1;baz1;\r\nfoo2;baz2;\r\nfoo3;baz3;\r\nfoo4;baz4;daz4\r\n') return done() }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/string-writer.cjs b/test-runner/test/string-writer.cjs index f292d74..0b22959 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/string-writer.cjs +++ b/test-runner/test/string-writer.cjs @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ const { StringWriter } = require('@iwsio/json-csv-node') const { Readable } = require('stream') const { expect } = require('chai') -describe('CJS BufferedWriter', function() { - describe('utf8 encoding', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('CJS BufferedWriter', function () { + describe('utf8 encoding', function () { + before(function (done) { async function * generateReadableChunk() { yield Buffer.from('abcd', 'utf8') } @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ describe('CJS BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('abcd') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('abcd') }) }) - describe('hex encoding', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('hex encoding', function () { + before(function (done) { async function * generateReadableChunk() { yield Buffer.from('abcd', 'utf8') } @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ describe('CJS BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('61626364') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('61626364') }) }) - describe('comment example', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('comment example', function () { + before(function (done) { const writer = new StringWriter({ defaultEncoding: 'utf8' }) Readable.from(['1', '2', '3']) .pipe(writer) @@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ describe('CJS BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('123') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('123') }) }) }) diff --git a/test-runner/test/string-writer.mjs b/test-runner/test/string-writer.mjs index cfda773..7e80619 100644 --- a/test-runner/test/string-writer.mjs +++ b/test-runner/test/string-writer.mjs @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import { StringWriter } from '@iwsio/json-csv-node' import { Readable } from 'stream' import { expect } from 'chai' -describe('ESM: BufferedWriter', function() { - describe('utf8 encoding', function() { - before(function(done) { +describe('ESM: BufferedWriter', function () { + describe('utf8 encoding', function () { + before(function (done) { async function * generateReadableChunk() { yield Buffer.from('abcd', 'utf8') } @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ describe('ESM: BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('abcd') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('abcd') }) }) - describe('hex encoding', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('hex encoding', function () { + before(function (done) { async function * generateReadableChunk() { yield Buffer.from('abcd', 'utf8') } @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ describe('ESM: BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('61626364') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('61626364') }) }) - describe('comment example', function() { - before(function(done) { + describe('comment example', function () { + before(function (done) { const writer = new StringWriter({ defaultEncoding: 'utf8' }) Readable.from(['1', '2', '3']) .pipe(writer) @@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ describe('ESM: BufferedWriter', function() { done() }) }) - it('should work', function() { expect(this.result).to.equal('123') }) + it('should work', function () { expect(this.result).to.equal('123') }) }) }) diff --git a/tsconfig-base.json b/tsconfig-base.json index b3d7b0e..414a409 100644 --- a/tsconfig-base.json +++ b/tsconfig-base.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "incremental": true, "inlineSourceMap": false, - "lib": ["esnext"], + "lib": ["ES6"], "module": "NodeNext", "moduleResolution": "NodeNext", "resolveJsonModule": true,