Name | Type | Description | Notes |
days_in_week | str | The days that SLA should be computed for, separated by commas. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=Tuesday, 4=Wednesday, 5=Thursday, 6=Friday, 7=Saturday. | [optional] |
display_type | int | Whether or not selected metrics should be combined into one number (displayType:0) or should be displayed individually, up to four metrics (displayType:1) | [optional] |
top_x | int | Top list size for each point, 1 means aggregate | [optional] |
timezone | str | The specific timezone for the widget | [optional] |
bottom_label | str | The services that should be used to compute the SLA, where each service should include serviceGroup and service | [optional] |
period_in_one_day | str | The period during the selected days that the SLA should be computed for. * = all day, or a time range can be specified in the format of "hh:mm TO hh:mm", e.g. "01:15 TO 17:15" | [optional] |
metrics | list[SlaMetric] | The metrics (datapoints) that should be used to compute the SLA, where each service should include groupName (can be *), deviceName (can be *), dataSourceId or dataSourceFullName, instances (can be *), metric (datapoint), threshold, and exclusionSDTType (empty string means SDT periods will not be excluded, "group" means SDT periods at the device group level will be excluded, and "device" means SDT periods at the device level will be excluded) | |
unmonitored_time_type | int | How no data should be treated: 0 = unmonitored time will be ignored & subtracted from the total possible time, 1 = unmonitored time will be subtracted from uptime and counted as a violation, 2 = unmonitored time will be added to uptime and counted as available | [optional] |
color_thresholds | list[ColorThreshold] | The threshold of color changes | [optional] |