Name | Type | Description | Notes |
sorted_by | str | host | instance |
hosts_val_type | str | host | group. The type of entities specified in the hostsVal field |
date_range | str | The Time Range configured for the report: Last 2 hours | Last 24 hours |
hosts_val | str | The name of the devices OR groups selected for the report, where multiple entities are separated by commas. Glob expressions are supported | [optional] |
top10_only | bool | true | false false: Metrics will be displayed for all selected devices or groups true: Metrics will only be displayed for the top ten device or groups |
columns | list[DynamicColumn] | The columns that will be displayed in the report. You should specify the columns in the order in which you'd like them to be displayed. All column names need to be included in this object, but each column should have an associated isHidden field that indicates whether it is displayed or not | [optional] |
row_format | int | 0 | 1 |
metrics | list[Metric] | The datapoint or calculation on a datapoint that will be included in the report, where each datapoint/calculation is specified by three fields: dataSourceId, instances (glob is okay) and metric (no glob) |