Add to your file:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.j4velin.PictureChooser:picturechooser:+'
Start with
startActivityForResult(new Intent(context, de.j4velin.picturechooser.Main.class), PICTURE_CHOOSER);
and read the "imgPath" StringExtra from the Intent you get in onActivityResult. To allow the user to crop the image (which will create a copy of the image in your apps directory), add the optional boolean extra "crop" with value "true" to the intent. You can also provide int-extras "aspectX" and "aspectY" to enforce a given aspect ratio on the cropped image.
private final static int ADD_IMAGE = 1;
findViewById( OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View v) {
new Intent(context, de.j4velin.picturechooser.Main.class)
// following 3 lines are optional
.putExtra("crop", true)
.putExtra("aspectX", 16)
.putExtra("aspectY", 9),
protected void onActivityResult(int request, int result, final Intent data) {
if (result == RESULT_OK && request == ADD_IMAGE) {
String path = data.getStringExtra("imgPath");
Add the Android support library to build the project
Please send a pull request if your app uses this library