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SlackNet Azure Function Example

A basic example of how to integrate with Azure Functions.

Getting Started

  1. Create an app on the Slack developer website. Follow the prompts, selecting the "from scratch" option, rather than the app manifest option.
  2. Request the bot token scopes required by the demo:
    • users:read channels:read groups:read im:read mpim:read for getting user & conversation info.
    • chat:write for posting messages.
  3. Install the app to your workspace.
  4. Follow the Azure Function instructions to start developing Azure Functions and to host this function app in Azure.
  5. Configure your app with ASP.NET Core integration.
  6. Set your function's SlackApiToken and SlackSigningSecret application settings in the Azure portal to the values provided in the OAuth & Permissions and Basic Information pages of your Slack app, respectively.
  7. Enable events for your app, and set the request URL to https://<your function's URL>/event. Slack will check that your function is up and responding to requests.
  8. Subscribe to the message.channels message.groups message.mpim events in order to receive messages.
  9. Add your app to any channels/groups etc. you want it to respond to.
  10. Say "ping" to get back a "pong".

Configuring other URLs

These URLs aren't used by this example, but may be required for more advanced apps.

  • For interactivity & shortcuts:
    • Use https://<your function's URL>/action for the Interactivity Request URL.
    • Use https://<your function's URL>/options for the Select Menus Options Load URL.
  • For slash commands:
    • Use https://<your function's URL>/command for the Request URL.

In-process functions

Instead of configuring SlackNet in Program.cs, you'll need to enable dependency injection in your project, and then configure SlackNet in your Startup class:

[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
    public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
        var apiToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SlackApiToken", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
        var signingSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SlackSigningSecret", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
        builder.Services.AddSlackNet(c => c
            // Configure the token used to authenticate with Slack
            // The signing secret ensures that SlackNet only handles requests from Slack
            // Register your Slack handlers here
            .RegisterEventHandler<MessageEvent, PingDemo>()