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Jaakko Pasanen edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the AutoEq wiki! Here you'll find answers to questions like how does AutoEq work, which equalizer should I use and the ones below.

My headphones are not in AutoEq, can you add them?

AutoEq works based on headphone measurements but the measurements come from other people. So if none of the supported sources include measurements for the headphone model, it can't be added to AutoEq. Sometimes a headphone has been measured already but hasn't been added to AutoEq yet. In this case open a new issue and provide a link to the measurement in the source site (Crinacle, oratory1990, Rtings, ...).

It might still be possible for you to use AutoEq with your headphones if you manage to find a frequency resonse graph for them. You can use WebPlotDigitizer to digitize the image to a CSV file which you can then import to AutoEq. See the guide for more detailed instructions.

Which mode / switch / preset was used for my headphone?

Some headphones can be "tuned" by the user either by a physical switch, slider or filter or by selecting a different profile the headphone's companion mobile app. Often the mode is mentioned in parenthesis in the headphone name but not always. If it's not clear which one was used, it's not mentioned in the headphone name in the source site and you should go look for an answer in the site itself. Checking all headphone measurements manually is unfortunately not possible for this project.

Can I use AutoEq to simulate a different headphone?

Yes, absolutely! This is easiest in the web app:

  1. Select the headphone you wish to simulate
  2. Click 🎧 button in the sound signature box. This copies the current error curve as sound signature, which is added to target curve.
  3. Select the headphone you're going to use

That's it. It's really that easy. Perhaps the headphone you're simulating doesn't have enough bass but this part you wouldn't like to simulate, in this case lower the bass boost after step 2 and dial in the desired bass boost after step 3.

This simulation is based on the idea that headphone's "sound" is it's deviation from neutral target. AutoEq web app switches the targets automatically when selecting measurements for different types of headphones or from different sources so the "neutral" is always kept as an anchoring point.

How can I reproduce the results?

Once upon a time the only way to use AutoEq was with it's command line interface where you had to dial in all the parameter values manually and knowing which values were used for the precomputed results was only for people who knew which Python file to look in.

Nowadays things are simpler with the web app. The (mostly) same parameters are automatically selected in the web app as what are used for the pre-computed results in the Github repository. Previously pre-computed results included less bass boost than what Harman targets ask for but this was also changed recently. The main difference with parameters is that pre-computed results use 6 dB for the max gain while the web app has 12 dB.

The current up to date parameters for the results hosted in Github can be deciphered from the Update Results section of db.ipynb.

Why are the profiles different than in oratory1990's PDFs?

AutoEq uses measurements done by oratory1990 but not the equalizer profiles. The equalizer profiles in AutoEq are created automatically by the AutoEq algorithms while oratory1990 tunes the profiles by ear.

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