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File metadata and controls

2986 lines (2134 loc) · 56.5 KB

API: tui_widget

Base widget is a common object that share among widgets, it contains all the necessary attributes and function to manipulate the looks and feel of a widget.

type Alignment

Alignment = enum
 Left, Center, Right

type Mode

Mode = enum
 Normal, Filter

type SelectionStyle

SelectionStyle = enum
 Highlight, Arrow, HighlightArrow

type ViMode

ViMode = enum
 Normal, Insert, Visual

type CursorStyle

CursorStyle = enum
 Block, Ibeam, Underline

type WidgetSize

WidgetSize = range[0.0 .. 1.0]

type WidgetStyle

WidgetStyle = object
 fgColor*: ForegroundColor
 bgColor*: BackgroundColor
 border*: bool
 paddingX1*: int
 paddingX2*: int
 paddingY1*: int
 paddingY2*: int
 pressedBgcolor*: BackgroundColor

type WidgetBgEvent

WidgetBgEvent = object
 widgetId*: string
 event*: string
 args*: seq[string]
 error*: string

type BaseWidget

BaseWidget = object of RootObj
 width*: int
 height*: int
 posX*: int
 posY*: int
 size*: int
 id*: string = ""
 title*: string
 focus*: bool = false
 tb*: TerminalBuffer
 style*: WidgetStyle
 cursor*: int = 0
 rowCursor*: int = 0
 colCursor*: int = 0
 statusbar*: bool = true
 statusbarText*: string = ""
 statusbarSize*: int = 0
 useCustomStatusbar*: bool = false
 visibility*: bool = true
 groups*: bool = false
 debug*: bool = false
 rpms*: int = 50
 illwillInit*: bool = false
 blocking*: bool = false
 helpText*: string = ""
 enableHelp*: bool = true
 origWidth*: int
 origHeight*: int
 origPosX*: int
 origPosY*: int

type EventFn

The event function should use this type in order to register on the widget.

EventFn[T] = proc (wg: T; args: varargs[string]): void

type BoolEventFn

The event function should use this type in order to register on the widget which return true or false result, for example, checkbox widget.

BoolEventFn[T] = proc (wg: T; arg: bool): void

type EventKeyError

Error type when trying to register a function to forbidden key.

EventKeyError = object of CatchableError

type XYInitError

Error type when widget does not init with correct posX and posY

XYInitError = object of CatchableError

proc consoleWidth

Extending from terminalWidth() function to fit the size of the terminal buffer

proc consoleWidth(): int 

proc consoleHeight

Extending from terminalHeight() function to fit the size of the terminal buffer

proc consoleHeight(): int 

method onControl

Widget is focused and running in blocking mode, all the key event will be direct to the widget that is currently onControl. On UI, you should see the focused widget has a bright title (when border is off) or double line border (when border is on).

To exit the onControl loop, you can:

  • [tab] key event

  • widget.focus = false

method onControl(this: ref BaseWidget): void {.base.}

method onUpdate

Sending key event from main loop to widget. If there are any custom key events is set, it will be call within this method.

method onUpdate(this: ref BaseWidget; key: Key): void {.base.}

method call

Calling the registered event of the widget. Nothing will be perform if there is no such event.

method call(this: ref BaseWidget; event: string; args: varargs[string]): void {. base.}


var button = newButton(id="btn")
button.on("press", proc (btn: Button, args: vargs[string]) = btn.label = "pressed")

method call

Calling the registered event of the widget. Nothing will be perform if there is no such event.

method call(this: ref BaseWidget; event: string; args: bool): void {.base, raises: [].}


var ch = newCheckbox(id="ch1")
let chEv = proc (ch: Checkbox, checked: bool) =
  # some function

ch.on("check", chEv)

method call

Calling the registered event of the widget. Nothing will be perform if there is no such event. Similar to previous call function but accept non ref object

method call(this: BaseWidget; event: string; args: varargs[string]): void {. base.}

method call

Calling the registered event of the widget. Nothing will be perform if there is no such event. Similar to previous call function but accept non ref object

method call(this: BaseWidget; event: string; args: bool): void {.base, raises: [].}

method poll

After event finished run in background, you can choose to notify the widget or not. If the notify event is called, the task result will be store in widget channel. The poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(this: ref BaseWidget): void {.base.}

proc channel=

Widget's channel to store event result.

proc channel=(this: ref BaseWidget; channel: Chan[WidgetBgEvent]) 

proc channel

Widget's channel to store event result.

proc channel(this: ref BaseWidget): var Chan[WidgetBgEvent] 

proc channel=

Widget's channel to store event result.

proc channel=(this: var BaseWidget; channel: Chan[WidgetBgEvent]) 

proc channel

Widget's channel to store event result.

proc channel(this: var BaseWidget): var Chan[WidgetBgEvent] 

proc asRef

Create a reference from the variable.

Note: the reference created is new, for widget reference created using this proc will be synced.

proc asRef[T](x: T): ref T

method render

Render the widget.

method render(this: ref BaseWidget): void {.base.}

method wg

Get the widget instance

method wg(this: ref BaseWidget): ref BaseWidget {.base.}

method setChildTb

Set child widget to use the parent terminalBuffer that is group under Container widget. For custom created widget that also group widgets under another, you should set group=true and run this method.

method setChildTb(this: ref BaseWidget; tb: TerminalBuffer): void {.base, raises: [].}

method onError (experimental)

Widget error handling

method onError(this: ref BaseWidget; errorCode: string) {.base.}

proc bg

Set widget background color.

proc bg(bw: ref BaseWidget; bgColor: BackgroundColor) 

proc fg

Set widget foreground color.

proc fg(bw: ref BaseWidget; fgColor: ForegroundColor) 

proc bg

Get widget background color

proc bg(bw: ref BaseWidget): BackgroundColor 

proc fg

Get widget foreground color

proc fg(bw: ref BaseWidget): ForegroundColor 

proc border

Set widget render with border

proc border(bw: ref BaseWidget; bordered: bool) 

proc border

Get widget border attribute (whether it is enable or not)

proc border(bw: ref BaseWidget): bool 

proc border=

Set widget render with border

proc border=(bw: ref BaseWidget; bordered: bool) 

proc padding

Set widget padding

proc padding(bw: ref BaseWidget; x1: int; x2: int; y1: int; y2: int) 

proc paddingX

Set widget padding on the left and right

proc paddingX(bw: ref BaseWidget; x1: int; x2: int) 

proc paddingY

Set widget padding on the top and bottom

proc paddingY(bw: ref BaseWidget; y1: int; y2: int) 

proc paddingX1

Set widget padding on the left

proc paddingX1(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc paddingX2

Set widget padding on the right

proc paddingX2(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc paddingY1

Set widget padding on top

proc paddingY1(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc paddingY2

Set widget padding on bottom

proc paddingY2(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc widthPaddLeft

Get widget starting x position with padding.

proc widthPaddLeft(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc widthPaddRight

Get widget ending x position with padding.

proc widthPaddRight(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc heightPaddTop

Get widget starting y position with padding.

proc heightPaddTop(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc heightPaddBottom

Get widget ending y position with padding.

proc heightPaddBottom(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc offsetLeft

Get widget starting x position with offset padding.

proc offsetLeft(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc offsetRight

Get widget ending x position with offset padding.

proc offsetRight(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc offsetTop

Get widget starting y position with offset padding.

proc offsetTop(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc offsetBottom

Get widget ending y position with offset padding.

proc offsetBottom(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc x1

Shortcut for widthPaddLeft

proc x1(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc y1

Shortcut for widthPaddRight

proc y1(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc x2

Shortcut for heightPaddTop

proc x2(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc y2

Shortcut for heightPaddBottom

proc y2(bw: ref BaseWidget): int 

proc toConsoleWidth

Convert float value to int value by current console width

proc toConsoleWidth(w: float): int 

proc toConsoleHeight

Convert float value to int value by current console height

proc toConsoleHeight(h: float): int 

method resize

Called when widget is resize. Internally, it perform a calculation on y1 and y2.

method resize(bw: ref BaseWidget): void {.base.}

proc keepOriginalSize

Keep track of widget original size for later widget resize action.

proc keepOriginalSize(bw: ref BaseWidget) 

proc fill

Override illwill fill with diff foreground and background Fills a rectangular area with the ch character using the current text attributes. The rectangle is clipped to the extends of the terminal buffer and the call can never fail.

proc fill(tb: var TerminalBuffer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Natural;
 bgColor: BackgroundColor; fgColor: ForegroundColor; ch: string = " ") 

proc renderBorder

Render widget border if border is enable

proc renderBorder(bw: ref BaseWidget) 

proc renderTitle

Render widget title if there is title

proc renderTitle(bw: ref BaseWidget; index: int = 0) 

proc renderCleanRow

Clean the row at y positon

proc renderCleanRow(bw: ref BaseWidget; index = 0; cleanWith = " ") 

proc renderCleanRect

Clean a rectangle area base on x1, y1, x2, y2 positon

proc renderCleanRect(bw: ref BaseWidget; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; cleanWith = " ") 

proc renderRect

Render a rectangle area base on x1, y1, x2, y2 positon

proc renderRect(bw: ref BaseWidget; x1, y1, x2, y2: int;
 bgColor: BackgroundColor; fgColor: ForegroundColor;
 fillWith = " ") 

proc renderRow

Render a row based on y positon

proc renderRow(bw: ref BaseWidget; content: string; index: int = 0) 

proc renderRow

Render a row based on y positon with background and foreground color

proc renderRow(bw: ref BaseWidget; bgColor: BackgroundColor;
 fgColor: ForegroundColor; content: string; index: int = 0;
 withoutPadding = false) 

proc clear

Clear the screen. Default will be clearing with widget background and foreground color.

proc clear(bw: ref BaseWidget) 

proc rerender

Calling clear and render

proc rerender(bw: ref BaseWidget) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method resetCursor

Reset widget cursor. Use it when there is a new content being replaced in the widget

method resetCursor(bw: ref BaseWidget): void {.base.}

proc show

Show widget

proc show(bw: ref BaseWidget; resetCursor = false) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc hide

Hide widget

proc hide(bw: ref BaseWidget) 

proc experimental

Render the experimental tag1 on widget

proc experimental(bw: ref BaseWidget) 

Note since all the widgets are inherit from BaseWidget, the method above will be available to them.

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type ButtonObj

ButtonObj = object of BaseWidget
 disabled*: bool = false
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[ref ButtonObj]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[ref ButtonObj]]

type Button

Button = ref ButtonObj

proc newButton

proc newButton(px, py, w, h: int; 
  label: string; 
  id = ""; 
  disabled = false;
  bgColor = bgBlue; 
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  pressedBgColor = bgGreen;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Button 

proc newButton

proc newButton(px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  label: string; 
  id = "";
  disabled = false; 
  bgColor = bgBlue; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  pressedBgColor = bgGreen;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Button 

proc newButton

proc newButton(id: string): Button 

proc on

Register an event

proc on(bt: Button; event: string; fn: EventFn[Button]) 

proc on

Register an key-bind event

proc on(bt: Button; key: Key; fn: EventFn[Button]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc call

Call the registered event on widget

proc call(bt: Button; event: string) 

method resize

Call the key-binded event on widget

method resize(bt: Button) 

method render

Render the widget

method render(bt: Button) {.raises: [IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(bt: Button) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(bt: Button; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(bt: Button) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(bt: Button): ref BaseWidget 

proc onEnter

Register on enter action for widget. This is register using on function with enter as event name.

proc onEnter(bt: Button; eventFn: EventFn[Button]) 

proc onEnter=

Register on enter action for widget. This is register using on function with enter as event name.

proc onEnter=(bt: Button; eventFn: EventFn[Button]) 

proc label

Set button label

proc label(bt: Button): string 

proc label=

Set button label

proc label=(bt: Button; label: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc label

Set button label

proc label(bt: Button; label: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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type CheckboxObj

CheckboxObj = object of BaseWidget
 value*: string = ""
 checkMark*: char = 'X'
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, BoolEventFn[ref CheckboxObj]]

type Checkbox

Checkbox = ref CheckboxObj

proc newCheckbox

proc newCheckbox(px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  label = ""; 
  value = "";
  checked = false; 
  checkMark = 'X'; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Checkbox 

proc newCheckbox

proc newCheckbox(px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  label = "";
  value = ""; 
  checked = false; 
  checkMark = 'X'; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Checkbox 

proc newCheckbox

proc newCheckbox(id: string): Checkbox 

proc on

Register an event

proc on(ch: Checkbox; event: string; fn: BoolEventFn[Checkbox]) 

proc on

Register an key-bind event

proc on(ch: Checkbox; key: Key; fn: BoolEventFn[Checkbox]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc call

Call the registered event

proc call(ch: Checkbox; event: string; arg: bool) 

method render

Render the widget

method render(ch: Checkbox) {.raises: [IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(ch: Checkbox) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(ch: Checkbox; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(ch: Checkbox) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(ch: Checkbox): ref BaseWidget 

proc checked

Return checkbox check status

proc checked(ch: Checkbox): bool 

proc checked

Set checkbox check status

proc checked(ch: Checkbox; state: bool) 

proc checked=

Set checkbox check status

proc checked=(ch: Checkbox; state: bool) 

proc onEnter=

Register on enter action for widget. This is register using on function with enter as event name.

proc onEnter=(ch: Checkbox; enterEv: BoolEventFn[Checkbox]) 

proc onEnter

Register on enter action for widget. This is register using on function with enter as event name.

proc onEnter(ch: Checkbox; enterEv: BoolEventFn[Checkbox]) 

proc val

Set checkbox label

proc val(ch: Checkbox; label: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc label

Return checkbox label

proc label(ch: Checkbox): string 

proc label=

Set checkbox label

proc label=(ch: Checkbox; label: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc label

Set checkbox label

proc label(ch: Checkbox; label: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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Unavailable for now, due to missing dependencies. Chart required asciigraph for rendering the chart UI. It is more towards display purpose, accuracy is not the focus. Chart have some limitation, it do not aggregate the data when display.


type AxisObj

AxisObj = object

type Axis

Axis = ref AxisObj

type ChartObj

ChartObj = object of BaseWidget
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[ref ChartObj]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[ref ChartObj]]

type Chart

Chart = ref ChartObj

proc newAxis

proc newAxis(
  title: string = "";
  data: seq[float64] = newSeq()): Axis 

proc newChart

proc newChart(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  axis: Axis = newAxis(); 
  title = "";
  border = true; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Chart 

proc newChart

proc newChart(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; axis: 
  Axis = newAxis();
  title = ""; 
  border = true; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Chart 

proc newChart

proc newChart(id: string): Chart 

method render

Render chart widget

method render(c: Chart) {.raises: [IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method wg

Return chart widget object

method wg(c: Chart): ref BaseWidget 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(c: Chart; event: string; fn: EventFn[Chart]) 

proc on

Register key-bind event on widget

proc on(c: Chart; key: Key; fn: EventFn[Chart]) 

method call

Call registered event on ref widget

method call(c: Chart; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event on widget object

method call(c: ChartObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(c: Chart) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(c: Chart; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(c: Chart) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc axis=

Set chart axis

proc axis=(c: Chart; axis: Axis) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc axis

Set chart axis

proc axis(c: Chart; axis: Axis) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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Container is a special widget which used to group widgets under one. You can use it for a section, a modal pop up, etc. Widgets added into container will be layout inline automatically based on percentage defined (float value).


For the below layout:

| input box  (1.0, 0.2)         |
| display (1.0, 0.4)            |
|                               |
|                               |
| listview        | table       |
| (0.6, 0.4)      | (0.4, 0.4)  |
|                 |             |
|                 |             |

input box (1.0, 0.2) -> input box will occupied 100% width and 20% height of the container size.

display (1.0, 0.4) -> display will occupied 100% width and 40% height of the container

listview (0.6, 0.4) -> listview will occupied 60% of width and 40% of height of the container

table (0.4, 0.4) -> table will occupied 40% of width and 40% of height of the container.

type ContainerObj

ContainerObj = object of BaseWidget

type Container

Container = ref ContainerObj

proc newContainer

proc newContainer(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  border = true;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  widgets = newSeq();
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Container 

proc newContainer

proc newContainer(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  title = "";
  border = true; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  widgets = newSeq();
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Container 

proc newContainer

proc newContainer(id: string): Container 

proc add

Adding new widget to the container based on float value ([0.0..1.0]). Overflow of widget does not supported.

proc add(ctr: Container; wg: ref BaseWidget; width: float; height: float) 

method setChildTb

Set child widget with parent terminal buffer.

method setChildTb(ctr: Container; tb: TerminalBuffer): void 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(ctr: Container; event: string; fn: EventFn[Container]) 

proc on

Register key-bind event on widget

proc on(ctr: Container; key: Key; fn: EventFn[Container]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

method call

Call registered event (ref Container)

method call(ctr: Container; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event

method call(ctr: ContainerObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method render

Render widget

method render(ctr: Container) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(ctr: Container; key: Key) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(ctr: Container) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError], tags: [RootEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(ctr: Container): ref BaseWidget 

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Display used for display text on the panel, it support for scrolling and wordwrap for the content.

Note When rendering larger content, depends on the terminal emulator, it may not clean up the screen buffer fully which result in distortion on the display

type CustomRowRecal

To override the current text split into rows function.

Note this would change the behavior on how Display render itself

CustomRowRecal = proc (text: string; dp: Display): seq[string]

type DisplayObj

DisplayObj = object of BaseWidget
 wordwrap*: bool = false
 useCustomTextRow* = false
 customRowRecal*: Option[CustomRowRecal]
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[Display]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[Display]]

type Display

Display = ref DisplayObj

proc newDisplay

proc newDisplay(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  title: string = "";
  text: string = ""; 
  border: bool = true; 
  statusbar = true;
  wordwrap = false; 
  enableHelp = false;
  bgColor: BackgroundColor = bgNone;
  fgColor: ForegroundColor = fgWhite;
  customRowRecal: Option[CustomRowRecal] = none(CustomRowRecal);
  tb: TerminalBuffer = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Display {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc newDisplay

proc newDisplay(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  text = "";
  border = true; 
  statusbar = true; 
  wordwrap = false;
  enableHelp = false; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  customRowRecal: Option[CustomRowRecal] = none(CustomRowRecal);
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Display {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect].}

proc newDisplay

proc newDisplay(id: string): Display {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

method resize

Recalculate the size required to render display widget

method resize(dp: Display) 

method render

Render the widget

method render(dp: Display) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc resetCursor

Reset display cursor. text= or text(val: string) function will call this function, you can also explicitly calling it to reset the cursor.

proc resetCursor(dp: Display) 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(dp: Display; event: string; fn: EventFn[Display]) 

proc on

Register key-bind event on widget

proc on(dp: Display; key: Key; fn: EventFn[Display]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

method call

Call the registered event (ref Display)

method call(dp: Display; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call the registered event

method call(dp: DisplayObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(dp: Display) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(dp: Display; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(dp: Display) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(dp: Display): ref BaseWidget 

proc text

Return text stored in Display widget

proc text(dp: Display): string 

proc text=

Set display text content

proc text=(dp: Display; text: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc text=

Set display text content

proc text=(dp: Display; text: string;
 customRowRecal: proc (text: string; dp: Display): seq[string]) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc wordwrap=

Toggle wordwrap

proc wordwrap=(dp: Display; wrap: bool) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc add

Add new text content to Display

proc add(dp: Display; text: string; autoScroll = false) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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type InputBoxObj

InputBoxObj = object of BaseWidget
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[InputBox]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[InputBox]]

type InputBox

InputBox = ref InputBoxObj

proc on

proc on(ib: InputBox; key: Key; fn: EventFn[InputBox]): void {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc newInputBox

proc newInputBox(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  title = ""; 
  val = ""; 
  modeChar = '>';
  border = true; 
  statusbar = false; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb: TerminalBuffer = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): InputBox {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc newInputBox

proc newInputBox(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  title = ""; 
  val = "";
  modeChar = '>'; 
  border = true; 
  statusbar = false;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): InputBox {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect].}

proc newInputBox

proc newInputBox(id: string): InputBox 

method render

Render widget

method render(ib: InputBox) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc remove

Remove inputbox, similar to clear() but without filled with color

proc remove(ib: InputBox) 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(ib: InputBox; event: string; fn: EventFn[InputBox]) 

method call

Call registered event on widget (ref Inputbox)

method call(ib: InputBox; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event on widget

method call(ib: InputBoxObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(ib: InputBox; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(ib: InputBox) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(ib: InputBox): ref BaseWidget 

proc value=

Set InputBox value

proc value=(ib: InputBox; val: string) {.raises: [EncodingError, OSError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc value

Set InputBox value

proc value(ib: InputBox; val: string) {.raises: [EncodingError, OSError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc value

Return InputBox value

proc value(ib: InputBox): string 

proc onEnter

Register "enter" event via on function

proc onEnter(ib: InputBox; enterEv: EventFn[InputBox]) 

proc onEnter=

Register "enter" event via on function

proc onEnter=(ib: InputBox; enterEv: EventFn[InputBox]) 

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type GaugePercent

Maximum value of 1000.0

GaugePercent = range[0.0 .. 1000.0]

type PercentileColor

Gauge render background color, each 20%

PercentileColor = enum
 Tweenty, Fourthy, Sixty, Eighty, Hundred

type GaugeObj

GaugeObj = object of BaseWidget
 loadedBlock*: char = ' '
 loadingBlock*: char = '|'
 percentileColor*: array[PercentileColor, ForegroundColor]
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[Gauge]]

type Gauge

Gauge = ref GaugeObj

proc newGauge

proc newGauge(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  border = true;
  percent: GaugePercent = 0.0; 
  loadingBlock: char = ' ';
  loadedBlock: char = '|'; 
  bgColor: BackgroundColor = bgNone;
  fgColor: ForegroundColor = fgWhite; 
  percentileColor: array[PercentileColor, ForegroundColor] = [fgGreen, fgBlue, fgYellow, fgMagenta, fgRed]; 
  tb: TerminalBuffer = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Gauge 

proc newGauge

Create new Gauge, setting width and height with percentage

proc newGauge(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; id = ""; 
  border = true;
  percent: GaugePercent = 0.0; 
  loadingBlock: char = ' ';
  loadedBlock: char = '|'; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  percentileColor: array[PercentileColor, ForegroundColor] = [fgGreen, fgBlue, fgYellow, fgMagenta, fgRed];
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Gauge 

proc newGauge

proc newGauge(id: string): Gauge 

method render

Render widget

method render(g: Gauge) {.raises: [ValueError, IllwillError, IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method wg

Return widget

method wg(g: Gauge): ref BaseWidget 

proc set

Set Gauge's point

proc set(g: Gauge; point: float) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc completed

Set Gauge to completed

proc completed(g: Gauge) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(g: Gauge; event: string; fn: EventFn[Gauge]) 

method call

Call registered event (ref GaugeObj)

method call(g: Gauge; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event

method call(g: GaugeObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(g: Gauge) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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type LabelObj

Alignment of text within Label

LabelObj = object of BaseWidget
 align*: Alignment = Left

type Label

Label = ref LabelObj

proc newLabel

proc newLabel(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  text = ""; 
  border = false;
  align = Left; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): Label 

proc newLabel

Set widget width and height with percentage of console size

proc newLabel(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  text = ""; 
  border = false;
  align = Left; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): Label 

proc newLabel

proc newLabel(id: string): Label 

method render

Render widget

method render(lb: Label) {.raises: [IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method wg

Return widget

method wg(lb: Label): ref BaseWidget 

proc text=

Set text to Label

proc text=(lb: Label; text: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc text

Set text to Label

proc text(lb: Label; text: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc on

Register event on widget (ref LabelObj)

proc on(lb: Label; event: string; fn: EventFn[Label]) 

method call

Register event on widget

method call(lb: Label; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event

method call(lb: LabelObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(lb: Label) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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ListView used to render a list of ListRow object, by leverage on the registered event, we can transform it easily to act like a Selection.

type ListRowObj

ListRowObj = object
 value*: string

type ListRow

ListRow = ref ListRowObj

type ListViewObj

ListViewObj = object of BaseWidget
 selectionStyle*: SelectionStyle
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[ListView]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[ListView]]

type ListView

ListView = ref ListViewObj

proc newListRow

proc newListRow(
  index: int; 
  text: string; 
  value: string; 
  align = Center;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  visible = true;
  selected = false): ListRow 

Note When using Highlight and HighlightArrow selection style, you will need to set the bgColor of the row.

proc newListView

When creating a ListView with rows parameters pass in, the rows item's index will be overwrite based on its position.

proc newListView(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  border = true;
  statusbar = true; 
  statusbarText = "[?]"; 
  enableHelp = false;
  rows: seq[ListRow] = newSeq(); 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  selectionStyle: SelectionStyle = Highlight;
  tb: TerminalBuffer = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py + 4)): ListView {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc newListView

Set widget width and height with percentage of console size

proc newListView(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  title = "";
  border = true; 
  statusbar = true; 
  statusbarText = "[?]";
  enableHelp = false; 
  rows: seq[ListRow] = newSeq();
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  selectionStyle: SelectionStyle = Highlight;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py + 4)): ListView {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect].}

proc newListView

proc newListView(id: string): ListView {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

method resize

Recalculate ListView size when console resized

method resize(lv: ListView) 

method render

Render widget

method render(lv: ListView) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc selected

Get selected ListRow. It will return the current selected ListRow.

proc selected(lv: ListView): ListRow 

proc selectedRow=

Set the selected ListRow by index

proc selectedRow=(lv: ListView; i: int) 

proc resetCursor

Reset ListView cursor. When setting rows= value, this function will be called.

proc resetCursor(lv: ListView) 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(lv: ListView; event: string; fn: EventFn[ListView]) 

proc on

Register key-bind event on widget

proc on(lv: ListView; key: Key; fn: EventFn[ListView]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc call

Call registered event

proc call(lv: ListView; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(lv: ListView) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(lv: ListView; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(lv: ListView): void {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(lv: ListView): ref BaseWidget 

proc onEnter=

Set "enter" event on widget

proc onEnter=(lv: ListView; enterEv: EventFn[ListView]) 

proc onEnter

Set "enter" event on widget

proc onEnter(lv: ListView; enterEv: EventFn[ListView]) 

proc rows

Return rows of ListView

proc rows(lv: ListView): seq[ListRow] 

proc rows=

Set rows to ListView

proc rows=(lv: ListView; rows: seq[ListRow]) 

proc index

Get ListRow index

proc index(lr: ListRow): int 

proc text

Get ListRow text label

proc text(lr: ListRow): string 

proc value

Get ListRow value

proc value(lr: ListRow): string 

proc bgColor

Get ListRow background color

proc bgColor(lr: ListRow): BackgroundColor 

proc fgColor

Get ListRow foreground color

proc fgColor(lr: ListRow): ForegroundColor 

proc visible

Get ListRow visibility

proc visible(lr: ListRow): bool 

proc selected

Get the selected status of ListRow

proc selected(lr: ListRow): bool 

proc align

Get ListRow alignment

proc align(lr: ListRow): Alignment 

proc text=

Set ListRow text label

proc text=(lr: ListRow; text: string) 

proc value=

Set ListRow value

proc value=(lr: ListRow; value: string) 

proc bgColor=

Set ListRow background color

proc bgColor=(lr: ListRow; bgColor: BackgroundColor) 

proc fgColor=

Set ListRow foreground color

proc fgColor=(lr: ListRow; fgColor: ForegroundColor) 

proc visible=

Set ListRow visibility

proc visible=(lr: ListRow; visible: bool) 

proc selected=

Set ListRow selected

proc selected=(lr: ListRow; selected: bool) 

proc align=

Set ListRow alignment

proc align=(lr: ListRow; align: Alignment) 

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type Percent

Percentage range from 0.0 to 100.0

Percent = range[0.0 .. 100.0]

type ProgressBarObj

ProgressBarObj = object of BaseWidget
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[ProgressBar]]

type ProgressBar

ProgressBar = ref ProgressBarObj

proc newProgressBar

Define a different string value for loadedBlock and loadingBlock to change how progress bar render

proc newProgressBar(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  border = true;
  percent: Percent = 0.0; 
  loadedBlock = "";
  loadingBlock = "-"; 
  showPercentage = true; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): ProgressBar 

proc newProgressBar

Set width and height with percentage based on console size

proc newProgressBar(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  id = ""; 
  border = true;
  percent: Percent = 0.0; 
  loadedBlock = "";
  loadingBlock = "-"; 
  showPercentage = true; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): ProgressBar 

proc newProgressBar

proc newProgressBar(id: string): ProgressBar 

method render

Render widget

method render(pb: ProgressBar) {.raises: [ValueError, IllwillError, IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

method wg

Return widget

method wg(pb: ProgressBar): ref BaseWidget 

proc update

Update progress bar, adding new float point to progress

proc update(pb: ProgressBar; point: float) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc set

Set progress bar, overwrite progress value

proc set(pb: ProgressBar; point: float) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc completed

Set progress bar to complete

proc completed(pb: ProgressBar) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(pb: ProgressBar; event: string; fn: EventFn[ProgressBar]) 

method call

Call registered event on widget (ref ProgressBarObj)

method call(pb: ProgressBar; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method call

Call registered event on widget

method call(pb: ProgressBarObj; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(pb: ProgressBar) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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Table widget to render tabular data, it can load from seq or csv file.


type ColumnType

ColumnType = enum
 Header, Column

type TableColumnObj

TableColumnObj = object
 index*: int
 text*: string
 key*: string
 value*: string = ""

type TableColumn

TableColumn = ref TableColumnObj

type TableRowObj

TableRowObj = object
 index*: int
 columns*: seq[TableColumn]
 selected*: bool = false
 value*: string = ""

type TableRow

TableRow = ref TableRowObj

type TableObj

TableObj = object of BaseWidget
 selectionStyle*: SelectionStyle
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[ref TableObj]]
 keyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[ref TableObj]]

type Table

Table = ref TableObj

proc on

proc on(table: Table; key: Key; fn: EventFn[Table]) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc newTableColumn

A column within a table row

proc newTableColumn(
  width: int; 
  height: int = 1; 
  text = ""; 
  key = ""; 
  index = 0;
  overflow: bool = false; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  align = Left; columnType = Column): TableColumn 

proc newTableColumn

Instantiate a minimal table column with default value and column type as column

proc newTableColumn*(text = "", columnType = Column): TableColumn

proc newTableRow

A table row within the table

proc newTableRow(
  width: int; 
  height = 1; 
  columns: seq[TableColumn] = newSeq();
  index = 0; 
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  selected = false): TableRow 

proc newTableRow

Instantiate a minimal table row with default value

proc newTableRow*(): TableRow

proc columns=

Set columns to table row

proc `columns=`*(tr: TableRow, columns: seq[TableColumn])

proc columns

Set columns to table row

proc columns*(tr: TableRow, columns: seq[string])

proc addColumn

Add column with text provided to table row, this function set both text and key as the same value

proc addColumn*(tr: TableRow, column: string)

proc addColumn

Add column to table row

proc addColumn*(tr: TableRow, column: TableColumn)

proc newTable

Create table with header and rows given, rows will be reassign with new index value according to its sequence.

proc newTable(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  rows: seq[TableRow];
  headers: Option[TableRow] = none(TableRow); 
  id = ""; 
  title = "";
  border = true; 
  statusbar = true; 
  enableHelp = false;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  selectionStyle: SelectionStyle; 
  maxColWidth = w;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py + 4)): Table {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc newTable

Create table without providing header and rows.

proc newTable(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  id = ""; 
  title = ""; 
  border = true;
  statusbar = true; 
  enableHelp = false; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  selectionStyle: SelectionStyle = Highlight;
  maxColWidth = w; 
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py + 4)): Table {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc newTable

Set width and height with percentage of current console size

proc newTable(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  rows: seq[TableRow];
  headers: Option[TableRow] = none(TableRow); 
  id = ""; 
  title = "";
  border = true; 
  statusbar = true; 
  enableHelp = false;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite;
  selectionStyle: SelectionStyle = Highlight; 
  maxColWidth = w.toInt;
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py + 4)): Table {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [ReadEnvEffect, RootEffect].}

proc newTable

proc newTable(id: string): Table {.raises: [EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}

method resize

Recalculate table size when console resized

method resize(table: Table) 

method render

Render table

method render(table: Table): void {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(table: Table; event: string; fn: EventFn[Table]) 

proc call

Call registered event on widget

proc call(table: Table; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method poll

poll method used to get the result and call the necessary registered event in the widget. This method normally consume by the main loop.

method poll(table: Table) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(table: Table; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception, EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(table: Table): void {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(table: Table): ref BaseWidget 

proc header=

Set table header

proc header=(table: Table; header: TableRow) 

proc header

Set table header

proc header(table: Table; header: TableRow) 

proc header

Get table header

proc header(table: Table): Option[TableRow] 

proc addRow

Add new row to table

proc addRow(table: Table; tablerow: TableRow; index: Option[int] = none(int)): void 

proc removeRow

Remove row from table

proc removeRow(table: Table; index: int) 

proc clearRows

Clear all the rows in table

proc clearRows*(table: Table)

proc selected

Get current selected table row

proc selected(table: Table): TableRow 

proc loadFromCsv

Table load data from csv file

proc loadFromCsv(
  table: Table; 
  filepath: string; 
  withHeader = false;
  withIndex = false): void {.raises: [IOError], tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc headerFromArray

Create table header from array

proc headerFromArray(
  table: Table; 
  header: openArray[string],
  bgColor: illwill.BackgroundColor = bgNone,
  fgColor: illwill.ForegroundColor = fgWhite

proc loadFromSeq

Create table rows from seq

proc loadFromSeq(
  table: Table; 
  rows: openArray[seq[string]]) {.raises: [ValueError, SizeDiffError].}

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The textarea widget has two mode, vi-enabled mode and edit mode. For vi-enabled mode, it supported basic keybinding of vi and comes with (Normal, Visual, Insert) mode. It is currently under experimental release. Edit mode textarea works similar to a html textarea or an InputBox with multiple rows. ViMode is currently under experiment, test it before you are using it.

Normal mode (vi-enabled) minimal supported of vi keybinding

  i, Insert   = switch to insert mode
  v           = switch to visual mode
  A           = append at end of line
  Delete      = delete at cursor
  Tab         = exit widget
  Left, <-, H = move backward
  Right, L    = move forward
  Up, K       = move upward
  Down, J     = move downward
  Home, ^     = goto beginning of line
  End, $      = goto end of line
  w           = goto next word
  b           = goto previous word
  x           = cut text at cursor
  p           = paste last history at cursor
  u           = undo last change
  dd          = delete whole line
  Escape      = back to normal mode

Visual mode (vi-enabled) minimal supported of vi keybinding

  v           = switch to visual mode
  Delete      = delete selected text
  d           = delete selected text
  x           = cut text at cursor
  y           = copy/yank selected text
  Tab         = exit widget
  Left, <-, H = move backward
  Right, L    = move forward
  Up, K       = move upward
  Down, J     = move downward
  Home, ^     = goto beginning of line
  End, $      = goto end of line
  w           = goto next word
  b           = goto previous word
  Escape      = back to normal mode

type ViStyle

Customize vi-enabled style

ViStyle = object
 normalBg*: BackgroundColor
 insertBg*: BackgroundColor
 visualBg*: BackgroundColor
 normalFg*: ForegroundColor
 insertFg*: ForegroundColor
 visualFg*: ForegroundColor
 cursorAtLineBg*: BackgroundColor
 cursorAtLineFg*: ForegroundColor

type TextAreaObj

TextAreaObj = object of BaseWidget
 viStyle*: ViStyle
 events*: Table[string, EventFn[TextArea]]
 editKeyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[TextArea]]
 normalKeyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[TextArea]]
 visualKeyEvents*: Table[Key, EventFn[TextArea]]

type TextArea

TextArea = ref TextAreaObj

proc newTextArea

vimode is default disabled, enabled it by setting enableViMode=true

proc newTextArea(
  px, py, w, h: int; 
  title = ""; 
  val = " "; 
  border = true;
  statusbar = false; 
  enableHelp = false; 
  bgColor = bgNone;
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  cursorBg = bgBlue; 
  cursorFg = fgWhite;
  cursorStyle = Block; 
  enableViMode = false;
  vimode: ViMode = Normal; 
  viStyle: ViStyle = newViStyle();
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(w + 2, h + py)): TextArea 

proc newTextArea

Set width and height percentage based on console size

vimode is default disabled, enabled it by setting enableViMode=true

proc newTextArea(
  px, py: int; 
  w, h: WidgetSize; 
  title = ""; 
  val = " ";
  border = true; 
  statusbar = false; 
  enableHelp = false;
  bgColor = bgNone; 
  fgColor = fgWhite; 
  cursorBg = bgBlue;
  cursorFg = fgWhite; 
  cursorStyle = Block; 
  enableViMode = false;
  vimode: ViMode = Normal; 
  viStyle: ViStyle = newViStyle();
  tb = newTerminalBuffer(toInt(w) + 2, toInt(h) + py)): TextArea 

proc newTextArea

proc newTextArea(id: string): TextArea 

proc on

Register event on widget

proc on(t: TextArea; event: string; fn: EventFn[TextArea]) 

proc on

Register key-bind event on widget. Passing ViMode to register on a different mode, default to Insert mode.

proc on(t: TextArea; key: Key; fn: EventFn[TextArea]; vimode: ViMode = Insert) {.raises: [EventKeyError].}

proc call

Call registered event, if vi-enabled, it will call the event registered respectively according to ViMode

proc call(t: TextArea; event: string; args: varargs[string]) 

method render

Render widget

method render(t: TextArea) {.raises: [IllwillError, IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

proc resetCursor

Reset cursor of widget

proc resetCursor(t: TextArea) 

proc commandEvent

Running register event based on ViMode, trigger this by typing :. Similar to vi command key binding, example, :q! can map to exit textarea

proc commandEvent(t: TextArea) {.raises: [EventKeyError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

method onUpdate

Passing key event to widget

method onUpdate(t: TextArea; key: Key) {.raises: [Exception, IllwillError, EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method onControl

Widget main loop when focused

method onControl(t: TextArea) {.raises: [IllwillError, Exception, EventKeyError], tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect].}

method wg

Return current widget

method wg(t: TextArea): ref BaseWidget 

proc value

Get textarea value

proc value(t: TextArea): string 

proc value=

Set textarea value

proc value=(t: TextArea; val: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

proc value

Set textarea value

proc value(t: TextArea; val: string) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}

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