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Jacob Karleskint edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the TurtleSim-2000 wiki!

TurtleSim is a weird approach at making a game. It's a simulator that looks like a dating sim, but it's not a dating sim. The player will have many options on how to live his/her life in college to try and become the most anti-social person ever. Currently the game is in Alpha stages, but it's getting close to its first beta build! woo!

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Here are some links to guides on how this game runs: How to author scripts What programs you need

We most likely need your help

Yes, The more the merrier! This project turned out to be a little bit more ambitious than I though in the beginning. I was just going to cancel the project, but since I've came this far with the code I just don't want to give it up that easily now. So far the code is 100% my (jacob) code. If you think you can help out, even in the slightest of things then send me a message on here. It is always great to work with others on a nice big project. We get to LEARN!

So far we currently need: Character Plotters (scripting) -prefer 3 scriptwriters

Artists -Chara design (must be anime) -background building (can be real pictures ran through filters) -GUI design. (I would love it to be redesigned. my artwork is gross)

Musicians. -Simple not too complicated BGM I will work a lot on the music, but it would be nice to have another.

Coders: I only really need one coder. Just to help manage the github and scripts. I WILL TRAIN!

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