1.1.0 (2015-10-26)
- build: add fonts support to build (87d48a7)
1.0.1 (2015-10-26)
- injection: correction on ngRoute name module accessed by .name (4967d31)
- injection: use ngRoute.name instead of copy of his name in string (b39dc82)
- conventional-changelog: add conventional-changelog gulp support (e8c4d96)
- lint.es: add eslint support (e1d9d14)
- paths: move build paths to build.paths module (311b0bd)
- release: add release task (d1e9341)
- release: automatically create an index.html file in release dir (114aa81)
- sass: automatically reload browser when a sass file is modified (fa36ac3)
- server: refresh on js modification and lint automatically (2b6910b)
- test: division of module and testing each element without the angular logic (b9ae04c)
- test: use es6 compliant istanbul and reporter (422cd59)
- test: use es6 compliant istanbul and reporter for whole element (1afaac0)