This robot was created as a part of my coursework for the EN 2553 Robot Design and Competition module. Throughout the project, I applied theoretical knowledge to develop a functional robot capable of completing various tasks. This hands-on experience allowed me to gain valuable insights into robotics design and competition. The robot's development serves as a practical demonstration of the skills I acquired during the module, highlighting my ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world challenges.
Line Following Task The robot sets off from the starting point at Checkpoint 1, situated on a white square. Its primary objective is to trace a path delineated by a white line against a contrasting black surface. This path presents various challenges, including curves, straight stretches, and junctions. With precision and agility, the robot follows the intricate route until it successfully arrives at Checkpoint 2.
Curve Following with Obstacle Avoidance Task Transitioning from line following, the robot encounters a new challenge in the form of a curved path adorned with obstacles. Navigating this path requires adept maneuvering and keen sensor readings to avoid collisions with walls or other impediments. Upon completing this segment, the robot progresses to Checkpoint 3, marking another milestone in its journey.
Bridge Crossing and Path Finding Task At Checkpoint 3, the robot faces the daunting task of crossing a bridge structure. Negotiating this obstacle demands careful navigation to ensure safe passage. Additionally, the robot must manipulate the bridge's middle section using a small box, thereby creating a pathway to Checkpoint 5. Along the way, it encounters colored boxes, each leading to a unique path. After successfully navigating to Checkpoint 6 and placing the chosen box, the robot advances to its next challenge.
Motion Control with Sound Tower Task Tasked with traversing a segment governed by sound cues emitted from a towering structure, the robot demonstrates keen responsiveness. It advances when the environment falls silent, freezing in place upon detecting sound. Through careful navigation, the robot progresses towards its goal, ultimately reaching Checkpoint 7 amidst the symphony of sound.
Guarded Navigation Task In the final leg of its journey, the robot faces its most formidable challenge - evading a vigilant guard robot. This automated sentinel patrols a predefined path, moving periodically from right to left and vice versa, with pauses at designated endpoints. With strategic navigation, the robot circumvents the guard robot's path, ensuring it reaches Checkpoint 8 unscathed. Through meticulous planning and execution, the robot emerges triumphant, having conquered each obstacle in its path.