Demo of XCUITest code; no accompanying app code to protect intellectual property
All UI Tests are in the following folder:
The following code is a variation of an XCUITest test suite that I wrote for an app that ultimate did not launch. The initial test suite was much larger, but for the sake of simplicity I included only the following:
- Base Test (SetUp, TearDown, Object Repository)
- Base Screen (findAll, waitForElementToAppear)
- A common component class (alert)
- Test classes for Log In and Create Account
- Page classes for Log In, Create Account, and landing page with both options
All credits attributed to an individual or company's code are preceded by "//MARK : " in the code base. They are listed below as well:
- Alex Ilyenko's Blog
- "Page Object in XCTest UI Tests"
- Concept of Base Screen protocol with findAll extension
- "Waiting in XCTest"
- Code for waiting for an element to appear on screen
- "Using Predicates in Swift"
- Tactic for locating elements when identifying them by label or accessibility identifier is impossible or inconvenient
- Use in cases where text to be returned for comparison is longer than 128 characters