A bash script to parse Fusion server logs for metrics on batch repairs to ADLS gen 2. The script will take a ruleid and look for all repairs for this rule in the logs. It will list each repair task individually for the rule and the repair task metrics.
Fusion: fusion-hcfs-azure-hdi-4.0-server-
Copy the script and fully uncompressed 'fusion-server.log' logs to a directory and run as a bash script.
The Fusion rule id. Which can be found from the UI or the API endpoint. (/fusion/fs/paths)
./metrics.sh <ruleid>
./metrics3.sh 5f8740bb-d154-11ec-a9a6-000d3ae36e08
The script will output data in the following formatting. This header is also printed.
ruleid | utask | taskStartDate | taskEndDate | taskDurationPretty | noDirs | noFiles | fails | nofounds | stillmissing |
ruleid: The rule id used in the script run.
utask: The unique repair task id.
taskStartDate: The date when the repair action was requested.
taskEndDate: The final date when the repair was marked by Fusion as Finished.
taskDurationPretty: Full duration of the repair in hours mins and seconds.
noDirs: Number of directories reported in this repair.
noFiles: Number of files reported in this repair.
fails: Number of 'failed with non retriable exception' entries reported for this task.
nofounds: Number of 'The specified path does not exist' entries reported for this task.
stillmissing: Number of 'is still missing after repair' entries reported for this task.
- The output list of tasks is not in date order. (You can sort them in excel if needed for a report)
- Output is space delimited.
- Does not work with tar files.
- Does not work with gzip files.