- MinaCalc updates (to Jacks & JS primarily) - 74eed96 0fa0117 b3f25ad 92518e5 82b67dd 6a5a06d 79797de
- Profile will now save after score upload but before reaching Evaluation - c62833f be84d66
- PlayMode - 3b966eb
- Crash on sortorder iteration via metrics - 79defd0
- Filtering will actually remove all charts that don't match - e6b1a44 adeb392 c52443b
- Highest-Only filtering will properly filter strictly to the Highest-Only charts - #833 e6b1a44
- Linux crashing due to muFFT visualizer usage - #837
- Profile Tab scores set rates even if the song was not present - 8119385
- Sortmode buttons suddenly centered themselves - fa81da6
- Top Grade sort breaks for D and F grades - 337277f