diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0cd34c9..f570bae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -72,52 +72,19 @@ class Title extends React.Component<{ children: Node }> {
-## Usage with React 15 and below
+## Compatibility
-`Provider` just returns its children in its `render` method, and `Consumer` returns the result of child function call. This means that whatever value you give as `Provider` children, or return from `Consumer` child function, it should be a valid `render` return type for your current React version. For React 15, it includes React element, boolean, and null, but doesn't include fragments (arrays), strings, or numbers.
+This package only "ponyfills" the `React.createContext` API, not other
+unrelated React 16+ APIs. If you are using a version of React <16, keep
+in mind that you can only use features available in that version.
+For example, you cannot pass children types aren't valid pre React 16:
-// Works in React 15 and below
-{value => {Number(value)}}
- {value => (
- )}
-// Doesn't work in React 15 and below
-{value => Number(value)}
- {value => [
- ,
- ]}