Napari plugin for working with videos.
Relies on pyvideoreader as a backend which itself uses opencv for reading videos.
pip install napari[all] napari_video
From a terminal:
napari video.avi
Or from within python:
import napari
from napari_video.napari_video import VideoReaderNP
vr = VideoReaderNP(path)
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.view_image(vr, name=path)
exposes a video with a numpy-like interface, using opencv as a backend.
For instance, open a video:
vr = VideoReaderNP('video.avi')
video.avi with 60932 frames of size (920, 912, 3) at 100.00 fps
will return the 100th frame as a numpy array with shape(902, 912, 3)
will return 10 frames evenly spaced between frame number 100 and 200 (shape(10, 902, 912, 3)
).- Note that by default, single-frame and slice indexing return 3D and 4D arrays, respectively. To consistently return 4D arrays, open the video with
will then return a(1, 902, 912, 3)
array. - We can also request specific ROIs and channels. For instance,
will return an array with shape(10, 300, 50, 1)