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janekm edited this page Mar 12, 2016 · 6 revisions
Chinese English
扯个 有没有吗? Do you have this item?
10个可以吗? Is 10 pieces ok?
顺丰可以吗? Can you ship by Shunfeng?
顺丰要多少邮费? How much for Shunfeng?
改一下 Please change the price (used after asking for Shunfeng shipping)
数量要多少 What quantity do you need?
没收到,再发一遍 I didn’t receive the file, please send it again. (If the seller tried to send you a file on Aliwangwang)
请问你们春节前还发货吗? I didn’t receive the file, please send it again. (If the seller tried to send you a file on Aliwangwang)
请问你们春节前还发货吗? Can you send before CNY?
可以便宜点吗? Can you reduce the price?
要10套 I want 10 sets

Many electronics shops on Taobao offer a BOM order service. To make use of this, create a BOM for your project (if any components could benefit from clear identification, such as switches or connectors, it's a good idea to add pictures) as a spreadsheet (XLS), open a chat session with the seller using Aliwangwang, and send them the file. They will send back the spreadsheet with the prices for components listed. For components for which Chinese cloned versions exist it is wise to indicate whether the "imported" (进口) or "Chinese" (国产) version should be supplied.

Some useful shops (no guarantees but I've used these with success in the past):

Shop Focus Notes URL
3D Printing (SLA) Send them the file on aliwangwang, and tell them how many sets, they will send a price. Very quick and great quality
Hobby Shop I get colours for painting 3D models from them
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