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High performance simulation backends

The default simulator shipped with Hardcaml is a cycle-accurate simulator implemented in OCaml. There are two other types of simulator backends shipped with Hardcaml, available in the hardcaml_c and hardcaml_verilator libraries.

The libraries can be installed with opam.

opam install hardcaml_verilator
opam install hardcaml_c


Verilator is a free and open-source software tool which converts Verilog to a cycle-accurate behavioural model in C++ or SystemC that runs with high performance. Hardcaml_verilator is a simulation backend that compiles a Hardcaml circuit simulation to the Verilator backend, with custom-generated C++ bindings. All these are done under the hood whilst exposing the Cyclesim API to the end user.

To use Hardcaml_verilator, Verilator and g++ have to be installed on your system.

The key benefit of using the Verilator-based backend is that it is much more performant than using Cyclesim or Hardcaml_c.

There are several known downsides with this simulation backend:

  • The Verilator simulator does not support inspecting the values of internal signals of the circuit.
  • Compiling extremely large circuits on Verilator can be slow, but the trade-off is worthwhile for large-scale simulations.
open Hardcaml
open Signal

(* Circuit definition. *)
let clock = input "clock" 1
let foo = input "foo" 32
let bar = input "bar" 32
let baz =
  let r_sync = Reg_spec.create ~clock () in
  output "baz" (reg ~enable:vdd r_sync (foo +: bar))

(* Create Simulation. *)
let circuit = Circuit.create_exn ~name:"adder" [ baz ]

After creating the Verilator-based Cyclesim object, the simulation works as would any cyclesim simulator.

# let cycle sim foo bar =
    (Cyclesim.in_port sim "foo") := Bits.of_unsigned_int ~width:32 foo;
    (Cyclesim.in_port sim "bar") := Bits.of_unsigned_int ~width:32 bar;
    Cyclesim.cycle sim;
    Stdio.printf "%d + %d = %d\n"
      foo bar (Bits.to_unsigned_int !(Cyclesim.out_port sim "baz"));
val cycle : ('a, 'b) Cyclesim.t -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>

# let sim_verilator =
       ~clock_names:[ "clock" ]
val sim_verilator : Cyclesim.t_port_list = <abstr>

#  cycle sim_verilator 1 2;
1 + 2 = 3
- : unit = ()

#  cycle sim_verilator 23 34;
23 + 34 = 57
- : unit = ()

Notice the type signature of sim_verilator being a simple Cyclesim.t_port_list. This means that we can write simulation test benches that are agnostic to the backend, whether it is Hardcaml's Cyclesim, Hardcaml Verilator, or Hardcaml C.

Hardcaml_verilator also supports an Interface-based API. See Hardcaml_verilator.With_interface.

Compilation options

Some verilator configuration options are exposed via [Hardcaml_verilator.Config]. In particular, it is possible to split the generated C++ code into much smaller chunks and use many more gcc processes which can drastically improve compilation time. See the config module for some presets.

The code supports both version 4 and 5 of verilator - set the config value [verilator_version] appropriately.


Hardcaml_c is a Hardcaml simulator that converts the design to a C-based simulation model for improved performance.

The primary benefit of using Hardcaml_c is that it has a much more modest compilation time (compared to Hardcaml_verilator), but is still much more performant than the regular Hardcaml Cyclesim simulator.

To use Hardcaml_c, gcc has to be installed on your local machine.

The key limitation in Hardcaml C is that, as of writing, it does not properly support tracing outputs before clock edges.

Using the Hardcaml_c simulation backend is simple, as demonstrated in the example below.

# let sim_c =
    Hardcaml_c.Cyclesim.create circuit
val sim_c : Cyclesim.t_port_list = <abstr>

# cycle sim_c 1 2;
1 + 2 = 3
- : unit = ()

# cycle sim_c 23 50;
23 + 50 = 73
- : unit = ()

Like Hardcaml Verilator, Hardcaml C supports an Interface-based API. See Hardcaml_c.Cyclesim.With_interface.