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Module Hierarchies

Prerequisite: Hardcaml interfaces

In Hardcaml, module hierarchy means we can partition a Hardcaml design into a tree of sub-circuits and write each one to its own Verilog or VHDL module when generating RTL.

This builds upon instantiation and circuit databases by adding a new type called Scope.t and a design pattern for defining circuits.

Module hierarchies provide the following benefits:

  • Controls the naming of signals within the design hierarchy.
    • Timing reports/logic utilization reports from backend vendor tools will be much easier to comprehend.
    • Allows better organisation of waveforms which can group signals according to the module hierarchy.
  • Reduces the size of the generated RTL file, where there is substantial logic duplication.

Introduction to Scope.t

A Scope.t is a (mutable) object passed between the circuits that form a complete hardcaml design. It manages the current path in the hierarchy of circuits and records unique circuits as they are encountered in a circuit database.

A design pattern for circuits

open Hardcaml

module type Module_design_pattern = sig
  module I : Interface.S
  module O : Interface.S

  val create : Scope.t -> Signal.t I.t -> Signal.t O.t
  val hierarchical : Scope.t -> Signal.t I.t -> Signal.t O.t

We define an input and output interface and a create function that creates the hardware logic. We also pass it a scope argument. The hierarchical function is mechanically derived from the create function.

module I = struct
  type 'a t =
    { clock : 'a
    ; clear : 'a
    ; foo : 'a [@bits 8]
  [@@deriving hardcaml]

module O = struct
  type 'a t = { foo_d : 'a [@bits 8] }
  [@@deriving hardcaml]
# let create (_scope : Scope.t) (input : Signal.t I.t) =
    let spec_with_clear =
      Reg_spec.create ~clock:input.clock ~clear:input.clear ()
    let foo_d = Signal.reg spec_with_clear ~enable:Signal.vdd in
    { O. foo_d }
val create : Scope.t -> Reg_spec.signal I.t -> Reg_spec.signal O.t = <fun>

# let hierarchical (scope : Scope.t) (input : Signal.t I.t) =
    let module H = Hierarchy.In_scope(I)(O) in
    H.hierarchical ~scope ~name:"module_name" ~instance:"module_instance_2" create input
val hierarchical : Scope.t -> Reg_spec.signal I.t -> Reg_spec.signal O.t =

And that's it! When we want to instantiate this design as a sub-circuit, just call hierarchical instead of create.

Compared to the non-hierarchical design flow all we need to do is

  • Pass a Scope.t argument.
  • Define the hierarchical function using the Hierarchy.In_scope functor.
  • Call hierarchical when we instantiate it.

Hardcaml will detect when (structurally) equivalent circuits are instantiated and generate a single Verilog (or VHDL) module for them.

Naming Signals within Hierarchies

For naming to work properly with hierarchy, we must derive the names from the scope argument.

# Scope.naming;;
- : ?sep:string -> Scope.t -> Reg_spec.signal -> string -> Reg_spec.signal =

Here is an example.

let create (scope : Scope.t) (input : _ I.t) =
  (* A useful function alias for naming signals. *)
  let (--) = Scope.naming scope in
  let spec_with_clear =
    Reg_spec.create ~clock:input.clock ~clear:input.clear ()
  let foo_d_next = Signal.(+:) -- "foo_d_next" in
  let foo_d = Signal.reg spec_with_clear ~enable:Signal.vdd foo_d_next in
  { O. foo_d }

As opposed to using something like Signal.( -- ), Scope.naming scope will append a path to the signal names as appropriate. This ensures that the signal names do not end up cluttering the top level of the waveform viewer.

Flattening a hierarchical design

When we create a scope, we can choose how it should treat sub-circuits. By default, a hierarchical design is created. If we pass flatten_design:true then instead all sub-circuits will be inlined into their parents.


For Hardcaml simulation to work, we need to flatten the design.

# let create_sim () =
    let module Sim = Cyclesim.With_interface(I)(O) in
    let scope = Scope.create ~flatten_design:true () in
    Sim.create (create scope)
val create_sim : unit -> (Bits.t ref I.t, Bits.t ref O.t) Cyclesim.t = <fun>