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Magic Home for Node

Functionality ported from to Node.js.


Control lights which are usually controlled with this app with Node.

Control: Turn lights on and off. Set colors. Start effects. Make programmatic effects.
Discovery: Discover lights on the network.
CustomMode: Install custom effects (color fade, jump or strobe) with up to 16 colors.


npm install magic-home

You can also install the library globally with npm i -g magic-home. This gives you access to the Magic Home command line utility, aptly named magic-home. Run

$ magic-home

to get a list of commands and options.


Simple example:

const { Control } = require('magic-home');

let light = new Control("");
light.setPower(true).then(success => {
	// do something with the result

Simple discovery example:

const { Discovery } = require('magic-home');

let discovery = new Discovery();
discovery.scan(500).then(devices => {
	// do something with the result

More examples are in cli.js and the examples directory.



All methods return a promise which resolves to the specific value.
Each method has an optional callback parameter as well. All of these callbacks will be called with (err, value).

static get patternNames
Returns the hard-coded list of supported patterns as an array.

static ackMask(mask)
Create an ack option object by supplying a bitmask with the bits representing booleans. Bit 1 = power, Bit 2 = color, Bit 3 = pattern, Bit 4 = custom_pattern.
Example: Control.ackMask(1) would set power to true and all other values to false.

constructor(address, options)
Creates a new instance of the API. This does not connect to the light yet.
Accepted options:

  • ack An object of the form { power: true, color: true, pattern: true, custom_pattern: true } indicating for which types of command an acknowledging response is expected. Some controllers acknowledge some commands and others don't, so this option has to be found out by trial-and-error. Check out the wiki for more information about this parameter. You can use the Control.ackMask(mask) static function for convenience to set all options with less code.
  • log_all_received Log all received data to the console for debug purposes. (Default: false)
  • apply_masks Set a special mask bit in the setColor and setWarmWhite methods, which is required for some controllers, which can't set both values at the same time, like bulbs for example. This value is automatically set to true if queryState detects a controller of type 0x25, 0x35 or 0x44. (Default: false)
  • connect_timeout Duration in milliseconds after which a controller will be regarded as non-reachable, if a connection can not be established. Normally, this should be handled by your OS and you get an EHOSTUNREACH error, but this allows you to set a custom timeout yourself. (Default: null [No timeout/let the OS handle it])
  • command_timeout Duration in milliseconds after which the library will consider an acknowledged command as lost. Set to null to disable the timeout. (Default: 1000)
  • cold_white_support Enable support for changing cold white values. Only enable this if your controller actually supports it, otherwise you won't be able to change the colors. This value is automatically set to true if queryState detects a controller of type 0x35. (Default: false)
  • wait_for_reply [Deprecated, use ack option instead]

setPower(on, callback)
Turns a light either on or off.

Convenience method to call setPower(true).

Convenience method to call setPower(false).

setColorAndWarmWhite(red, green, blue, ww, callback)
Sets both color and warm white value at the same time. This method will not work on lights that don't support both colors and whites being activated at the same time; use either setColor or setWarmWhite.

setColorAndWhites(red, green, blue, ww, cw, callback)
Sets color, warm white as well as cold white values at the same time, if cold_white_support is enabled. This method will not work on lights that don't support both colors and whites being being activated at the same time; use either setColor or setWhites.

setColor(red, green, blue, callback)
Sets only the color values. Because the command has to include both color and white values, previously seen white values will be sent together with the color values, if masks are not enabled.

setWarmWhite(ww, callback)
Set only the the warm white value. Because the command has to include both color and white values, previously seen color and cold white values will be sent together with the warm white value, if masks are not enabled.

setWhites(ww, cw, callback)
Set only the warm and cold white values. Because the command has to include both color and white values, previously seen color values will be sent together with the white values, if masks are not enabled.

setColorWithBrightness(red, green, blue, brightness, callback)
Convenience method to automatically scale down the rgb values to match the brightness parameter (0 - 100). This method uses setColor() internally, so it could set the warm white value to something unexpected.

setPattern(pattern, speed, callback)
Sets the light to play a built-in pattern. The pattern parameter is a string which indicates the pattern (complete list below). The speed parameter has to be between 0 and 100.

setCustomPattern(pattern, speed, callback)
Sets the light to play a custom pattern, defined with the CustomMode (see below). An example can be found in examples/custom_mode_test.js. The speed parameter has to be between 0 and 100.

setIAPattern(code, speed, callback)
Sets the light to a pattern where each LED has it's own animation. The code has to be between 1 and 300 and the speed parameter has to be between 0 and 100. Only works for controllers which connect to a strip of individually adressable LEDs (e.g. WS2812B).

Gets the state of the light. Example state:

	type: 0x33, // can also be 0x04, 0x25 or 0x81 according to the python library
	on: true,
	mode: "color", // color, custom, special, pattern, ia_pattern
	pattern: null // number of the ia_pattern (mode == "ia_pattern"), name of pattern (mode == "pattern") or null
	speed: 50, // playback speed of the current pattern
	color: {
		red: 255,
		green: 0,
		blue: 255
	warm_white: 0,
	cold_white: 0 // some controllers support this value, but you can only set if when cold_white_support is enabled

[Deprecated, use getAsyncEffectMode instead]

Returns a instance of the async effect interface AsyncEffectInterface (documented below). This interface allows the creation of effects which constantly update the controller by sending data over a single persistent connection, which can be used to replicate the music visualization from the app for example. The returned interface does not connect to the controller immediately. An example can be found in examples/async_effect_test.js.


This class implements the new version 3 of the addressable protocol, in order to control controllers such as AK001-ZJ2148 and the like. Because the interface it basically completely different, all of this functionality is not rolled into the Control class, but into this one instead.

constructor(address, options)
Creates a new instance of the API. This does not connect to the light yet.
Accepted options:

  • log_all_received Log all received data to the console for debug purposes. (Default: false)
  • connect_timeout Duration in milliseconds after which a controller will be regarded as non-reachable, if a connection can not be established. Normally, this should be handled by your OS and you get an EHOSTUNREACH error, but this allows you to set a custom timeout yourself. (Default: null [No timeout/let the OS handle it])
  • command_timeout Duration in milliseconds after which the library will consider an acknowledged command as lost. Set to null to disable the timeout. (Default: 1000)

Turns the controller either on or off.

Convenience method to call setPower(true).

Convenience method to call setPower(false).

Gets the state of the controller. Example state:

	type: 0xA3, // can also be other values
	on: true,
	mode: "fixed", // "fixed", "rbm", "custom", "multi", "music"
	effect: 1, // depending on the mode either the numeric or string identifier of the current effect
	speed: 50, // playback speed of the current effect
	color: {
		red: 255,
		green: 0,
		blue: 255
	warm_white: 0,

Gets the config of the controller, i.e. the configured number of LEDs, LED type, etc. Example config:

	pixel_count: 50,
	segments: 3,
	ic_type: 'SM16703',
	led_order: 'GBR',
	pixel_count_music: 50,
	segments_music: 3

Sets the "fixed mode" of the controller. This includes all the options of the "Fixed" tab of the app. Every field of the options object is optional, but if nothing is set, the controller will be set to all black, which is probably not an intended state.
Accepted options:

  • effect: A number between 1 and 10 indiciating the effect with 1 being a static color.
  • speed: A number between 1 and 100 controlling the speed of the effect.
  • foreground: An object of the form { red, green, blue } controlling the "foreground" color of the effect.
  • background: An object of the form { red, green, blue } controlling the "background" color of the effect (not available for all effects).
  • reversed: Play the effect in reverse (not available for all effects).

setColor(red, green, blue)
Convenience method to set the controller to a fixed and static mode with a single color.

setRbmMode(mode, brightness, speed)
I'm still not sure what "Rbm" is supposed to stand for, but it's what the app calls it and so it's what the library calls it. Essentially this function allows to select one of 100 preprogrammed effects (mode parameter) and play them with an adjustable brightness and at adjustable speed (both between 1 and 100).

This method takes an AddressableMultiColorModeBase object (see below) and makes the controller display it. This is used to control individual segments on the strip for example.

This method takes an array of AddressableCustomModeStep objects (see below) and makes the controller display them as a custom mode.


[Deprecated, use AsyncEffectInterface instead]


An instance of this class is obtained by calling getAsyncEffectMode.

get connected
Boolean property indicating the current connection status.

get/set userData
This property is just an empty object that you can use to pass arbitrary data to the effect function.

Establish a connection to the controller. The method returns a promise that resolves once the connection has been established.

Starts the effect with the supplied function. The interval_function will be asynchronously called (awaited) forever in a loop, until stop() is called. The supplied function should therefore either be declared async or return a Promise. It will be called with a reference to the AsyncEffectInterface.

Stops any remaining effects and closes the connection to the controller.

Calling this method will stop the execution of the interval_function at the next async call it performs, stopping the effect. The connection to the controller will not be severed though - a call to end() is still neccessary.

This method is only supposed to be called (awaited) from within the interval_function. Calling this method, will delay execution of the effect function for the given amount of time.

Color setting methods

All the color setting methods

  • setColorAndWarmWhite
  • setColorAndWhites
  • setColor
  • setWarmWhite
  • setWhites

function essentially the same as their counterparts on the Control class, with the key difference that they do not take a callback argument and that they should only be called (awaited) from within the interval_function.


This is the base class for multiple different multi color effects that mimic the functionality of the Magic Home app. All of these methods return the class instance for easy chainability.

Set the effect of this mode to one of "static", "running_water", "strobe", "jump" or "breathing".

Set the effect speed between 0 and 100.


This mode is comparable to the color stop multi color mode from the app. The whole strip is colored according to color stops which set the color of their own position as well as all subsequent ones until the next color stop is hit. If you wanted to set a strip with 50 segments to be red on the first 25 segments and blue on the remaining 25 segments you would create the mode like this:

const mode = new AddressableColorStopMode(50)
	.addColorStop(0, 255, 0, 0)
	.addColorStop(25, 0, 0, 255);

All of these methods return the class instance for easy chainability.

Create a new AddressableColorStopMode instance for a strip with length LEDs on it.

addColorStop(start, red, green, blue)
Add a new color stop starting at position start.


This mode allows to control individual segments (or "points") on an LED strip.

All of these methods return the class instance for easy chainability.

constructor(length, backgroundColor)
Create a new SingleSegmentsMode instance for a strip with length LEDs on it and with each segment set to backgroundColor (default: { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0}).

setPointColor(position, red, green, blue)
Set the color of a single segment on the LED strip.


This class represents a single step in a custom mode, which is made up of up to 32 of these steps played in order. Each method returns the class instance so that they can be chained together.

Sets the effect index between 1 and 33.

setForegroundColor(red, green, blue)
Sets the foreground color of this effect.

setBackgroundColor(red, green, blue)
Sets the background color of this effect. The background color is not used on all of the effects.

Sets the "segmentation" setting, even though I'm not sure what this actually does.

Control the direction of the effect, with false corresponding to right and true corresponding to left.

Set the speed of the effect between 0 and 100.


static scan(timeout)
This static method can be used for convenience when the list of clients does not need to be stored within the Discovery instance and when the callback parameter is not needed.

Creates a new instance of the Discovery Mode. This does not perform the actual scan yet.

scan(timeout, callback)
Broadcasts a discovery packet to the network and then waits timeout milliseconds for a reply from the controllers. The devices are returned in an array of objects like this:

	address: "<ip address>",
	id: "<12 character ID>",
	model: "<Model number>"

get clients
Contains the list of clients returned in the last call to scan().

get scanned
Boolean value indicating if scan() has already been called on this instance.


All methods in this class can be chained together.


addColor(red, green blue)
Appends the specified color to the list of colors in the effect.

Appends multiple colors at once. The list needs to have the format [ [r1, g1, b1], [r2, g2, b2], ...]

Set the type of the transition to be either fade, jump, or strobe.


This utility class simplifies the timing within the effect function of the AsyncEffectInterface.

Creates and binds the helper to an instance of an AsyncEffectInterface.

Sets the current time as the start time of the effect.

Returns true if the start time was set.

Delays the effect is such a way that the next command will be called the given amount of time from the start of the effect. This also sets the start time to the current time.

Built-in patterns



My promises don't resolve

My promises always reject with a "Command timed out" error