TweezeL Is A Free Tools For Creating Twine Games On Android.
This Tools Build With VueJS 3 + Tailwind Css + Daisy UI For Styling.
Link Tools :
Now Support All Official Listed Story Formats On Twine 2.
Such As Chapbook, Harlowe, Snowman, And Sugarcube.
I Think This Tools Already Good To Go. :3
Give It A Try. :3.
Also It's PWA !. U Can Install It And Use It Offline !.
Give It A Try. :3.
- Add, Edit and Delete Story.
- Edit Title Story.
- Generate IFID. (Now Generate IFID Only When Creating Story.)
- Set Story Start
- Create Passage.
- Delete Passage.
- Edit Passage.
- Use Custom Javascript And Css.
- Run Edited Story.
- Backup And Restore All Story Or Some Of Them.
- Can Export To .html File.
- Built In Tutorial.
- Also Dark Theme. Light Attract Bugs. :3
- Finally... You Can Re-Order The List. And Search Them. :3
- Also Finally... Now Support All Official Listed Story Formats On Twine 2. Such As Chapbook, Harlowe, Snowman, And Sugarcube.
- Aaaand... Now This App Layout Use Daisy UI. It Will Follow Your Device Theme. Light Or Dark. It's Ur Choices. :)
- PWA !. Awesome... Now U Can Install TweezeL To Your Devices. For Offline Use !. Try Open TweezeL Using Chrome !.
- New Icon !. Thanks To My Friend...
- Many Daisy UI Theme Now... Try It Out...
- New Code Editor... Using Code Mirror... :)
For Next Objective Of This Tools, I Want This Tools To :
- Adding My Tutorial To TweezeL.