Author: Jared Atchison ( @jaredatch / )
Version: 1.0
License: GPLv2
I typically setup 2-4 new development sites a week. While this process doesn't take long, I was doing thing same thing over and over again. Each setup required the same files and plugins to be uploaded - I wanted to automate the process. This script was the result.
This script is ideal for people who have a dedicated area for development, e.g.
- however it could be used in smaller use cases as well.
What's here is the first primary pass. There are likely bugs and optimizations that can be made - forks and pull requests are encouraged.
Lastly, depending on your host this may only partially work or may not even work at all.
- Ability to download the latest stable version of WordPress - or if you are adventurous - use trunk. It can be toggled with the click of a link.
- Create and install to a directory - e.g.
- Auto upload the Genesis Framework
- Auto upload base theme (with supports GitHub repos)
- Auto upload batch plugin installer (see
) - Delete Hello Dolly
- Delete TwentyTen/Eleven
- Delete wp-prep.php after completion
This script is loosely based off of WP Downloader - just greatly expanded upon.
- First and most importantly, set a new password (line 16)
- Assuming you want to use Genesis, a base theme, and batch plugin install - configure those URLs (line 17-19)
- This plugin will provide the ability to batch install/activate other plugins
- Follow the template to modify the plugin-install.txt as you see fit
- Initial release