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IoT Agent API


The IoT Agent mission is to provide a common abstraction layer between the devices and the NGSI entities stored in Context Broker. In order to achieve this, the IoT Agent sits between the Context Broker and a set of devices. It is in charge of translating the information coming from the devices into NGSI requests and viceversa.

The IoT Agent node library is a Node.js module that can be used to implement IoT Agents. It provides a set of common functionality that can be used to implement the different IoT Agents, offering a simple REST API which provides common functionality to access, provision and decommission devices and config groups of devices. This document describes the API provided by the IoT Agent node library.



  • Devices: A resource that match physical devices that are connected to the IoT Agent. Each device has a set of attributes that can be read or written and a set of commands that can be invoked. The device is identified by a device_id and points particular entity in the context broker.
  • Config Groups: Also known as provisioning groups or service groups. A logical group of devices. Each Config Group has a set of attributes that can be read or written. The config group is identified by a an apikey, used to authenticate the requests coming from the devices.
  • Measurements: A set of values that are sent by a device to the IoT Agent.
  • Service: It is the FIWARE-Service that the device or config group belongs to.
  • Subservice: It is the specific FIWARE-ServicePath that the device or config group belongs to.
  • provision: The process of creating a new device. A device provisioned means that the device has been already created in the IoT Agent. It can also refer to the group creation process.
  • autoprovision: The process of creating a new device when a measure arrives to the IoT Agent and the device is not provisioned yet. The attributes, entity type and other information is taken from the config group, and entity name is generated according to the entity type and device ID or as a result of an expression if entityNameExp is defined.

IoT Agent information model

IoT Agents models 2 different kinds of resources: devices and config groups. Devices are the physical devices that send measurements to the IoT Agent. Config groups are logical groups of devices that share the same configuration. A config group contains zero or more devices.

    "Config Group" ||--o{ Devices : contains

Config groups

Config groups provides a template configuration for the all devices that belong to them. This allows to provision a set of devices with a single operation. They are identified by an apikey and a resource and mapped to a particular entity type.

Once a measure is received by the IoT Agent, the apikey and resource are used to identify the config group to which the device belongs. The config group is used to map the measure to a particular entity type and to provide the information needed to interact with the Context Broker.

If the device already exists in the Context Broker, the IoT Agent will update the entity with the new values. If the device does not exist, the IoT Agent will create it with the information provided by the config group and eventually will also create the entity in the Context Broker. This last operation is only possible if the IoT Agent is configured to use autoprovisioning.

For every config group, the pair (resource, apikey) must be unique (as it is used to identify which group to assign to which device). Those operations of the API targeting specific resources will need the use of the resource and apikey parameters to select the appropriate instance.

Config groups can be created with preconfigured sets of attributes, service and subservice information, security information and other parameters. The specific parameters that can be configured for a given config group are described in the Config group datamodel section.


A device contains the information that connects a physical device to a particular entity in the Context Broker. Devices are identified by a device_id, and they are associated to an existing config group based in apikey matching. For instance, let's consider a situation in which a config group has been provisioned with type=X/apikey=111 and no other config group has been provisioned.

The IoT Agents offer a provisioning API where devices can be preregistered, so all the information about service and subservice mapping, security information and attribute configuration can be specified in a per device way instead of relaying on the config group configuration. The specific parameters that can be configured for a given device are described in the Device datamodel section.

If devices are not pre-registered, they will be automatically created when a measure arrives to the IoT Agent - this process is known as autoprovisioning. The IoT Agent will create an empty device with the group apikey and type - the associated document created in database doesn't include config group parameters (in particular, timestamp, explicitAttrs, active or attributes, static and lazy attributes and commands). The IoT Agent will also create the entity in the Context Broker if it does not exist yet.

This behavior allows that autoprovisioned parameters can freely established modifying the device information after creation using the provisioning API. However, note that if a device (autoprovisioned or not) doesn't have these parameters defined at device level in database, the parameters are inherit from config group parameters.

Uniqueness of groups and devices

Group uniqueness is defined by the combination of: service, subservice, resource and apikey

Device uniqueness is defined by the combination of: service, subservice, device_id and apikey. Note that several devices with the same device_id are allowed in the same service and subservice as long as their apikeys are different.

Special measures and attributes names

In case of arriving measures with name id or type, they are automatically transformed to measure_id and measure_type attributes at Context Broker update. The reason behind this is to avoid to collide with the original entity ID and type, as mechanism that enable store measure values from parameters called with the same name. It only applies to autoprovisioned attributes and is also available at JEXL context with the same name (measure_id or measure_type).

In case of provisioning attributes using id or type as names (please don't do that ;), they are ignored.

Device to NGSI Mapping

The way to map the information coming or going to the device to the NGSI attributes is defined in the group or device. It is possible to define the entity type and the entity ID that a device will use in the Context Broker. It can be configured for a single device in the device provisioning, or it can be defined for all the devices in a group.

The entity type should be defined both in the group and in the device, but the entity name (entity ID) is not defined in the group. In that case, if there is no a existing device the same device ID, the entity name of the device generated will be a concatenation of the entity type and the device ID (I.E: entityType:device_id). It is possible to define the entity name as an expression, using the Expression Language through the entityNameExp attribute in the group.

It is also possible to configure how each of the measures obtained from the device is mapped to different attributes. The name and type of the attribute is configured by the user (globally for all the devices in the group or in a per device preprovisioning). Device measures can have four different behaviors:

  • attributes: Are measures that are pushed from the device to the IoT agent. This measure changes will be sent to the Context Broker as updateContext requests over the device entity. NGSI queries to the context broker will be resolved in the Broker database. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided. Additional metadata is optional. They are called internally as active attributes.

  • lazy: Passive measures that are pulled from the device to the IoT agent. When a request for data from a lazy attribute arrives to the Context Broker, it forwards the request to the IoT Agent (that behaves as NGSI Context Provider for all the lazy attributes or commands). The IoT Agent will then ask the device for the information needed, transform that information to a NGSI format and return it to the Context Broker. This operation will be synchronous from the customer perspective: the Context Broker won't return a response until the device has returned its response to the IoT Agent. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided. They are called internally as lazy attributes.

  • static: It is static attributes that are persisted in the Context Broker. They are not updated by the device, but they can be modified by the user. They are useful to store information about the device that is not updated by the device itself. For instance, a location static attribute is can be used to store the location of a fixed device.

  • commands: Commands are actions that can be invoked in the device. They are entity attributes, but they are not updated by the device, they are updated by the Context Broker. In this case, the interaction will begin by setting an attribute in the device's entity, for which the IoT Agent will be regitered as Context Provider. The IoT Agent will return an immediate response to the Context Broker, and will be held responsible of contacting the device to perform the command itself using the device specific protocol. Special status and info attributes should be update. For each command, its name and type must be provided. For further information, please refer to Command execution section.

All of them have the same syntax, a list of objects with the following attributes:

  • object_id (optional): name of the attribute as coming from the device.
  • name (mandatory): ID of the attribute in the target entity in the Context Broker. Note that id and type are not valid attribute names at Context Broker. Thus, although a measure named id or type will not break the IoT Agent, they are silently ignored and never progress toward Context Broker entities.
  • type (mandatory): name of the type of the attribute in the target entity.
  • metadata (optional): additional static metadata for the attribute in the target entity. (e.g. unitCode)

Some advanced features also allow the use of the following optional fields:

  • expression: indicates that the value of the target attribute will not be the plain value or the measurement, but an expression based on a combination of the reported values. See the Expression Language definition for details
  • skipValue: indicates that if the result of applying expression to a measure is equal to the value of skipValue then the attribute corresponding to the measure is not sent to CB. In other words, this field is not an expression, it is a value that is compared with the result of applying expression to a measure. By default if skipValue is not defined then is considered as null (i.e. if the result of apply expression results in null then corresponding attribute is not sent to CB). It is only used if expression is provided (otherwise is ignored).
  • entity_name: the presence of this attribute indicates that the value will not be stored in the original device entity but in a new entity with an ID given by this attribute. The type of this additional entity can be configured with the entity_type attribute. If no type is configured, the device entity type is used instead. Entity names can be defined as expressions, using the Expression Language definition.
  • entity_type: configures the type of an alternative entity.

Additionally for commands (which are attributes of type command) the following fields are optional:

  • expression indicates that the value of the target command will not be the plain value or the command, but an expression based on a combination of the returned values. See the Expression Language definition for details
  • payloadType: indicates how command payload will be transformed before be sent to device. Please have a look to particular IOTAs documentation for allowed values of this field in each case.
  • contentType: content-type header used when send command by HTTP transport (ignored in other kinds of transports)

Note that, when information coming from devices, this means measures, are not defined neither in the group, nor in the device, the IoT agent will store that information into the destination entity using the same attribute name than the measure name, unless explicitAttrs is defined. Measures id or type names are invalid, and will be ignored.

Device autoprovision and entity creation

For those agents that uses IoTA Node LIB version 3.4.0 or higher, you should consider that the entity is not created automatically when a device is created. This means that all entities into the Context Broker are created when data arrives from a device, no matter if the device is explicitly provisioned (via device provisioning API) or autoprovisioned.

If for any reason you need the entity at CB before the first measure of the corresponding device arrives to the IOTAgent, you can create it in advance using the Context Broker NGSI v2 API.

Multientity support

The IOTA is able to persists measures coming from a single device to more than one entity, declaring the target entities through the config group or device provision APIs.

    "devices": [
            "protocol": "IoTA-UL",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:contador12",
            "entity_type": "multientity",
            "attributes": [
                    "object_id": "cont1",
                    "name": "vol",
                    "type": "Text",
                    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria01",
                    "entity_type": "WaterMeter"
                    "object_id": "cont2",
                    "name": "vol",
                    "type": "Text",
                    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria02",
                    "entity_type": "WaterMeter"
                    "object_id": "cont3",
                    "name": "vol",
                    "type": "Text",
                    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria03",
                    "entity_type": "WaterMeter"
            "device_id": "contador12"

Metadata support

Both attributes and static_attributes may be supplied with metadata when creating a config group, so that the units of measurement can be placed into the resultant entity.


    "entity_type": "Lamp",
    "resource": "/iot/d",
    "protocol": "PDI-IoTA-UltraLight",
    "commands": [
        { "name": "on", "type": "command" },
        { "name": "off", "type": "command" }
    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "s", "name": "state", "type": "Text" },
            "object_id": "l",
            "name": "luminosity",
            "type": "Integer",
            "metadata": {
                "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "CAL" }
    "static_attributes": [
        { "name": "category", "type": "Text", "value": ["actuator", "sensor"] },
            "name": "controlledProperty",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ["light"],
            "metadata": {
                "includes": { "type": "Text", "value": ["state", "luminosity"] },
                "alias": { "type": "Text", "value": "lamp" }

NGSI-LD data and metadata considerations

When provisioning devices for an NGSI-LD Context Broker, type values should typically correspond to one of the following:

  • Property, Relationship, GeoProperty, LanguageProperty
  • Native JSON types (e.g. String, Boolean, Float , Integer Number)
  • Temporal Properties (e.g. Datetime, Date , Time)
  • GeoJSON types (e.g Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon)

Most NGSI-LD attributes are sent to the Context Broker as properties. If a GeoJSON type or native JSON type is defined, the data will be converted to the appropriate type. Temporal properties should always be expressed in UTC, using ISO 8601. This ISO 8601 conversion is applied automatically for the observedAt property-of-a-property metadata where present.

Data for any attribute defined as a relationship must be a valid URN.

Note that when the unitCode metadata attribute is supplied in the provisioning data under NGSI-LD, the standard unitCode property-of-a-property String attribute is created.

Other unrecognised type attributes will be passed as NGSI-LD data using the following JSON-LD format:

    "<property_name>": {
       "type" : "Property",
       "value": {
          "@type":  "<property_type>",
          "@value":  { string or object}

null values will be passed in the following format:

     "<property_name>": {
       "type" : "Property",
       "value": {
          "@type":  "Intangible",
          "@value":  null

Advice on Attribute definitions

Reuse of attribute names

Check for the existence of the same Attribute on any of the other models and reuse it, if pertinent. Have a look at trying to find a similar term with the same semantics. Try to find common used ontologies or existing standards well accepted by the Community, or by goverments, agencies, etc. For instance, Open311 for civic issue tracking or Datex II for transport systems.

Reuse of attribute types

When possible reuse data types (Text, Number, DateTime, StructuredValue, etc.). Remember that null is not allowed in NGSI-LD and therefore should be avoided as a value.

How to specify attribute Units of Measurement

If your data use the default unit defined in the Data Model, you don't need to specify any. It is implied. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all FIWARE data models use the metric system of measurements by default. Regardless the model specification include explicit reference to the scale adopted. If your data use a different unit, you will need to use the unitCode metadata annotation in your data (and you will need to adopt the normalised representation). The code used should be taken from those defined by UN/CEFACT. E.g.:

    "object_id": "l",
    "name": "length",
    "type": "Integer",
    "metadata": {
        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "FOT" }

Measurement persistence options

There are 2 different options to configure how the IoTAgent stores the measures received from the devices, depending on the following parameters:

  • autoprovision: If the device is not provisioned, the IoTAgent will create a new device and entity for it.
  • explicitAttrs: If the measure element (object_id) is not defined in the mappings of the device or config group provision, the measure is stored in the Context Broker by adding a new attribute to the entity with the same name of the undefined measure element.

Autoprovision configuration (autoprovision)

By default, when a measure arrives to the IoTAgent, if the device_id does not match with an existing one, then, the IoTA creates a new device and a new entity according to the config group. Defining the field autoprovision to false when provisioning the config group, the IoTA to reject the measure at the southbound, allowing only to persist the data to devices that are already provisioned. It makes no sense to use this field in device provisioning since it is intended to avoid provisioning devices (and for it to be effective, it would have to be provisional). Further information can be found in section Devices

Explicitly defined attributes (explicitAttrs)

If a given measure element (object_id) is not defined in the mappings of the device or config group, the measure is stored in the Context Broker by adding a new attribute to the entity with the same name of the undefined measure element. By adding the field explicitAttrs with true value to device or config group, the IoTAgent rejects the measure elements that are not defined in the mappings of device or config group, persisting only the one defined in the mappings of the provision. If explicitAttrs is provided both at device and config group level, the device level takes precedence. Additionally explicitAttrs can be used to define which measures (identified by their attribute names, not by their object_id) defined in JSON/JEXL array will be propagated to NGSI interface.

Note that when explicitAttrs is an array or a JEXL expression resulting in to Array, if this array is empty then TimeInstant is not propaged to CB.

The different possibilities are summarized below:

Case 1 (default):

"explicitAttrs": false

every measure will be propagated to NGSI interface, including all static attributes.

Case 2:

"explicitAttrs": true

In this case, should only progress active and static attributes defined in the device or group provision (TimeInstant attribute will be also included if enabled), including also all static attributes. In other words, having "explicitAttrs":true would prevent the IoTA creating attributes into the related entity within the context broker from measures that are not explicitly defined in the device or group provision.

Note that attributes defined in the provision that are not receiving a measure (or having a expression defined that is resulting null) will not progress (this means, the NGSI request to update the entity in the context broker is not going to include that attribute) unless skipValue is defined to other value than null

Case 3:

"explicitAttrs": "['attr1','atrr2']"

just NGSI attributes defined in the array (identified by their attribute names, not by their object_id, plus conditionally TimeInstant) will be propagated to NGSI interface (note that in this case the value of explicitAttrs is not a JSON but a JEXL Array that looks likes a JSON). Only static attributes included in that array will be propagated to NGSI interface.

All attributes contained in the array must be defined as attributes or static_attributes. Not defined measures (object_id) will be dropped, even if they are defined in the explicitAttrs array.

Case 4:

"explicitAttrs": "['attr1','atrr2',{object_id:'active_id'}]"

just NGSI attributes defined in the array (identified by their attribute names and/or by their object_id) will be propagated to NGSI interface (note that in this case the value of explicitAttrs is not a JSON but a JEXL Array/Object that looks likes a JSON). This is necessary when same attribute names are used within multiple entities. Only static attributes included in that array will be propagated to NGSI interface.

Note that in the previous case show above, when selecting the object_id (with {object_id:'active_id'}), the attribute must be defined. In other words, it would not work if the attribute with the corresponding object_id, is not defined.

Case 5:

"explicitAtttr": "<JEXL expression resulting in bool or array>"

depending on the JEXL expression evaluation:

  • If it evaluates to true every measure will be propagated to NGSI interface (as in case 1)
  • If it evaluates to false just measures defined in active, static (plus conditionally TimeInstant) will be propagated to NGSI interface (as in case 2)
  • If it evaluates to an array just measures defined in the array (identified by their attribute names, not by their object_id) will be will be propagated to NGSI interface (as in case 3)

Differences between autoprovision, explicitAttrs

Since those configuration parameters are quite similar, this section is intended to clarify the relation between them.

If autoprovision is set to true (default case), the agent will perform an initial request creating a new entity into the Context Broker with only the static and active attributes provisioned in the config group, and also a new Device in the agent, every time a measure arrives with a new device_id. Otherwise, this measure is ignored. This is something related to the southbound.

What explicitAttrs does is to filter from the southbound the parameters that are not explicitly defined in the device provision or config group. That also would avoid propagating the measures to the Context Broker.

Expression language support

The IoTAgent Library provides an expression language for measurement transformation and other purposes. This expression language is based on the TomFrost/JEXL library. The common usage of this feature is to adapt the information coming from the South Bound APIs to the information reported to the Context Broker. This is really useful when you need to adapt measure (for example, to change the units, or to apply a formula to). All the usage of expression in the IoT Agent are:

  • Measurement transformation.
  • Metadata
  • Commands payload transformation (push and pull).
  • Auto provisioned devices entity name. It is configured at config Group level by setting the entityNameExp parameter. It defines an expression to generate the Entity Name for autoprovisioned devices.
  • Dynamic endpoint definition. Configured at device level, it defines where the device listen for push http commands. It can be either a static value or an expression.

The agent provides additional information, hereafter referred as context, in order to be used to evaluate the expression. In all cases the following data is available to all expressions:

  • id: device ID
  • entity_name: NGSI entity Name (principal)
  • type: NGSI entity type (principal)
  • service: device service (Fiware-Service)
  • subservice: device subservice (Fiware-ServicePath)
  • staticAttributes: static attributes defined in the device or config group

Additionally, for attribute expressions (expression, entity_name), entityNameExp and metadata expressions (expression) the following is available in the context used to evalute:

  • measures, as <AttributeName>
  • metadata (both for attribute measurement in the case of NGSI-v2 measurements and static attribute) are available in the context under the following convention: metadata.<AttributeName>.<MetadataName> or metadata.<StaticAttributeName>.<MetadataName> in a similar way of defined for Context Broker

Examples of JEXL expressions

The following table shows expressions and their expected outcomes taking into account the following measures at southbound interface:

  • value with value 6 (number)
  • ts with value 1637245214901 (unix timestamp)
  • name with value "DevId629" (string)
  • object with value {name: "John", surname: "Doe"} (JSON object)
  • array with value [1, 3] (JSON Array)
Expression Expected outcome Format Playground
5 * value 30 Integer Example
(6 + value) * 3 36 Integer Example
value / 12 + 1 1.5 Float Example
(5 + 2) * (value + 7) 91 Integer Example
value * 5.2 31.2 Float Example
"Pruebas " + "De Strings" "Pruebas De Strings" String Example
name + "value is " +value "DevId629 value is 6" String Example
{coordinates: [value,value], type: 'Point'} {"coordinates": [6,6], "type": "Point"} GeoJSON Object Example
ts|toisodate 2021-11-18T14:20:14.901Z ISO 8601 DateTime Example

Support for trim, length, substr and indexOf transformations was added.

Expression Expected outcome Playground
" a "| trim a Example
name|length 8 Example
name|indexOf("e") 1 Example
name|substr(0,name|indexOf("e")+1) "De" Example

Available functions

There are several predefined JEXL transformations available to be used at any JEXL expression. The definition of those transformations and their JavaScript implementation can be found at jexlTransformsMap.js.

The library module also exports a method iotAgentLib.dataPlugins.expressionTransformation.setJEXLTransforms(Map) to be used by specific IoT Agent implementations in order to incorporate extra transformations to this set. It is important to remark that the lib jexlTransformsMap cannot be overwritten by the API additions. The idea behind this is to be able to incorporate new transformations from the IoT Agent configuration file in a fast and tactical way.

Current common transformation set:

JEXL Transformation Equivalent JavaScript Function
jsonparse: (str) JSON.parse(str);
jsonstringify: (obj) JSON.stringify(obj);
indexOf: (val, char) String(val).indexOf(char);
length: (val) String(val).length;
trim: (val) String(val).trim();
substr: (val, int1, int2) String(val).substr(int1, int2);
addreduce: (arr) arr.reduce((i, v) | i + v));
lengtharray: (arr) arr.length;
typeof: (val) typeof val;
isarray: (arr) Array.isArray(arr);
isnan: (val) isNaN(val);
parseint: (val) parseInt(val);
parsefloat: (val) parseFloat(val);
toisodate: (val) new Date(val).toISOString();
timeoffset:(isostr) new Date(isostr).getTimezoneOffset();
tostring: (val) val.toString();
urlencode: (val) encodeURI(val);
urldecode: (val) decodeURI(val);
replacestr: (str, from, to) str.replace(from, to);
replaceregexp: (str, reg, to) str.replace(new RegExp(reg), to);
replaceallstr: (str, from, to) str.replaceAll(from, to);
replaceallregexp: (str, reg, to) str.replaceAll(new RegExp(reg,"g"), to);
split: (str, ch) str.split(ch);
joinarrtostr: (arr, ch) arr.join(ch);
concatarr: (arr, arr2) arr.concat(arr2);
mapper: (val, values, choices) choices[values.findIndex((target) | target == val)]);
thmapper: (val, values, choices) choices[values.reduce((acc,curr,i,arr) | (acc==0)||acc?acc:val<=curr?acc=i:acc=null,null)];
bitwisemask: (i,mask,op,shf) (op==="&"?parseInt(i)&mask: op==="|"?parseInt(i)|mask: op==="^"?parseInt(i)^mask:i)>>shf;
slice: (arr, init, end) arr.slice(init,end);
addset: (arr, x) { return Array.from((new Set(arr)).add(x)) }
removeset: (arr, x) { let s = new Set(arr); s.delete(x); return Array.from(s) }
touppercase: (val) String(val).toUpperCase()
tolowercase: (val) String(val).toLowerCase()
round: (val) Math.round(val)
floor: (val) Math.floor(val)
ceil: (val) Math.ceil(val)
tofixed: (val, decimals) Number.parseFloat(val).toFixed(decimals)
gettime: (d) new Date(d).getTime()
toisostring: (d) new Date(d).toISOString()
localestring: (d, timezone, options) new Date(d).toLocaleString(timezone, options)
now: ()
hextostring: (val) new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(val.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16))))
valuePicker: (val,pick) valuePicker: (val,pick) => Object.entries(val).filter(([_, v]) => v === pick).map(([k, _]) => k)
valuePickerMulti: (val,pick) valuePickerMulti: (val,pick) => Object.entries(val).filter(([_, v]) => pick.includes(v)).map(([k, _]) => k)

You have available this JEXL interactive playground with all the transformations already loaded, in which you can test all the functions described above.

Expressions with multiple transformations

When you need to apply multiples transformations to the same value, you can use the pipe character | to separate the transformations. For example, if you want to apply the trim and replacestr transformations to a value, you can use the following expression:

    "expression": "variable | trim | replacestr('hello','hi')"

If variable takes value hello world, the result of the previous expression will be hi world.

Another example using functions that return more than one value is the following:

    "expression": "location | split(', ')[1] | parsefloat()"

For a location value "40.4165, -3.70256", the result of the previous expression will be -3.70256.

Expression support in metadata

Metadata could also has expression like attributes in order to expand it:


    "entity_type": "Lamp",
    "resource": "/iot/d",
    "protocol": "PDI-IoTA-UltraLight",
    "commands": [
        { "name": "on", "type": "command" },
        { "name": "off", "type": "command" }
    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "s", "name": "state", "type": "Text" },
            "object_id": "l",
            "name": "luminosity",
            "type": "Integer",
            "metadata": {
                "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "CAL" }
    "static_attributes": [
        { "name": "category", "type": "Text", "value": ["actuator", "sensor"] },
            "name": "controlledProperty",
            "type": "Text",
            "value": ["light"],
            "metadata": {
                "includes": { "type": "Text", "value": ["state", "luminosity"], "expression": "level / 100" },
                "alias": { "type": "Text", "value": "lamp" }

Note that there is no order into metadata structure and there is no warranty about which metadata attribute expression will be evaluated first.

Measurement transformation

The IoTAgent Library provides support for measurement transformation using a Expression Language This feature can be used to adapt the information coming from the South Bound APIs to the information reported to the Context Broker. This is really useful when you need to adapt measure (for example, to change the units, or to apply a formula to).

Measurement transformation definition

Measurement transformation can be defined for Active attributes, either in the Device provisioning or in the config group provisioning. The following example shows a device provisioning payload with defined Measurement transformation:

    "devices": [
            "device_id": "45",
            "protocol": "GENERIC_PROTO",
            "entity_name": "WasteContainer:WC45",
            "entity_type": "WasteContainer",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "location",
                    "type": "geo:json",
                    "expression": "{coordinates: [longitude,latitude], type: 'Point'}"
                    "name": "fillingLevel",
                    "type": "Number",
                    "expression": "level / 100"
                    "name": "level",
                    "type": "Number"
                    "name": "latitude",
                    "type": "Number"
                    "name": "longitude",
                    "type": "Number"

Interactive expression {coordinates: [longitude,latitude], type: 'Point'}

Interactive expression level / 100

The value of the expression field defines the measure transformation. is a string that can contain any number of expression patterns. In order to complete expression to be evaluated, all the expression patterns must be evaluable (there must be a value in the measurement for all the variables of all the expression patterns).

Note that you need to include in the provision operation all the attributes required as inputs for the expressions. In this example, they are level, latitude and longitude. Otherwise the device sending the measures will get {"name":"ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Some of the attributes does not exist"} when it sends some of these and the expression will not be calculated.

The exact same syntax works for Configuration and Device provisioning.

Measurement transformation execution

Whenever a new measurement arrives to the IoT Agent for a device with declared expressions, all of the expressions for the device will be checked for execution: for all the defined active attributes containing expressions, the IoT Agent will check which ones contain expressions whose variables are present in the received measurement. For all of those whose variables are covered, their expressions will be executed with the received values, and their values updated in the Context Broker.

If as a result of apply expression undefined or null value is obtained then any of them will not progress to entity attribute. Have into acount that some numeric operations results (like nonexistent * 2) are a kind of null with a number type but NaN value, which will also not progress to entity attribute.

E.g.: if a device with the following provisioning information is created in the IoT Agent:

   "expression": "longitude+', '+latitude"
   "expression": "level / 100",

Interactive expression longitude+', '+latitude

Interactive expression level / 100

and a measurement with the following values arrive to the IoT Agent:

latitude: 1.9
level: 85.3

The only expression rule that will be executed will be that of the fillingLevel attribute. It will produce the value 0.853 that will be sent to the Context Broker.

Note that expressions are only applied if the attribute name (as received by the IoT Agent in the southbound interface) matches the expression variable. Otherwise, the southbound value is used directly. Let's illustrate with the following example:

"consumption": {
   "type": "String",
   "value": "spaces | trim"
  • Case 1: the following measure is received at the southbound interface:
consumption: "0.44"

As spaces attribute is not included, then the expression is not applied and the consumption measure value is directly used, so the following is sent to CB:

"consumption": {
   "type": "String",
   "value": "0.44"
  • Case 2: the following measure is received at the southbound interface:
consumption: "0.44"
spaces: "  foobar  "

As spaces attribute is included, then the expression is evaluated, so overriding the 0.44 value and sending the following to CB:

"consumption": {
    "type": "String",
    "value": "foobar"

Interactive expression spaces | trim

Measurement transformation order

The IoTA executes the transformaion looping over the attributes provision field. Every time a new expression is evaluated, the JEXL context is updated with the expression result. The order defined in the attributes array is taken for expression evaluation. This should be considered when using nested expressions, that uses values calculated in other attributes.

For example, let's consider the following provision for a device which send a measure named level:

"attributes": [
        "name": "correctedLevel",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "level * 0.897"
        "name": "normalizedLevel",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "correctedLevel / 100"

The expression for correctedLevel is evaluated first (using level measure as input). Next, the normalizedLevel is evaluated (using correctedLevel calculated attribute, just calculated before).

Note that if we reserve the order, this way:

"attributes": [
        "name": "normalizedLevel",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "correctedLevel / 100"
        "name": "correctedLevel",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "level * 0.897"

It is not going to work. The first expression expects a correctedLevel which is neither a measure (remember the only measure sent by the device is named level) nor a previously calculated attribute. Thus, correctedLevel will end with a null value, so will not be part of the update request send to the Context Broker unless skipValue (check Devices section avobe) is defined with a different value thant the default one (null).

In conclusion: the order of attributes in the attributes arrays at provising time matters with regards to nested expression evaluation.

Let's consider the following example. It is an anti-pattern but it's quite illustrative on how ordering works:

"attributes": [
        "name": "a",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "b*10"
        "name": "b",
        "type": "Number",
        "expression": "a*10"

When receiving a measure with the following values:

    "a": 10,
    "b": 20

Then, as they are executed sequentially, the first attribute expression to be evaluated will be a, taking the value of the attribute b multiplied by 10, in this case, 200. After that, the second attribute expression to be evaluated is the one holded by b. In this case, that attribute would take 10 times the value of a. In that case, since the JEXL context was updated with the lastest execution, the value of b will be 2000, being update at Context Broker entity:

    "a": {"value": 200, "type": "Number"},
    "b": {"value": 2000, "type": "Number"}

Multientity measurement transformation support (object_id)

To allow support for measurement transformation in combination with multi entity feature, where the same attribute is generated for different entities out of different incoming attribute values (i.e. object_id), we introduced support for object_id in the expression context.

For example, the following device:

"WeatherStation": {
    "commands": [],
    "type": "WeatherStation",
    "lazy": [],
    "active": [
            "object_id": "v1",
            "name": "vol",
            "expression" : "v1*100",
            "type": "Number",
            "entity_name": "WeatherStation1"
            "object_id": "v2",
            "name": "vol",
            "expression" : "v2*100",
            "type": "Number",
            "entity_name": "WeatherStation2"
            "object_id": "v",
            "name": "vol",
            "expression" : "v*100",
            "type": "Number"

When receiving the measures v, v1 and v2 in a payload from a message received in the southbound (using as an example a payload for the IoT Agent JSON):

    "v": 0
    "v1": 1
    "v2": 2

Will now generate the following NGSI v2 payload:

    "actionType": "append",
    "entities": [
            "id": "ws9",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 0
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 100
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "id": "WeatherStation1"
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 200
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "id": "WeatherStation2"

TimeInstant and Timestamp flag

As part of the device to entity mapping process, the IoT Agent creates and updates automatically a special timestamp attribute called TimeInstant. This timestamp is represented as two different properties of the mapped entity:

  • An attribute TimeInstant is added to updated entities in the case of NGSI-v2, which captures as an ISO8601 timestamp when the associated measurement was observed. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property is used instead

  • With NGSI-v2, an attribute metadata named TimeInstant per active or lazy attribute mapped, which captures as an ISO8601 timestamp when the associated measurement (represented as attribute value) was observed. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is used instead.

If timestamp is not explicily defined when sending the measures through the IoT Agent (for further details on how to attach timestamp information to the measures, please refer to the particular IoT Agent implementation documentation), the arrival time on the server when receiving the measurement will be used to generate a TimeInstant for both the entity attribute and the attribute metadata.

This functionality can be turned on and off globaly through the use of the timestamp configuration flag or IOTA_TIMESTAMP variable as well as timestamp flag in device or group provision (in this case, the device or group level flag takes precedence over the global one). The default value is true.

The timestamp configuration value used, according to the priority:

  1. The one defined at device level
  2. The one defined at group level (if not defined at device level)
  3. The one defined at IoTA configuration level / IOTA_TIMESTAMP env var (if not defined at group level or device level)

Depending on the timestamp configuration and if the measure contains a value named TimeInstant with a correct value, the IoTA behaviour is described in the following table:

timestamp conf value measure contains TimeInstant Behaviour
true Yes TimeInstant and metadata updated with measure value
true No TimeInstant and metadata updated with server timestamp
false Yes TimeInstant and metadata updated with measure value
false No TimeInstant and metadata updated with server timestamp
Not defined Yes TimeInstant and metadata updated with measure value
Not defined No TimeInstant and metadata updated with server timestamp

Some additional considerations to take into account:

  • If there is an attribute which maps a measure to TimeInstant attribute (after expression evaluation if any is defined), then that value will be used as `TimeInstant, overwriting the above rules specified in "Behaviour" column. Note that an expression in the could be used in that mapping.
  • If the resulting TimeInstant not follows ISO_8601 (either from a direct measure of after a mapping, as described in the previous bullet) then it is refused (so a failover to server timestamp will take place).
  • the timestamp of different attributes belonging to the same measurement record may not be equal.
  • the arrival time and the measurement timestamp will not be the same in the general case (when explicitly defining the timestamp in the measurement)
  • if timezone field is defined as part of the provisioning of the device or group, timestamp fields will be generated using it. For instance, if timezone is set to America/Los_Angeles, a possible timestamp could be 2025-08-05T00:35:01.468-07:00. If timezone field is not defined, by default Zulu Time Zone (UTC +0) will be used. Following the previous example, timestamp could be 2015-08-05T07:35:01.468Z.

E.g.: in the case of a device that can take measurements every hour of both temperature and humidity and sends the data once every day, at midnight, the TimeInstant reported for each measurement will be the hour when that measurement was observed (e.g. 4:00 PM), while all the measurements will have an arrival time around midnight. If no timestamps were reported with such measurements, the TimeInstant attribute would take those values around midnight.

Multimeasure support

A device could receive several measures at the same time.

For example:

        "vol": 0
        "vol": 1
        "vol": 2

In this case a batch update (POST /v2/op/update) to CB will be generated with the following NGSI v2 payload:

    "actionType": "append",
    "entities": [
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 0
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 1
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 1

Moreover if a multimeasure contains TimeInstant attribute, then CB update is sorted by attribute TimeInstant:

For example:

        "vol": 0,
        "TimeInstant": "2024-04-10T10:15:00Z"
        "vol": 1,
        "TimeInstant": "2024-04-10T10:10:00Z"
        "vol": 2,
        "TimeInstant": "2024-04-10T10:05:00Z"

In this case a batch update (POST /v2/op/update) to CB will be generated with the following NGSI v2 payload:

    "actionType": "append",
    "entities": [
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 2
            "TimeInstant": {
                "type": "DateTime",
                "value": "2024-04-10T10:05:00Z"
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 1
            "TimeInstant": {
                "type": "DateTime",
                "value": "2024-04-10T10:10:00Z"
            "id": "ws",
            "type": "WeatherStation",
            "vol": {
                "type": "Number",
                "value": 0
            "TimeInstant": {
                "type": "DateTime",
                "value": "2024-04-10T10:15:00Z"

Command execution

This section reviews the end-to-end process to trigger and receive commands into devices. The URL paths and messages format is based on the IoT Agent JSON. It may differ in the case of using any other IoT Agent. In that case, please refer to the specific IoTA documentation.

Triggering commands

This starts the process of sending data to devices. It starts by updating an attribute into the Context Broker defined as command in the config group or in the device provision. Commands attributes are created using command as attribute type. Also, you can define the protocol you want the commands to be sent (HTTP/MQTT) with the transport parameter at the provisioning process.

For a given device provisioned with a ping command defined, any update on this attribute "ping" at the NGSI entity in the Context Broker will send a command to your device. For instance, to send the ping command with value Ping request you could use the following operation in the Context Broker API:

PUT /v2/entities/<entity_id>/attrs/ping?type=<entity_type>

  "value": "Ping request",
  "type": "command"

It is important to note that parameter type, with the entity type must be included.

Context Broker API is quite flexible and allows to update an attribute in several ways. Please have a look to the Orion API for details.

Important note: don't use operations in the NGSI API with creation semantics. Otherwise, the entity/attribute will be created locally to Context Broker and the command will not progress to the device (and you will need to delete the created entity/attribute if you want to make it to work again). Thus, the following operations must not be used:

  • POST /v2/entities
  • POST /v2/entities/<id>/attrs
  • PUT /v2/entities/<id>/attrs
  • POST /v2/op/entites with actionType append, appendStrict or replace

Command reception

Once the command is triggered, it is send to the device. Depending on transport protocol, it is going to be sent to the device in a different way. After sending the command, the IoT Agent will have updated the value of ping_status to PENDING for entity into the Context Broker. Neither ping_info nor ping will be updated.

HTTP devices

Push commands

Push commands are those that are sent to the device once the IoT Agent receives the request from the Context Broker. In order to send push commands it is needed to set the "endpoint": "http://[DEVICE_IP]:[PORT]/" in the device or group provision. The device is supposed to be listening for commands at that URL in a synchronous way. Make sure the device endpoint is reachable by the IoT Agent. Push commands are only valid for HTTP devices. For MQTT devices it is not needed to set the endpoint parameter.

Considering using the IoTA-JSON Agent, and given the previous example, the device should receive a POST request to http://[DEVICE_IP]:[PORT] with the following payload:

Content-Type: application/json

{"ping":"Ping request"}

Poll commands

Poll commands are those that are stored in the IoT Agent waiting to be retrieved by the devices. This kind of commands are typically used for devices that doesn't have a public IP or the IP cannot be reached because of power or netkork constrictions. The device connects to the IoT Agent periodically to retrieve commands. In order to configure the device as poll commands you just need to avoid the usage of endpoint parameter in the device provision.

Once the command request is issued to the IoT agent, the command is stored waiting to be retrieved by the device. In that moment, the status of the command is "<command>_status": "PENDING".

For HTTP devices, in order to retrieve a poll command, the need to make a GET request to the IoT Agent to the path used as resource in the provisioned group (/iot/json by default in IoTA-JSON if no resource is used) with the following parameters:

FIXME #1524: resource different to the default one (/iot/json in the case of the IoTA-JSON) is not working at the present moment, but it will when this issue gets solved.

  • k: API key of the device.
  • i: Device ID.
  • getCmd: This parameter is used to indicate the IoT Agent that the device is requesting a command. It is needed to set it to 1

Taking the previous example, and considering the usage of the IoTA-JSON Agent, the device should make the following request, being the response to this request a JSON object with the command name as key and the command value as value:


GET /iot/json?k=<apikey>&i=<deviceId>&getCmd=1
Accept: application/json


200 OK
Content-type: application/json

{"ping":"Ping request"}

For IoT Agents different from IoTA-JSON it is exactly the same just changing in the request the resource by the corresponding resource employed by the agent (i.e., IoTA-UL uses /iot/d as default resource instead of /iot/json) and setting the correct <apikey> and <deviceId>. The response will be also different depending on the IoT Agent employed.

FIXME #1524: resource different to the default one (/iot/json in the case of the IoTA-JSON) is not working at the present moment, but it will when this issue gets solved.


POST /iot/json?k=<apikey>&i=<deviceId>&getCmd=1
Content-Type: application/json



200 OK
Content-type: application/json

{"ping":"Ping request"}

This is also possible for IoTA-UL Agent changing in the request the resource, setting the correct <apikey>, <deviceId>, payload and headers.

Once the command is retrieved by the device the status is updated to "<command>_status": "DELIVERED". Note that status DELIVERED only make sense in the case of poll commands. In the case of push command it cannot happen.

MQTT devices

For MQTT devices, it is not needed to declare an endpoint (i.e. if included in the provisioning request, it is not used). The device is supposed to be subscribed to the following MQTT topic where the IoT Agent will publish the command:


In the case of using the IoTA-JSON Agent, the device should subscribe to the previous topic where it is going to receive a message like the following one when a command is triggered in the Context Broker like the previous step:

{ "ping": "Ping request" }

Please note that the device should subscribe to the broker using the disabled clean session mode (enabled using --disable-clean-session option CLI parameter in mosquitto_sub). This option means that all of the subscriptions for the device will be maintained after it disconnects, along with subsequent QoS 1 and QoS 2 commands that arrive. When the device reconnects, it will receive all of the queued commands.

Command confirmation

Once the command is completely processed by the device, it should return the result of the command to the IoT Agent. This result will be progressed to the Context Broker where it will be stored in the <command>_info attribute. The status of the command will be stored in the <command>_status attribute (OK if everything goes right).

For the IoTA-JSON, the payload of the confirmation message must be a JSON object with name of the command as key and the result of the command as value. For other IoT Agents, the payload must follow the corresponding protocol. For a given ping command, with a command result status_ok, the response payload should be:


Eventually, once the device makes the response request the IoTA would update the attributes ping_status to OK and ping_info to status_ok for the previous example.


In order confirm the command execution, the device must make a POST request to the IoT Agent with the result of the command as payload, no matter if it is a push or a poll command. Following with the IoTAgent JSON case, the request must be made to the /iot/json/commands, this way:

POST /iot/json/commands?k=<apikey>&i=<deviceId>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json



The device should publish the result of the command ({"ping":"status_ok"} in the previous example) to a topic following the next pattern:


The IoTA is subscribed to that topic, so it gets the result of the command. When this happens, the status is updated to"<command>_status": "OK". Also the result of the command delivered by the device is stored in the <command>_info attribute.

Overriding global Context Broker host

cbHost: Context Broker host URL. This option can be used to override the global CB configuration for specific types of devices.

Multitenancy, FIWARE Service and FIWARE ServicePath

Every operation in the API require the fiware-service and fiware-servicepath to be defined; the operations are performed in the scope of those headers.

Secured access to the Context Broker

For access to instances of the Context Broker secured with a PEP Proxy, an authentication mechanism based in Keystone Trust tokens is provided. A trust token is a way of Keystone to allow an user delegates a role to another user for a subservice. It is a long-term token that can be issued by any user to give another user permissions to impersonate him with a given role in a given project (subservice). Such impersonation itself is in turn based on a short-term access token.

For the authentication mechanisms to work, the authentication attribute in the configuration has to be fully configured, and the authentication.enabled subattribute should have the value true.

When the administrator of a service is configuring a set of devices or device types in the IoT Agent to use a secured Context Broker, he should follow this steps:

  • First, a Trust Token ID should be requested to Keystone, using the service administrator credentials, the role ID and the IoT Agent User ID. The Trust token can be retrieved using the following request (shown as a curl command):
curl http://${KEYSTONE_HOST}/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts \
    -s \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '
    "trust": {
        "impersonation": false,
        "project_id": "'$SUBSERVICE_ID'",
        "roles": [
            {"id": "'$ID_ROLE'"
        "trustee_user_id": "'$ID_IOTAGENT_USER'",
        "trustor_user_id": "'$ID_ADM1'"
  • Every device or type of devices configured to use a secured Context Broker must be provided with a Trust Token ID in its configuration.
  • Before any request is sent to a secured Context Broker, the IoT Agent uses the Trust Token ID to generate a temporary access token, that is attached to the request (in the X-Auth-token header) (using Keystone API

Apart from the generation of the trust, the use of secured Context Brokers should be transparent to the user of the IoT Agent.

Complete info on Keystone trust tokens could be found at:

NGSI-LD Support

NGSI-LD GeoProperty support

For NGSI-LD only, the defined type of any GeoJSON attribute can be any set using any of the standard NGSI-v2 GeoJSON types - (e.g. geo:json, geo:point). NGSI-LD formats such as GeoProperty, Point and LineString are also accepted type values. If the latitude and longitude are received as separate measures, measurement transformation can be used to concatenate them into GeoJSON objects an array of tuples or a string as shown

Encode as GeoJSON

    "entity_type": "GPS",
    "resource":    "/iot/d",
    "protocol":    "PDI-IoTA-JSON",
    "attributes": [
            "name": "location",
            "type": "geo:json",
            "expression": "{coordinates: [longitude,latitude], type: 'Point'}"

JEXL can be used to create GeoJSON objects directly. For attributes and static_attributes which need to be formatted as GeoJSON values, three separate input formats are currently accepted. Provided the type is provisioned correctly, the value may be defined using any of the following formats:

  • a comma delimited string
    "name": "location",
    "value": "23, 12.5"
  • an array of numbers
    "name": "location",
    "value": [23, 12.5]
  • an fully formatted GeoJSON object
    "name": "location",
    "value": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [23, 12.5]

NGSI-LD Linked Data support

static_attributes may be supplied with an additional link data element when provisioning an IoT Agent to ensure that active attributes from the provisioned IoT Device may be maintained in parallel with a linked data entity . Take for example a temperature gauge placed within a building. The Device data model literally represents the IoT device itself, but the temperature attribute also needs to be shared with the Building entity

A link between them can be provisioned as shown:


     "entity_type": "Device",
     "resource":    "/iot/d",
     "protocol":    "PDI-IoTA-UltraLight",
     "attributes": [
        {"object_id": "l", "name": "temperature", "type":"Float",
              "unitCode":{"type": "Text", "value" :"CEL"}
     "static_attributes": [
          "name": "controlledAsset",
          "type": "Relationship",
          "value": "urn:ngsi-ld:Building:001",
          "link": {
             "attributes": ["temperature"],
             "name": "providedBy",
             "type": "Building"

Whenever a temperature measure is received Device is updated, and entity urn:ngsi-ld:Building:001 is also updated as shown:

"temperature": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": 27.6,
    "unitCode": "CEL",
    "providedBy": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:thermometer1"

NGSI-LD datasetId support

Limited support for parsing the NGSI-LD datasetId attribute is included within the library. A series of sequential commands for a single attribute can be sent as an NGSI-LD notification as follows:

    "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Notification:5fd0fa684eb81930c97005f3",
    "type": "Notification",
    "subscriptionId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription:5fd0f69b4eb81930c97005db",
    "notifiedAt": "2020-12-09T16:25:12.193Z",
    "data": [
            "lampColor": [
                    "type": "Property",
                    "value": { "color": "green", "duration": "55 secs" },
                    "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Sequence:do-this"
                    "type": "Property",
                    "value": { "color": "red", "duration": "10 secs" },
                    "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Sequence:then-do-this"

This results in the following sequential array of attribute updates to be sent to the NotificationHandler of the IoT Agent itself:

        "name": "lampColor",
        "type": "Property",
        "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Sequence:do-this",
        "metadata": {},
        "value": { "color": "green", "duration": "55 secs" }
        "name": "lampColor",
        "type": "Property",
        "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Sequence:then-do-this",
        "metadata": {},
        "value": { "color": "red", "duration": "10 secs" }

A datasetId is also maintained for each new attribute defined in the reverse field.

API Routes

Config group API

Config group datamodel

Config group is represented by a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Optional Type Expression Definitiom
service string FIWARE-Service header to be used
subservice string Subservice of the devices of this type.
resource string string representing the Southbound resource that will be used to assign a type to a device (e.g.: pathname in the southbound port).
apikey string API Key string.
timestamp bool Optional flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant metadata to each attribute, with the current server timestamp or provided TimeInstant as measure when follows ISO 8601 format (see timestamp processing section for aditional detail). With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is created instead.
entity_type string name of the Entity type to assign to the group.
trust string trust token to use for secured access to the Context Broker for this type of devices (optional; only needed for secured scenarios).
cbHost string Context Broker connection information. This options can be used to override the global ones for specific types of devices.
lazy list of common lazy attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided.
commands list of common commands attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
attributes list of common active attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
static_attributes this attributes will be added to all the entities of this group 'as is', additional metadata is optional.
internal_attributes optional section with free format, to allow specific IoT Agents to store information along with the devices in the Device Registry.
explicitAttrs string or bool optional field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section
entityNameExp string optional field to allow use expressions to define entity name, instead default name, based on the device ID and the entity type (i.e. <device_id>:<entity_type>)
ngsiVersion string optional string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. Possible values are: v2 or ld. The default is v2. When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored.
defaultEntityNameConjunction string optional string value to set default conjunction string used to compose a default entity_name when is not provided at device provisioning time.
autoprovision bool ✓? optional boolean: If false, autoprovisioned devices (i.e. devices that are not created with an explicit provision operation but when the first measure arrives) are not allowed in this group. Default (in the case of omitting the field) is true.
payloadType string optional string value used to switch between IoTAgent, NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD measure payloads types. Possible values are: iotagent, ngsiv2 or ngsild. The default is iotagent.
transport string Transport protocol used by the group of devices to send updates, for the IoT Agents with multiple transport protocols.
endpoint string Endpoint where the group of device is going to receive commands, if any.

Config group operations

The following actions are available under the config group endpoint:

Retrieve config groups GET /iot/groups

List all the config groups for the given fiware-service and fiware-servicepath. The config groups that match the fiware-servicepath are returned in any other case.

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful, returning a config group body.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response headers

Successful operations return Content-Type header with application/json value.

Response payload

A JSON object with a groups field that contains an array of groups that match the request. See the config group datamodel for more information.


    "groups": [
            "resource": "/deviceTest",
            "apikey": "801230BJKL23Y9090DSFL123HJK09H324HV8732",
            "type": "Light",
            "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
            "cbHost": "http://orion:1026",
            "commands": [{ "name": "wheel1", "type": "Wheel" }],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "luminescence",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "CAL" }
            "lazy": [{ "name": "status", "type": "Boolean" }]
            "resource": "/deviceTest2",
            "apikey": "A21323ASDG12312ASDN21LWQEJPO2J123",
            "type": "Switch",
            "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
            "cbHost": "http://orion:1026",
            "commands": [{ "name": "on", "type": "order" }],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "swithc_status",
                    "type": "boolean"

Create config group POST /iot/groups

Creates a set of config groups for the given service and service path. The service and subservice information will taken from the headers, overwritting any preexisting values.

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Request payload

A JSON object with a groups field. The value is an array of config groups objects to create. See the config group datamodel for more information.


    "groups": [
            "resource": "/deviceTest",
            "apikey": "801230BJKL23Y9090DSFL123HJK09H324HV8732",
            "type": "Light",
            "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
            "cbHost": "http://orion:1026",
            "commands": [{ "name": "wheel1", "type": "Wheel" }],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "luminescence",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "CAL" }
            "lazy": [{ "name": "status", "type": "Boolean" }]

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful, with no payload.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 400 WRONG_SYNTAX if the body doesn't comply with the schema.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response headers

Successful operations return Content-Type header with application/json value.

Modify config group PUT /iot/groups

Modifies the information of a config group, identified by the resource and apikey query parameters. Takes a service group body as the payload. The body does not have to be complete: for incomplete bodies, just the attributes included in the JSON body will be updated. The rest of the attributes will remain unchanged.

Request query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
resource Resource of the config group to be modified. /device
apikey Apikey of the config group to be modified. 801230BJKL23Y9090DSFL123HJK09H324HV8732

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Request payload

A JSON object with the config group information to be modified. See the config group datamodel for more information.


    "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
    "cbHost": "http://orion:1026"

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful, returning the updated body.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.:

Remove config group DELETE /iot/groups

Removes a config group, identified by the resource and apikey query parameters.

Request query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
resource Resource of the config group to be removed. /device
apikey Apikey of the config group to be removed. 801230BJKL23Y9090DSFL123HJK09H324HV8732

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Device API

Device datamodel

The table below shows the information held in the Device resource. The table also contains the correspondence between the API resource fields and the same fields in the database model.

Field Optional Type Expression Definitiom
device_id string Device ID that will be used to identify the device.
service string Name of the service the device belongs to (will be used in the fiware-service header).
service_path string Name of the subservice the device belongs to (used in the fiware-servicepath header).
entity_name string Name of the entity representing the device in the Context Broker
entity_type string Type of the entity in the Context Broker
timezone string Timezone of the device if that has any
timestamp string Flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant metadata to each attribute, with the current server timestamp or provided TimeInstant as measure when follows ISO 8601 format (see timestamp processing section for aditional detail). With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is created instead.
apikey string Apikey key string to use instead of group apikey
endpoint string Endpoint where the device is going to receive commands, if any.
protocol string Pame of the device protocol, for its use with an IoT Manager
transport string Transport protocol used by the device to send updates, for the IoT Agents with multiple transport protocols.
attributes array List of attributes that will be stored in the Context Broker.
commands array List of commands that will be stored in the Context Broker.
lazy array List of lazy attributes that will be stored in the Context Broker.
static_attributes array List of static attributes that will be stored in the Context Broker.
internal_attributes array List of internal attributes with free format for specific IoT Agent configuration.
explicitAttrs boolean Field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section
ngsiVersion string string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. The default is v2. When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored.
payloadType string optional string value used to switch between IoTAgent, NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD measure payloads types. Possible values are: iotagent, ngsiv2 or ngsild. The default is iotagent.

Device operations

Retrieve devices /iot/devices GET /iot/devices

List all the devices registered in the IoT Agent device registry with all their information for a given fiware-service and fiware-servicepath.

Request query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
limit Maximum number of results to return in a single response. 20
offset Number of results to skip from the original query. 0

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if there are no devices for the given service and subservice.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response headers

Successful operations return Content-Type header with application/json value.

Response body

The response body contains a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Type Description
count integer Number of devices in the response.
devices array List of devices in the response. Each device is represented by a JSON object. For more information about the device object, see the Device datamodel section.


    "count": 2,
    "devices": [
            "device_id": "DevID0",
            "service": "ServiceTest",
            "service_path": "/testSubservice",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice0",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }
            "lazy": [],
            "static_attributes": [],
            "internal_attributes": []
            "device_id": "DevID1",
            "service": "ServiceTest",
            "service_path": "/testSubservice",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice1",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                    "object_id": "l",
                    "name": "percentage",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "P1" }
            "lazy": [{ "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }],
            "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "value": "02598347", "type": "Text" }],
            "internal_attributes": []
Create device POST /iot/devices

Provision a new device in the IoT Agent's device registry for a given fiware-service and fiware-servicepath. Takes a Device in JSON format as the payload.

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Request body

The body of the a JSON object with field named devices containing a list of devices to be provisioned. Each device is represented by device JSON object. For more information, see the Device datamodel section.


    "devices": [
            "device_id": "DevID1",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice1",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Get device details GET /iot/devices/:deviceId

Returns all the information about a device in the IoT Agent's device registry for a given fiware-service and fiware-servicepath.

Request URL parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
deviceId Device ID. DevID1

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response headers

Successful operations return Content-Type header with application/json value.

Response body

The response body contains a device JSON object. For more information, see the Device datamodel section.


    "device_id": "DevID1",
    "service": "ServiceTest",
    "service_path": "/testSubservice",
    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:0001",
    "entity_type": "Device",
    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
            "type": "Integer",
            "name": "percentage",
            "metadata": {
                "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "P1" }
            "object_id": "l"
    "lazy": [{ "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }],
    "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "value": "02598347", "type": "Text" }],
    "internal_attributes": []

Modify device PUT /iot/devices/:deviceId

Changes the stored values for the device with the provided Device payload. Neither the name, the type nor the ID of the device can be changed using this method (as they are used to link the already created entities in the Context Broker to the information in the device). fiware-service and fiware-servicepath, being taken from the headers, can't be changed also.

Request URL parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
deviceId Device ID to be updated DevID1

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Request body

The request body contains a device JSON object the values of which will be updated in the device registry. For more information, see the Device datamodel section.


    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
        { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" },
        { "object_id": "p", "name": "pressure", "type": "Float" }
    "lazy": [{ "object_id": "l", "name": "luminosity", "type": "percentage" }],
    "commands": [{ "object_id": "t", "name": "turn", "type": "Text" }],
    "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "type": "02598347" }]

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Remove device DELETE /iot/devices/:deviceId

Remove a device from the device registry. The device is identified by the Device ID as URL parameter.

Request URL parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
deviceId Device ID to be deleted DevID1

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Response code

  • 204 OK if successful.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Batch Operations

Remove devices POST /iot/op/delete

Remove a set of devices from the device registry. The devices is identified by the Device ID and apikey in payload body.

Request headers

Header Optional Description Example
Fiware-Service Tenant or service. See subsection Multi tenancy for more information. acme
Fiware-ServicePath Service path or subservice. See subsection Service Path for more information. /project

Request body

The request body contains an Array of objects which the values which identifies the devices, deviceId and apikey. For more information, see the Device datamodel section.


    "devices": [
            "deviceId": "myDevice1",
            "apikey": "apikey1"
            "deviceId": "myDevice2",
            "apikey": "apikey2"

Response code

  • 204 OK if successful.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if one or several devices were not found in the database. Note that although a 404 error is returned the existing devices are deleted.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not considered above.

Miscellaneous API

Log operations

The IoT Agent Library makes use of the Logops logging library. The IoT Agent Library provides a configuration API that lets the administrator change and manage the log level in realtime.

Modify Loglevel PUT /admin/log

This operation gets the new log level using the query parameter level. If the new level is a valid level, it will be automatically changed for future logs.

Request query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
level New log level. One of the following: INFO, ERROR, FATAL, DEBUG, WARNING. it will be automatically changed

for future logs. | DEBUG |

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Retrieve log level GET /admin/log

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response body

Returns the current log level, in a json payload with a single attribute level.


    "level": "DEBUG"

About operations

List IoTA Information GET /iot/about

Returns a useful information about component version and deployment information. It can be used as a heartbeat operation to check the health of the IoT Agent if required.

Response payload

The response is a JSON object with the following parameters:

  • libVersion: This field is the iotagent-node-lib version with which the IoT Agent has been developed.
  • port: port where the IoT Agent will be listening as a Context Provider.
  • baseRoot: base root to prefix all the paths where the IoT Agent will be listening as a Context Provider.
  • version: This field is the IoT Agent version. It will be read from the iotaVersion field of the config, if it exists.


    "libVersion": "2.7.0",
    "port": "4041",
    "baseRoot": "/",
    "version": "1.7.0"


The IoT Agent Library exposes a openmetrics-compatible endpoint for telemetry collectors to gather application statistics.

Retrieve metrics GET /metrics

Response code

  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 406 Wrong Accept Header If accept format is not supported.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Response body

Returns the current value of the server stats,

  • If Accept header contains application/openmetrics-text; version=(1.0.0|0.0.1), the response has content-type application/openmetrics-text; version=<the requested version>; charset=utf-8
  • Else, If Accept header is missing or supports text/plain (explicitly or by */*) , the response has content-type text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8 (legacy format for prometheus)
  • In any other case, returns an error message with 406 status.

For the kind of metrics exposed by the application, the actual payload itself is completely the same for both content-types, and follows the openmetrics specification, e.g:

# HELP deviceCreationRequests global metric for deviceCreationRequests
# TYPE deviceCreationRequests counter
deviceCreationRequests 0
# HELP deviceRemovalRequests global metric for deviceRemovalRequests
# TYPE deviceRemovalRequests counter
deviceRemovalRequests 0
# HELP measureRequests global metric for measureRequests
# TYPE measureRequests counter
measureRequests 0
# HELP raiseAlarm global metric for raiseAlarm
# TYPE raiseAlarm counter
raiseAlarm 0
# HELP releaseAlarm global metric for releaseAlarm
# TYPE releaseAlarm counter
releaseAlarm 0
# HELP updateEntityRequestsOk global metric for updateEntityRequestsOk
# TYPE updateEntityRequestsOk counter
updateEntityRequestsOk 2
# HELP updateEntityRequestsError global metric for updateEntityRequestsError
# TYPE updateEntityRequestsError counter
updateEntityRequestsError 5